Village Doctor.

Chapter 292

Chapter 292 Daddy is here!

Wang Hanwei said anxiously: “Changshan, don’t use me to pass words in the middle. It is too inefficient and too laborious to pass back and forth, so you should just talk to Mr. Zhang directly!”

“I turned on both phones in hands-free mode, and then moved closer! You should be able to hear each other’s speech…”

“Yeah! Good too!”

Hearing this, Zhang Tianzong and Yin Changshan replied in agreement almost at the same time.

“The hands-free are turned on, Changshan, you can speak directly!”

“Yeah! Good! Mr. Zhang, hello! I am Changshan! The number you want is XXX…”

After the phone number was finished, Yin Changshan immediately said: “Mr. Zhang, I will report to you the specific situation.”

“The original owner of the farm is named Hu Zhenshan! This kid used to be a bastard, and it hasn’t been long since he was released!”

“Actually, the real manager of that place is his relative, Little Brother, named Hu Zhenyue. But I don’t have his Little Brother contact information. Hu Zhenshan has always contacted me!”

“Hu Zhenshan? Why is this name so familiar? Hey! Why can’t I remember it for a while…”

“Um… Maybe it’s because this kid is on the Dao, and his name is not small! You’ve heard that it’s normal…”

“No! I haven’t had much contact with people on the road! But the name sounds very familiar! It should have been met before!”

“Oh? That’s it… Oh? By the way! He also has a nickname called Hu Erye! I heard that some time ago he was arrested for selling fake antiques and gang fraud. It seems…the one who was deceived was still a backer. Not a small boss!”

“Fortunately for this kid, it is also thanks to him that he had not had time to squander the money, so he returned the dirty money in time.”

“Moreover, the suffering owner did not pursue the investigation very deeply. I heard that the kid had a better attitude to plead guilty after entering. For economic dispute cases like this, the suffering owner would not be held accountable and would be fined if he returned the dirty and refunded him. Released!”

“Damn! I remember! He just bought Gao Jichen fake antique guy!”

Zhang Tianzong suddenly remembered that the Lingquan Ding he got from Gao Jichen was sold to him by Hu Zhenshan!

If you look into it, it’s really hard to tell if you sold fakes! Because the Lingquan Ding is an artifact that is ten thousand times more real than the real one!

Except for Zhang Tianzong, no one can recognize the treasure anymore! In the end, it can be regarded as returning to the original owner, and it has fallen into Zhang Tianzong’s hands!

Later, this man named Hu Zhenshan planned to grab the secret recipe for special barbecued meat from the owner of the barbecue shop Ginger! He was stopped by Zhang Tianzong by chance, and was handed over to the police after being uniformed by Fang Long!

I just didn’t expect that after this kid spat out the money, it would be released in just two or three months! Nothing else was found out!

It seems that this kid really has a bunch of loyal little brothers, someone must have guarded him!

“Damn it! Not long after this kid was released, has he started to fart again? It’s crazy enough!”

“My God! It turns out that he was mistaken for Boss Gao, Ningcheng’s first and richest man! Damn! Who can’t pit him? His background is too deep! Rivers and Lakes called Fang Long, who is known as the “long river”. Dage, I am willing to be a bodyguard for him, so I dare to touch this? I am so courageous!”

“Huh? Fang Long’s nickname was Jianglong?”

Zhang Tianzong asked curiously.

“Yeah! You…you know him?”

“Yeah! I know, and the relationship is pretty good! I have a good relationship with Boss Gao! In the future, keep your eyes open and don’t accidentally hurt your friendly army because of impulse! At that time, no matter how much you are, I have to clean up. You guys! Understand?”

“Oh oh oh! Understand! Don’t worry, we are all on the right track now, and we will never get mixed up again! So there will be no accidental injury to the friendly army.”

“However, when talking about this kid Hu Zhenshan, when he first started, he had been with me for a while, so he was relatively familiar.”

“Later, I followed Mr. Wang, so I didn’t have much to do with him! This time it can only be regarded as a pure matchmaking trade in the deer farm! That… Did he provoke you?”

“Yeah!” Zhang Tianzong said in a gloomy tone: “Now I seriously suspect that he and another person kidnapped my personal assistant! And he was still locked in the Beverly Farm!”

“Damn it! The person who kidnapped Daddy and then locked it on the site sold to Daddy. Isn’t this giving Daddy eye drops? Damn!”

“What the hell! My shit! I’ll notify Mozawa right away! Wait a minute! We’ll be there soon!”

“No need! I can do it alone! Do what you should do. Let’s do this first! Let’s talk later!”

After Zhang Tianzong’s phone hung up, Chang Shan’s voice came again.

“Boss! What shall we do? It’s up to you!”

“Nonsense! What else can I do! Hurry up! Get to the Fukang Farm as fast as possible!”

“Yes! I will call Mozawa right away!”

“Wait a minute! Remember to buy one… No! Buy three of the latest models and top-of-the-line mobile phones! They are for Mr. Zhang! I will pay for it, and you can do it properly for me. !”

“No problem! My daughter-in-law is now a mobile phone wholesale agent! It’s easy to do! But I think… With Mr. Zhang’s character, if you just hold the phone and give it to him, he doesn’t necessarily want it! Besides, people are not short of that money, and it’s not that money can’t buy mobile phones!”

“My idea is… I can get a batch at once! Get another set of major customer group cards! Let’s say it is for Mr. Zhang’s company! Then we will reserve a number separately for each of us, From now on, we will use it as our internal private number! What do you think?”

“Okay!” Wang Hanwei praised and said: Your kid is getting better and better now! Also know how to think about problems! OK! Just do what you said! ”

“That’s right! You told Maoze that all the brothers must wear security uniforms! The guys in his hands must also be those special things for security! And all the equipment necessary for security must be worn in the correct order! All prohibited equipment Never carry it! Did you hear that!”

“Understood! Don’t worry, make sure everything is done properly!”

“Okay! I’ll drive to you right now, and we will start together when we meet!”


At this moment, Zhang Tianzong parked his car on the side of the road just one kilometer away from the original Fukang Farm.

After pushing the car door and getting out of the car, he waved his hand to collect the car into the heaven and the blessed land!

Take out the phone that has been turned to silent state, log in to the shared mailbox with the phone again, and check the current affairs tracking chart on it!

At this point, three synchronization screens have appeared above!

In addition, red, yellow, and blue cursors are used to indicate the locations of the three mobile phone numbers.

The red color represents Yan Ke, the yellow color is Li Jie, and the extra blue signal is Hu Zhenshan, whose nickname is Hu Erye!

Zhang Tianzong gritted his teeth, and he was certain that these two people had kidnapped Yan Ke in partnership! As for whether there are any other accomplices around them, it is unclear for the time being.

Holding a mobile phone with a coordinate map in his hand, he glanced around with the surrounding real scene.

It was already past seven o’clock in the evening, and in this season and time period in the Northeast, the outdoors was already dark!

After finding the direction, Zhang Tian took a deep breath, and as soon as he bent down and lowered his body, he ran towards the woods on the side of the road. He wanted to use the cover of those trees to run around!

In order to prevent the other party from noticing the abnormality, Yu Yan Ke will anger her and do unnecessary harm to her!

The Fukang Farm is about two kilometers away from the nearby village, and there are no people in the empty fields around it.

Zhang Tianzong found a place with a relatively high ground and looked down. A large courtyard surrounded by brick walls was right in front of him!

Above the iron gate, there is a sign that has not had time to remove, it is the Fukang Farm!

The pens that were used to raise deer had long since been demolished, leaving only a row of nine houses, of which three main houses were lit.

The other six adjacent rooms were originally warehouses for storing fodder, farm tools and other items. There were no lights and it was completely dark.

“Mom, it’s no wonder that I chose this place! The courtyard and the courtyard are so empty and surrounded by such a high courtyard wall. As long as someone approaches that place, they can be spotted! It seems that these two boys are pretty good. With experience in this area, it looks like a veteran habitual offender!”

Zhang Tianzong muttered secretly in his heart, hurriedly turned on the ability of clairvoyance, and then used the mental exploration method to look at the houses, especially the three rooms with lights on and off were “cared for”!

After a while, Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly.

He has found Yan Ke’s figure!

At this time, Yan Ke was tied to a pillar in the back room, with a ball of cloth in his mouth, and scotch tape on the outside!

She lowered her head deeply, and the scattered long hair blocked her white, soft face…

In the outbuilding, there are four boys sitting on the kang, rowing fists and drinking alcohol!

On the kang, there is a relatively low square table with a lot of delicious food such as fish and meat. There are a few people sitting around the square table. There are many empty beer bottles around them. It seems Didn’t drink less!

There were two of them, and Zhang Tianzong recognized them at a glance! It is Hu Zhenshan and Li Jie! There are two other people who haven’t met before, they must be their accomplices!

“Sister Xiao Ke! I’m here! Don’t worry, wait for me! You four deflated calves, daddy is here! Take advantage of this moment and drink a few more sips, your good days are over!”

Zhang Tianzong shouted in his heart, stood up abruptly, and rushed over at the fastest speed!


Just standing up, Zhang Tianzong squatted down in a hurry!

He suddenly discovered that there was a figure more than 200 meters away from him!

When he took a closer look, he was wearing a thick down jacket, a cotton hat, scarf, gloves, mask, etc. He was quite well dressed!

At this moment, he also took a bottle of white wine beside him and poured it fiercely, he sighed and rubbed his cold hands and legs!

Then he picked up a night vision telescope next to him and looked carefully towards the Fukang Farm…

Zhang Tianzong frowned suddenly, lowered his body and leaned gently towards him.

——To be continued——

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