Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 273: Su Ye's Perfect Hunting

Chapter 273 Qing Jun’s side! Su Yi’s perfect hunt!

The Imperial Palace in Beijing.

The American consul and the Russian consul went to court and formally announced the ultimatum.

"Our two countries require your country to formally open the Yangtze River waterway rights in accordance with the previous treaty. Otherwise, the navies of our two countries will forcefully enter and use the waterway rights under the Beijing Treaty."

Minister of Military and Aircraft and Prime Minister Wen Xiang said: "According to the supplementary agreement signed by our country and the United Kingdom, the extension was first extended for five years, and then a supplementary agreement was signed to increase the extension period to nine years."

"According to the Western calendar, this year is 1864, so there are still seven years left before the nine-year deadline."

"So, according to the supplementary agreement, at this moment, your warships have no right to enter the Yangtze River."

As Wen Xiang spoke, he took out the supplementary agreement signed between the Prime Minister's Office and the British Empire.

The Russian consul said: "We do not recognize this supplementary agreement signed between your country and the British Empire."

The American consul in Beijing said: "Yes, the UK wants to sign a supplementary agreement with you. That is your own business. Why should the supplementary agreement you signed with the British Empire be used to restrict our country's power?"

Wen Xiang said: "According to the provisions of more than a dozen previous treaties, you Western countries have the rights and obligations shared by treaties. In other words, you will also enjoy the same conditions under the relevant provisions signed by the United Kingdom. This is very strange, and it is advantageous. You have shared some of it, but are you unwilling to share the unfavorable part? Are you unwilling to recognize Britain’s leadership in the Far East?”

Although what Wen Xiang said was very far-fetched, it... was actually reasonable.

In many previous wars, either the United States or Russia did not participate, but when treaties were signed, they all shared the benefits.

So now it is the father-in-law who says that the father-in-law is right, and the mother-in-law who says that the mother-in-law is right.

Of course the consuls of the two countries knew that this kind of lawsuit would be fruitless after ten years of fighting.

"In short, our two countries are acting in accordance with the Beijing Treaty signed, so the use of force to forcefully enter the Yangtze River is completely reasonable and legal, and it is the fulfillment of our due rights."

"We will not hesitate to open fire if we are blocked."

Prime Minister Wen Xiang said: "I am very sorry to tell you that no one can underestimate our determination to defend the Yangtze River. Once you force entry, we will use any means to fight back."

"Then, see you on the battlefield!"

Prime Minister Wen Xiang said: "See you on the battlefield."

The consuls of the two countries handed over this letter of credence.

The process of starting the war has been completed!

But in fact, on this side of the Yangtze River, military operations have already begun.


The history of naval mines has been very long, but Su Yi should be regarded as the first time in the world that they have been used in water warfare on a large scale.

The last time mines were mined was in the Crimean War. The Russians used anchor mines to defend harbors, but it was also on a very small scale.

However, places like the Yangtze River are the most suitable for mine warfare.

The vast sea requires the deployment of astronomical numbers of mines. Compared with the ocean, the Yangtze River is much narrower.

There are two secret weapons in Su Yi's manufacturing bureau.

One is various mines, including landmines, water mines, etc.

There is also a Maxim machine gun.

The former went relatively smoothly, while the latter is still stumbling and unsuccessful.

As far as simple mines are concerned, the manufacturing bureau focused on the development of two types of mines based on the special geographical environment of the Yangtze River.

One is a magnetic mine and the other is a wire-controlled mine.

Both have common characteristics, the concept is very advanced, but the manufacturing difficulty is not high.

Magnetic mines, as the name suggests, are semi-floating in the water. Once a warship sails over, if it is a metal ship bottom, it will be immediately attracted to it and detonated immediately.

This is specifically for American warships.

This time the U.S.-Russia joint navy, most of the Russian navy is still wooden warships, and although the U.S. fleet is not large in number, it has several very advanced ironclad ships with very powerful combat effectiveness, which Su Yi is most afraid of.

It is even simpler to keep wire mines away. Each wire controls a string of mines. Once the switch is pressed, they will explode immediately.

This requires three things, electricity, fulminant, and TNT.

For others, these three things are difficult, but for Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau, these three things are not lacking.

Therefore, Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau is now in a state of being both advanced and backward.

There are many advanced concepts and advanced drawings, but there is a lack of advanced production lines.

For naval battles, wire-controlled mines are impossible to deploy, but for the Yangtze River battlefield, they are simply tailor-made.

Su Yi knew that even if he hired Count Jurgen's pirate army and even leased British warships in Shanghai, his naval power would still not be comparable to that of the United States and Russia.

However, the battlefield is on the Yangtze River.

That's completely different.

The strength of the navy and the army should be completely evenly matched.

What about the secret weapon of mines?

Because they had not tried it, Su Yi's staff could not calculate the variables caused by the mines.

I don’t know the specific results, because this thing is a secret weapon. It has been tested many times around Jiujiang, but there has never been any experiment close to actual combat.

What was the result? In particular, it is still unknown whether the navies of the United States and Russia will carefully clear mines.

Tsarist Russia, in particular, had used mines before.

The General Staff imagined many possibilities, and even conceived many tactics from the enemy's perspective.

The result...

There was nothing at all.

The joint navy of the United States and Russia rushed into the Yangtze River estuary.

Mine clearance?

There was no such thing.

There was not even this concept.

After hearing the report, Xu Youren slapped his thigh and said, "Regret, regret, if we had known this, we should not have been so cautious, and we should have laid mines on a large scale not far from the Yangtze River estuary."

To be conservative, the navy did not even lay mines at the Yangtze River estuary, but more than 100 kilometers away from the Yangtze River estuary.

Because they were worried that the target location at the Yangtze River estuary was too obvious, the navies of the United States and Russia would carefully check the hydrological environment.

The navies of the two countries did check, but the inspection was very rough.

Although the Russian Navy used mine tactics themselves, they were full of contempt for the Qing court in their hearts, thinking that they could not make any decent mines at all, and there was no real concept of mine tactics in this world.

Even if there were mines, most of them were floating on the sea surface, which was easy to see.


With an order.

The ground forces on both sides of the Yangtze River fired fiercely at the fleets of the two countries.

More than hundreds of artillery pieces fired at the same time.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The results of the battle were very significant.

The warships of the United States and Russia suffered casualties almost immediately.

And it was a considerable loss.

Faced with this result, the division commander Wang Tianyang was overjoyed.

In fact, there has been a debate in the Army Department over the past two years about whether to build a large-scale artillery fort at the mouth of the Yangtze River.

Like the scale of the Dagukou artillery fort.

Su Ye also discussed it over and over again, but finally gave up.

Because whether it is Lushunkou or Dagukou artillery fort, they are all to prevent the landing of the foreign fleet.

And the Yangtze River estuary is to prevent foreigners from entering the Yangtze River. They don't land here at all. What's the point of building a solid artillery defense line?

Once the other fleet accelerates, it will rush directly into the Yangtze River, leaving your artillery with a very short time to play, and you can't do any saturation attack at all.

Just use the army's mobile artillery.

As a result...

In the specific environment of the Yangtze River, the army's artillery is really useful.

Although the warship is moving, the target is too big and the probability of hitting is really high.

In this round of shelling.

The joint fleet of the two countries did not know how many shells were hit.

But soon, the disadvantage of the small caliber of the army's artillery was exposed.

Although the hit rate is not low, the lethality of the army's mobile artillery is still too small compared to fixed artillery or naval guns.

There are battle losses, but it is difficult to cause fatal damage.

"Fire, fire, fire..."

The naval guns of the two countries also began to aim at the artillery positions of the Su Ye Army on land and bombarded continuously.

The two sides fought fiercely.



The agreed time has arrived.

Although the news of the war at the mouth of the Yangtze River has not yet been heard, based on their political literacy, it can be judged that this time the United States and Russia are not bluffing, but will definitely open fire.

When foreigners are unreasonable, they are still incomparably tough. Moreover, it seems that they are in the right this time, and they are just using the Yangtze River navigation rights normally.

Now the Russians and Americans have fulfilled their promises, and now it is the turn of the Hunan Army.

Even if they have made up their minds long ago, it is still difficult to make this decision when it comes to the moment.

Peng Yulin said: "Marshal, do you know why Su Ye did not criticize you in the newspapers and memorials first, and criticize you to the ground? Instead, he directly and decisively dismissed you?"

"Even not only Marshal Zeng, but also Li Hongzhang, Li Hanzhang, Luo Bingzhang, and several adults like me, Peng Yulin, Su Ye did not knock down their reputations."

Zeng Guofan certainly knew the reason in his heart.

Peng Yulin said: "This is because he wants to keep our dignity, and to some extent recognizes our contributions, so he doesn't want to criticize us to the ground."

Not only that, Su Ye has not even dismissed Peng Yulin, Luo Bingzhang, Li Hanzhang, Li Xubin, Li Xuyi and others until now.

So facing the giants of the Hunan Army, Su Ye is also divided into levels.

Bao Chao, Huang Yisheng, Zeng Guoquan and dozens of other generals were extremely evil and were thoroughly criticized.

Li Hongzhang, Zeng Guofan and others directly dismissed you and were too lazy to pay attention to you.

Peng Yulin, Luo Bingzhang and others maintained an attitude of seeking talents, thinking that you are capable and have good character, and wanted to use you.

Zeng Guoquan sneered: "This is just a rift, and it is a crude rift."

Everyone was silent. This is not a rift.

Su Ye's openness is actually rare. And his willfulness in politics is also rare.

His attitude is clear.

Li Hongzhang said: "He wants us to step down, lose power, return to our hometown to be a gentry and scholar, and wants to give us a decent end, not to make us notorious."

Zeng Guoquan said angrily: "Is it meaningful to say this now? If you can compromise, you will compromise that day?"

Yes, Su Ye gave the conditions that day.

Two Hunan Army soldiers entered the core, three were appointed as division commanders, and subsequently received 28% of the shares in a large number of Westernization Movement projects.

Ask yourself, if Su Ye proposed these conditions now, Zeng Guofan, Li Hongzhang and others might really agree.

However, it is impossible.

Zeng Guofan said: "We are joining hands with foreigners and selling out our country for glory. We will probably be notorious."

He couldn't help but sigh.

Of course it is.

However, whether it is you, Zeng Guofan, or Li Hongzhang, it is not that you have not done such things, and more than one or two.

In the Tianjin Church Incident, is your position still unclear?

At this time, there is no need to establish the chastity archway of the literati.

"Su Ye is too domineering. If he had left a little room for our Hunan Army, even if it took ten or twenty years to solve the problems of our Hunan Army, we would not have taken this step." Zeng Guofan couldn't help but say again.

Li Hongzhang sighed in his heart. He certainly knew that this teacher had always been undetermined in his heart.

Or in other words, he had no intention of rebelling at all.

However, Su Ye pressed forward step by step and did not give in, which made him face such a situation.

He dared not to rebel, and was unwilling to surrender, and just wanted to live in fear.

But Su Ye was not Empress Dowager Cixi, and he would not allow you to live in fear.

Zeng Guoquan said angrily: "Brother, the winners are the kings and the losers are the bandits. What's the use of being sad here now, except disturbing people's hearts?"

"The arrow is on the string, and it has to be shot."

"The knife is across the neck, what is there to be sad about?"

"We have 200,000 or 300,000 troops, what are we afraid of?"

Zeng Guofan said slowly: "I know."

Then, he returned to the study alone, sat quietly, and closed the door.

He actually wanted to go to the Yellow Crane Tower again to make the final decision.

But he knew in his heart that there was no choice at all. There were 200,000 or 300,000 Hunan troops behind him, and he had come to this day. Would he surrender and give up?

But it was really difficult to take this step.

He was stubborn and tough, and he couldn't help crying at this time.

He had fought against the rebels before, lost several times, and committed suicide by jumping into the river several times, but it was not as difficult as today.

Just sit there.

The sun sets, and the night comes.

Then, the sun rose again.

Dawn arrived.

There was a knock on the door outside.

"Marshal, a pigeon has delivered a letter, and the war has started at the mouth of the Yangtze River."

"The navies of the United States and Russia have entered the Yangtze River and fought with Su Ye's army."

"The situation has been opened, and the east wind has come."

Zeng Guofan took a deep breath, pushed the door of the study, and said slowly: "In this case, let's open it!"

Suddenly, countless messengers rushed out of Wuchang.

Go to the capital, go to various provinces.

There is only one content.

Clear the court, get rid of Su Ye!

Throughout the city of Wuchang, anti-Su manifestos began to be posted everywhere.

Listing Su Ye's thirteen major crimes.

The most core content is to follow the will of the previous emperor in the Yellow Crane Tower to fight against Su Ye.

And the content of Emperor Xianfeng's will was made public, with thousands of words.

It is written in the tone of Emperor Xianfeng that if Su Ye violated any of the above, it would be considered as treason, and all the subjects in the world could obey the imperial edict to attack him.

1. Su Ye killed any of the ministers of state.

2. Su Ye disbanded the Eight Banners Army.

3. Su Ye shook the foundation of the Banner Affairs.

4. Su Ye learned from the West and carried out constitutional monarchy.

5. Su Ye murdered either of the two Empress Dowagers.

And so on, there are nine items in the so-called last will of the previous emperor.

And Su Ye violated the first three, so the Hunan Army could no longer tolerate it and announced to attack Su.

And ordered the governors and governors of the world, and the people of insight in the world, to raise troops to attack him together.

Clear the court and return the Qing Dynasty to a bright and clear world.

So is this last will of the previous emperor true or false?

The edict itself must be false. How could Emperor Xianfeng leave this thing to Zeng Guofan?

But the content inside was half true and half false. At that time, Emperor Xianfeng and Zeng Guofan talked for a long time in the Yellow Crane Tower. The general meaning was that after his death, it might be difficult to prevent Su Ye from entering the central government.

Then, they began to discuss what Su Ye did to be considered treason.

They talked about a few things, and then Zeng Guofan sorted them out and forged this edict of the late emperor.

It can be regarded as half true and half false.

But with this so-called edict of the late emperor, the Hunan Army's anti-Su manifesto still has great weight.


There are two places that first received the Hunan Army's anti-Su manifesto.

They are Jiujiang and Xiangyang, because the two places are closest.

In Xiangyang, in the temporary Huguang Governor's Mansion, Governor Sai Shang'a read the manifesto and read it carefully several times.

Then, he handed it to the staff around him and said, "Take a look. Is this last will of the late emperor true or false?"

The staff said, "Six points true, four points false!"

Sai Shang'a also felt the same way. The content of the last will of the late emperor was probably true, but the will itself was false.

But, so what?

When the late emperor was alive, he said that Su Ye was a traitor and even erected a stone tablet at the door of his house.

But later, when he was on a southern tour, didn't he openly attend the wedding of Su Ye and Princess Shouxi?

He even said something heartbreaking. Even if this will is true, so what?

We have all experienced the talents of the late emperor, and they are mediocre.

You are a dead man, and you still want to control the fate of the living?

Sai Shang'a said directly: "Go to Beijing in an emergency for 800 miles to report to the Queen Mother that the Hunan Army is rebelling and ask the court to send troops to suppress it."

"Write a memorial to impeach Luo Bingzhang and Peng Yulin and ask the court to dismiss them."

"Send an envoy south to Wuchang to rebuke the Hunan army for treason, and send an order to the entire Hubei and Hunan provinces, the entire army and the people, to support the central government, support Prince Su Yi, and attack the Hunan army's rebellion."

"Order the Xiangyang garrison to fully prepare for war."



After the Hunan Army's crusade came, all Jiujiang's second-line garrison troops were dispatched.

More than two thousand foreign mercenaries were also prepared for war.

But...that's all these actions.

There is no time to produce and live in the face of a powerful enemy.

And in the villas along the river.

Yehenala held this appeal to Su in her hand and trembled slightly.

It is now March 1864, and she has been away from Beijing for more than half a year. Ordinarily, he should have returned to Beijing three months ago.

After all, she said in the capital at that time that she would go to Tantuo Temple to worship Buddha for half a year.

But now there was a trace of unhappiness between her and Su Yi. Su Yi and Empress Dowager Ci'an had no clear intention to let her return to Beijing.

Of course, she could go back to Beijing regardless, and no one could stop her.

However, she made a mistake before, which caused a slight grudge between her and Su Yi.

At that time, the situation in the capital was critical, and both the Empress Dowager Ci'an and the young emperor were in danger. She directly ordered Ronglu to lead his army to leave Sichuan and return to the capital.

This move destroyed Su Yi's deployment in Sichuan.

At this time, the Hunan Army officially attacked Su Yi, and it was her time to prove herself.

"Send an envoy back to Beijing and tell Su Yi and the Queen Mother of the East Palace that I will postpone my return to Beijing and swear to live and die with Jiujiang!"

Ande Hai said from outside: "Hey!"

In her opinion, this statement must be very valuable.

Although the Hunan Army may not come to attack Jiujiang, nor does it have the courage.

But if they really come to attack, she, the Queen Mother of the West, still has a lot of weight in Jiujiang.

Of course, if hundreds of thousands of Hunan troops really come to attack, whether she is really willing to stay in Jiujiang and live together is another matter.

In addition, she was unwilling to disclose the fact that she was in Jiujiang unless absolutely necessary, and she was even less willing to disclose her affair with Su Yi, as that would damage her transcendent status.


The battle situation at the mouth of the Yangtze River has fallen into complete anxiety.

The fighting was fierce, but the results were only okay.

At the beginning, the combined fleets of the United States and Russia were extremely furious and bombarded the artillery positions of Su Yi's First Division on the ground.

The power of naval guns is indeed very powerful.

However, Su Yi's army's artillery was too mobile. After firing a few shots, he immediately changed places and continued to fire.

Therefore, the warships of the United States and Russia have become living targets in this terrain.

And the bigger the battleship is, the more likely it is to be a target.

At this time, the naval generals of the two countries discussed whether to send marines to the ground to eliminate Su Yi's army.

However, the two countries combined only have a mere 3,000 army troops standing in line.

How to fight?

Therefore, it was finally decided unanimously to leave the battlefield immediately and not to get entangled with Su Yi's army.

No matter how fast your army's mobility is, can't it always be faster than the speed of my fleet?

As a result, the combined fleets of the two countries moved forward at full speed.

Sure enough, after changing their tactics, the fleets of the two countries immediately left Su Yi's ground army behind.

At this time, the disadvantages of the army fighting the fleet were also completely revealed.

I can't catch up with others at speed.

In the final analysis, we still have to rely on the navy.

Next, the navies of the two countries continued to penetrate deep into the Yangtze River, looking for Su Yi's main fleet and completely annihilating it.

As everyone analyzed, as long as Su Yi's fleet is destroyed, Su Yi will lose 60% of this battle.

But I don’t know why, even though they have penetrated more than a hundred miles into the Yangtze River, they still can’t see Su Yi’s main fleet.

In the air, Su Yi's airship only followed the fleets of the two countries and conducted aerial surveillance.

"Su Yi's naval power is too weak, so he probably tried to use guerrilla warfare." The Russian Navy Chief said: "It is a typical wolf pack tactic, using their local advantages to attack us."

The U.S. Navy general said: "It's really ridiculous. This is the Yangtze River. In such a narrow place, there is no possibility of guerrilla warfare. This is not a vast ocean."

The Russian naval admiral said: "They want to use the dense inland rivers to carry out lurking and attacks."

After discussion and analysis, both parties agreed that Su Yi's navy must be engaged in guerrilla warfare.

Therefore, the combined fleet began to be cautious and sent ships to investigate the nearby inland rivers.

But even so, Su Yi's main battleship was still not found.

This...this is strange.

Did Su Yi abandon all the Yangtze River waterways and deploy all the main fleet in Jiujiang? Trying to use Jiujiang's ground firepower to fight a decisive battle?


When they were nearly a hundred kilometers deep into the Yangtze River, the scout ship in front discovered Su Yi's fleet.

"Discovered Qing's main fleet."

"How big is it?"

"It should be all of them!" the scout ship reported.

"Let's investigate again."

Following the order, several small ships once again went to conduct careful reconnaissance.

At this time, the naval generals of the United States and Russia were extremely envious of Su Yi's airship in the sky, and they could see it too clearly.

"Bring me a map, bring me a map."

Soon, the relevant topographic map was brought over.

"This is the Yangtze River section between Nantong Prefecture and Jiangyin County. It makes sense for the Qing Navy to choose to fight a decisive battle here."

"Because there are two islands in the river, Su Ye can deploy the army on the islands and on both sides of the Yangtze River."

"In addition, because of the islands, the Yangtze River is divided into two halves, and the waterway becomes narrow. The numerical advantage of our navy will be reduced. There are also two canal lines in the north. Once Su Ye's navy feels that it cannot win, it can quickly withdraw to the inland river network."

"Su Ye's navy is too weak, so choosing to fight a decisive battle here is the most advantageous."

The joint command of the two navies conducted a detailed analysis of the map and completely confirmed their judgment.

"Although our naval strength far exceeds Su Ye's, we still cannot fight in this unfavorable environment. We need to rely on strong mobility and powerful firepower to rush out of this range directly and fight a decisive battle far away from Jiangxin Island."

"Of course, Su Ye's fleet will block us on the Yangtze River, but our naval firepower is much stronger than that of the big ones. We can win while fighting and charging."

"Even if their navy and army are added together, they are not our opponents."

Next, the scout ship in front reported again.

Not far ahead is Su Ye's main fleet, almost out of the nest.

Moreover, on Jiangxin Island, on both sides of the Yangtze River, there are Su Ye's army.

That's right, this is the place of the decisive battle.

So, the naval generals of the two countries gave orders to implement tactics and move forward at full speed!

With an order.

The joint navy of the two countries is fully powered.

The roar of the steam turbine resounded throughout the Yangtze River.

The powerful joint fleet rushed towards Su Ye's main fleet like a tiger.

Prevent mines?

It doesn't exist.

Just now, the scout ships went back and forth, but were not hit by mines.

And now the sun is high in the sky. If there are mines on the river, there is nowhere to hide.

In this way, the joint navy of the two countries rushed into the mine array arranged by Su Ye so recklessly.

Large mines are hidden in the water and tied with ropes.

There are thousands of them.

"Ten percent of the enemy fleet has entered the mine range."

"Twenty percent."

"Thirty percent."

"Seventy percent."

"Almost all have entered."

The airship officer who was monitoring in the air was almost horrified when he saw this scene, waiting for the big scene to happen.

It was so cool.

A perfect ambush.

The Yangtze River here is so narrow that the enemy's powerful naval warships have to be so crowded.

It's simply a perfect hunt.


With an order.

On the island in the middle of the river, hundreds of soldiers on both sides of the Yangtze River pressed the detonator at the same time.

First there was silence.


"Boom boom boom boom..."

An extremely dull explosion.

Like thunder underground.

This section of the river was like a complete boil.

The powerful combined fleet suffered an unprecedented blow.

The officers and soldiers of the airship were stunned.

Staff, you... when you made this plan, did you dare to imagine that there would be such a good result?

This scene is so beautiful.

These mines are all high explosives, and their power is amazing.

I saw that the small warships were directly overturned.

Some were directly blown in half in the middle.

Countless soldiers of the combined navy were directly blown into the sky.

There were countless corpses and countless warship fragments on the river surface of several thousand meters.

The explosion in the water is even more amazing because very little energy is wasted.

"Boom boom boom..."

The explosion is still continuing.

The navies of the United States and Russia were stunned by the attack.

This... this attack actually came from the bottom of the water?

This... is this a mine?

The officers of the Russian Navy reacted first, but... this is completely different from the mines they imagined.

How could the Qing Dynasty have such advanced mines?

First of all, mines are not so powerful at all. Secondly, all mines should be impact explosions.

They will explode only when they hit.

But now this terrible posture, the river surface stretching for thousands of meters, exploded at the same time.

How... how did this happen?

"Retreat, retreat, retreat..."

After the panic, the navies of the two countries immediately gave orders.

No matter what, evacuate this terrifying area first.

Although the plan was very good, but... the detonation rate this time was still only about 80%.

The remaining 20% ​​of the mines did not detonate successfully. Instead, because of the violent explosion just now, the ropes were directly blown off, causing these mines to float to the surface.

The horn sounded.

The surviving fleets of the two countries, scarred, turned around and retreated to the east. It was safe enough to retreat to the sea as soon as possible.

But... behemoths like you are very slow to turn around.

At the same time.

On the island in the middle of the river, on both sides of the Yangtze River, Su Ye's artillery roared again.

Countless artillery shelled the enemy warships once again.

The naval commander Xu Youren and Count Eugen were in a dilemma.

Because the river ahead was full of unexploded mines floating on the river and drifting downstream.

Although Yi Yi assured that the TNT explosives in these mines were very stable and would not explode unless they were deliberately detonated.

But it still looked scary. If his fleet chased them and hit these mines, once they exploded, wouldn't it damage his fleet as well?

So for the sake of being conservative, he must send people to recover these mines and clean up the river surface before chasing the US-Russia joint fleet.

But by that time, the opportunity would be gone.

Now the enemy fleet is at its most vulnerable, the best time to hunt.

Manufacturing Bureau, I believe in you.

Xu Youren and Count Eugen looked at each other, and then directly ordered: "Navy, attack!"

With an order, Su Ye's navy pressed forward, chasing and firing at the embarrassed and wounded enemy joint fleet!

"Boom boom boom..."

The entire river surface was thunderous.

Unprecedented fierce fighting and killing.

The arrogant US-Russia joint navy suffered an unprecedented setback.

A more perfect result than Su Ye and the General Staff.


Note: No goal, no update of 10,000 words before 11 o'clock tomorrow.

As always, thank you for your monthly tickets, thank you for your tolerance.

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