Village Doctor.

Chapter 286

Chapter 286: Innovative Revolution in the Industry

The front and rear two cars stopped outside the gate of Huanyu Group’s X County Pharmaceutical Factory. Zhang Tianzong and the other four got out of the car.

“Yo! Mr. Zhang! You are here!”

When Zhang Tianzong came here for the first time, the security guard who stopped him jogged up to meet him.

“Hey! We are pretty destined! You are on duty again today!”

“No! Hehehe… today is different from when you came for the first time. Yesterday afternoon, the secretary’s office notified our security guard room, saying that you are bringing the employees of the company to negotiate business today!”

“I’ve been waiting here early! Our captain asked for a leave of absence for work today, otherwise he would come out to greet you in person!”

“It’s so polite! I’ve kept you waiting!”

“Yes, it should! This is my job. Mr. Zhang, and everyone! Please come in! I will use the intercom to report to the secretary’s office that you have come!”


Zhang Tianzong just walked in twenty to thirty meters with a smile, and saw Li Tingting’s personal secretary from a distance, jogging out of the office building to greet him.

“Mr. Zhang, hello! On behalf of Mr. Li, I warmly welcome you!”

“Secretary Tang, hello! This is not the first time we have met, you are welcome! Let me introduce you, this lady is my personal assistant! Yan Ke! Mainly responsible for external publicity and internal operations of the company!”

“The two of you happen to be in the scope of business docking, please take care of me in the future! Assistant Yan, this is President Li’s personal secretary, Tang Xinyi! Let’s get to know each other, and you will have a lot of cooperation in the future. !”

“Okay! Don Miss, hello! Nice to meet you!”

“Miss Yan, hello! A person who can become Mr. Zhang’s right-hand man must be a master with strong abilities in all aspects, please give me your advice in the future!”

“Don’t dare to be! Miss Tang, please give me more advice!”

“Don’t dare, don’t dare! Win-win cooperation! Mr. Zhang, everyone! President Li and the business manager are waiting for you in the meeting room. Please follow me to the meeting room to meet with Mr. Li before we talk in detail.”


“Okay! Please…”

After a while, everyone came to the door of the conference room.

Push the door open and see, sure enough! Li Tingting was waiting inside with four people.

They exchanged greetings and introduced each other’s identities.

In addition to Li Tingting and the business manager, there are two other people in charge of their company’s quality inspection department, and the other is the secretary Tang Xinyi.

In an atmosphere of friendly negotiation, some details were quickly finalized.

Then there is the issue of the quality monitoring departments of both sides collating and approving each other’s experimental data.

Li Tingting carefully read the experimental data submitted by both parties, and said: “Everyone! As everyone knows, five days ago, our testing team went to your company for random sampling and spot check! After the samples were brought back, our professional team immediately did it. Detailed experimental data analysis.”

“Comparing the data conclusions obtained after the test and the experimental conclusions submitted by your company, the error rate is only about 0.1%.”

“Moreover! This kind of error is still caused by our side. After testing by our professional department, the effective ingredients of all samples are about one percent higher than the experimental data you tested!”

“In other words, your experimental data report is low! I can also understand that your experimental data is more rigorous and lower-key! For this, I admire it!”

“Therefore, your company’s experimental data is true and reliable! Trustworthy! The quality of the Chinese medicinal materials grown by your company is beyond doubt!”

As soon as these words came out, there was a round of applause in the house!

After a pause for a few seconds, Li Tingting continued: “Mr. Zhang, the general direction is basically settled. Next, I would like to ask you a few key questions about the details of the experimental data. Please be truthful. Answer. So as not to cause unnecessary misunderstanding…”

“Okay! Say it!”

“Well! I just looked at the experimental conclusions submitted by your company. There are a few words: The active ingredient of this medicinal material is very powerful, and it is recommended to reduce the amount when using it.”

“And there is a special reminder. Please check the data indicators strictly before use, so as to avoid the phenomenon of excessive medicine caused by improper combination! How should I understand these few sentences?”

Zhang Tianzong nodded, he had predicted in his heart that this matter would definitely be asked separately!

“I strongly request this sentence to be added! There is no extended meaning, it is completely literal! The reason for adding these words is entirely based on your company’s standpoint and long-term development goals!”

“We are all in the pharmaceutical industry, and we should all understand that in the process of matching medicinal materials, if the amount is not correct, it will cause serious consequences!”

“In the process of pharmacy or prescription dispensing, the strength of the medicinal material itself must be taken as the first criterion!”

“For example, wild medicinal materials and artificially planted medicinal materials are absolutely different in terms of medicinal power. One-year medicinal materials and ten-year-old medicinal materials have different medicinal powers! They must not be generalized!”

“I believe you have a deep understanding of the various indicators of the experimental data! Imagine if your company chooses our medicinal materials for pharmacy, but it is implemented in accordance with your previous pharmaceutical formula ratio standards, then there must be an overpowering effect. Violent phenomenon!”

“I am a doctor! I have to be responsible for every patient of mine! Now I am also considered a supplier of Chinese herbal medicines, so I have to be responsible for every customer!”

“This is my duty as a doctor, as well as a rigorous attitude as a supplier of medicinal materials!”

As soon as Zhang Tianzong’s voice fell, applause broke out in the conference room again!

A few seconds later, Li Tingting smiled and nodded and said: “I deeply admire Mr. Zhang’s character and professionalism! Thank you for your in-depth analysis and consideration from the standpoint of our company. On behalf of this pharmaceutical factory, thank you, Mr. Zhang!”

“President Li is polite! This is what I should do!”

“Yeah!” Li Tingting nodded and said: “So far, everything is okay! But there is one thing I have to confirm again.”

“Does your company agree to become the only strategic partnership with this company? In other words, do you agree or voluntarily acquire all the Chinese medicinal materials cultivated by your company?”

When Zhang Tianzong heard this, he smiled and said, “Mr. Li! To be honest, as long as the price is right, whoever sells it is not the same!”

“But…Whether it is for long-term development considerations or personal relationship considerations, I hope to cooperate with your company and Mr. Li.”

“But! You know the quality of our medicinal materials. Therefore, I still have some objections to the price! My opinion is that today’s experimental data is used as the basic parameter!”

“If the medicinal materials cultivated by our company in the future can meet today’s standards, you must purchase them at a price that is twice the market price. If they exceed this standard, you must purchase them at a price that is three times the market price!”

“Of course, if there is a situation that is lower than today’s standard, you can choose to buy at a reduced price or refuse to buy! As the saying goes, you get what you pay for! Good things are naturally good prices!”

Li Tingting frowned slightly, and turned to negotiate with the business manager in a low voice…

About three minutes later, Li Tingting said: “Mr. Zhang, I have a problem that I am puzzled. The Chinese medicinal materials that your company can pick are all mature products, but as far as I know, you have only experienced it from planting until now. Half a time. How did you do it? Can it be the same in the future?”

“What? Impossible! Half-year-old medicinal materials can achieve this quality? Impossible! This is definitely more than ten years old. Li, are you mistaken?”

The manager of the quality inspection department of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Factory exclaimed, staring in surprise.

Li Tingting glared at him, and he was so scared that he couldn’t speak immediately!

On such a formal occasion, his emotions suddenly questioned the judgment of the general manager and the source of the information, which really did not fit his identity!

The manager of the quality inspection department immediately realized that he was a bit abrupt, and hurriedly nodded and apologized to Li Tingting…

Zhang Tianzong smiled and said, “It’s not just you, even the employees in our company are very surprised when they learn about this!”

“A few people have asked me such a question, and my answer is always only one sentence. The special technology is a commercial secret. I refuse to answer!”

“Although many people are dissatisfied with this answer, all the experimental data today is enough to show that our medicinal materials are absolutely safe and reliable. There is no doubt about this!”

“Here, you can also promise! From now on, as long as the Chinese medicinal materials cultivated from our company, the quality standard will never be lower than today’s experimental parameters! Moreover, all products can be harvested within half a year!”

“In other words, as long as it is all the medicinal materials cultivated by my hands, it is completely possible to achieve two crops and two maturities a year!”

“If what I said is half-truth, you can unilaterally terminate the contract and ask us to pay the corresponding compensation!”

“One more thing that seems a bit bragging, if I work hard, I can completely guarantee one crop in the first quarter! That is, four plantings and four harvests a year!”

“Of course, the technology of four crops a year is still in the experimental stage. At present, I can only achieve two harvests a year. The next step is to breakthrough the experimental subject of three harvests a year. Finally, until the ultimate goal of four harvests a year!”

“I believe! This will surely be achieved in the near future, a feat that shocks everyone in the world!”

“My God! This…this is amazing too! This is simply an innovative revolution in the Chinese herbal medicine planting industry!”

The manager of the quality inspection department has lost his mind again…

——To be continued——

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