Usurping the Qing Dynasty: My first love was Cixi

Chapter 275: Great victory in the sea battle of Jinghua Fengyun

Chapter 275: Beijing! Great victory in the naval battle!

After Su Ye left Beijing, everyone in the capital seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Those who did not dare to join forces before now joined forces.

In the palace of Prince Hui Mianyu, high-level officials gathered again.

At this time, Mianyu's body was already quite weak, and he lay directly on the couch.

Prince Gong Yi, Minister of Military Affairs Baojun, Prince Dun Yixuan, and Prince Chun Yixuan were all present.

"Su Ye's flag reform office is formulating policies on the surface, and it has not been announced yet, but in fact the reform has begun." Baojun said: "Three-quarters of the people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been laid off."

Baojun was the Minister of General Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there are many of his direct descendants in it.

Many things are done without saying, and there is no signal gun to say that the reform has begun, but in fact some are in full swing.

Ruilin became the Minister of the Imperial Household Department, but he was also the Minister of Military Affairs and the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, so many things in the Imperial Household Department were handed over to two people.

Su Ye's uncle, Tong Jiewu.

The other one is Su Ye's confidant, the current deputy chief eunuch Guier.

In fact, it is difficult to reform the Imperial Household Department.

Because the main responsibility of this agency is to manage the royal industry and provide the royal family with annual expenses.

It is actually very difficult to be completely honest.

It is necessary to establish a relatively complete system, and it requires very professional personnel, and it is also necessary to check and balance, etc.

However, Su Ye does not have enough talents and enough energy to involve these for the time being.

In the future, after the Westernization Movement is fully launched, there will be special audit departments and discipline departments, and then the relevant affairs of the Imperial Household Department will be included.

Now it is very simple and crude, layoffs.

Directly lay off four-fifths, reduce the intermediate links, and reduce the cost of corruption.

Use extremely high-pressure policies and confidants to take charge of key links.

This is definitely not long-term, but as long as there are effects in the near future, it will be fine.

Tong Jiewu has been in Jiujiang Economic Experimental Zone for more than a year, and he is not very outstanding in all aspects.

When the Ministry of Internal Affairs was being drastically changed this time, Lord Ruilin said that he had many responsibilities and many specific matters had to be handed over to his deputy, so he recommended Su Ye's uncle Tong Jiewu.

Su Ye was not very satisfied with this candidate.

Tong Jiewu and Su Dong, these two close relatives, Su Ye did not like them very much.

Su Dong was smooth and snobbish.

Tong Jiewu was much more upright on the surface and was also taciturn, but in fact, he was relatively cold and might not be able to take on responsibilities.

Lord Ruilin said to Su Ye, Prince, where do so many talents come from?

Many times, such great talents are not needed, and above average is enough. The key is whether it can be implemented without compromise. Now, whether it is the reform of flag affairs or the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is in the initial stage, and it only needs to be simple and rough. The most important thing is to be able to execute the will of the prince. This Tong Jiewu has been in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a long time, and there has always been an evaluation, that is, cold and cautious. In terms of corruption, his moral integrity is still good.

Su Ye thought about what Lord Ruilin said, and it made sense.

Uncle Tong Jiewu's performance in corruption was really good. When he went to seek a lucrative position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, his family had no money, so he borrowed a large sum of money from Su Ye's family. After getting the official position, he was afraid that Bai Feifei would ask him to do something, so he quickly paid back the money with interest, fearing that he would owe a favor, and then hurriedly alienated himself, and did not think about colluding with Bai Feifei to make a lot of money.

Su Ye had not made up his mind at the time, but Tong Jiewu took the initiative to quit his job in Jiujiang and go to Beijing on the pretext of helping Su Ye arrange his marriage. Then he came to Su Ye to report on his work again and again, expressing his various views on the shortcomings of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and various ideas about reforming the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

So Su Ye said, uncle, this is an offensive job, and you might be assassinated. Moreover, this department will be completely reorganized in the future, and it is hard to say whether there will be a department or not.

Tong Jiewu patted his chest and said, "I am not afraid of death. For our own affairs, I will risk more than 100 pounds."

This sentence made Su Ye frown.

What do you mean by your own affairs? Have you thought so far?

At the moment, Su Ye still did not agree, thinking that Tong Jiewu was too explicit. After returning home, Tong Jiewu also knew that he had said the wrong thing. When he came to Su Ye again, he slapped himself a few times and said sorry to the prince that he, as an uncle, had said the wrong thing.

Then, Tong Jiewu went to find Gui'er, Ruilin, and even Empress Dowager Ci'an.

It was to show his determination.

For the reform of the flag affairs, he would not hesitate to die.

Then, he revealed a meaning that their Tong family had not made any contribution to Su Ye's major events, and now they were really anxious. He would never be greedy for a penny, nor would he care about anyone's face. He just wanted to earn a hope for his family.

Then, he went to Chong'en to express his determination, saying that he was willing to unconditionally obey Chong'en's reform will.

In the end, it was Empress Dowager Ci'an who spoke to Su Ye, and Su Ye nodded and agreed to give Tong Jiewu the position of acting Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At this time, there were three Ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, led by Zaiyuan, Ruilin was the actual head, and Baojun was also a Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

And Tong Jiewu, the acting Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was lower in rank than several others, a third-rank official.

As a result, after Tong Jiewu came to power, it had an unexpected effect.

He is an old man from the House of Internal Affairs. He was promoted from the seventh rank to the fourth rank in the House of Internal Affairs and stayed there for more than twenty years. What kind of joints does he not know?

Is there anything that can be hidden from him?

Even many dirty things before were done by him personally under orders from above.

Then, the Ministry of Internal Affairs carried out drastic cuts, and more than 2,000 people were directly laid off from more than 3,000 people.

In fact, you have to be very careful at this time, because if you don't know the inside story, you may directly cut the main artery and paralyze the entire organization.

But with Tong Jiewu here, this cutting knife is very accurate.

With the stroke of a pen, more than two thousand people lost their jobs.

Countless people hate him to the core. Damn it, Tong Jiewu. During the friendship we had when we were eating and drinking together, you actually acted so cruelly?

Why did you flatter me then? Forgot?

Did you bribe me with three thousand taels of silver? Forgot?

These Tong Jiewu's bosses rushed directly to his home to curse and tell all these things.

As a result, as soon as the memorial from the Metropolitan Procuratorate was issued, the Penalty Department slapped him with a stick, the prison of Dali Temple was entered, and his home was raided, hundreds of thousands of taels of silver were returned to the company, and the boss and his family were sent directly to Heilongjiang to build a defense line.

Later everyone found out.

After the abolition, anyone who caused trouble would have his or her house ransacked and the money returned to the public.

In this way, the Ministry of Internal Affairs made some slight reforms, and the national treasury gained several million taels of silver, and the battlefield in Heilongjiang suddenly became a lot more comfortable.

As for those who do not make trouble, the money they embezzled before will not be pursued for the time being.

In just a few months, the Ministry of Internal Affairs laid off more than 2,000 people. Heck, it doesn't affect the operation at all, and it's even much smoother.

Moreover, the items supplied to the palace were more than 50% cheaper and the quality was much better.

Even the Empress Dowager Ci'an said that the things in the palace were so rich that the emperor was willing to eat more.

There are so many vegetables, fruits, and various snacks all at once.

These are all true. The food in the palace is really hard to describe.

Expensive and not tasty.

Rare dishes and seasonal items were not served very often, for fear that the Queen Mother and the Emperor would become addicted to them, and they would be gone after a few meals.

"It's really interesting. In the past, the ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were all princes and ministers. They were either ministers of military aircraft or cabinet ministers. As a result, Tong Jiewu became the minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs." Bao Jun sneered: "At least he is not a relative of the emperor now. Relatives of the country.”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several people present changed slightly.

What does this mean? Does it mean that Su Yi wants to usurp the throne?

"Before, Tong Jiewu was so humble in front of me. Even when he spoke, he never raised his head and walked without making a sound, for fear of trampling on ants. But now? He is so arrogant in front of me. It's really annoying. "Disdainful." Baojun said, "Princes, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Do you want to take advantage of it?"

Several princes present fell into silence.

This is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. All of Su Yi's troops are outside and they are at a disadvantage.

At least in the capital, Ronglu and Jingshou's army was already more than twice the size of Su Yi's army.

The key troops of Ronglu and Jingshou have also gone through rounds of training and elimination, and are now elite troops.

Before I changed it, I could not wait to get started.

But now... all the princes are silent.

Afraid of being killed.

Every time, Su Yi took the initiative to leave, allowing the opponents to jump out.

Then, Su Yi returned to Beijing with a great victory and killed all these opponents.

Baojun suddenly fell into sadness. The princes present were already the most noble people in the court and the backbone of the Aisin Gioro family.

But even if Su Yi was no longer in the capital, they did not dare to move.

Yi said: "The two queen mothers are on his side. Even if Su Yi is defeated this time, so what? At most, it will only be a demotion. Will the two queen mothers depose him?"

Yi Pei said: "It was previously discussed that all the ministers of the Eight Banners would resign, paralyzing the court and letting the Queen Mother make a choice. Should we keep the court running, or should we continue to stand by Su Yi's side. What's the result? Your Majesty The Queen Mother was infected with smallpox and also fell ill, which put an end to this matter. The Queen Mother before was still reluctant to be impartial, and she was willing to stand on our side in some matters. But now it is better, and she is completely on his side. , Su Yi did whatever he said, he didn’t even read the memorial, he just closed his eyes and stamped it, just fell asleep on the bed. "

Yidao: "Fifth brother, be careful what you say!"

Yi Pei said: "Why should we be cautious? We might have already slept on the same bed, and the whole capital has spread the news. We are the only ones who are too cautious to mention it."

Now the entire banner ministers, all the princes and ministers are very depressed. They could rely on the Empress Dowager Ci'an before, but now they have no one to rely on at all.

The Queen Mother of the West still had reservations about her support for Su Yi.

Now the Empress Dowager Ci'an was completely supporting Su Yi with her eyes closed. She didn't care about the Qing Dynasty or the foundation of the Eight Banners. Su Yi was the only one with all her heart and eyes.

"When a woman is in charge of the house, the house collapses, the country is ruined and the family is destroyed." Yi Pei couldn't help but say.

Bao Yun said: "If Su Yi loses this battle, can we force the empress dowagers of the two palaces to withdraw the curtain? After Su Yi steps down, all power will return to the Political Affairs Hall."

Yi Pei said: "What about the late emperor's imperial reward and the seal of Tongdaotang? Do you still need it?"

Baojun said: "If Su Yi loses this battle, we will force the queen mothers of the two palaces to hand over these two seals."

Yizhen said: "Without soldiers, Jingshou is still okay, but can you get by with Ronglu? He is the dog of the Empress Dowager Cixi."

Several people discussed and discussed, and found that this and that were not possible.

"In this case, can we only wait for the emperor to grow up?"

Several people discussed for most of the night, but they could not come up with anything.


The next day, Baojun was on duty in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Sir, this is the new list of layoffs." A fourth-rank official handed over a list.

Baojun took a look and trembled all over.

More layoffs?

The Ministry of Internal Affairs with more than 3,000 people laid off about 2,000 people, and more layoffs?

And this list looks extremely vicious.

Because the layoffs here are all external industries, including the ginseng industry, Jiangnan weaving and hundreds of other industries, and the relevant personnel will be laid off.

This... How can this be possible?

This is the money bag of many people?

The key is that there are many of Baojun's confidants here. He and the people behind him have a lot of interests in this.

"Did Lord Tong draw up this list?" Baojun said.

"Yes, I need your signature and approval."

Baojun immediately took the list of more than 200 people and went to Tong Jiewu's duty room.

Tong Jiewu immediately stood up to greet him: "Greetings, Lord Bao."

Bao Yun smiled and said: "Lord Tong, you are really swift and decisive."

Tong Jiewu said: "My Lord, please forgive me."

Bao Yun said: "Lord Tong, to be honest, I have approved all the lists you submitted before, and I have never made any trouble for you."

Tong Jiewu said: "For this, I am very grateful."

Bao Yun said: "I shouldn't say too much, but there are different things on this list. There are people from the three weaving factories in Jiangnan, people from the Northeast Ginseng Manor, and people from the Imperial Kiln Factory who supply ceramics to the palace. These things are indispensable in the palace every day. If you lay off the people on these lists, these supplies will be cut off."

Tong Jiewu said: "Don't worry, it won't be cut off. Apart from other things, the three weaving factories in Jiangnan have long lost their competitiveness. Whether it is silk , or cotton cloth, etc., all rely on the palace to support, and there is no way to generate income. The same silk, the same cotton cloth, the price of the three weaving factories in Jiangnan is much more expensive than Jiujiang? "

Baojun said: "Can it be the same? The silk cloths used by the palace are different after all. Can the things produced by Jiujiang Textile Factory be used on the empress dowager and the emperor?"

Tong Jiewu said coldly: "Why not? The silk and cloth produced in Jiujiang, what's wrong with it?"

"Lord Baojun, the Jiujiang Royal Clothing Bureau has opened a store in the capital, and your family members have visited it many times. Ask yourself, how is the quality of the clothes here compared to the silk and cloth woven in Jiangnan? How about the clothing room of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Before, Tong Jiewu was still respectful in front of Baojun, and this was actually the first time he spoke rudely.

After all, Baojun's official position was much higher than his. He was not only the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also the Minister of Military Affairs.

Baojun was so angry that he trembled. Before, he didn't care about a small character like Tong Jiewu, but now such a character actually yelled at him.

He had many reasons, such as the fact that several parties were fighting now, so he should slow down his pace.

But at this time, he was scolded by the other party, and he couldn't hold his face as a military minister, so he just walked away.

After Baojun left, two fourth-rank officials came in immediately and sneered: "He is still acting like a military minister? Lord Tong was polite before, but he took it seriously? Everyone knows that Lord Tong is the uncle of the prince, and doesn't he know who is in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Tong Jiewu said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, there are only slaves of the prince here, not the uncle of the prince."


The next day, in the court.

An imperial censor impeached Tong Jiewu for usurping a married woman.

To be precise, he usurped the second wife of Ning Chun, his former boss, the doctor of Guangchusi.

Ning Chun was the benefactor who had promoted Tong Jiewu.

In fact, Tong Jiewu had always called him his teacher.

This time, Ning Chun was dismissed because he made trouble. His house was directly confiscated and he was sent to the battlefield in Heilongjiang to build defense lines and dig trenches.

But he had a second wife, who was 39 years old this year and very beautiful. More importantly, she was Tong Jiewu's dream lover.

This woman was the daughter of a second-rank official. Tong Jiewu liked her so much at that time that he begged his family to ask for marriage. As a result, the family didn't like her and married Ning Chun, who was older but had a better future.

This time, Ning Chun was exiled.

Tong Jiewu realized his dream and took his former white moonlight as his concubine and secretly raised her.

Unexpectedly, this matter was exposed.

Sleeping with the teacher's wife?

Although Ning Chun was exiled, he was still alive after all.

This is a moral quality issue.

When Tong Jiewu was in charge of the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he offended countless people. This incident immediately caused an uproar.

I don’t know how many officials and censors impeached him.

For a time, Tong Jiewu was also overwhelmed.


In the Sanxi Hall.

“What can I say?” Empress Dowager Cixi said: “Su Ye just left Beijing not long ago, and this happened?”

“Don’t you know how heavy the burden on you is? Don’t you know how many people are watching you?”

“It’s okay if you get into trouble, but if you delay the reform of the flag affairs, can you bear the responsibility?”

Empress Dowager Ci'an scolded Tong Jiewu.

Tong Jiewu kowtowed and said, "I know my mistakes, I know my sins, and all my mistakes are my fault."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "That woman, what are you going to do?"

Tong Jiewu thought for a while and said: "Slave, I plan to let her reconcile with Ning Chun, and then..."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "Even now, you...are you still stubborn?"

Tong Jiewu said: "Reporting to the Queen Mother, if this slave knew the consequences, he would definitely not touch her. But...but since I have accepted her, I can only make one mistake in this matter."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said angrily: "Is this woman so beautiful? Has she confused you? Uncle..."

After finishing speaking, Empress Dowager Ci'an quickly shut up.

Dying, dying.

Fortunately there were no others.

Su Yi called her uncle. In anger, she also called him uncle for no reason.

Tong Jiewu was ecstatic in his heart, but he acted as if he hadn't heard anything. Instead, he said seriously: "You are already forty, how can you be so beautiful? It's really a slave who failed to live up to expectations and let down the Queen Mother."

"Originally, I said that since you did your job well, I would have to remove the word "actor" next. Now it's okay. Not only can't the word "actor" be removed, but you, the Minister of Internal Affairs, can't be saved either." Ci'an The Queen Mother said: "This official position must be removed."

Tong Jiewu said: "I know my mistake. As long as I can continue to be the queen mother and run errands for the prince, I don't have to accept any official position."

Empress Dowager Ci'an's face turned red. What does it mean to be the empress dowager and run errands for the prince? Fortunately, through the screen, no one else could see her flushed face.

"Who is the instigator behind this matter?" Empress Dowager Ci'an asked.

Tong Jiewu said: "It's Baojun, because the more than 200 people who were laid off as slaves are the key to the corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and many people's pockets are involved."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "I know this, please kneel down and pay your respects."

Tong Jiewu said: "I resign."


After returning home, Bai Yueguang pounced directly on him.

"Master, master, are you okay? After I heard about it, I really hated myself. Not only was my age and beauty declining, it also affected my future. Otherwise... give me a bag of arsenic." Wang Jiashi cried.

She may have been very beautiful once, but now that she is getting older, it can only be said that her charm is still there.

If it were just for the sake of appearance, with Tong Jiewu's current power, I don't know how many young and beautiful women would come to his door.

"It's okay, it's okay." Tong Jiewu hugged her and said, "Don't think about it, sir, I'm fine."

Wang Jia asked: "Will you lose your official position?"

Tong Jiewu said: "With such a big fuss, the Minister of the Interior will definitely not be able to keep it, but it doesn't matter, my power will not be lost. I am the prince's uncle, who can do anything to me? Who dares to do anything to me? Just take this opportunity and you and Ning Chunhe is divorced. From now on, he will live with you in peace and contentment. I will treat your daughter as my own daughter and marry her off happily. "

Wang Jiashi said: "Master, it is my blessing to meet you in my lifetime."

"Otherwise, I will give birth to another child for you."

Tong Jiewu said: "How old are you?"

Wang Jiashi said: "People who are older than me can give birth, why can't I give birth?"

Next, the two people groaned and rolled together without looking.


At court the next day.

Empress Dowager Ci'an directly issued an order to remove Tong Jiewu from the post of Acting Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and demoted him to the rank of Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a fourth rank.

Everyone is shocked?

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs, has there ever been a deputy minister?

Never before.

Then, Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "Baojun."

Minister of Military Affairs and Minister of Internal Affairs Bao Jun came out.

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "You are busy with government affairs, so don't be the Minister of Internal Affairs, Wen Xiang!"

Wen Xiang stepped out and said, "I'm here, my servant."

Empress Dowager Ci'an said: "You can serve as the minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Baojun screamed in his heart, I... I only have two errands? Minister of War and Aircraft and Minister of the Interior, what am I busy with?

As for Wen Xiang, the Minister of Military and Aircraft, the Minister of the Prime Minister's Foreign Affairs Office, and now the Minister of Internal Affairs, he is really busy.

Queen Mother, are you...are you so unreasonable?

No one impeached Baojun at all, and he was directly dismissed from the post of Minister of the Interior. Didn't he even go through the process?

Are you just so fascinated by Su Yi?

Tong Jiewu stood on the edge, sneering in his heart.

Baojun, Baojun, what’s so great about being your military minister?

The Queen Mother is obsessed with my prince both physically and mentally, what can you do to me?

Tong Jiewu, who returned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, became even more ruthless.

They wantonly promoted low-level officials with no foundation, wantonly cleaned up the intricate network of relationships within the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and used a big knife to slash the original chain of interests.

In the capital, the anti-Su Yi forces originally planned to launch a vigorous counterattack, but they had just started to show signs of being counterattacked, but they were immediately extinguished.

He couldn't even take down a mere Tong Jiewu, let alone the other giants of the Su Yi faction?

Baojun and others secretly visited the two military giants in the capital, Ronglu and Jingshou.

Before, the two of them dared to meet each other, but now they simply don't dare to meet him at all.

While Su Yi was away from the capital, Rong Lu and Jing Shou were completely on the same page.

Go to court and go home every day.

Do not attend any social events, and even rarely go to the military camp, for fear of sending any wrong signals.


Su Ye is not in a hurry to rush to the battlefield immediately.

Because there is another battlefield that is more important, that is the naval battle.

The core of this battle to suppress the Hunan Army is to control the navigation rights of the Yangtze River.

Only after completely defeating the navies of the United States and Russia can the Yangtze River be completely controlled.

The last time the navies of the two countries were ambushed in the Jiangyin section, they suffered huge losses and immediately retreated from the Yangtze River.

After Su Ye's navy rested, it immediately chased after them.

In this way, the two navies broke out in another battle at the mouth of the Yangtze River.

In this battle, the joint navy of the two countries still suffered losses, because Su Ye's army assisted in the battle on both sides of the Yangtze River.

Therefore, the navies of the United States and Russia completely gave up fighting in the Yangtze River and retreated directly to the open sea.

Xu Youren and Count Eugen led the fleet and also chased directly to the open sea.

At this time, the strength of the two countries' joint navy's warships alone was not as good as Su Ye's navy.

If measured by tonnage and artillery, the navies of the two countries were only 70% of Su Ye's navy, and some warships were injured.

But even so, the naval battle that broke out was still very tragic.

Su Ye's navy suffered an unprecedented challenge.

So much so that Count Eugen regretted that as the first real naval battle of the Chinese Navy, was the intensity too high?

In short, it was very difficult to fight.

This also taught these new recruits of the Chinese Navy a lesson that the victory in the Yangtze River was not the norm.

The current naval battle is the real norm.

The United States and Russia are not even naval powers, but they are so difficult to deal with.

So the strength of the Chinese Navy has a long way to go.

In this way, the fierce battle lasted for several days and nights.

In the end, Xu Youren and Count Eugen ordered the fleet to return to the Yangtze River.

Because in this vast ocean, as time goes by, it will actually fall into a disadvantage.

In order to protect the fleet from too much loss, and the Yangtze River has more geographical advantages.

The navies of the United States and Russia chased up.

They didn't want to enter the Yangtze River again, but they had to hold on to Su Ye's navy, ensure the initiative of the Hunan Navy in the Yangtze River, and ensure the advantage of the Hunan Army on the battlefield.

Moreover, they had a huge flaw, that is, they lacked supply ports in China. They either went to Japanese ports for supply or to the ports of the Hunan Army in Anqing for supply.

In this way, the navies of the two countries kept chasing up.

Especially the American ironclad ships, after reaching the ocean, they played an amazing combat effectiveness.

Although the number was small, they were too fierce when fighting.

However, before entering the Yangtze River, there was no need to worry about mines. They had salvaged some of Su Ye's mines and dismantled them. Although many of the structures inside were incomprehensible, they were sure that they were detonated by wires.

So it was impossible to lay mines in the vast ocean.

After entering the Yangtze River, you have to be very, very careful, and you don't have to worry too much on the ocean.


"Boom boom boom..."

A loud noise!

A shocking explosion, the two American ironclad ships exploded violently.

A huge gap was directly blown out, and seawater continued to pour in.

The US Navy was horrified?

There can't be any wire mines in this ocean.

Moreover, why other warships passed by the same location without any problem, but the two ironclad ships exploded directly when they passed by.

This is a magnetic mine, which is specially used to deal with ironclad ships.

Hundreds of magnetic mines were deployed in this sea area, and only dozens of them were detonated.

However, it was enough.

These two ironclad ships were the absolute main force, and after being injured, they directly lost their combat effectiveness.


Shen Baozhen once again went to meet with the American Minister John Warren in secret.

"Does your last condition still count?" asked John Warren.

Shen Baozhen said: "Of course it doesn't count, because the war situation is different, and your navy has suffered unprecedented trauma."

Hua Ruohan said: "But, we can still fight, right?"

Shen Baozhen took out a few contracts and handed them to the other party, saying: "This is a new contract. As long as you withdraw from this war, we can sign it."

After reading the contract, Hua Ruohan was furious: "Compared with the last time, the benefits are too much less. Do you think we are beggars?"

Shen Baozhen said: "It's better to have it than not. Starting cooperation is more important than anything else. And if you don't agree, then the door will be completely closed."

"Your country has no supply ports in China, and you can't fight for long."

Hua Ruohan closed his eyes and said nothing.

Shen Baozhen said: "And you have persisted until now. If you withdraw from the battle at this time, it will not damage your country's reputation."

After a long while, Hua Ruohan slowly said: "Okay, I agree!"


Three days later!

A fast ship caught up with the joint fleet of the two countries and conveyed a new order to the commander of the American fleet.

Then, amid the extreme anger of the Russian Navy commander, the US fleet announced that because of the severe damage, they had to retreat to Japan for maintenance and supplies.

So, they had to withdraw from the battle first.

In this way, amid the condemnation and anger of the Russian Navy, the US Navy withdrew from the battlefield and headed for the Japanese port.

Without the US Navy, the Russian Navy's power and morale were greatly reduced.

At this time, Xu Youren and Count Eugen led the Chinese Navy, which had been fully supplied, and once again rushed out from the mouth of the Yangtze River.

And this time, the Chinese Navy won a great victory.

Chasing the Russian Navy for thousands of miles.

In the end, the Russian Navy had to abandon all previous strategic goals and desperately fled north to the port of Vladivostok.

At this point, the war at sea ended.

The new Chinese Navy won a rare and glorious victory.


Note: It's so late again, I am speechless myself! I apologize to all the benefactors.

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