Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 274: Ci'an's wedding night and the southern expedition of the Hunan Army

Chapter 274 Ci’an’s bridal chamber is decorated with flowers and candles! The Hunan Army is marching south!

(It has been reviewed and I will modify it)

This fierce water battle lasted for about two hours.

Because of the ambush, the combined navies of the United States and Russia lost their command structure and combat formation. In addition, they were besieged by ground artillery and the main force of Su Yi's navy, and suffered unprecedented losses.

In the end, they paid a huge price, left the battlefield, and quickly retreated towards the Yangtze River Estuary in Shanghai.

At this time, the navy brothers who were excited to kill wanted to continue the pursuit, but Vice Admiral Count Jurgen ordered a suspension of the battle.

Because it will be dark soon.

Moreover, the enemy coalition forces have now regrouped into a battle formation.

Next, Su Yi's naval fleet began to collect mines on the river.

Laying mines feels great for a while, but clearing mines is almost exhausting.

In addition, many U.S. and Russian naval warships sank during this battle, and countless soldiers fell into the water.

They all need to be rescued and used as hostages.

Xu Youren said: "General Jurgen, why don't you take advantage of the victory and pursue it?"

Vice Admiral Jurgen said: "There are three reasons. The first reason is that it will be dark soon. For a brand-new navy like ours, night fighting is very dangerous. On the contrary, the enemy is very sophisticated. Even my pirates often fight at night. combat, but half of our navy are new boys."

"The second reason is that the navies of the United States and Russia are still very united, but after this fiasco and the fermentation of time, they may not continue to be united."

"The third reason is that actual combat is too precious for the navy. And a real navy can never only fight on the Yangtze River, but needs to fight on the ocean. Now the enemy navy has suffered this After the tragic defeat, our strength is no longer as good as ours, so even if we reach the ocean, we will not be at a disadvantage. "

"This victory is accidental and difficult to replicate. Most of the credit is due to mines. We fought too smoothly, which will give the recruits an illusion that naval combat is so simple, so this is a once-in-a-lifetime victory." Opportunities need to be given to them to increase their strength and fight on the ocean.”

Suddenly, Xu Youren was convinced.

I feel that compared to myself, Count Jurgen is indeed a professional naval commander.


The Hunan Army's appeal against Su was fermented in various ways and spread throughout the world.

Because of carrier pigeons, messengers from many places have not yet arrived, but they have already received this message.

Almost all the governors sighed.

Almost a year later, the drum finally sounded.

However, after receiving this crusade, the governors of each province issued the same order.

No discussion!

But privately, there is an undercurrent.

So do most governors support the Hunan Army or Su Yi?

In addition to the northwest provinces and the provinces directly related to Su Yi, the governors of other provinces were on the side of the Hunan Army from the bottom of their hearts.

Because Su Yi was too domineering, he had been tightening his local power since he took office.

The previous governor was the Tu Emperor, with great power in his hands.

Because of the large-scale establishment of the Lijin Bureau and the organization of team training, they have financial power and military power in their hands.

After Su Yi takes office, all these powers will be taken back.

So to a certain extent, the Hunan Army was also fighting thunder in the front for these governors.

However, they did not dare to ask these governors to support the Hunan Army.

I can only support it from my heart and spirit.


Above the court, this crusade was also received.

Empress Dowager Ci'an meant to completely block this piece of propaganda.

Because she can't understand? This statement is 60% true and 40% false.

She knew all too well the late emperor's complaints about Su Yi.

Therefore, she was very worried that the banner ministers in Beijing would follow this crusade and cause trouble, so she wanted to directly block it completely.

It must be said that Ci'an is a typical Manchu thinking.

Therefore, Su Yi joked at that time: "You have the same thinking as Emperor Gaozong, just block it, don't talk about it, don't say it, and create a literary inquisition."

Ci'an suddenly acted coquettishly: "I hate people. They are obviously worried about you, so they want to completely block you, but you arranged for me like this."

Next, instead of blocking the proclamation, Su Yi had it read aloud in the court hall.

After reading, Empress Dowager Ci'an glanced at Su Yi, and then angrily said: "People like Zeng Guofan are really ambitious. The late emperor did have conflicts with Su Yi, but it was also a fight between brothers."

"Before his death, the late emperor personally went to Jiujiang and attended the wedding of Princess Shouxi and Su Yi, which means that the two brothers have reconciled."

"I am the queen. I don't know what kind of legacy the late emperor will have?"

"Zaiyuan, you are also a minister who cares about life. Does the late emperor have these edicts?"

The foreman of the military aircraft, Prince Yi Zaiyuan, said: "Reporting to the Queen Mother, Zeng Guofan's statement and the so-called late emperor's edict are completely false and ridiculous."

"The first few items mentioned here, including the dismantling of the Eight Banners Army, the reform of flag affairs, etc. In fact, the late emperor had similar ideas before his death, but he was unable to carry them out due to lack of physical and mental strength."

"The late Emperor also told me many times that when the British and French allied forces attacked the capital, and during the Battle of Baliqiao, there were more than 100,000 people in the Eight Banners camp in Beijing. What was the result? How many people could be sent to the battlefield? We had to come from Mongolia. The cavalry was sent to join the war, but what was the composition of Monk King's Mongolian cavalry? Others didn't know, and didn't everyone here know? They were just herdsmen before the war started, and they had no decent training at all. It is also more effective than the Eight Banners Beijing Camp, at least they dare to directly attack the British and French allied forces. "

"Therefore, the late Emperor said more than once that the Eight Banners Army has become extremely rotten and cannot do anything without reform or disorganization."

"There is also the reform of banner affairs. The late emperor complained to us more than once, saying that these bannermen pick up birds and play with crickets every day, and millions of people lie on the Qing Dynasty to suck blood. It has reached the point where it cannot be done without reform."

"If the flag affairs are not reformed, it will not only cause financial difficulties for the imperial court, but more importantly, millions of banner people will be ruined."

"Especially regarding the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the late Emperor asked me many times why eggs cost several taels of silver each? Are private eggs also so expensive?"

"All the above words and deeds represent that the late emperor also wanted to reform military affairs and reform flag affairs, but he was really powerless."

"Therefore, Zeng Guofan's so-called legacy of the late emperor is completely contrary to the will of the late emperor."

Zaiyuan made an impassioned speech and became more and more excited.

After listening to this, the officials present had only one sentence in their hearts: You are awesome.

People can be so shameless.

Everyone knew that the late emperor was a conservative, and he could not even mention a single word about reforming military affairs or reforming flag affairs.

You, Zaiyuan, made this up in order to please Su Yi.

Referring to a deer as a horse, confusing right and wrong.

The little Empress Dowager Ci'an was not that thick-skinned, so she blushed slightly when she heard these words.

But she was still grateful to Zai Yuan. There were some lies that he couldn't tell, but it was good to hear them from Zai Yuan's mouth.

Anyway, half of the ministers who cared about their lives were already dead.

Seng Gelinqin, Ronglu, Yi and others are left, do you still dare to come forward and deny it?

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "Whether they are in Beijing or local governments, officials of seventh rank and above must submit memorials to refute the crusade of Zeng Guofan and others."

"We must let everyone in the world see clearly that Zeng Guofan and others are the real traitors and traitors."

"In the face of such great matters of right and wrong, whoever dares not to go to court to refute this false statement is not qualified to be an official of our Qing Dynasty."

"Everyone must write, and no one should be missing."

"Lord Hui Zheng of the General Affairs Department."

Hui Zheng, the general envoy, came out and said, "The slave is here."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "I will keep an eye on whoever has not written a memorial. Please give me the list."

Hui Zheng said: "I obey the order."

Then, Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "Zaiyuan, Wenxiang, Ruilin."

Three people came out: "The slave is here."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "Your military department must read these memorials carefully. It will not do if your position is not clear, it will not do if you make insinuations, and it will not do if you are vague."

"If there are memorials that are not thoroughly criticized, you must single them out, and the Political Affairs Hall, the Military Aircraft Department, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs must all issue special official documents to reprimand them."

"Those who do not repent after being rebuked will be severely punished immediately."

The three of them said in unison: "I obey the order."

All the civil and military officials in the court felt strange.

Queen Mother, are you... your reaction too intense?

In Zeng Guofan's crusade, he firmly supports the two empress dowagers, especially you, the empress dowager. Their only desire is to drive Su Yi out of power.

Are you reacting so fiercely because you are afraid that others will not tell you about your affair with Su Yi?

"Draft a decree to remove Peng Yulin from the post of governor of Hubei."

"Removing Li Hanzhang from the post of governor of Hunan."

"Removing Luo Bingzhang from the post of Governor of Sichuan."

"I decree that all the armies in the four provinces of Anhui, Hubei, Hunan, and Sichuan will attack Zeng Guofan and other rebellious parties."

Inside Zhongcui Palace.

"Will these people in the capital take the opportunity to cause trouble?" Ci'an asked.

Su Yi said: "Not now."

Ci'an said: "That's because I have been killed by you three times and I am afraid of being killed. Otherwise, there would have been trouble by this time. Maybe they will gather again, surround the palace, and force me into the palace."

After being massacred three times, I should have memories.

Moreover, the 20,000 bannermen in Shengjing and the capital were all exiled to the front line to build defense lines.

"She shouldn't be scared to come back, right?" Ci'an said suddenly.

Su Yi said: "No."

Ci'an said: "If the Hunan Army really leads the army to kill Jiujiang, she will definitely return to Beijing. I know her best."

Su Yi said: "I've never seen you feel so bitter towards her before?"

Ci'an said: "Before, I didn't care."

Then, she asked softly: "Are you going south soon?"

Su Yi said: "Yeah."

Ci'an asked again: "After going south, are you going north to the battlefield in Heilongjiang?"

Su Yi said: "Yeah."

Ci'an said: "Then...then, as you said before, hold a small ceremony for me and arrange a bridal chamber with flowers and candles, so hurry up."

Su Yi had coaxed her and said that the neuralgia would be cured in two months.

In fact, after two months, there is still no recovery, but the frequency is indeed getting lower and lower, and the pain level is getting lighter and lighter.

"Okay." Su Yi said softly.

Then, Ci'an raised his head slightly and pursed his lips.

Su Yi stepped forward to kiss.

Going deeper and deeper.

After a long while, she panted and said, "Look, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Then, she lay on Su Yi's lap and asked, "Why do you have to let her have the baby?"

Su Yi said: "Because I want to downplay her desire for power and want to have a good result with her."

She looked up at Su Yi and said, "Then, do you want me to have a child?"

Su Yi said: "I think so."

Ci'an asked: "Why?"

Su Yi said: "I want you to be happy."

Ci'an cried: "I...I'm just afraid that I won't be able to have children."

Su Yi said: "Not necessarily. The late emperor was weak, but I am strong."

Ci'an said: "Really? I think it makes some sense, and because I'm impatient about it, there are very few. Also, my thoughts weren't very strong before, but now I can think about it."

Then, she added: "If I really get pregnant in the future, I will worship Buddha in the palace and will not go to court. But I will not go to Jiujiang. I will find a place to hide in Beijing and give birth to the child." Come down."

"But it's so pitiful for a child to be born without a name or status."

"Otherwise, after birth, it will be in Zhenzhen's name."

"Oh, this is not good either."

Little Queen Mother, you are off topic.

You think too far, are your thoughts so divergent?

It was not until evening, after having dinner with the little Queen Mother, that he left the palace and went home.

The relationship between her and the Yehenala family is still very secretive. Except for a few people, most people don't know.

However, there was already turmoil between him and the Niu Hulu family.

It's not that there is any evidence or anything like that, it's just a rumor, because he leaves the palace very late every day.

After returning home.

Zhenzhen is still waiting for him to eat.

After Su He and his wife attended the wedding, they left the capital and returned to Jiujiang.

At this time, there were only Su Yi and Zhenzhen at home.

I really enjoyed this time. I chatted endlessly at the dinner table, as if I had the same personality as seven or eight years ago.

"I, Enie, said that my Amma is really hypocritical. When I was sick at home, I kept saying that I was quiet and had few desires. Reading behind closed doors was very good and very happy. As a result, I have not read a few books in these years. I haven’t finished reading this book for several months. Now that I’ve returned to the center, I feel several years younger.”

Su Yi said: "My brothers have gone to Jiujiang, are you reluctant to part with them, Madam?"

Zhenzhen said: "I am definitely reluctant to let go, but when they were at home, Eni was also very annoyed. He was out of tune every day and didn't study well. He was just like my Amma."

Su Yi twisted her nose and said, "You are not allowed to arrange Master Ruilin like this."

After eating, Su Yi and Zhenzhen brushed their teeth in front of the sink side by side.

Then, enter the study room.

"This is today's summary." Zhenzhen said: "The first news came from Jiujiang. Yehenala expressed his determination to live and die with Jiujiang."

After reading it, she stuck out her tongue and expressed her attitude playfully.

She didn't like Yehenala's tone, and she always liked to talk big.

"The second news is that the heavy rain project failed again. The failure rate is very high. It may be difficult to catch up with the Heilongjiang battlefield this time."

The so-called heavy rain project is the Maxim machine gun.

Su Yi was numb to the news about the failure of this project.

"The third news is that on the Heilongjiang front, the Russians have been mobilized frequently recently, and there is a high probability that they will take action in advance."

"The fourth news is that the Never Disappear project has been blocked."

The so-called never-ending project is the radio project.

The process was very difficult. Although there were complete drawings, many components were not available in this world, and there were too few people who knew the relevant knowledge.

Half of this project team are foreigners, and they have signed a confidentiality agreement and an agreement not to leave China within ten years.

"The fifth project, Project Sekiro, is progressing smoothly."

The so-called Sekiro Plan is a latent operation against Japan.

The Intelligence Department asked Su Ye to name the plan. Su Ye remembered the famous game of later generations and named it the Sekiro Project. People in this world would not understand what this plan had to do with Japan.

Heilongjiang front line.

At this point, even though it’s already March.

It's still freezing cold, but it's much better than two or three months ago.

At this time, thousands of people were setting up defenses at the front of the position.

This time it was real barbed wire, and there were countless barbed wires stretching across the entire front line.

It's a pity that the barbed wire fence can't be laid for defense until the steel plant is officially put into large-scale production.

At this time, there were already 50,000 troops on the entire Heilongjiang front line.

"King Monk, there will probably be no more troops coming next, right?"

Seng Gelinqin shook his head and said: "No more, all the troops that can be mobilized have been mobilized."

Lin Qirong and Zhaobu also joined the Northern Expeditionary Army.

When Zhaobu arrived, Seng Gelinqin was stunned and said: "Why are you here too? After you leave the capital, who will be in charge of the capital's defense?"

Zhao preached: "Zhang Guoliang, Wang Tianbao."

Wang Tianbao, commander of the third brigade of the Second Division, came from Wang Tianyang's escort agency.

But the entire escort agency defected to Su Yi and became one of his earliest direct descendants. Wang Tianbao was not outstanding.

His martial arts skills are not high, and he is inactive and even seems dull.

Even after joining the New Army, he didn't show up for a long time because he was not very smart.

What really made him stand out was the battle to defend the Old Summer Palace with the British and French forces. The company he led was the most ruthless with bayonets, the most stunned and the most ferocious in combat.

He showed a kind of resilience and became stronger when strong, and he was quickly promoted since then. Now that the new army is undergoing a large expansion, he has also been promoted to brigade commander.

"Have a short meeting!" Seng Gelinqin said: "We are still improving the defense deployment..."

At this moment, rapid footsteps sounded outside.

"King Monk, King Monk, the Russians are moving."

"They might want to attack."

More than an hour later.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Russian artillery fired.

A massive attack begins.

After the declaration of war for more than half a year, the war officially broke out on the most important battlefield of Heilongjiang.

Next, news from all aspects continued to come.

"Eight hundred miles hastened. A battle broke out between our army and the American and Tsarist Russian navies in the Yangtze River section of Jiangyin. Our army won the first battle. The enemy navy retreated. After our navy rested, we continued the pursuit."

"Eight hundred miles urgent, the northern Heilongjiang battlefield, the Russians have officially begun a large-scale attack."

"Six hundred miles hastened. The rebels officially blocked the Yangtze River waterway from Wuchang to Chongqing. Zeng Guofan's rebel navy even threatened Jiujiang."

"The rebel navy frequently traveled between Anqing Prefecture and Wuchang Prefecture, and repeatedly encountered merchant ships from Jiujiang."

At this time, in Su Yi's palace.

Chen Yucheng, Lai Wenguang, Chen Decai and other generals from the Taiping Army appeared in front of Su Yi in new military uniforms, looking heroic.

Previously, Su Yi's army would go into battle after training for more than half a year, which seemed to be a lack of time. But this time, there was plenty of time, and I trained for more than a year.

"Your Majesty, the Ninth Division and the Tenth Division have all been assembled and can go south to fight at any time."

More than half of the Ninth Division and Tenth Division were from the Taiping Army.

The 11th and 12th Divisions are all from the local Eight Banners. These troops have been dispatched to the battlefield in Heilongjiang.

At this time, even Su Yi couldn't imagine that the new Imperial Army actually had twelve divisions.

This time, the main ones who went south to destroy the Hunan Army were Wang Tianyang's First Division, Chen Yucheng's Ninth Division, and Lai Wenguang's Tenth Division.

As for Lai Wenguang, Su Yi really didn't think highly of him at first, thinking that he was at most a deputy division commander.

Because he is not as capable as Li Shixian, and Li Shixian is just the deputy division commander.

As a result, because Li Shixian followed Zuo Zongtang in the western expedition too early, Lai Wenguang lost the strongest competitor in the competition for senior officers later.

In the end, he finally became the division commander.

However, most of the brigade commanders and regimental commanders below are the backbone of Su Yi's new army.

There are 60,000 troops for the Western Expedition and 50,000 troops for the Northern Expedition.

Su Yi was left to attack the Hunan Army with only three divisions and more than 40,000 troops.

Su Yi said: "In three days, we will go south to fight."


Then, Chen Yucheng stopped talking.

Su Yi said: "What's wrong?"

Chen Yucheng said: "Your Majesty, are there too few troops left in the capital? Should we send Ronglu to the battlefield in Heilongjiang?"

In his opinion, Su Yi sent out hundreds of thousands of his main army.

There were very few direct troops left in the capital. There were only one brigade and one regiment of Zhang Guoliang's garrison division, plus one brigade of the second division.

There are two brigades on Jingshou's side, and two brigades on Ronglu's side.

Chen Yucheng calculated several times and found that Su Yi's army in the capital at this time was about 15,000 people.

The total number of Jingshou and Ronglu is about 30,000.

Chongqi and Lin Shaozhang also made many suggestions on whether to send Ronglu to the Heilongjiang battlefield.

Even Ci'an asked several times.

Su Yi shook his head and said: "Now that the world is at war, there should be at least one Army Minister left in the capital."

Chen Yucheng said: "But this Ronglu ignored the prince's strategy and led his army to leave Sichuan."

Su Yi said: "Don't worry."

At this time, Li Qi walked in and said, "Your Majesty, it's almost time."

Chen Yucheng bowed and said: "I will retire at the end."

Next, Su Yi went to a secret mansion.

There are lanterns and colorful decorations here, and happy words are plastered everywhere.

After Su Yi entered, he was put into clothes.

"The auspicious time has come!"

"Worship heaven and earth."

"Two bows to Gaotang."

"Husband and wife bow to each other."

"Send it to the bridal chamber!"

There were very few people attending this small wedding, only Li Qi, Gui'er, Guang Ke, two nuns, and three maids sent by the Secret Service.

And, two female military doctors.

Guangke was the elder brother of the Queen Mother, and he felt very strange.

This time, he will follow Su Yi south to fight as the regiment leader.

After the worship service, the woman was sent to the bridal chamber.

Su Yi, on the other hand, stayed for the banquet.

Most of the conversation was about the upcoming battle south.

After eating for about half an hour, Su Yi went to the bridal chamber.

At this time, the woman was wearing auspicious clothes and sitting there quietly.

Su Yi stepped forward and brought a glass of wine, and drank it down with the woman.

Lifting the hijab, the woman was extremely charming and her face was red.

"Why this expression?" Su Yi asked.

Ci'an said: "I feel very happy, very excited, and very ashamed."

Then, she said: "I just wanted to recall the scene of the wedding, but I can't remember it. I was too young at that time, and I was only afraid."

In fact, there is no need to feel too guilty.

Because the private life of the late emperor was really chaotic, he favored more than a hundred women from the people in the following years.

"Su Ye, you held this wedding for me because no matter what happens in the future, you will treat me well, right?" Ci'an asked again.

Su Ye said: "Yes."

Ci'an said: "You pervert, your eyes were not honest when you saw me for the first time, I know."

That was a long time ago. Before Su Ye took the imperial examination, he went to the palace to see the empress dowager and saw Ci'an. At that time, she was only an eighteen-year-old queen.

Su Ye said, "Not only that, I have to tell you a secret."


Su Ye said, "I'm allergic to mangoes, and it itches a lot?"

Ci'an said coquettishly, "I'm dying, I'm dying, you've seen all my miserable scenes."

"You tore off my clothes and looked at my chest on purpose."

"You've had ambitions for me for a long time."

Su Ye said, "Wan'er seems to be much bigger than she was then."

"I don't believe it, you can measure it." Ci'an trembled.

Su Ye gently took off her wedding dress, leaving only the pockets.

He tore off the pockets again and trembled slightly.

A ball of white fat as snow, a little red as plum.

Su Ye gestured with his hands, "It was this big before, and it's this big now..."

Ci'an said, "Then when is it beautiful?"

Su Ye said, "It's the same beauty."

This is not an empty talk, she was also beautiful when she was young.

Because her upturned curve is really very tempting.

After a moment, it was completely exposed in front of Su Ye.

"It's really unfair, I haven't seen you yet?" Ci'an said, "On the contrary, you have seen how ugly I am."

Su Ye was stunned. Shouldn't you be very shy and conservative?

Then, she saw it and finished it.

"How is it? Is it good-looking?" Su Ye asked.

Ci'an said in a delicate voice, "Are you telling the truth?"

Su Ye said, "Yes."

Ci'an said, "It looks good, very good-looking. I didn't expect a man's body to be so good-looking. There is only one ugly place, too indecent. It would be better if it was gone."

Su Ye looked down and saw that from a purely aesthetic point of view, the horizontal flagpole did destroy the beauty.

No wonder those Western sculptures are all in a state of fatigue.

Then, Ci'an asked, "What about me? Am I beautiful or ugly?"

Su Yi said, "Beautiful, breathtakingly beautiful."

"You're lying, I find it strange." Ci'an said, "There's nothing beautiful or not."

Su Yi said, "Wan'er, do you study these things every day?"

Ci'an said shyly, "I don't know why, I just think it's ugly."

Su Yi gently separated her and said, "Look, where is it ugly? It's obviously very bright and beautiful."

Then, he gently held it in his mouth, just like a spring swallow holding spring mud.

This is not a strong wind blowing fallen leaves, but a gentle and gentle spring breeze.

It doesn't have to be so fierce, the spring breeze is intoxicating.

When people close their eyes, their nerves seem to be more than ten times more sensitive.

Just a gust of wind blowing past makes people tremble.

When a cloud rolls past, it is really unbearable.

So, Ci'an almost cried out before it even started.

Because she has already reached the state of enlightenment.

Fortunately, she doesn't have the time of a sage.

Because they can be superimposed, and if you are lucky, you can even superimpose several times.

So when the real invasion comes.

Ci'an really cries.

It's like crying but not crying, like weeping but not weeping, the sound is indescribable.

I don't know how long it took.

Her eyes were full of light.

It seemed that every pore was breathing.

"I, I really thought I had no interest in that aspect at all."

"Really, I won't lie to you, I really don't want to at all, and I'm a little annoyed."

"Even tonight, I've made some preparations."

Su Ye said: "What preparations?"

Ci'an said: "Just pretending."

Su Ye was surprised: "You, you still know how to pretend?"

Ci'an said: "From what you said, it seems that we women don't know anything."

Su Ye said: "What on earth did Shou'an talk to you about?"

"Don't talk about her." Ci'an said: "There are only two of us now, and there is no room for a third person."

"I didn't expect that this thing is so beautiful, why?"

Su Ye said: "Because it has been brewing for a long time, because the emotions are in place, because it is shy enough, very complicated."

Ci'an said: "Now I understand why this is the closest state. That feeling is really strange, as if you have entered the whole person."

Su Ye said: "Aren't you tired?"

"No." Ci'an said excitedly.

Su Ye said, "Do you want to do it again?"

"No." Ci'an said, "Now I just want to be close, kiss, and hug, and don't want to think about that."

Then, she chatted with great interest.

Suddenly, she said, "I feel that Zaichun has discovered what happened between us."

This is inevitable. The little emperor and Ci'an are too close, so of course he can find out.

"I'm a little panicked." Empress Dowager Ci'an suddenly said.

Su Ye said, "What's wrong?"

Ci'an said: "I hurt him very much before..."

She didn't finish her next words.

Then, she asked: "Do you think Queen Mother Xiaozhuangwen likes Dorgon?"

You are really not shy about asking this question at this time.

Su Yi said: "I probably like it, but I don't like it that much."

Ci'an said: "She should like Taizong more."

Su Yi said: "Probably, because Huang Taiji is much stronger than Dorgon, and he is also courageous and has a certain ambition."

Ci'an said: "I will definitely not be Empress Dowager Xiaozhuangwen, but I am not Empress Dowager Xiao either."

Su Yi said: "Then who are you?"

Ci'an thought for a while and said, "Otherwise, I would be like Queen Mother Li."

Su Yi asked: "Is that Empress Dowager Li of Emperor Wanli?"

Ci'an said: "Yes, doesn't she like Zhang Juzheng very much? Doesn't she admire him very much?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "You are ignorant, don't you? First of all, it's hard to say whether Empress Dowager Li and Zhang Juzheng had an affair. There is a high probability that they did not. Moreover, Empress Dowager Li is very greedy for power, and she does not really support Zhang Juzheng. In her heart, Deep down, I am also disgusted with Zhang Juzheng’s reforms.”

Empress Dowager Ci'an twisted her body and said softly: "We Banner women don't read too much, and we just like to listen to the nonsense of unofficial history. Then I won't be Empress Dowager Li, I... I am who I am, I am unique "

"The name my Amma and Enie gave me was really unpleasant, Wanzhen, Wanzhen. The word "Wan" is okay, but the word "Zhen" is not nice at all, nor does it look good."

Su Yi asked: "Is it because her name also has the character Zhen in it?"

"No, the word is not beautiful anyway." Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "Qingqing, really, their names are more beautiful."

Then, she asked: "Don't you like unlearned women like us? Do you like knowledgeable women like Qingqing?"

Su Yi said: "If Wan'er is knowledgeable, I will like knowledgeable people. If Wan'er is ignorant and has no skills, I will also like Wan'er who is ignorant and has no skills."

"Then I have to read more books in the future, so that I don't want to be laughed at by you for being ignorant." Ci'an said softly.

Su Yi said: "Little ancestor, it's almost midnight, aren't you still asleep?"

Ci'an said: "I don't want to sleep."

Su Yi said: "Then do you want to come again?"

"I don't want to come." Ci'an said, "I am full of joy right now. I just want to talk and not think about that."

Su Yi said: "But, I have some thoughts."

"Ah..." Ci'an said, "Well, come on, you can't help me, and I like it too."

Then, Su Yi slowly knocked on the door.

However, after a long while, Ci'an said: "I, I take back what I just said, I think about it very much again."

In the following time, Su Yi handled the final government affairs in the capital.

Because in two days, he will lead his army south to wipe out the Hunan Army.

In the past two days, Ci'an's eyes were really going crazy when he looked at her.

Even every night, she sneaked out of the palace and came to the secret house with Su Yi.

I really enjoyed it, as if I was soaking in a honeypot.

As for all this, Zhenzhen seemed to know it, but acted like he didn't know it at all.

She probably knew it, because the news was really spreading in the capital.

The night before leaving the capital, Ci'an said, "Before you leave the capital tomorrow, have a chat with the emperor, okay?"

Su Yi said: "Okay."

Next, she said: "I am very complicated now. I want a child, but I also feel that it would be unfair to Zaichun."

Next, she obviously wanted to continue talking, but thinking that Su Yi would lead his army south tomorrow, she held back, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The next day, inside the palace.

Su Yi talked with the emperor.

"Sir, after you go south, will I be the only one taught by Master Woren?" the little emperor asked.

Su Yi said: "Yes, what's wrong?"

The little emperor asked: "Can you give me one more master?"

This is obviously because he does not want to fully accept the baptism of Wo Ren.

This Neo-Confucian teaching is probably really boring.

Su Yi said: "What do you want to learn?"

The little emperor said: "I don't know, but as long as it's different from what it is now, it's fine."

Su Yi said: "Then are you willing to learn mathematics?"

The little emperor asked: "What is mathematics? Is it just arithmetic?"

Su Yi said: "Absolutely."

The little emperor said: "I am also learning."

Su Yi said: "The arithmetic taught by the emperor is too old, too old."

The little emperor said: "Master Su, which is more important, arithmetic or Confucianism?"

He just asked the question casually.

Su Yi said: "Your Majesty, do you think the bones or the meat are more important?"

The little emperor was embarrassed because he felt that everything was important.

"I don't know." The little emperor said: "In terms of mathematics and Confucianism, who is the bones and who is the flesh?"

Su Yi was silent for a while and said, "I don't know too much."

The little emperor wondered: "Is there anything in the world that Master Su doesn't know about?"

"There are many things that I don't know." Su Yi said: "However, if this country is now, I think mathematics should be the bones and Confucianism is the flesh."

The little emperor said: "Then when will mathematics become flesh and Confucianism become bones?"

He just asked it casually, and he didn't understand the meaning.

Because only an extremely smart person would ask this question, and he was obviously not one.

But this question is even bigger, so much so that even Su Ye couldn't answer it.

Because a theory that has not been proven is invalid.

According to Su Ye's answer, when the skeleton is extremely strong and hard, it may be converted.

But even in later China, the skeleton was not extremely strong.

Besides, what is Confucianism? There is no clear answer to this question.

Soon, the little emperor put this question aside and asked, "Master Su, who do you want to teach me mathematics?"

Su Ye thought for a while and said, "My wife Zhenzhen, how about it?"

The little emperor said, "Okay, as long as it's not like Master Weiren."

Then, the little emperor suddenly said, "Master Su, where is Master Weng? Did you kill him?"

Su Ye was surprised and said, "Of course not, I just demoted him."

The little emperor said, "Don't kill him, okay?"

The Master Weng he mentioned is Weng Tonghe, not Weng Xincun.

From the little emperor's words alone, we can know that Weng Xincun is different from Weiren. His education of the emperor is a method of attacking the heart.

"Okay." Su Ye said.


A few hours later!

Empress Dowager Ci'an took the little emperor by the hand, and took the civil and military officials to personally escort Su Ye out of Deshengmen.

The empress dowager didn't have to come, but it was good for her to spend more time with Su Ye.

"Go, send your Master Su out of Beijing." Empress Dowager Ci'an said softly to the little emperor.

The nine-year-old emperor came to Su Ye and said, "Master Su, I wish you a triumphant return."

Su Ye said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Then, he jumped on the horse directly.


With an order, Wang Zhengyi led 3,000 cavalry to escort Su Ye out of Beijing.

The next day!

Su Ye rushed to Tianjin.

At this time, Chen Yucheng, Lai Wenguang, Chen Decai, Guangke and other generals had been waiting for a long time.

Two divisions, 30,000 troops, have all boarded the ship.

"Let's go!"

With an order, 30,000 troops marched south to conquer the Hunan Army.

Note: Although the update is 10,000 words, it is half an hour late. I am ashamed to ask for monthly votes! (It took more than ten minutes to edit before it was released)

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