Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 272 General offensive to remove Zeng Guofan

Chapter 272 Depose Zeng Guofan! General attack!

Heilongjiang front line.

This is a real world of ice and snow, the temperature has reached about minus 30 degrees, and the frozen soil here is more than one meter.

Fortunately, most of the trenches had already been dug.

In fact, most bunkers cannot be built now because cement cannot solidify normally at this temperature.

This place stretches for dozens of miles, all of which are densely packed trenches and countless bunkers.

Although the Russians only declared war five months ago, and Su Yi formed the Northern Expedition only a few months ago, it had already taken a full year to build the defense line.

Now that Jiujiang is undergoing major infrastructure construction, the cement produced is simply not enough.

The production capacity of several cement plants was completely dependent on grabbing, but even so, Su Yi still directly allocated part of the production capacity to the Heilongjiang defense line with a stroke of a pen to build bunkers.

Even, in order to build the defense line here, thousands of brick kiln workers were specially dispatched to bake bricks here on site.

Moreover, a large amount of explosives were used to open stone quarries, all of which were used to build various fortresses.

Therefore, the Northern Expeditionary Army now only has about 40,000 people, but the civilian population on the entire battlefield defense line exceeds 70,000 to 80,000 people.

Bannermen who were suppressed in Shengjing, bannermen who were exiled from Beijing, and a large number of prisoners were all transported here for labor reform.

The other half, these were prisoners of the Nian Army and the Taiping Army, who were unable to enter the new army and were eliminated during the factory screening, were also transported here to work.

The salary is not low.

Even in this icy and snowy weather, these tens of thousands of people are still building a defense line.

The weather was not good for digging trenches or building forts, so we cut a lot of wood and strengthened the defense lines.

In an underground fortress, Senggelinqin was wearing a thick cotton coat, eating mutton and smoking a cigarette.

"Your Majesty, it's time to eat meat, don't smoke anymore, drink some wine." The confidant said.

So Seng Gelinqin smoked, drank and ate meat.

"My dear, Prince Yijun is in power because he is rich." Yi Xing, the new commander of the fourth division, didn't care about burning his forehead and munched on it.

Seng Gelinqin said: "When Ruilin came to power, the Ministry of Internal Affairs cut off half of the government, arrested hundreds of people, and confiscated millions of taels of silver."

"The Jiujiang Textile Factory cut off a quarter of its original cotton production capacity and used the cotton to make cotton-padded clothes for the soldiers on the battlefield in Heilongjiang."

"In Shengjing and Mongolia, hundreds of people's homes were confiscated, and countless cattle and sheep were sent to Heilongjiang."

"Shanxi Bank, a bank of foreigners, borrowed more than 20 million together, all in order to make the soldiers have enough food, wear warm clothes, and win the war."

Yixing said, "What a treasure. The northwest battlefield has a military expenditure of 20 million taels. On our side, tens of millions of taels have been spent before the war even begins."

"However, the general is a bit confused. As for spending so much money to build so many fortresses?"

Seng Gelinqin said: "Why not?"

Yixing said: "It costs so much to build this defense line, which is just a one-time thing. It will be useless after the battle."

Seng Gelinqin said: "Who said it would be useless after the battle? If you lose this battle, don't say anything. Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Shengjing may all lose. But if you are lucky enough to win, then you will still have to pay. There is a second battle and a third battle.”

Yixing said: "It's strange to say that four years ago, when the British and French forces invaded the capital, we could only gather 60,000 to 70,000 people around the capital. But in the past four years, we have been fighting every day, fighting every day, and fighting every day. It has never stopped, but it can sustain such a huge scene. There are 60,000 people fighting in the northwest, and 40, 50,000 people are fighting here, and tens of millions of taels of silver are just thrown away. How can it be sustained? "

Seng Gelinqin said: "You ask me, who am I asking? If I had this ability, I wouldn't stay in this mud hole and follow you to eat mutton. I would have been in charge of the center a long time ago."

Yixing said: "Speaking of it, King Yijun is really capable. How can he support such a big scene? He is just a bit hasty in doing things."

Seng Gelinqin didn't speak anymore. After finishing the mutton in his hand, he was a little reluctant to part with it. He wanted to eat another big piece, but at this age, it was best to eat until he was eighty-cent full and not to eat anymore. But he was unwilling to give in, so he scooped up a large bowl of mutton soup and poured it into his stomach.



Then, Meimei took a puff of cigarette and said, "Why are you so anxious?"

Yixing said: "Our Qing Dynasty's national strength cannot support such a big scene. There is a battlefield in the northwest, a battlefield in Heilongjiang, and another battlefield in the south. Even when the Qing Dynasty was under Emperor Shengzu and Emperor Gaozong, Even in its heyday, it couldn’t support three battlefields at the same time.”

Seng Gelinqin said: "I see that you didn't study hard at the Army Academy. It's not that we want to open three battlefields at once, but that the three battlefields collude together and come together to cause trouble for us."

"And who told you that the current national strength is not as good as that of the Holy Patriarch and Emperor Gaozong? It is much stronger now than that time."

"You're nothing? If Du Xing'a hadn't sent him to the northwest battlefield, you wouldn't have been able to be the division commander."

"Eat quickly, eat quickly. You, a division commander, eat even slower than me, the coach. After you finish eating, follow me on my inspection tour."

Yixing ate the remaining mutton in a few mouthfuls, choking until his eyes turned white.

Next, Seng Gelinqin led the generals at all levels and began a normal inspection of the defense line.

The content of the inspection was very detailed.

Are there any omissions in the defense line, is there a shortage of food, are supplies in place, etc.

Although the Russians have been declaring war for more than five months, until now both sides have been gathering strength.

The Russians also wanted to take advantage of winter to launch a large-scale attack, but there was no way. They were too far away from the hinterland and supplies were too difficult.

Therefore, until now, it has been sporadic fighting.

And the days without fighting are actually very boring.

We can only prepare for battle day after day and train day after day.

On the Chinese side, troops are constantly increasing.

The Russians are also constantly increasing their troops.

According to the latest intelligence, there are already more than 60,000 people on the opposite side.

Today another group of troops went north and entered the camp.

As the battlefield commander, Seng Gelinqin went to express condolences to the army.

"King Monk, we are from the Ninth Division."

Seng Gelinqin said: "It's only been eight months of training?"

"Yes, Shangfeng said that the last few months of training will be completed in Heilongjiang, and the daily training volume will still be maintained."

Seng Gelinqin said: "Can you hold on? It's colder here than Tianjin."

"It's much colder. These soldiers are all good people from Shandong and Zhili. They can be regarded as frost-resistant, but they have never experienced such a cold. But... don't worry, there is absolutely no problem. It will be delicious and delicious. , and a big cotton coat, what else can’t you endure?”

"There is no suffering better than lying on a cold kang in the cold winter months, shivering with hunger. That is the real suffering."

Seng Gelinqin said: "Good job."

Next, another batch of brand-new cotton clothes arrived.

As the coach, Senggelinqin needs to conduct random inspections.

Weigh the cotton-padded clothes and cut them open with scissors to check whether they are cotton inside and whether they are disguised as cotton.

Then check the number on each cotton garment. Through these numbers, you can directly infer which factory, which workshop, or even which group of workers.

These cotton-padded clothes were purchased by the Ministry of War, and even gave Jiujiang Industrial Experimental Zone a certain profit.

After checking the cotton clothes, we have to check the fodder and grain.

"When will the commander-in-chief come to the Heilongjiang battlefield? Isn't he not coming?"

"This is a war that will overwhelm the country. Should we leave everything to the command of Monk King?"

"If the commander doesn't come to take command, we really don't know what to do."

While Senggelinqin was inspecting, he heard the private discussions among the soldiers and officers.

Usually at this time, he would not scold him. In order to avoid embarrassment, he would even make some kind of noise to remind the talking officers and soldiers that I, Seng Gelinqin, was coming, so don't discuss it yet.

This battle is really important.

This is the first time that this country's army has faced a real great power.

And this is a real battle of destiny.

Once they lose, the momentum they finally gained will be severely knocked down.

Even Senggelinqin himself did not have the confidence to command a war of this level.

In this battle, Su Yi will definitely go north in person. It's just that he will probably completely defeat the Hunan Army before heading north to command operations.

Before that, as the top coach on the battlefield, all Senggelinqin could do was to continuously strengthen the defense line.

It would be best if every inch of the position is armed to the teeth.


Su Yi's Prince Yijun's Mansion.

Even if there is a wedding today, it still means working.

British Minister Bruce and Counselor Basili were puffing away in the study.

"Don't you want one?" Basiali asked Su Yi politely when he was about to cut a new cigar.

Su Yi waved his hand. Not on the battlefield or when he was in a very difficult situation. He didn't smoke or smoke cigars.

Sir Bruce said: "Your Majesty, your voice of banning opium has caused a huge backlash in London and provoked many hostile voices. I even don't understand why you proposed a policy of completely banning opium at this time? It’s totally unnecessary.”

Of course it was not necessary from Sir Bruce's point of view, but Basxali knew Su Yi's style.

The more difficult the situation was and the more he wanted to seek help from Britain, Su Yi would often come up with things that would hurt British interests and provoke British interest groups.

Just like this time, the Qing Dynasty and Russia were facing a big war.

In the eyes of many people, you, Su Yi, are in great danger at this time. Why do you want to ban opium? Isn't this nonsense? Apart from offending British interests in vain, what other benefits would there be?

However, it must be mentioned before the war.

After the war, whether it was a win or a loss, it was too late to mention it.

"You know, your war has attracted worldwide attention. The whole of Europe, even the United States, is also paying attention to this war." Sir Bruce said: "But the whole of Europe is looking down on the Qing Dynasty and feels that You are too eager and feel that you have lost your mind and launched an inappropriate war at an inappropriate time. The weakness of the Qing Dynasty is well known to the world, but it wants to challenge a powerful Russia before it is strong. "

Haha, Su Yi also wants to postpone the war.

But the Russians don't want to.

Is it easy for the Russians to delay the war? Open the Yangtze River waterway, or compromise on the content of the Aihun Treaty.

Su Yi said: "Our war is entirely to maintain the hegemonic system of the British Empire, but your country's support for me is really too little."

Sir Bruce smiled bitterly and said, "Is it still not enough? Four divisions of weapons and equipment, and a low-interest loan of 4 million pounds."

Su Ye said, "What do you think?"

Sir Bruce said, "It's very simple to get more assistance from us. In the next comprehensive Westernization Movement, increase the shares of our merchants, or cancel the policy of banning opium."

This is completely impossible, because in the next Westernization Movement project, Su Ye will have to hand over part of the shares to private capital, but the government will have absolute say, so the share of the British consortium will definitely decrease.

Then, Sir Bruce said, "Anyway, you have seen all the contracts. As long as you are willing to sign, we can form an army of 20,000 people to join your battlefield as mercenaries."

Su Ye said, "Your 20,000 mercenaries are too expensive. I can't afford them."

Sir Bruce said, "Anyway, they are waiting there. When you think the war situation is not good, it's not too late to sign this contract. Moreover, if you lose the war, the British Empire needs to provide diplomatic guarantees to the Qing Dynasty."

At this time, Li Qi's voice sounded outside.

"Your Majesty, it's almost time."

Su Ye said, "You two lords, let's have a Chinese wedding banquet next."


The scene of marrying the concubine this time was larger than the banquet for the enthronement, but much smaller than the scene of marrying Shen Baoer in Jiujiang at that time.

There were only a few dozen tables.

Because of the reform of the banner affairs, Su Ye and the bannermen were in full opposition.

So most of the Eight Banners nobles did not come to the wedding.

Moreover, Su Ye's trusted generals were all over the world at this time and could not come.

But even so, the wedding banquet was still very lively and grand.

Empress Dowager Ci'an and Concubine Lian came in person with the little emperor and the second prince.

Of course, they only stayed for a while and then returned to the palace, expressing their supreme favor.

And the monk king's wife also took care of everything from beginning to end.

These two families can be regarded as truly turning enemies into friends.

After several years, Su Ye's parents finally returned to the capital to attend this wedding.

Zai Yuan, the iron-hat prince and the leader of the military ministers, also took care of the reception from beginning to end.

So, although there were not hundreds of tables and no complete bustle and noise.

But... this was still a prominent wedding, and Zhenzhen would not leave any regrets.

Moreover, the gift money alone for this wedding was over one million taels of silver.

Su Ye said: "Put all the gift money into the Heilongjiang battlefield, but don't make it public, so as not to make it difficult for others to hold weddings."

The staff Chongqi said: "Student understands."

The wine and dishes at the banquet were rich, but definitely not luxurious, and they were not even at all in line with the level of a county king.

Even the wedding of a small official of the fourth or fifth rank would be better than this.

But when the guests saw this table, they praised it unanimously, saying that Su Ye was really a good minister of the country, so simple, and really a model for the world.

Su Ye said, "The Qing court is special now, and the country is facing two wars, so everything should be kept simple."

"But this is not a trend. You don't have to be bound by it when you hold weddings in the future."

Su Ye's words were not polite. Of course, he would not waste money, and he would even correct the trend. But he would never deliberately ask everyone to be frugal, which would not be good for economic development.

Suddenly, everyone bowed and said, "Your Majesty, you are generous."

Next, under the witness of countless guests, Su Ye and Zhen Zhen completed the ceremony of worshipping heaven and earth.

"Send to the bridal chamber!"


When Su Ye entered the bridal chamber, Zhen Zhen quickly retracted her hand, hid a book behind her, and pressed it under her buttocks.

Su Ye stepped forward and smiled, "Are you cramming? Who gave you this book?"

Su Ye pulled the book out from under her buttocks and looked at it with interest.

Oh, it's Tang Bohu's authentic erotic painting.

"Did Baoer give it to you?" Su Ye said.

Zhenzhen said shyly, "How do you know?"

Su Ye said, "Only she can do it."

He gently lifted the veil, revealing Zhenzhen's delicate and bright face.

He brought the cup of wine over, and the two drank it.

After a while, Zhenzhen's body, like snow jade, lay on the bed.

"Zhenzhen, I'm coming..."

After a while, a tender cry.

The green blood stained the silver gun.


Wuchang City, outside the Huguang Governor's Mansion.

After killing Guan Wen's family, the atmosphere solidified to the extreme.

Thousands of strong troops aimed their guns at Sai Shang'a and the imperial guards he brought.

As long as Peng Yulin gave an order, they would open fire directly and beat the imperial envoy Sai Shang'a into a beehive.

Seventy-year-old Sai Shang'a laughed and said, "Shoot, just shoot!"

"Shoot here."

"I am already seventy years old, I would not come here if I was afraid of death. If you shoot, I will thank you for fulfilling my eternal name."

Seeing Sai Shang'a patting his chest with an old and frivolous look, Peng Yulin was trembling all over.

He really wanted to give the order to open fire directly.

But he still ordered to hold back.

If he opened fire now, he would have to rebel in advance.

But what Sai Shang'a brought were all the new bannermen, and the Hunan Army still hoped to form an alliance with the princes and ministers of the Eight Banners.

Even if they rebelled, the Hunan Army would carry the banner of clearing the court and killing Su Ye.


Detain Sai Shanga and a thousand imperial guards?

This is no different from rebellion.

"Please!" Peng Yulin gritted his teeth and said.

Saishang'a stared at the many giants of the Hunan Army and said slowly: "Do great things but cherish your own life, see small profits and forget your life. How can you achieve great things like this?"

Then, he laughed sarcastically and walked away with the imperial guards.

Peng Yulin behind him was so angry that his face turned red.

Doing great things without sacrificing one's own life, he recognized this.

But how could they forget their lives in the face of small profits? Is this still a small profit? This is obviously a matter of life and death.


Inside the governor's office.

Zeng Guofan's eyes were red with anger and he roared: "Is he going to humiliate me like this? Is that so?"

"In the past ten years or so, I have worked hard for this country without any merit. Is he going to humiliate me like this?"

"He rose to power in the seventh year of Xianfeng's reign. Before that, who did the entire southern situation depend on? Didn't it depend on us?"

At this time, he was really filled with grief and anger.

"His Jiujiang is not far from our Wuchang, and it doesn't have many troops. Isn't he afraid of completely angering us? Our hundreds of thousands of troops will flock to Jiujiang and destroy his foundation?"

Several Hunan army giants listened to Zeng Guofan's roar and remained silent.

That sentence of doing great things without sacrificing one's own life really struck deep in their hearts, deafening.

Many people can't help but ask themselves.

Why is it that Su Yi seems to be in danger at this time, but he is still pressing on the Hunan Army step by step.

But on their side, the Hunan Army is always retreating.

From the moment the imperial envoys entered Suzhou, they did not dare to fall out.

Just like that, Su Yi was slicing sausages bit by bit.

The territory was cut off and several important official positions were dismissed.

Political prestige was chopped off.

The governor of Huguang, Guan Wen, pinned his life and death on their Hunan army. However, because he did not dare to rebel in advance, Sai Shang'a killed Guan Wen alive and then left.

From now on, who would dare to place their hopes on the Hunan Army?

Who dares to stand with you?

"Rebel, rebel!" Zeng Guoquan roared.

Li Xubin was also furious: "Reverse it."

Zeng Guofan said slowly: "Rebellion? Where to fight?"

Everyone was stunned.

Yes, what about rebellion? Where to fight?

Attack Jiangsu?

You just retreated from Jiangsu, just to let the 200,000 troops shrink their defense lines and gather strength.

Attack Jiangxi or Jiujiang?

Can you bear the wrath of the British?

Attack Henan?

What's the use?

The only useful thing is to lead troops directly north, attack the capital, Qingjun side, and drive Su Yi out of power.

But if he had this power and courage, how could he wait until Sai Shang'a led a thousand people into Wuchang and killed Guan Wen.

"Forbearance, bear with me!" Zeng Guofan said slowly: "The strategy we have formulated a long time ago, then stick to it to the end."

"Su Yi is unparalleled in domineering. We should not force ourselves to learn from it. But one thing is that once he formulates a certain strategy, no matter what interference occurs in the middle, he will definitely implement it to the end."

"Now we are halfway successful. There is already a big battle in the northwest, and Zuo Zongtang's 60,000-strong army soon fell into it. But in the Heilongjiang battlefield in the north, the war has not yet completely started."

"When Su Yi is trapped in a two-front battlefield and the troops at hand are completely insufficient, we will officially declare to the world that Qing Jun will be on his side and kill Su Yi!"

"Until then, no matter what happens, you have to endure it!"

After all, Zeng Guofan quickly calmed down after being completely angry and continued his previous turtle strategy.


Two days later, a piece of news came that immediately made him furious.

Saishang'a, the imperial minister, led a thousand imperial guards and occupied Xiangyang.

It's really lightning fast.

After killing Guan Wen, he left Wuchang without any delay and went directly to capture Xiangyang.

The Xiangyang garrison of the Hunan Army knelt in front of Zeng Guofan.

"They entered Xiangyang City disguised as a caravan. After entering the city, they immediately occupied two city gates. The general did not receive orders and did not dare to open fire without permission."

The Hunan Army has a very large number of 200,000 troops, but it focuses on defending important towns such as Anqing, Luzhou, Wuchang, Hankou, and Changsha.

Moreover, part of it must be allocated to build the Sichuan rear area.

The remaining defenders of Xiangyang were only 3,000 people.

And the most important thing is that you giants can't stop Seshan'a, so why do you expect me, a little guerrilla general, to stop him?

Your city in Wuchang has allowed Sai Shang'a to enter and exit freely. How dare I, a little guerrilla general, open fire?

The Hunan army has not yet rebelled. Who dares to stop the imperial envoy?

Suddenly, a huge problem was exposed in front of the Hunan Army giants.

The forbearance strategy formulated by the senior leaders of the Hunan Army has no problems and is correct.

But in this way, in the eyes of people below, it is a sign of weakness and compromise by the top management.

Once the top is soft, the bottom will only become softer.

What to do next?

Should we directly send a large army to take Xiangyang City back, or should we send a large army to surround Xiangyang?

But no matter what, it can be considered an early counterattack.

Do you still want to stick to the strategy of forbearance?


After occupying Xiangyang.

Saishang'a immediately read out the imperial decree and officially took office as the governor of Huguang.

And the Xiangyang government office was requisitioned as the temporary governor's residence.

Just like a nail, it pierced into the heart of the Hunan Army.

Li Hongzhang came to negotiate.

"I want to know, will the Governor continue to send troops to Xiangyang City?"

Sai Shang'a said: "No."

Li Hongzhang said: "Then let's form a tacit agreement. You don't send troops into Hubei, and we don't send troops to capture Xiangyang or surround Xiangyang."

Sai Shang'a said: "Capture Xiangyang? Surround Xiangyang? Are you kidding? I am the Governor of Huguang appointed by the court. Are you going to rebel?"

Li Hongzhang was silent.

But he still didn't leave.

Sai Shang'a said: "I know what you are waiting for, but I'm very sorry, I have nothing to say to you privately."

As soon as these words came out, Li Hongzhang's face turned pale at first, and then red.

It was a great shame.

Sai Shang'a's words were too naked, and they completely tore his Li Hongzhang's dignity.

Sai Shang'a had something to say to Peng Yulin in private, which meant that Su Ye valued Peng Yulin, had high hopes for him, and wanted to use him in the future.

Therefore, Li Hongzhang also wanted to get such a tacit understanding.

Of course, he did not want to surrender, but just wanted a word to give another possibility for the future.

But... Sai Shang'a refused directly.

Su Ye, are you going to humiliate me like this?

In this game, you are facing the Western powers, and it is not certain who will win or lose?


Next, the Northwest War was in full swing.

Zuo Zongtang perfectly implemented Su Ye's will.

Thoroughly solve the Northwest problem.

Don't be anxious, don't be afraid of too many enemies, and don't be afraid of difficult battles.

The position must be clear, and the policy must be clear.

In this way, although there will be more and more enemies, even some originally neutral ones will be forced to become enemies.

However, it will also bring an absolute sense of security to countless people, and countless people will support and regard the Western Expedition Army as a great savior.

You, the Western Expedition Army, only care about your battlefield in the northwest. Don't pay attention to the battlefield in Heilongjiang in the north, and don't pay attention to the troubles of the Hunan Army in the south.

The Western Expedition Army really killed a lot of people.

They even shouted the slogan of "one life for three lives".

You kill one of me, I will kill three of you.

The rebel forces and warlord forces in the northwest, especially the local emperor Ma's family, have repeatedly sent people to contact Zuo Zongtang secretly.

But Zuo Zongtang's tone has never changed. He gave up all the troops, took the silver, and went to the capital to be an official. You have a share in the future Westernization Movement.

How can these emperors and warlords in the northwest be willing? So they can only gather more firmly under Bai Yanhu's banner and go all the way to the end.

Therefore, the current situation in the northwest is that the enemy is getting more and more.

The rebels went from claiming to be hundreds of thousands to the real hundreds of thousands.

But Zuo Zongtang and the commander of the Western Expedition Army were not panicked at all, and even fell in love with this kind of battlefield.

The enemy and us are very clear.

There is no need for intrigue and deception, it is a life-and-death struggle.

Su Ye's offensive against the Hunan Army was also in full swing.

The guilt of the Hunan Army was announced to the world.

The "China News Weekly" published next was even more illustrated, showing some of the Hunan Army's crimes in the most direct way.

The first time a newspaper appeared in China, it was powerful.

Especially Su Ye's side, almost regardless of the cost of publishing.

This kind of public opinion offensive was completely one-sided.

It took a full two or three months to criticize them.

The photos of Bao Chao and Huang Yisheng, as well as their confessions, were all printed in the newspaper.

Next, it was to order the governors of each province to take sides.

After the central government's criticism, it was your turn to criticize.

Officials above the county level, when you see the court's Tangbao and the content of the newspaper, don't you have any feelings?

Jiangsu Governor Ma Xinyi, Zhejiang Governor Wang Youling, Jiangxi Governor Su Dong, Fujian and Zhejiang Governor Xu Youren and others took the lead in submitting memorials to impeach the Hunan Army.

The remaining governors of Shandong, Zhili, Henan, Shaanxi, Guangdong, and Guangxi submitted a second wave of memorials to impeach the Hunan Army.

Now, only a few provinces have not submitted memorials to impeach.

Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hunan, Hubei, and Anhui.

Because Su Ye's policy of banning opium hurt the interests of Yunnan and Guizhou.

Of course, the bottom line is that the governors of Yunnan, Liu Yuezhao, and the governors of Guizhou, Zhang Liangji, are from the Hunan Army. These two people are no longer the core decision-makers of the Hunan Army, but they are still regarded as the Hunan Army faction.

Especially in Yunnan, because the Nian Army has been in chaos for a long time, the governor Liu Yuezhao still has the militia army in his hands.

But then, the governor of Yunnan and Guizhou, Fu Ji, submitted a memorial alone to impeach the Hunan Army.

Although the governors of Yunnan and Guizhou did not submit memorials, the governor did.

In a sense, the political isolation and encirclement of the Hunan Army was completed.

Perhaps the Hunan Army did not feel it deeply in its own territory.

But in the capital, the impeachment memorials were almost like snowflakes floating into the palace.

Countless censors shouted for war and killing.


Wuchang City.

The Hunan Army was still preparing for war, with nearly 100,000 Hunan Army deployed in Wuchang City.

Now the number of Hunan Army has exceeded 200,000. In order to prevent the upcoming war, they desperately recruited soldiers in four provinces.

On the battlefield in Heilongjiang, Senggelinqin led more than 100,000 soldiers and civilians to arm the dozens of miles of positions to the teeth.

The Hunan Army here also mobilized hundreds of thousands of people to arm the entire Wuchang defense to the teeth.

Zeng Guofan was flipping through "China News Weekly", his face was livid and his hands were shaking slightly.

This kind of thing is so powerful.

And it is the only one in the country that has a monopoly on public opinion.

Zeng Guoquan said coldly: "You say we are rebels. I think Su Yi is the rebel. Otherwise, why isn't this newspaper called "Qing News Weekly"?"

At present, newspapers have comprehensively criticized the crimes of the Hunan Army, and have also comprehensively criticized Zeng Guoquan and other backbones.

However, comprehensive criticism of Zeng Guofan, Peng Yulin, Luo Bingzhang, Li Hongzhang, Li Hanzhang, Li Xubin, Li Xuyi and others has not yet begun.

"Can we also run a newspaper to expose Su Yi's crimes, expose his affair with the Yehenala family, and expose his corruption in the court?" Zeng Guoquan said.

Zeng Guofan asked: "Are you planning to knock down the two empress dowagers together?"

Li Xubin said: "Next, there is a most important signal."

Li Hongzhang said: "Newspapers openly deny and criticize teachers."

Li Xubin said: "Yes, once newspapers start to openly criticize the commander-in-chief, it means that Su Yi is about to take action against us."

Zeng Guofan said: "According to your guess, if Su Yi wants to criticize and attack me in the newspaper, what charges will he probably use?"

Li Xubin said: "There is a high probability that you and the Taiping Army joined forces to murder Chonglun, the governor of Hubei."

Zeng Guofan nodded, probably this was the case.

It was at this time that a message suddenly came from outside: "Sir, sir, the imperial envoy is here, just outside Wuchang City."

Imperial envoy?

Hearing these four words, several Hunan army giants present trembled.

"Who is this imperial envoy?" Li Hongzhang asked quickly.

"Minister of Military Aircraft, Minister of Army Ronglu."

Is it him? It's him?

This is a person that the Hunan Army can hardly refuse.

Because at the critical moment, Ronglu was ordered to lead his army to leave Sichuan, which gave the Hunan Army an opportunity to gain a foothold in Sichuan.

"I will immediately lead my people to greet him," said Peng Yulin, governor of Hubei.

A moment later, Peng Yulin welcomed the imperial envoy Ronglu into Wuchang City with the largest formation. Compared with the treatment Sai Shang'a received, it was quite different.

After greetings, Peng Yulin said: "Zhonghua, what is your purpose?"

Ronglu said: "The decree is not for you, but for Marshal Zeng."

As soon as these words came out, several people were stunned.

Is this a little strange?

Zeng Guofan was the governor of Liangjiang. You were in Wuchang to deliver an edict to the governor of Liangjiang?

Suddenly, Peng Yulin fell into embarrassment.

Ronglu said: "Ordinarily, I should go to Yangzhou to deliver the message. You can also say that Marshal Zeng is not in Wuchang, but... you know his character. In this case, the situation will only be more embarrassing."

A moment later, Zeng Guofan appeared in front of Ronglu.

"I am a late student and have met my seniors." Ronglu saluted first.

Zeng Guofan said: "Zhonghua is polite."

Then, Ronglu said loudly: "There is an order. Zeng Guofan, the governor of Liangjiang, will accept the order."

Zeng Guofan saluted and said: "Your Majesty, Zeng Guofan, respectfully greets you!"

"The Emperor Chengyun has issued an edict to remove Zeng Guofan, the governor of Liangjiang, from all official positions. I appreciate this!"

Suddenly, how many people present were shocked?

Was he directly dismissed from office?

No impeachment, no criticism?

Just remove him from office?

After a long while, Zeng Guofan couldn't help but ask: "Then, who will take over as the governor of Liangjiang?"

Ronglu said: "Yuan Jiasan."

Zeng Guofan asked: "Why didn't you criticize and impeach first, but directly remove him from office?"

Ronglu said: "I don't know if I was born late."

Next, Ronglu said: "Mr. Zeng, please accept the order."

Zeng Guofan trembled and said: "My lord, please accept the order and thank me."

Then, Ronglu said goodbye.


Zeng Guofan looked at the imperial edict in his hand and sat there quietly in a daze.

I knew this day would come, but I didn't expect it to come so suddenly.

In an instant, my heart felt as if it was empty.

After struggling for so many years, he has now lost all his official positions.

Zeng Guoquan said: "Brother, isn't this what was expected? If you are dismissed, you will be dismissed. We still have the army in our hands. As long as Su Yi is ousted, everything we have lost will be regained twice as much."

"There are at least four to five million rebels in the northwest, and Zuo Zongtang's Western Expeditionary Army has been completely entangled."

"Over in Heilongjiang, the Russian army exceeds at least 60,000."

"How much Su Yi can deal with our army, and how many troops we have now, it's almost 300,000."

"As long as the Russians start a complete war, we will take the complete initiative in an instant."

As soon as these words came out, several people in the audience were furious.

Russians going to war?

There was a public declaration of war last year, but there has been no public fight until now.

The most cunning people in the world are the Russians.

Among the three battlefields, the one that can pose a fatal threat to Su Yi is the Russian army.

It was you Russians who didn't take action, which caused Su Yi to attack our Hunan Army with more and more force, forcing us into such a miserable situation.

"The Russians must take action. If we continue like this, how far will our military morale and morale fall?"

"Su Yi is about to launch a general attack on us, and they haven't taken action yet?"


There is no need for Zeng Guofan to urge, the Russians are very keen.

When they discovered that Chen Yucheng had been officially appointed as the division commander and Lai Wenguang had been appointed as the deputy division commander in the Tianjin military station, they smelled the smell of war.

Obviously, Su Yi wanted to make Wang Tianyang and Chen Yucheng the main generals to destroy the Hunan Army.

This signal became even more obvious when the imperial court formally dismissed Zeng Guofan.

Therefore, the Russian Minister and the American Minister immediately came to Wuchang to visit Zeng Guofan and others.

"If you don't start a war, how long will you wait?" Zeng Guofan said angrily: "Last year, we publicly declared war, and we haven't started a war yet."

The Russian minister said: "You don't have to rush, you are waiting for the Northwest War, and we are also waiting for the Northwest War."

"I have good news for you. Agubai has officially led his army into Xinjiang, and Su Yi is facing a brand new enemy."

Zeng Guofan said: "Agubai thousands of miles away cannot save the situation in Jiangnan."

"You start a war immediately, otherwise Su Yi will use political offensives to dismantle us."

The Russian minister said: "I know, I know."

Next, he came to the map and said: "The core of your southern battlefield lies in the Yangtze River Channel."

"As long as you control the Yangtze River waterway, you will always be able to threaten Jiujiang, and you can travel freely between Wuchang, Anqing, and Chongqing."

"And once the Yangtze River waterway is blocked, Wuchang may even become an isolated city."

"I have good news for you. Our two countries intend to once again assert the right to exercise rights over the Yangtze River waterway."

"As long as Su Yi's navy is completely eliminated, he will lose 60% in the southern battlefield."

Zeng Guofan said: "Two countries? The French, don't you plan to join?"

The Russian minister said: "The French do not dare to defy the will of the British. But don't worry, although our Russian navy is not as good as the British Empire, it is still far superior to the Soviet Union's navy."

Zeng Guofan said: "Don't forget, Su Yi hired Jurgen's pirate fleet."

The Russian minister said: "So what? In the past two years, we have continuously dispatched fleets from Europe to the Far East. The civil war in the United States has also subsided. We have dispatched fleets from the mainland to the Far East. The combined fleet strength of our two countries, It still surpasses Su Yi’s navy, the navy in the cradle.”

Zeng Guofan asked: "When do you plan to attack the Yangtze River Estuary?"

The Russian minister said: "In half a month."

Zeng Guofan said: "Okay, as long as you attack the Yangtze River Estuary, we will immediately publicly launch a campaign against Su Yi. Qingjun will eliminate Su Yi!"

After the two sides were determined, the Russian Minister and the American Minister left Wuchang and returned to Shanghai.

However, the ministers of the two countries left hundreds of military personnel in Wuchang City to observe and guide the possible war that followed.

On the way back to Shanghai, the American minister couldn't help but said: "Actually, we should wait and wait until the northern battlefield is launched together. And we should wait until a new batch of warships arrive in the Far East before launching the war."

The Russian minister complained: "Don't you see? The Hunan Army is almost unable to withstand the pressure. If we don't take action, they may collapse. Once the Hunan Army collapses, we will lose our biggest fulcrum."

"However, it is still highly probable that the combined naval power of our two countries in the Far East will defeat Su Yi's navy, isn't it?"


Thousands of naval elites selected by Xu Youren and Zeng Tianyang have been joining Count Jurgen's pirate army for several months.

The experience was not pleasant, a bit miserable.

Because this group of pirates is very barbaric and discriminatory.

But in this environment, it is still a rapid progress.

Because this meeting between the Russian Minister, the American Minister and Zeng Guofan and others was too private and only a few people knew about it, no matter how powerful Su Yi's intelligence department was, they would not know the specific date of the war.

However, the Russian and American fleets in the Far East are constantly under surveillance.

They discovered that the fleets of the two countries had begun to gather.

The British immediately smelled the smell of war.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Youren and Count Jurgen also immediately smelled the smell of war.

The two men immediately conducted final negotiations with the British Minister Bruce in Shanghai.

"The combined fleets of Russia and the United States are much more powerful than us. We must get help from the British." Xu Youren, Minister of the Navy and Governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, repeatedly emphasized: "Your fleet in Shanghai must help us fight, even if our country is at stake. flag.”

Sir Bruce said: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. Because regarding the Yangtze River waterway, you broke the contract first. And to a certain extent, we are unwilling to intensify the conflict with the Americans."

Xu Youren said angrily: "Then you also know that once our navy fails, it will be reported as the defeat of the British Empire Navy. After all, your country's Count Jurgen is also our navy's vice-admiral."

Sir Bruce said: "Before getting permission from London, I...I cannot order the fleet of the British Empire to help you fight."

Count Jurgen said: "If our navy is defeated, it will mean the complete loss of the Yangtze River waterway rights, which means that the British Empire's industries in Jiujiang will also be threatened. You also know how valuable the empire's industries in Jiujiang are now. Horrible numbers.”

"Once we are defeated, once the Russians begin to threaten our Yangtze River industries, then you, the minister, will be completely finished."

Sir Bruce said: "Of course I know, because there are also my interests in it. But... before the order from London arrives, I dare not make this decision."

Xu Youren said: "Then change the way. You rent the warships in Shanghai to us, your navy goes on land, and our naval officers and soldiers go on board to operate these warships."

As soon as this was said, Sir Bruce said: "You are crazy. You are just a fledgling of the navy. How can you operate our main battleships?"

Xu Youren said: "I have been learning for more than half a year, and you can ask Earl Eugen's soldiers to help. Anyway, our navy is now more people and less ships. It is just right for you to lend us the warships. And if your warships are damaged in any way, our country will fully compensate."

Eugen said: "Okay, it's settled. If you don't even allow this, you will completely lose the friendship of the prince."

British Minister Sir Bruce hesitated and struggled for a long time, and said: "Okay!"


The entire south was covered with war clouds.

After assembling, the joint fleets of Russia and the United States rushed towards the mouth of the Yangtze River from the open sea.

Although the war had not yet begun, the Governor-General's Office of Liangjiang and the Jiujiang Economic Experimental Zone ordered the suspension of all commercial activities on the Yangtze River waterway.

Then, the Yangtze River Fleet went to the Yangtze River estuary at night and began to deploy newly developed mines.

The First Division also began to deploy to both sides of the Yangtze River entrance, preparing to cooperate with the navy in combat.

More than 200,000 Hunan troops in Anhui, Hubei, and Hunan provinces also began to enter a tense state of preparation for war.

There were still three days before the scheduled war date.

American Minister John Ward was resting in his lover's villa.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside.

Ward frowned. This place was very secretive, and at this time, his confidants would not disturb him.

"Minister, Mr. Shen Baozhen of China is here to visit."

A moment later, Shen Baozhen entered the secret villa of the American Minister in Shanghai.

"Mr. Minister, the friendship of Prince Su Ye is very valuable. Do you agree?" Su Ye said.

Then, he came over with a thick contract.

"We have prepared these contracts to allow your capital to enter some of my next industries." Shen Baozhen said: "In exchange, in the next war, your navy can withdraw at the critical moment."

Su Ye has always been very tough on American capital, but at this critical moment, he finally gave in.

Hua Ruohan looked at these contracts carefully and fell into deep thought.

After a long while, he shook his head and said: "Sorry, although this benefit is very tempting, we can't be a traitor at a critical moment, otherwise our impression in the world will be greatly reduced."

Shen Baozhen said: "What if I just let you go in the battle?"

Hua Ruohan said: "I'm very sorry, this goes against our tradition."

Shen Baozhen sneered, your country has no tradition.


Three days later!

The navies of the United States and Tsarist Russia once again rushed into the mouth of the Yangtze River and announced their claims to the Yangtze River navigation rights.

Liangjiang Governor Yuan Jiasan and Navy Minister Xu Youren refused.

The navies of the two countries did not restrain themselves any longer and charged directly into the mouth of the Yangtze River.

The war officially broke out.


Note: I am about ten minutes late, and I finally finished writing more than 12,000 words. Thank you for your monthly votes!

The new book "The First Magic World War" by Wandering Toad is now on the shelves. You are welcome to read it. It is very imaginative.

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