Village Doctor.

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

“Cough cough!” Instructor Zhou Renjie coughed, cleared his throat and said: “We have specified the cause of the case, the process of handling the case, and the result of the case in the form of a written document. I believe you have seen it! ”

“Our police handled this case in accordance with relevant laws and regulations! The entire case handling process complies with relevant laws and regulations and conforms to objective facts! The entire case handling process and the handling results are legal and effective!”

“If you have any questions, please submit written materials in accordance with the law and go through the first-level department for review and review! I am the main handler of this incident and can be responsible for the results at that time! My words are over!”

“No, no, no!” Yang Yansong hurriedly waved his hand and said, “Officer Zhou, you have misunderstood! We are not questioning the results of your police handling.”

“We just want to get a deeper understanding of the cause and process of the entire incident, and then come up with a result that we all agree with.”

“Oh?” Zhou Renjie was taken aback, and said in a puzzled way: “I don’t understand what you said. What is the result that we all agree with? What does this mean?”

“We have issued relevant written materials with the autograph of the case handler and the effective official seal of our unit! That has legal effect!”

“The whole process of handling the case and the facts are clear and clear at a glance. I really don’t understand, what more results do you want!”

Zhou Renjie frowned vigorously and involuntarily glanced at Zhang Tianzong.

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly and picked up the mineral water again indifferently…

Yang Yansong also glanced at Zhang Tianzong, and said with a smile: “What I want to ask is, is there any fact that Zhang Tianzong committed a crime in this incident?”

Instructor Zhou said with a serious expression: “According to the results of the investigation at the time, it is proved that Mr. Zhang Tianzong had no subjective intention to commit a crime, and there was no factual result of the crime!”

“That’s why they will be exempt from arrest and accusation, otherwise they will be severely punished in accordance with the law! This is the result of the entire incident!”

“But I’m very curious, what exactly is the so-called “result approved by everyone” that Director Yang wants? Humph!”

Instructor Zhou’s words are very fair, but there are also personal emotions, and it is obvious that he has a lot of dissatisfaction with Yang Yansong.

At the same time, it can be seen that the instructor Zhou is talking to Zhang Tianzong intentionally.

Yang Yansong smiled and said, “Instructor Zhou, don’t be so excited! We are just for work. This is also under further review and investigation!”

“If you can’t investigate this issue from an all-round perspective, how can you come to a fair conclusion? This matter has to be repeatedly demonstrated! This is the result that everyone agrees! I say that, can you understand? ?”

“But… as far as I know, there is a fine in your handling results! I would like to ask, this fine… under what circumstances is there such a penalty?”

Instructor Zhou frowned vigorously again and said: “If there is a violation of the rules, but the bottom line of the law is not violated, a fine will be imposed!”

“Oh? Then… So, in this case, Mr. Zhang Tianzong had a factual behavior that violated the rules?”

“Um… there is a violation of the rules, but there is absolutely no violation of the law involved!”

Instructor Zhou looked at Zhang Tianzong apologetically, and Zhang Tianzong responded with a smile.

“Okay! Now that the matter has been investigated clearly! Then I think… there is no need to continue the review, right? I announce…”

“Wait!” Shen Yunxi said with a serious expression: “I can prove that the videos circulating on the Internet are real! Please see everyone!”

Shen Yunxi took out a stack of A4 papers from his bag and said, “I personally investigated and interviewed more than 100 patients who had participated in the free clinic activities! And I seriously made a record of the visit!”

“According to their dictation, all patients are cured! What I have in my hand is the visit record! Each visit record has the patient’s autograph and the fingerprint is pressed!”

“So, it can be proved that the video of the treatment process circulating on the Internet is true! Please check it out!”

Yang Yansong shook his head and said, “Officer Shen, there is no need to look at your visit records! It is no longer a matter of whether those videos are true or not!”

“Zhang Tianzong has violated the rules! With this, he is not qualified to take the exam!”

“And I can make it clear that due to Zhang Tianzong’s own fault! Not only did he lose the qualification for the exam this time, he will no longer be qualified for the exam! The exam will be banned for life!”

“What! You are deliberately burying and suppressing talents! You are jealous of talents! What is your heart! Are you leaders like that? Humph!”

“Officer Shen! Please pay attention to your words! I have the right to hold you accountable for slandering others!”

“Hmph! If I didn’t wear this police uniform, I would have beaten you! If you have the ability, you can sue me! As long as I don’t wear this uniform anymore, I promise to beat you as soon as possible! Hmph!”



Zhang Tianzong suddenly laughed, and immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

“why are you laughing!”

Zhang Tianzong looked at Yang Yansong and said, “I felt funny and naturally laughed! Director Yang, as far as I know, you were a clinician before you took an administrative position, right?”

“I remember a legend about you circulated in the market, and you once violated the rules! Didn’t you?”

“Nonsense! This is slander!”

“Defilement? Hahaha… Nineteen years ago, you were also an undocumented intern at that time! You also rescued a person by the roadside, but unfortunately, that person’s treatment was ineffective, Death!”

“Furthermore, the patient’s family also took you to court, saying that you were practicing medicine without a license and that there was a suspicion of improper treatment!”

“This matter is well documented. It’s useless if you want to deny it! In the end, you were fined as a result of the handling. Am I right? Director Yang!”

As soon as these words were spoken, the eyes of Shen Haiping, Jin Guohua, Zhou Yilong, Zhou Renjie and Shen Yunxi all brightened!

Only Xu Jingwen stared at Yang Yansong in surprise.


Yang Yansong was speechless and took out his handkerchief to wipe cold sweat.

He never expected that this matter had been in the dust for more than 20 years, and the information dissemination channels at that time were not as developed as they are now. Few people knew about it. How could Zhang Tianzong know about it?

Nineteen years ago… he was only five or six years old! How did he know this?

Yang Yansong calmed his mind and said: “That was when I saw the patient fainted on the side of the road and couldn’t bear to watch him die like that, so I had no choice but to help!”

“But the patient’s condition is really too serious. In the process of rescue, the rescue was ineffective. That is also a matter of reason!”

“Furthermore, the autopsy results issued by the medical appraisal department in the end showed that there was no problem with my rescue process! That matter has already been concluded! Needless to say!”

“Hahaha… Instructor Zhou, from this point of view, your police station does not have much authority! Your handling results are not good!”

“I really didn’t hear it, what’s the difference between me and Director Yang’s thing! Hahaha…”

“Humph!” Yang Yansong said with a cold snort, “The difference is big! I have no choice but to do it! But you, you are deliberately showing off!”

“Just talk about your free clinic activity some time ago. It’s all about promoting the business under the banner of a free clinic! Then you can eat the sponsorship fee and reap the rewards!”

“We have sufficient evidence! It can be proved that the pharmaceutical factory of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. participated in the free consultation activity!”

“And the direct participant is the general manager of the pharmaceutical factory, Li Tingting! What else do you have to say?”

“Huh?” Zhang Tianzong said with an unusually serious expression: “Your Excellency, what you say from your mouth is counted as representing the government! You are responsible for what you say!”

“The police are here. Do you have any evidence for what you said? If you can’t show evidence, I can sue you for defamation!”

“The free clinic activity is an open activity, and all related expenses incurred are all open and transparent! Moreover, there is absolutely no charge for patients!”

“Furthermore, even the sponsors don’t have any doubts. What do you mean when you have three noses and eyes? Does it mean that there is nothing wrong with wanting to add crime?”

“Furthermore, when I was first aid, when I treated the patient, I cured the patient! And you put the person to death!”

“Regardless of whether the patient’s cause of death has anything to do with you, it turns out to be that way! The fact is that you didn’t cure it! Your medical skills are not good! A doctor like you still has the face to say that I am? You deserve it too!”

“You! Presumptuous! Who are you talking to!”

“I’ll talk to you? What’s the point? Can you just hold a big hat to press people as a leader? That way! I take out my phone and let’s have a live broadcast! Let the people of the whole network comment! Take a look! Who is right and who is wrong in this matter! Do you dare?”


Yang Yansong also suddenly realized that his way of speaking was a bit radical, and he was unconsciously aroused by Zhang Tianzong…

He hurriedly changed his words and said: “The rumors all say so! This is called no wind and no waves! When you just said about me, didn’t you start with rumors? Humph!”

“Although I didn’t really believe in the sponsorship fee, I have enough reason to believe that you did it intentionally in that illegal medical practice!”

“Oh? What do you mean by that?”

Zhang Tianzong squinted at him coldly!

“What do you mean? Huh! I have evidence that you at that time deliberately prevented qualified doctors from practicing medicine, and then you deliberately show off your medical skills for the purpose of establishing your own reputation! What is your medical ethics! Humph! There is a certificate of inviting people. !”

“Huh? There is still a personal certificate? Hahaha…Okay, then I really have to take a good look at who this certification is!”

——To be continued——

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