Village Doctor.

Chapter 285

Chapter 285

“Mr. Zhang!” Zhang Hongxin looked at Zhang Tianzong’s annoyance, and said hurriedly: “Look at the one who makes you angry, so calm down… Li Jie is that stubborn ass temper!”

“On weekdays, even his parents can’t control him! Outsiders say something, and he won’t listen! This person doesn’t know how to persuade, so don’t be familiar with him…”

Zhang Tianzong waved his hand and said, “I don’t have to be familiar with him, it’s because his attitude to do things has touched my bottom line!”

“To tell the truth, it is because of his contribution to the company, otherwise it is impossible for him to leave so easily…”

“Yes, yes, I understand!” Zhang Hongxin continued with some regret: “Speaking of it, it was also because he had a stubborn and sturdier daughter-in-law than him. Thanks to him having such a daughter-in-law. Otherwise, this kid would have floated to heaven long ago!”

“This kid! Hey! What should I say? It’s a bit of a suspicion of telling people’s right and wrong behind the scenes. Actually… He is so hard to make some extra money, which is also a bit embarrassing. Of the place.”

“His wife is too tight with money! Give him two hundred yuan in pocket money a month. It’s not enough for a big man to make friends outside.”

“What the hell?” Zhang Tianzong said with his eyes wide open: “A gentleman loves money and gets it in a good way! If you want to make more money, you have to rely on ability and craftsmanship. Not on crooked ways!”

“Mother, this kid has been frustrated by his wife, so he dares to think about other things in his heart? He dares to take pictures of other women? What is the truth! You have known him for so many years, what is he? Don’t you know your character?”

“Yes yes yes! I understand what you mean, if this matter is reported to the police, he must have a lawsuit! You are right! I agree with your decision!”

“However, I always feel a little pity in my heart. At work, this kid is really good at work!”

“That’s not okay! If you say that, isn’t it just saying that you Zhang Hongxin is a gangster? Wouldn’t we be able to open our Wizards Studio without him? The big deal is that you will take on a little more work, and there will be more work. Just remember some rewards for you!”

“No, no, it’s my job! I can’t talk about remembering more rewards… Actually, I just feel awkward. After all, we are all from the same village…”

“Speaking of which, this kid used to be quite prosperous, but since making those alcoholic friends, everything has changed! It was the past two years that he even dared to eat, drink, prostitute, and gamble! I feel a pity for him…”

“The money that has flowed out of his hands in the past few years is not a small number. But even if he earns a little extra money, it is either a prostitute or a gambling! If there is any leftover, all food and drink will be spent. I don’t have any money here, but I am greedy to enjoy the squandering, I can only think of crooked ways…”

“What the hell? Damn it!” Zhang Tianzong said loudly, staring at his eyes: “If you have money in your hand, you only know about eating, drinking, and gambling. ?”

“This baby thing! If he knew he had money, he wouldn’t go the right way, and he would have to deduct the bonus if he said anything! Damn! The ten thousand dollars are scattered, and it won’t sound like a damn thing. Why didn’t you say it earlier? Damn!”

“Give me a little more memory in the future! The company is determined not to have poor character! Whoever introduces a friend who has a problem with his personal character to join the company must be jointly and severally liable! The bonus will be deducted, and the baggage roll will be deducted immediately!”

“Take ten thousand steps, even if you raise an idler who eats for nothing, as long as he can maintain the company’s image and have the honor of loyal and loyal to the company’s interests, I will not feel that there is anything wrong with it, but I must never raise my eyes. Wolf!”


Everyone in the house answered in unison!

“Okay! This matter is over! From now on, no one is allowed to mention it again. That… one more digression.”

“Shang Wu, Shang Wen! I have no objection to you two looking for someone in the company, but you must not affect your work because of personal relationship problems!”


Chang Shangwu and Chang Shangwen responded loudly at the same time, with a very firm tone!

“Yeah!” Zhang Tianzong nodded and said: “Remember, once you decide to start a target, you can treat each other sincerely! If you let me know what you guys are playing with, I won’t have my surname unless you kick your feces out. open!”

“Also! In the future, in the process of getting along, don’t make any damn conflicts, just ask the leader to make trouble! The company here is not a marriage agency, let alone a family conflict mediation office!”

“People, Song Minhong, help you introduce people, it’s kind, it’s a favor, but there is no obligation to help you deal with everything! If it really happens, you have to remember this great favor! Give daddy a little cleverness. .”

“Understood! Hehehe…”

Zhang Tianzong nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: “Anyway, I have pre-measured in advance, and I will call you up. I’m confused by that time, don’t say I don’t talk about Face. Li Jie is different from you, he is very old. I don’t want to be knowledgeable with him!”

“But you two are still very young. It’s annoying. Daddy beats you. Life can’t take care of himself! Anyway, Daddy doesn’t care about raising an idler!”

“And I treat the disease pretty well! Even if the bones of my whole body are kicked and broken, I can connect it for you! And it is guaranteed that no one will be injured, even if I want to sue me, I can’t find a reasonable reason! Hehehe…”


“Well, let’s talk about it today. Let’s do your own things! Assistant Yan, you take my car! Zhu Rui and Song Minhong, you can just drive behind!”


Zhang Tianzong winked at Yan Ke, and they both went out first.

As soon as they walked out, Chang Shangwu and Chang Shangwen walked up to Zhu Rui and Song Minhong.

“Hehehe… Big brother, younger sibling! Let’s talk about the details quickly, okay? Hehe…”

“Look at what makes you impatient! As for?”

“That said, can you not be in a hurry! After this year, we are both thirty years old! Hehehe…younger sister, no! Big girl! Hehehe…you didn’t mean I brought it from home a few days ago Is the roasted sweet potato delicious? I will bring you a basket tomorrow!”

“Hey, let me go! The meaning of slapping beards and flattering is too obvious, right? Heh…looks like this…you don’t seem to be right! I see, this matter has to be reconsidered!”

“Ah? This…why is this?”

“I’ve heard about it! People Dai Yayun and Guo Huimei only like that kind, upright, upright and upright men, like the kind of sloppy, flattering, glib tongue men, they never think about it!”

“I! This… fits! Absolutely fits! We are absolutely righteous! Absolutely decent enough! Right, Little Brother!”

“Right, right, right! I’m upright, kind-hearted, that’s what we are talking about! Hehehe…”

“Okay, okay!” Zhu Rui said with a smile: “Don’t tease them, get out those two letters quickly. Mr. Zhang is still waiting for us!”

“Yeah! Okay! Here! Both letters have signatures on them, read them carefully before opening them. Don’t be happy, you’re confused!”

“When you look back, don’t forget to bring a basket of roasted sweet potatoes tomorrow! This is what you said, but I didn’t force you. Let’s go! Hahaha…”

“Ehhhhhhhhhh! Good! I guarantee that I won’t forget it! Don’t worry! Hehehehe…”

“Why are you looking at me like this?”

Zhang Tianzong was sitting in the driving seat and driving the car, turned to look at Yan Ke who was sitting in the passenger seat, she kept tilting her head and staring at Zhang Tianzong intently…

“Unexpectedly, you still have such a side! You look scary when you are angry and angry! Especially when you have short hair now, the warm and soft temperament has been reduced a lot, but it has become more domineering and more masculine. NS……”

“Hehehe…what does a man smell like?”

“That’s the kind of… Cut! You’re doing me tricks! Even if I know that I don’t have a boyfriend, you are still asking like that, you are damaging your heart! It’s so heart-wrenching…”

“Why! I’m asking about your criteria for choosing a mate, okay? When I turn around, I’ll find out for you to see if there is a suitable boyfriend!”

“Hey… I have a bunch of pieces, you know. I look at you as an old girl! I and the Chang family are the same age, after this year I will also be 30 years old!”

“Look at the way their brothers are in a hurry, you should know how embarrassing this age group is. If that’s really high or low, just wow…”

“It is said that a woman’s 30 tofu dregs, I am about to become tofu dregs! I don’t know if I can marry in this life! When this matter is mentioned, my heart is!

“Every day I watched my brother and my sister-in-law, you and Hongxiu, and watched your two loving couples show their affection in front of me. Today, I was abused by Chang Shangwu and Chang Shangwen! This dog food Yes, I don’t want to eat hard and stuff it into my mouth! Hey…”

“Hahaha…you! Just rely on your talent, your appearance, and your figure, but you still have to worry about that? The reason why you are not good or not is because your vision is too high!”

“You can pull it down, now my only criteria for choosing a mate is male, live! Hey… it’s not up to you whether I look good or not. If other men see my old face, then don’t I must feel good-looking. Besides, my figure is older than a year this year. Where can I be better?”

“Well! Your figure is not good? I haven’t seen it! The skin is firm and white, and there is no fat at all! And… uh… ahem! I mean… ahem!”

Speaking of this, Zhang Tianzong was suddenly embarrassed!

When he was treating Yan Ke, all the debris was removed! The inevitable has long been seen clearly.

This matter shouldn’t be mentioned anymore, but today I went out smoothly!

Yan Ke flushed with embarrassment, and hurriedly turned her head aside and looked out the window…

“Does it look good?”

After a few minutes, Yan Ke suddenly asked this very quietly.

“Huh? What are you talking about?”


——To be continued——

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