Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3324: 0 Battle Mountain

"I want this medicine!"

Immediately a monk said loudly,

Body like electricity,

Flying from a distance,

More than a hundred miles away,

It's just a few steps!

Seven series of rules fusion,


In terms of refining pills,

Has considerable attainments,

Commissioner Qian thought.

It seems to be a monk from outside,

On the periphery,

This person’s cultivation base,

It can be vertical and horizontal,

Commissioner Qian waved,

Put the medicinal materials into your storage bag,

Seeing this person one mile away from him,

One hammer,

Banged over,

This man's sword art is reminded,

One stop toward this hammer!

Xuanzhi and Xuan's magical power blasted over,

The urging speed of own sword art,

Immediately becomes half of the original,

Is already a thousand hammers,


This man carries a sword,

Was bombed for ten miles,

There is a cultivation base that integrates seven rules,

Sword Jue urges thousands of times in an instant,

Only then stopped ten miles away!

The magic formula is running at full force,

Looking at Commissioner Qian,

"The Calcite Conference in Red Wolf Town,

You often attend—"

Commissioner Qian took a look,

This person is not the monk who took out the rough stone and sold the fruit once,

The Stone Assembly in Red Wolf Town,

This person participates a lot,

Most of those who participated in the Jieshi Conference,

Take a look at those nice colors,

To practice that kind of Taoism,

"Yes, this Ten Thousand Wars Palace,

How is the harvest? "

I have seen it many times in Red Wolf Town,

"Went around here,

Harvest some medicinal materials,

I originally wanted to go inside and have a look.

Look at my cultivation base,

The tougher monster fights for a long time. "

This man said,

The committee member nodded towards Qian,

Body shape reminded.

Flew towards the distance,

Based on his cultivation,

On the periphery,

You don’t need to rely on the money committee,

There are masters in Red Wolf Town,

Commissioner Qian thought.

Such a cultivation base,

Block the monster's pounce,

The cultivation base on the sword art,

You can play against monsters!

Body shape,

Fly away towards the distance.

The mountains are vertical and horizontal.

There is a basin in the middle,

More than a hundred miles in radius,

Growing a kind of medicinal material,

This medicinal material,

It's also in the medicine garden of Commissioner Qian.


Compared with the herbs in this mountain,

However, the medicinal materials in this mountain range are one third as large,


The medicinal herbs in the mountains,

There is a feeling of seeing the mountains from a distance,

This medicinal material.

The effect on cultivation,

It is more than five times the medicinal materials in the member’s medicine garden,

This medicinal material,

That’s why I gave Commissioner Qian a good feeling,

More than a hundred miles in radius,

There is a prohibition.

Outside the prohibition,

Fighting fiercely in three places,

A monster with more than three hundred monsters,

Slashed fiercely against the formation.

The monster's body is like electricity!

Thousands of thunder and fire were emitted from the formation,

Sway, dodge,

A reminder,

The formation just blasted some monsters,


The Dao Fa of the formation burst into the sky,

There are already monks screaming,

Was bitten by the monster beast,

Drag out from the formation.

The monster chewed,

The entire monk has been swallowed!

Blood is for monsters,

Just a good meal,

This battle,

This is the place where this medicinal material grows,

In the formation,

Jian Qi flashed,

I have taken some medicinal materials in the past,

It seems that many people know this place.

These monks rushed into the Hall of War with this force,

But for some medicinal materials,

Commissioner Qian came here for a long time,

The formation here,

Thirty people have been dragged away by the monster!

Commissioner Qian sighed,

Stature galloping,

Has reached this prohibition,

one look,

This battle,

At least the level close to the **** of transformation,

It’s where these three formations are attacking,

There is an entrance.


The master of this ten thousand battle hall,

Some such medicinal materials,

The setting is the prohibition of the gods!

Commissioner Qian turned towards,


Into these big temples,

It is not easy to take advantage.

Commissioner Qian flashed,

Has reached the side of the battlefield,



Pounced on Committee Member Qian,



Commissioner Qian's warhammer in one fell swoop!

Screaming monster,

Has been spinning around and flying,

Half of the body has turned into flesh and blood splashing!

This power,

The monster coming next to him shouted,

Body shape,

I caught up with Committee Member Qian,

Commissioner Qian’s warhammer turned,

Towards this claw,



As if there was a burst of rolling thunder,

The monster is rolling,

Half of the body is gone,

This is Warhammer Villa,

Part of the power of the original warhammer,

Commissioner Qian turned towards,

One step at a time!

One hammer,


The huge body screamed and rolled,

Commissioner Qian walked through the battlefields and monsters,

Along the way,

Tumbling flesh and blood,

The screams of monsters,

Three hundred miles away!

Commissioner Qian approached medicinal materials,

Pick it up,

At this moment, the monster yelled far away,

Commissioner Qian picked more than ten medicinal materials,

One person walked out of the mountains,

"This medicine,

You pick ten or so,

Enough. "

"People from Wanzhan Hall?"

Commissioner Qian said.

The man nodded,

"It's just some herbs,

such. We have three tricks. "

Commissioner Qian said,

This person is a monk in the transformation stage,


It seems.

This man’s combat power,

Not as good as the Qian Qian.

The cultivation base of the transformation stage,

How can there be such a good practice?

This person has a vertical figure,

A sword,

As if flying across the sky,

Slashed towards Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian's warhammer shook,

In an instant,

Has already hit this flying sword,

There is no change in moves.

It's a completely mysterious comparison!


A loud noise like a huge thunder,

There may be thousands of flames,

Thousands of thunderbolts!

As if there are a thousand mountains,

Blasted down towards this medicine garden,

This flame. Thunder blasted,

Ten such gardens,

The same becomes nothingness,

On the medicine garden,

Immediately there was a banning flash,

Such a powerful flame thunder,

But let the ban on.

With fluctuations,

This person stepped towards the medicine garden,

Three steps back in a row,

Just a sword,

Thousands of swords, tens of thousands of hammers!

one move.

This man has been defeated,

Turning God into cultivation,

Mysterious and mysterious!

With such a magic weapon as the Wanzhan Temple,

Through the tribulation of God,

Not a difficult thing.

This battle,

Showed the strength!

This person's face changed continuously,

The monk who came to hunt for treasure,

Have such power?

"Master, but you can pick up to thirty medicinal herbs!"

He said,

Commissioner Qian nodded,

Started picking medicinal materials,

Picked thirty medicinal herbs,

Over there by the pool,

Give him three medicinal herbs,

Body shape vertical,

Flew towards the distance,


Talking to the monster fighting next to the medicine garden,

"Warrior, isn't this person's opponent?"

"The warrior is already in the Hall of Ten Thousand Wars,

The character in the upper middle. "

They said,

But it stretched out its claws

The monk screamed,

I came out after being caught from the battle,


Splashing blood!

Walked more than a hundred miles,

Seeing the medicine crossed the mountains,

one look,

Those three positions,

There has been a turnaround,

Roll towards the distance,

It seems that

Has a battlefield,

Mined medicinal materials,

not many!

"It's really Wan Zhan—"

Commissioner Qian said,

To this Hall of War,

Not much interest,

It's really not as good as a **** battle against the wasteland.

Speeding towards Baizhan Mountain,

This person was repulsed by Commissioner Qian,

It seems that

The exercises here,

Not so.

Go see,

Commissioner Qian, flying in the direction of Baizhan Mountain,

While looking for medicinal materials,

While slashing the monster,

Can't fly,

After ten days,

See the mountains from afar,

This is Baizhan Mountain,

On the Hundred Battles Mountain,

Monsters are fighting from time to time,

There are groups of monsters fighting,

Fight together.

These places,

This is where the monsters can comprehend the exercises.

Commissioner Qian stretched over his body,

To the side of a mountain,

Immediately a monster said,



The body shape crosses vertically,

Like lightning,


Commissioner Qian waved his warhammer,

Three hammers in a row,

Great break!

These monsters that come forward,

Just feel that

Member Qian’s figure,

Is already very mysterious,

On this monster,

One person, one hammer!

In the loud noise like a huge thunder,

These monsters are rolling,

More than ten miles away!

Commissioner Qian went one mile away,

Another monster swooped up,

Commissioner Qian blasted out,

These monsters,

Ten feet away from this hammer,

Flames were released from the sledgehammer,

Touch this monster!


This monster,


Fly three miles away!

There was another monster nearby,

Warhammer hit!

This monster,

But it touched the flame on this warhammer,

Crashed like thunder,

Flew three miles to the side.

It blasted a group of monsters again,

Commissioner Qian has seen,

On a boulder,

With mysterious lines,

Surrounded by this rock,

There are three thousand monsters,

One look at this rock,

It seems that there are thousands of miles of rivers and mountains,

It keeps spinning again,

There seems to be a plane inside,

This is the magic weapon refined by the master of Pandian Mountain,

The power of this magic weapon,

Compared with the magic weapon of stalactite giant,

A lot tougher.

The stalactite giant fought against the monk of the **** of transformation,

Use magic weapons,

No more than ten moments,

Where can Commissioner Qian comprehend,

Commissioner Qian walked towards the herd,

With a wave of the warhammer,

The monster flies,

Fuck away!

The monster beside it roared,

"Human, not bad!"

Took over to the member Qian,


The monster tumbling,

With a bang,

Has been turned over a hundred meters,

"This human being is really strong."

The monster said,

"I think it has the level of a warrior!"

They said,

Some monsters,

Naked to the side,


The giant claw suddenly grabbed it,

Commissioner Qian's warhammer shook,

A burst of thunder,

A monster of five feet long,

Quit ten thousand feet,

"Humans are really tough,

There are many humans who venture here,

There are not many humans with a cultivation base similar to yours. "

The monster said,

Commissioner Qian,

This time,

Commissioner Qian went far,

Away from that boulder,

I feel more mysterious,


Thunder claws slammed over,

Commissioner Qian's warhammer shook,

A huge force like a mountain blasted over,

Such a huge force,

Commissioner Qian flickered,

Since the adventure in this hall of war,

This is the monk that Commissioner Qian has met who can make him sway.

This five-foot-long monster,

Three steps back!

If Commissioner Qian fights this monster~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there are at least a hundred tricks,

In order to defeat this monster,


In the inner circle of Wanzhan,

Not many monks like you come in to take risks. "

The monster said,

"Are you inside?"

Member Qian Da said.

The monster nodded.

It seems that

This inner circumference,

It's really not that easy.

Commissioner Qian thought.

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