Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1490: Let's Talk About Business, Emperor Yun, What Are You Talking About! ? (Seeking Su

Shun was somewhat puzzled.

According to Yun Zhou's method, the relationship development should not be like this.


Husband doesn't have any feelings for this fairy concubine, just greedy for her body?

Well, after thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure out why.

But she also knew that it was useless to think about it.

Husbands have their own principles, just help yourself.

Yun Zhou watched Shun leave, and then wandered around slowly for a long time.

It wasn't until the afternoon that he returned to Haoyunzong in a big way.

As soon as he entered the inner gate square, he saw a De'an trotting towards him:

"Oh suzerain, you are too hard to find..."

Yun Zhou frowned, "What's wrong?"

The maid replied: "The elders of the sect are all assembled, and the masters of Jiangmen and Yunling are also there, and they are waiting for you in the hall of the sect master now!"

"Wait for me when you've collected it all?"

Yun Zhou froze for a moment, is it useless?"

The maid swallowed her saliva and whispered: "It is said that there is something about Guan Lin's family, I don't know anything else.

Yun Zhou's eyes were fixed.


Good guy, could it be that the Great Elder didn't wait until the evening, so he started in advance?

Doesn't this mess up the plan?

"Okay, you step back, I'll go over now."

Yun Zhou responded casually, and then he didn't care about walking, and his figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Haoyunzong, the main hall of the suzerain.

Yun Susu and Jiang He sat on both sides of the main seat, and below them were Danyi, Wu Zhao and others.

The scene was unspeakably silent.

As soon as Yun Zhou entered the hall, he noticed that everyone's complexions were not very good.

Obviously something big happened.

"Sorry for being late." Yun Zhou nodded towards everyone.


The elders and peak masters spoke one after another.

Yun Zhou came to his main seat, and looked at Yun Susu on the side with puzzled eyes.

After yesterday's "unforgettable birthday", and now looking at Yun Zhou, Yun Susu felt inexplicably shy.

She endured the strangeness in her heart, and said: "Zhou'er, have you heard about the comeback of the demons?"

Yun Zhou nodded and said, "I've heard about it, but I haven't verified whether it's true or not."

Yun Susu responded: "At noon today, I received information from Yunling that Shadow Demon led the demon general Zhenhai to Wanzu..."

"I suspect that the actions of the demons should be to start a war with the righteous way again."

"War with the righteous way?" Yun Zhou raised his eyebrows.

This is completely different from what he expected.

Didn't the predecessor say that Demon Venerable would give him time to grow?

How can this be impatient?

At this time, Yan Yi on the side said:

"According to the information we have, the turmoil in Linmen should be tonight."

"At the right time, the people from the Demon Race... must have something to do with Linmen.

Wu Zhao nodded in agreement, although Lian had never met Huang Rong. "

"But judging from what I've heard, this should also be an early generation with no benefits."

"The news about Linmen this time is very likely to be known to her through some means."

Yue Chan disagreed with them, she shook her head and said, "The devil knows the devil best."

"From my point of view, the Demon Lord doesn't seem to be rushing to Linmen this time, maybe he is going to Wanzu to do something. y

"Although the Lin Sect is one of the five great powers in the Immortal Realm, it may not be in the eyes of the Demon Lord.

"Taking ten thousand steps back, even if it's really aimed at Linmen..."

"According to the nature of the demons, there must be no grass growing on the expedition. How can we only send two people?"

Hearing this, Wu Zhao gave her a sideways glance, "Yo, I forgot that you were also a generation of Demon Lord in Haotu.

Yue Chan frowned, "What do you mean by that?"

"It's nothing interesting, I'm just expressing emotion, they are all called Demon Lords...but the gap between you and others is a bit big.

"You!" Yue Chan's beautiful eyes narrowed, her whole body was cold.

Wu Zhao was unmoved, he played with his fingers and said, "Also, let me remind you."

"Now there is still a chance to return to your ancestors and recognize your ancestors. You are all demons. If you want to come to the Demon Lord of the Immortal Realm, there is still a possibility to take you in.

"you wanna die!"

In the huge hall, two breaths collided with each other.

However, the people present seemed to have gotten used to it, and they were not moved at all.

……ask for flowers…

Only Yun Zhou rubbed his temples in distress.

When will the habit of pinching these two people get along well?

Seeing that the two were getting more and more confrontational, Yun Zhou raised his hand angrily to interrupt: "Don't say a few words!"

"Hmph." Wu Zhao hummed softly, turning his proud little head.

Yue Chan looked at Yun Zhou aggrievedly, pointed at Wu Zhao and said, "Husband, look at her, she bullies me."


Let's talk about business, how can we have the time to care about these trivial matters?

Yun Zhou's sullen face made the two girls sit up straight in fright.

Then his eyes fell on Yun Susu's body, and he said meaningfully:

"Auntie, is it possible that the demons... came from the one running towards Linmen?


Hearing this, Yun Susu froze.

Obviously guessed who Yun Zhou was referring to.

She shook her head and responded, "It should not be possible."

"The matter of the Immortal Emperor's seal at the Lin Gate was kept very secret, even Lin Sheng hadn't noticed it, and I was only guessing.

"The Demon Venerable has been in seclusion for tens of thousands of years, so she probably doesn't know about it."

Hearing this, Yun Zhou let out a long breath, and the big stone in his heart fell to the ground.

The one sealed by Linmen may be one of his biggest trump cards in the future.

As long as the Demon Lord didn't come to snatch people with him, it would be fine.

Below, Ling Weiyang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said:

"According to the information I have now, those two people from the Demon Race should have arrived at Ten Thousand Races..."

"Why don't we wait for the turmoil in Linmen first, and let's wait and see?"

With the actions of the demons, the good chess game was completely messed up.

If the demons really plan to attack the righteous way, then all the previous layouts will be invalidated.

Yun Susu pondered for a while, "I can only do this first."

Then, she set her sights on her backbone, "Zhou'er, what do you think?"

Yun Zhou shook his head, "You can be the master of my affairs."

When Yun Susu heard this, her little face couldn't stop blushing, and she said to herself:

"I'd like to have full control over it."

Thinking, did she still glance at Yun Zhou's waist thoughtfully? .

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