Village Doctor.

Chapter 207

Chapter 207 Your Good Life Is Over

Soon after Yang Yansong’s voice fell, he heard the sound of the door of the conference room being pushed open!

Then I saw two people walking in from the door, and they both knew Zhang Tianzong!

It is Fu Junxue and his apprentice Li Minghui!

There is no need to ask carefully, Zhang Tianzong also understands it!

The reason why this meeting was aimed at him so much today is that they are making troubles from it!

Zhang Tianzong squinted his eyes and looked at them, and his hatred suddenly grew!

Fu Junxue smiled and said, “Everyone! I took the liberty to enter the meeting site and say sorry! Let me introduce myself. My name is Fu Junxue!”

“Currently in the Imperial Capital Chinese Medicine Research Association, serving as an academic researcher in the’Chinese Medicinal Materials Prescription Research Group’! This is my student, Li Minghui!”

Yang Yansong hurriedly stood up, and said with a smile: “Master Fu, I’m really sorry, for such a trivial incident…”

“Huh? You can’t say that. Anything that involves the medical profession is no trivial matter! Because medicine is closely related to life! What’s more, I can’t tolerate a scum with corrupt medical ethics, delusional attempts to mix into the medical profession!”

“If such people can get in, it would be a blasphemy to the entire medical profession, and it would be irresponsible to the patients! That would be killing people! Humph!”

“Yes, yes, what Master Fu said is too right! That… As far as I know, in the incident of Zhang Tianzong illegally practicing medicine, you were on the scene at that time?”

“Yes! I still clearly remember that there was a young couple holding a child and blocking in front of the hotel begging me to treat their child. I still had official duties, so I really didn’t have time!”

“But in the professional spirit of doctors to save the dying and heal the wounded, I really can’t bear to die! So I rescued it. And I also used the ancestral secret technique of acupuncture and moxibustion to treat the child!”

“In the first half of the treatment, the patient was already getting better, but this Zhang Tianzong suddenly appeared and he unlawfully pulled out the silver needle under my cloth without permission, causing the patient to have an asthma attack! Fortunately, due to my proper treatment in the first half of the period, there was no such thing. Make a big mistake! Otherwise…”

“Shut up!” Zhang Tianzong couldn’t listen anymore, and said loudly, “Fu Junxue! No matter who said the word medical ethics, I can discuss with him in depth, but you! You are not worthy!”

“You are nothing more than relying on a few prescriptions uploaded by your ancestors to invigorate the kidney and impotence, and you are just trying to swindle and deceive people! You are a quack, what acupuncture and moxibustion are you worthy of talking about? A joke! What a big joke!”

“Zhang Tianzong!” Yang Yansong said loudly: “Pay attention to your words! Respect the old senior! This is not your place to go wild!”

“Respect? Hahaha…he deserves it too! Huh? I wonder, why did you two fit into one trouser leg? His…oh! I get it!”

“Yang Yansong, have you taken a decoction for nourishing the kidney and strengthening yang in the past few days? Did Fu Junxue prescribe it for you? Hahaha…I understand, I understand!”

Yang Yansong was taken aback, his face flushed.

Fu Junxue proudly said: “It was the prescription I prescribed, and it was cured by me! What’s wrong! Is there anything wrong with this?”

“Cure? Hahaha…Master Fu, is the prescription you prescribed for him a tonic decoction?”

“So what?” Fu Junxue said with a frown, “Zhang Tianzong, I didn’t expect you to be really capable of seeing a doctor. You can see this?”

Zhang Tianzong ignored him, but smiled and said, “Yang Yansong! You have a hypertrophic male disease! Basically you want to do that every day, right?”

“Because of this, you have hollowed out your body, right! But you have been unable to control yourself! Am I right?”

“But! Fu Junxue just prescribes you a prescription for tonic and impotence, which makes you hyperactive and hyperactive! Intensify! This is adding fuel to the fire! Hehehe…this beautiful and generous Ms. Xu Jingwen, you You can enjoy a happy life!”

“You…what do you mean by this! What do you mean by talking between you, why are you talking about me! Don’t talk nonsense!”

Xu Jingwen said loudly in a panic, subconsciously tidying up her clothes, she thought it was because of something stained with her own clothes that Zhang Tianzong could see the clues!

Yang Yansong gave Xu Jingwen a vigorous look and motioned her to calm down!

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly and said, “I really don’t want to say more about your troubles! And, as far as I know, you are both single. Even if you really do something, it’s not an exaggeration! Female love is very normal!”

“But, Fu Junxue! I have something to say about you, an old man! Do you think that you pretend to be a good-looking man all day, no one knows that you are a quack doctor?”

“Daddy tells you the truth! I recorded everything that day with my phone! And, that video has been saved until now!”

“You didn’t expect this, did you think that there is no video of the event at the time on the Internet, so you can reverse the black and white and distort the facts?”


Fu Junxue stared at Zhang Tianzong!

He also suspected that Zhang Tianzong had a video, but according to common sense, when Zhang Tianzong was arrested at the police station, in order to open up his own fault, he would definitely prove Fu Junxue’s treatment failure at the first time, and then he would shoot!

Fu Junxue and Li Minghui had already figured out their excuses, and they were going to confront Zhang Tianzong!

However, no one on the left came to look for him, and no one from the police on the right.

That’s why he judged that Zhang Tianzong must have no evidence, even if Zhang Tianzong said what he said in the police station, the police would not believe it!

But he was also wondering, why would the police not interrogate him because he is both the informant and the subject of the incident? He never wanted to understand this matter…

Only now did he understand that Zhang Tianzong didn’t say anything deliberately! Why is this? Could it be that he had anticipated this day long ago!

Can’t… This is too ridiculous!

No, I can’t be scared by him! Be sure to stabilize! Must be gnawing me!

Even if he can’t be ruined, he can’t be allowed to take the qualification exam, otherwise it will be hard to dispel my hatred! snort!

“Zhang Tianzong! Even if you have a clever tongue, facts speak louder than words! No matter how you slander me, you can’t avoid the fact that you violated the rules! You can’t deny this!”

“Hahaha…have you started playing rogues, right? Fu Junxue! Originally I wanted to give you some face, but since I’ve torn my face today, don’t blame me for turning over the bill! If daddy gets caught today Disqualified. I must drag you down!”

“You! Humph! I’m afraid you don’t have that ability!”

“Really? Then give it a try!”

“Everyone here is listening, he is threatening me, threatening me!”

at this time!

“Bang Dang”!

Suddenly, the door was opened!

Seeing the people walking in, Yang Yansong was taken aback!

He hurried up with a smile on his face: “Yo! Secretary-General Zhang, why are you here! Hurry up, come in! Yeah! Director Yuan Zhiqiang of the Municipal Bureau! Director Wang Hui of the County Bureau, you two are here too! Come in soon!”

The three people walked in blankly. Secretary-General Zhang stood in front of the crowd and said firmly: “I am the Secretary-General of the Provincial Health Department, Zhang Yadong! I now announce a decision on behalf of the Provincial Health Department!”

“In view of Comrade Zhang Tianzong’s outstanding performance and outstanding achievements in clinical medical work! As well as the inheritance and importance of family inherited medical skills to existing Chinese medicine, in accordance with relevant regulations and policies, Comrade Zhang Tianzong is hereby approved to be exempted from examination to obtain medical qualifications!”

“After the special approval of the first-level department, Comrade Zhang Tianzong was directly promoted and obtained the qualification of doctor! Comrade Zhang Tianzong, I will issue you a doctor qualification certificate on behalf of the Provincial Department of Health!”

“Also, this is your doctor’s license! Your registered work unit is the private clinic opened by your grandfather Zhang Lao!”

“Since Mr. Zhang has passed away regrettably, all the procedures in the clinic can only be voided! After a careful decision, all the procedures will be changed to your name! This is all the newly changed business license and related procedures, please accept them together !”

“Thank you, thank you for your trust in me! Thank you for your affirmation from the medical and health department!”

After a brief surprise, Zhang Tianzong was very excited to accept a red notebook and a green notebook, as well as many new procedures in the clinic, as well as several plastic licenses issued by various related departments.

At this moment, Yuan Zhiqiang immediately said: “After investigation! Fu Junxue has serious violations and illegal acts! His student Li Minghui is indeed a suspected accomplice! Now he has decided to open a case for investigation and arrest!”

“This is an arrest warrant! Please take a look at both of you! Come here! Handcuff them!”


As soon as the voice fell, a large number of police officers rushed in!

“Impossible! Impossible! You can’t catch me! You can’t catch me! I was wronged, wronged! I was wronged…uuuu…”

Fu Junxue struggled hard, yelling desperately! Moreover, the nose burst into tears and burst into tears…

“No! You must have made a mistake! You made a mistake!” Li Minghui struggled and said loudly, “It has nothing to do with me! It doesn’t matter!”

“It’s all him! It’s all good things done by this old guy! It doesn’t matter to me! I report, I report! I want to be a taint witness!”

Fu Junxue glared his eyes and shouted loudly: “Li Minghui, you are a wolf-hearted thing! White-eyed wolf!”

“Huh! You still have the face to say me? You even pit your own old man! Isn’t his family property deceived by you? You dare to say that your old man’s death has nothing to do with you? Pooh! Face me!”

“Shut up! You shut up!”

Yuan Zhi said with a strong voice: “Take them both away! Immediately for interrogation! We must dig deep and special! We must examine everything!”

“Yes! Guarantee to complete the task! Take it away!”

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly and said: “Before daddy kicked you, you just went into the water obediently! This makes the French Open so sparse and not leaking! Your good days of domineering are over! Hahaha… ”

“Zhang Tianzong! Wait for me! Wait! You will end up worse than me! Hahaha…”

“Huh! Fu Junxue, you old dog! I’m waiting! Daddy really wants to see what else you have to rely on! Even if you can ascend to the sky, Daddy can pick you off the clouds! Bah!”

——To be continued——

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