Village Doctor.

Chapter 291

Chapter 291 I’m Sorry

Zhang Tianzong smiled and answered the phone and said, “Sister Yan Ke, what further instructions do you have? When you leave, I have done all the things you ordered! Uncle Yan and…”

“Zhang Tianzong! It’s me!”

Over the receiver, suddenly came a low-pitched man’s voice!

“Huh? Are you? Li Jie?”

Zhang Tianzong frowned suddenly, and the smile on his face disappeared!

“That’s right! It’s me! Now Assistant Yan is in my hand! I order you to hold one million! No! With five million in cash, go to the southern suburbs of the county seat to exchange people with money! The time limit is twenty minutes! You! If you don’t bring money, I will tear up the ticket!”


When Liu Hongxiu heard this by Zhang Tianzong’s side, she took a breath and hurriedly covered her mouth with her hand…

Zhang Tianzong held her hands tightly, motioning her not to be nervous!

“Damn! You are paralyzed! Li Jie! Are you crazy or stupid? This night, the bank has been closed long ago. Where can I get you so much cash!”

“Furthermore, even if you want to withdraw 5 million in cash from the bank during working hours during the day, you have to make an appointment in advance. You don’t want to withdraw as much as you want!”

“You fucking only have a time limit of twenty minutes? Even if daddy has the ability to print money, it won’t be too late! You idiot!”

“If what you want is phantom coins, I can give you 50 billion right away! Which intersection do you want to pick up? I’ll burn it to you right away!”

“Zhang Tianzong! Keep your mouth clean! Otherwise I don’t mind throwing all the anger on Assistant Yan! Hehehe… Assistant Yan is a big beauty! I’ve been greedy for a long time! Hahaha…”

“Little bunny! Daddy tells you clearly, if you dare to touch her hair, I will cut your body into ten thousand pieces, and then chop it up to feed the dog!”

Zhang Tianzong is really angry! He has never been so angry before! He hates someone threatening him most! But Li Jie used such a despicable method again!

“Shut up! I advise you to see the current situation clearly! If you provoke daddy, daddy can do anything!”

“To tell you the truth, I’m just looking for money, but I don’t mind getting both money and color! As long as you bring five million, make sure not to touch her finger!”

“I’ll give you half an hour to raise money, and another half an hour to hurry. You will call this call in the southern suburbs in an hour. I will tell you where you should go next! Don’t play tricks with me or more. Don’t call the police. Otherwise you will have to collect the corpse!”

“Okay! You have a kind!” Zhang Tianzong gritted his teeth and said: “I will go! You just wait for me steadily! But you must promise not to hurt her, otherwise I will kill you! I didn’t follow You are kidding!”

“I also kindly urge you to say that there are some things you can’t do, and once you do it, you have to pay the price!”

“Hahaha… Seeing you are so nervous, you know that you two have a leg! Don’t worry, I am not interested in other women playing with the rest of the women! I just like to take pictures of women’s big butts that are poked up when they are bent over! !”

“But… my brothers are very interested! If you are late, I can’t stop them! Humph!”


A busy tone appeared on the other end of the phone, obviously the other party hung up the phone…

“Nothing! Damn it! Dare to play this set with Daddy! This bastard thing is really damn good! The tiger doesn’t show off, you treat Daddy as a sick cat! This time the new accounts and old accounts are settled together!”

“Husband! I’ll go with you!”

“No! It’s more convenient for me to go alone! And, you can’t just do it when it’s absolutely necessary!”

“Now someone has started to attack people around me! This is a very dangerous signal! You must hide the Cultivation Base and Martial Skill you have learned!”

“Only in this way can the enemy be better paralyzed! Only in this way, can it play the role of hitting a hit when it is of vital importance!”

“Remember, I played a clear card, and you and your mother-in-law are hidden cards! Understand? Don’t worry, I will be able to bring Sister Yan Ke back safely!”

“Yeah! I see! You should be careful too! Don’t be careless, watch out for capsize in the gutter!”

“Hahaha… someone will capsize! But it must not be me! Don’t worry!”

“Yeah! I have confidence in you! I am at home waiting for your good news! Remember, no matter how late you are, you have to call me! I will wait for you at Ma’s house later, lest you worry!”

“Good wife! It’s nice to have you! I’m gone!”

Zhang Tianzong took out the car key and walked straight to the garage, and then the car rushed out like an arrow from the string!

Liu Hongxiu saw everything in her eyes, sighed secretly, and said to herself: “I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. After this heroic drama of saving the United States, Xiao Ke’s heart must be I can’t escape!”

“Hey…it’s really not good to be your daughter-in-law! The Parasol Tree, Phoenix comes from! Even if you don’t recruit bees and butterflies, the fragrance will overflow when the flowers bloom! Which woman doesn’t like it Excellent man…”

Liu Hongxiu shook her head helplessly, and walked towards her family…

Zhang Tianzong dialed Shen Yunxi’s mobile phone number while driving fast.

“Tian Zong! Why do you think of calling me?”

“Yun Xi! It’s not the time to retell the past. I’m a little bit urgent and want to trouble you to do it for me.”

“Oh oh oh, good! Just say it!”

Since Zhang Tianzong joined the special operations team, it has been much more convenient to get things done. When he heard that he needed help, Shen Yunxi directly agreed…

“I want to ask you one thing! If you give you a cell phone number, can you find out the exact location of the cell phone?”

“Yes! This is the job of the network information officer! As long as the mobile phone with the target number is turned on and in the province, it will be available in three to five minutes! Outside the province and in the country, ten You must find it within minutes!”

“As for foreign countries, it should take about 20 minutes. It depends on whether the overseas numbers are protected by encryption procedures…”

“It’s not that complicated! It’s definitely not out of the province! And I dare say that even our province will not go beyond the area.”

“Then it’s much easier! I can find it right away! Give me the number.”

“Good, good! The sooner the better, I am rushing to save people. The number is XXX…”

“no problem!”

As soon as the voice fell, I heard the rapid beating of the keyboard.

After waiting patiently for three minutes, he only heard Shen Yunxi happily saying, “Lucky! That phone is always on. If you don’t turn it on, you won’t be able to find it without 20 minutes of precision calculations!”

“Where is the location?”

“Um… Tell me what you are going to do first, otherwise I won’t tell you the exact location.”

“Damn! Now I am ordering you as the leader of the special operations team and the subordinate special advisory group. Tell me the exact location right away!”

“Yes! The target location is at the intersection of County X and County L! Please open the shared mailbox I gave you immediately, and I will send the detailed coordinate link there, which will definitely ensure real-time sharing of tracking signals!”

“Okay!” Zhang Tianzong said while taking out his dedicated laptop: “Yunxi, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to kill you! The matter is really urgent! My personal assistant was kidnapped! And he threatened to go first. After infringing on it, tear up the ticket!”

“What? Do you need to report for support?”

“No! I can handle it alone! I have already seen the coordinates! By the way, you can track me a number at the same time! The holder of the number is Li Jie. The number is XXX…”

“You must first make sure that the two mobile phone numbers are in the same area, and then you can send them directly to the mailbox. First, let’s talk later!”


Shen Yunxi hurriedly started tracking Li Jie’s number! After a while, she smiled and pressed the last step of the button, and sent the coordinate link to Zhang Tianzong.

While staring at the screen, Shen Yunxi frowned!

After hesitating for a while, he took out his cell phone and dialed Wang Hui’s cell phone number…

At this time, Zhang Tianzong clicked on another link to take a look. It turned out to be a merged image. Shen Yunxi merged the two coordinates very carefully, and also made a real-time comparison and tracking route map!

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly, his eyes sharpened!

“Huh? They are in the Fukang Farm? How do you familiar with this name? His…”

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianzong hurriedly dialed Wang Hanwei’s mobile phone number.

“Mr. Zhang! What’s your order!”

“I ask you, did the batch of deer you bought for me bought it at the Fukang Farm!”

“Fukang Farm? That’s right! Isn’t that where we are going to set up a food factory? What’s wrong? Things have changed?”

“Damn! It really is that place! Now you immediately find out who the original owner of that place is! Then send me his mobile phone number.”

“Ah? Oh! This matter is easy to handle, this matter is contacted by Changshan, I will know if I call him to ask. Is there something wrong?”

“Hey! Changshan, who is the original owner of the Fukang Farm? What is its name? What is the mobile phone number and give it to me right away?”

Zhang Tianzong heard Wang Hanwei’s loud roar!

“Damn! Keep your voice down! I am wearing a Bluetooth headset! My ears are almost deaf by you!”

“Oh oh oh! Sorry, I am calling Changshan while keeping the call with you.”

“Hey, let me go! People with two mobile phones are awesome. I will buy another one when I look back! This damn thing, it’s too much trouble when it comes to emergency!”


Suddenly Wang Hanwei didn’t know how to answer the call. They were all bosses. Isn’t it normal to have more mobile phones in order to make contact with the business easier?

Is this also a taboo?

“Say it quickly! After I call you, I have to call others again! Damn! I will buy two new phones tomorrow, high and low! Damn!”

“Ah? Oh, oh! Got it! Changshan! Can you hurry up!”

“Yes, I have! Because I haven’t been in contact for too long, I don’t know where the previous call records are! I just searched the phone address book…”

——To be continued——

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