Village Doctor.

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

After arriving at the Municipal Health Bureau, Shen Haiping called the phone right after he parked the car.

“Tianzong! Why haven’t you come here yet? It’s almost time! The supervisor repeatedly reiterated that it’s out of date! You have to hurry up!”

“Come, here! I just parked the car, there was a traffic jam on the road, and it was coming soon.”

“Good, good! I’ll wait for you at the entrance of the office building, hurry up! There are still some things that I have to tell you in advance!”

“Oh oh oh! Wait a minute, I’ll be there soon.”

After a while, the two met.

“Uncle Shen, I’m really puzzled! I have never heard that an interview is required before the medical qualification certificate is taken! What’s the situation? Are there any new regulations?”

“You didn’t say it clearly on the phone… and I was so anxious. I didn’t have any preparations at this point. What was there during the interview?”

“Come here! Come here, I will tell you in detail!”

Shen Haiping took Zhang Tianzong’s arm and pulled him to the corner of the wall.

Shen Haiping whispered: “In this case, something went wrong with your registration! Now we need to review whether you are eligible for reference!”

“What do you mean? Review…reference qualifications? Don’t I have the qualifications for the exam? Can’t…”

Shen Haiping frowned and said: “Now there are three main points of contention. First, you don’t have enough working hours for internship at the Chinese Medicine Hospital!”

“No matter what the reason is, the working hours are not enough, it is not enough! This matter is not easy to fix…”

“The second point of contention is that your family inheritance of medical skills is unclear! After all, your grandfather has passed away, so no one can prove whether you got the true transmission of his old man!”

“Third, there are questions about the results of the incident in which you were taken to the police station for illegal medical practice!”

“Also, the business license of your clinic is still your grandfather’s name, and there is a suspicion of opening a clinic illegally!”

“Oh?” Zhang Tianzong frowned and said, “That is to say…regardless of whether you sign up with a medical degree or family inheritance, it won’t work now! Is it?”

“Furthermore, it is possible that I am suspected of breaking the law and regulations! Then not only will I be deprived of my qualifications for registration, but there may even be a possibility that I will never be a doctor again in this life, right?”

Shen Haiping was very embarrassed and said: “I… I didn’t expect things to get to this point! Originally, when I helped you sign up, it went smoothly.”

“But when the city reviewed the qualifications of the applicants for reference, they were stopped! And your application materials were directly rejected!”

“After I heard about this, in the afternoon, Jin Guohua, the president of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and your tutor Zhou Yilong, plus my honorary vice president.”

“Go to the health bureaus in the county and the city together, and find the leaders in charge to fight for reasons! After multi-party consultation, I finally got you this opportunity for an on-site audit.”

“You have to take this matter seriously! When you talk later, you must think about it before you talk! Try to avoid the important and don’t get caught in the pigtail…”

“Um…” Zhang Tianzong thought for a while and said: “I understand it. To put it bluntly is to confront on the spot! I know! That…Do you know who is in charge of today’s review?”

“I know about this! The audit team consists of tripartite personnel! The leaders of the county and city health bureaus, the leaders of our University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the police representatives! The police are mainly the main handlers handling your case, and Yun Xi is also there. in!”

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly, nodded and said: “I know! Don’t worry, I know it! I am not afraid of shadows! Let’s break it apart, crush it, and show everything for everyone to take a good look! I believe Fairness and freedom!”

“Well! If you have confidence, it’s fine! The location is in the small conference hall on the fourth floor. It starts on time at ten o’clock, let’s go up first! I have applied for the status of a temporary observer and can go in with you!”

“Yeah! It’s so formal! Let’s go, let’s go!”

Zhang Tianzong didn’t care about striding forward the stairs of the meteor. In fact, according to his inner thoughts, it was really not a big deal not to test.

He knows best how his own medical skills are! But the industry system has express regulations, so you have to take this exam…

When they first entered the small conference room, when they saw that there was no one in the room, they just found a seat and sat down.

Shen Haiping whispered a lot of things again. To put it bluntly, he prepared a lot of rhetoric for him so that he could answer later.

Zhang Tianzong listened to what Shen Haiping said, smiled and nodded.

Just a little after 9:30, Jin Guohua and Professor Zhou Yilong, the president of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, walked in first.

Zhang Tianzong saw that it was them and hurriedly stood up.

Of these two people, one is their own tutor, and the other is the principal when they were in college.

Even if you are in the spirit of respecting the teacher and respecting the Tao, you have to look at them differently and treat them with special respect!

What’s more, when he was in school, the two of them took special care of him, and they were very kind from the point of view of personal feelings.

They both nodded to Zhang Tianzong at the same time, but no one said a word, and gave him a look to indicate that there was someone behind, it was not easy to talk…

Zhang Tianzong nodded lightly and looked behind them. It turned out that it was the police officer handling the case, Instructor Zhou and Shen Yunxi.

The people in the back were a man and two women, Zhang Tianzong didn’t know each other, but when he looked at the look and temperament, he could see that they were the leaders of the Health Bureau.

After the seven of them sat down, a female leader wearing glasses stood up and said with a smile: “Excuse me, is Mr. Zhang Tianzong here?”

“Here! I am!”

The woman still kept smiling and nodded and said, “Well, first introduce myself. I am the head of the review and approval team of the Municipal Health Bureau. My name is Xu Jingwen. I am responsible for the presiding of today’s temporary meeting!”

“This is the Director of the Municipal Health Bureau, Director Yang Yansong! The Director of the X County Health Bureau, Director Hou Siqi.”

“This is Professor Jin Guohua, the president of the Provincial University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and this is Zhou Yilong, the lecturer and professor of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine!”

“These two are Instructor Zhou Renjie and Police Officer Shen Yunxi! This is Professor Haiping Shen, Honorary Vice President of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and is an on-site observer of this review meeting.”

After she finished speaking, the audience was applauded not too loudly but very solemnly.

Xu Jingwen went on to say: “Since all the relevant personnel at the meeting have already been seated, this special review meeting will now begin. First of all, Mr. Zhang Tianzong will be invited to introduce himself.”

Zhang Tianzong stood up politely, nodded and said: “Hello everyone, I am Zhang Tianzong! I once graduated from the Provincial University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with the first place in all subjects.”

“During my studies, I studied general clinical diagnosis and treatment of Chinese medicine, majored in computer application and programming, and mastered the family heritage of Chinese medicine! From the age of five, I began to follow my grandfather to learn all kinds of Chinese medicine knowledge!”

“Seriously introduce, my grandfather is the chief physician, doctoral tutor, and professor of Chinese medicine! Zhang Weiguo, who has the title of Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the inheritor of Dayan Acupuncture! My personal introduction is over.”

After Zhang Tianzong finished speaking, he sat down gently, picked up the mineral water that had been prepared on the table long ago with a smile, unscrewed the lid and took a sip.

Xu Jingwen looked through the information in her hand, raised her head and said, “Next, Mr. Zhang Tianzong will refer to the qualification question and start on-site review and audit work!”

“Mr. Zhang Tianzong, I will ask a few questions next, please be sure to answer positively. In order to make an accurate and comprehensive assessment!”

“Okay! Excuse me!”

“Well! When did Mr. Zhang graduated from the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine? How long did he have an internship in a regular medical institution?”

“I got my graduation certificate and degree certificate in mid-October last year. I had already practiced in the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine before that. The internship lasted eight months and 27 days!”

“Because some people in the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine cheated for personal gains, I had to leave the hospital! This matter has been officially notified and there is a certificate to check! After returning home, I have worked in the private clinic opened by my grandfather until now! Answer complete!”

Xu Jingwen glanced at the information in his hand again and said: “According to the information we have, even if you include the length of work in the private clinic, your total working time is eleven months and eight days! Am I right?”


“That’s good! There is no controversy about this issue. Although only more than 20 days are missing, according to relevant regulations, the duration of the internship is really not enough!”

“The second controversial issue is that Mr. Zhang is now asked to prove that he has the inheritance of family medicine. In other words, please clearly prove that you have completely accepted the inheritance and mastered the family medicine.”

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly and said: “Some time ago, with my active promotion, a three-day free clinic was launched! There was a live webcast of the whole process at that time!”

“There are traces of things that have been spread on the Internet! Now you can also find a complete video of the treatment process at that time on the Internet. Can’t this be proven?”

Xu Jingwen nodded and said: “We have indeed retrieved the relevant videos, but at the same time we have also questioned the authenticity of the videos circulating on the Internet! Please Mr. Zhang to provide proof of the authenticity of the video content!”

“Proof of the authenticity of the video content?” Zhang Tianzong frowned and said, “When the free clinic was held, there were so many patients and onlookers!”

“Moreover, at that time, our local mayor and village chief were also present. They are all official personnel, right? You can also ask them for proof! Ask me what proof do I need?”

“Huh? In other words… you can’t prove it now, can you?”

“I said! Among those present at the time, there was an official person supervising the scene!”

Xu Jingwen shook his head and said: “The two official personnel you mentioned are not medical workers, so they do not have the qualifications to prove whether the medical process is true and effective! If so…”

Xu Jingwen turned his head and glanced at Yang Yansong, director of the Municipal Health Bureau.

Yang Yansong nodded and said, “Go directly to the next agenda! Ask the police staff to explain and explain Zhang Tianzong’s illegal medical practice!”

Zhang Tianzong frowned when he heard this!

I thought to myself: What kind of interview is this? Nor is it an audit, this is clearly an audit!

——To be continued——

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