Village Doctor.

Chapter 287

Chapter 287 Daddy Isn’t Hungry For That

After another detailed discussion, Li Tingting directly reported the results of the meeting and various experimental data to the headquarters.

After another intense discussion, the final decision was made to agree to all the conditions of Zhang Tianzong!

Li Tingting was then directly authorized to act as an agent for the contract, and the order was directly assigned to Li Tingting’s pharmaceutical factory.

In other words, this contract is led by the branch pharmaceutical factory where Li Tingting works, and the head office recognizes the contract, but does not interfere with the process and implementation of the contract.

This is Li Tingting, because she originally held the position of vice president of the head office. If she were changed to someone else, the head office would not be able to give such a big right!

After the CEOs of the two parties formally signed the contract, the remaining things are that the quality monitoring teams of the two parties discussed with each other and clearly established a product quality standard, as well as matters such as the business docking of Tang Xinyi and Yan Ke.

This matter has nothing to do with Zhang Tianzong and Li Tingting. There is no need for them to participate personally, so it is enough to leave everything to them.

They came to Li Tingting’s private office and talked in detail again.

“Hahaha… handsome guy! This time you are arguing for me! Don’t you know, when reporting to the headquarters, it was a video conference. The people in the headquarters were surprised and their eyes were more bullish. It’s still three laps!”

“I followed the light and raised my eyebrows for a while! This time no one would dare to say that I was in my position today by relying on my father’s Face! Hahaha…”

Zhang Tianzong smiled and said, “I am not surprised at all about this result! As long as you are a person who really thinks about the company, you will definitely know it!”

“As long as it is a real person in the industry, he can definitely tell what is a high-quality good product and what is fraud!”

“As the saying goes, true cannot be false, and false can never be true! I am very confident in our products! I am also very confident in the in-depth cooperation and long-term development between us.”

“Uhhhhhhhhhh! I am also confident! No need to talk about those heroic words, I know you, a handsome guy, are reliable!”

“Eh? By the way! Why did you change your head shape? The moment you entered the house, you blinded me! When I first saw you, I didn’t recognize you in that moment!”

“Hehehe…cut it short and cool it off!”

“Hey, let me go! What kind of kung fu is this? Do you practice three-nines and three-nines in winter? Some time ago, you had long hair in the summer, and you are almost entering winter when you look at it. You still have short hair! What do you think? It’s not two-fold!”

“However, the hair is cut so short…there is a little smell of fresh meat, but there is a hint of masculinity, hehehe…it smells! I like it!”

“Cut! It seems that I haven’t had a bath in a few years, what’s the smell!”

“Um…that’s the kind of…how can I describe it? That’s the kind of feeling that I want to be protected by you! Looks very safe!”

“Your original temperament…Although you are handsome, there is nothing to say, but there is always the insecurities of abandoning women at any time! Men are too handsome, and they always think of scumbags!”

“Hey, let me go! Can this thing be distinguished by hairstyle? Maybe… I’m really not far from the scumbag now! It’s just that you didn’t see it…”

“Huh? Are you trying to say’people can’t look good’? All right, you don’t need to tell me those great truths. I didn’t say that your short hair is not good-looking, the guy is very energetic! Hehehe…”

Zhang Tian took a deep breath and shook his head gently…

Li Tingting frowned when she saw his expression, and thought secretly in her heart!

She could hear what Zhang Tianzong said had extended meaning, but she didn’t know where she was referring…

After ten seconds of silence, Li Tingting suddenly remembered and said, “Eh? By the way! I have forgotten to ask you one thing! There is a person named Wang Hanwei whom you introduced to sister Yiwen, right? Is that person reliable?”

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly and said, “How much you believe in Sister Yiwen, so much I believe in Wang Hanwei. As for his unreliable work, I dare not pack the votes. But I know he will definitely be obedient! I will let him do it. What do you do!”

“I dare to boast in Haikou, even if I ask him to give me all the assets under his name immediately, he will not hesitate, do you believe it?”

“Hi…Is he your agent? I once investigated him. Although the industry under his name doesn’t have any big business, there are many industries involved, and the shops are not small.”

“His company…the annual net profit can also be about 1 million! No wonder you can spend so much money in the planting industry, it turns out that you are still a big boss behind the scenes.”

Zhang Tianzong waved his hand and said, “Don’t say something so bluntly, but what must be said is that he is him and I am me! Must not be confused! I have never used his penny! I have mine. Channel source! It’s that simple!”

“Hi… handsome guy! I thought I knew you very well, but now I look at it! You are becoming more and more mysterious! There should be a lot of things in your heart that are hiding from me…”

Zhang Tianzong waved his hand again, interrupted what she was about to say, and said, “You don’t have to bother to guess, no matter what I become in the future, friends will always be friends! This will never change!”

“I don’t make many friends sincerely, but you are definitely the person who occupies the most important position in my heart!”

“Oh? Hahaha… It’s not easy to have a place in the heart of your handsome guy.”

“How can it be so exaggerated! Now I’m still relying on you to eat! If you hadn’t signed this contract with me today, I wouldn’t know how long and how long would I be able to sell those things! But…”

“Huh? What’s up? To be straightforward!”

Zhang Tianzong said with some embarrassment: “It’s almost the end of the year, and logically I should pay you dividends. But the company has just been established, and it happened so soon that the end of the year…”

“I have to settle the workers’ wages and bonuses clearly, so the profit of this batch of medicinal materials may not be able to be shared with you.”

“Hey! Handsome guy! This is what you think is wrong! This batch of medicinal materials are all medicinal materials planted in the original experimental field!”

“I didn’t invest a penny in the experimental field! So, all the profits from the experimental field should be yours! Besides, you said I am a rich little woman. Am I still short of that money? cut!”

“Okay! I’m relieved with your words! Let’s just say that. Starting from the end of New Year’s Day, we will settle the dividend twice at the end of June and December each year!”

“Okay! You’re the boss, you’re up to it! Hehehe…In the future, my private small vault can have a wealth of wealth, but it depends on your handsome guy to generate income for me.”

“No problem! Just wait to collect the money! Hehehe…Huh? Right! We have to discuss the establishment of a food processing factory! After all, we will have to build the factory in the spring of the coming year!”

“Um…that’s what my cousin advocated, I’m not very convenient to express my position…”

Zhang Tianzong rolled his eyes and said, “Being a real person, don’t tell lies. One of us is a Chinese medicine prescription and the other is a pharmaceutical manufacturer. What kind of folk prescription are you playing with me? Your cousin is a worker, you are The payer! Do you think I don’t know?”

“If you don’t come here, I won’t let Wang Hanwei come forward to do this work. Everyone knows it well, so hurry up and get it right.”

“Hey, let me go! I asked you to check my details long ago, right? Tell the truth! Did you peek at my diary?”

“Get out! Why don’t you say that I’ve seen you take a shower? Where can I look!”

“Huh? You want to see how I look in the shower, just say it! You don’t need to peek, I open the door for you to watch! Hahaha…”

“Don’t bullshit! Daddy hasn’t gotten thirsty yet, so hurry up and get down to business!”

“Hmm! Okay! Let’s talk about business!”

After half an hour, Zhang Tianzong and Li Tingting had a proper discussion, and waited for the next spring to invest and build a factory!

“That… handsome guy! There is one thing I want to ask you for a favor!”

“Oh? You say! As long as it’s something I can do, I won’t refuse!”

“Yeah! That’s the way it is, cousin Yiwen is not a catering company! And it has always been a gimmick that focuses on specialties! But that’s how the catering stuff is, even if the signature dishes are delicious and eaten for a long time, Diners will get tired of eating crookedly one day.”

“So… she begged me to let me talk to you and see if I could make a few recipes for medicated diet! The price for buying out the recipes is up to you, my cousin said! No bargaining!”

“Hey! I think it’s a big deal! It’s easy to handle, even if you want a hundred or eighty medicinal recipes!”

“You give me three days, let me think about it. I have to choose a few more broad-spectrum prescriptions, so that people with special constitutions will not be allergic or have side effects after eating the medicated diet!”

“Fine! It’s not a hurry! The most important thing is to be safe and effective! Think about it slowly.”

“Huh! Huh? By the way! Sister Yiwen’s restaurant…Where do you buy the ingredients?”

“Um… I don’t know about this. What do you mean by that? If you really want to know, I’ll help you inquire about it?”

Zhang Tianzong frowned and thought for a while and said: “You tell her that, I provide medicated diet for free! And it is safe and effective. But there is a premise, vegetables and several kinds of fish ingredients must be purchased from me! ”

“What the hell? What is this going to do?”

“Hey… I want to grow vegetables! Raise fish!”

“Hey, let me go! Are you sure?”

“Yeah! OK! It just so happens that Wang Hanwei also has a catering business! I think he can cooperate with Sister Yiwen more deeply! Make sure that their business will not conflict, and they will support each other and make progress together!”

“Hi…tell me your thoughts quickly! The more detailed the better! I’ll help you advise!”

“Okay! My thoughts are like this…”

——To be continued——

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