Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3325: A little insight

Commissioner Qian walked forward,

The monster in front looked over,

Like a boundless plane,

Commissioner Qian stopped.

Entered Wanzhan Mountain,

Then he gave his hand to the monster,

This is since Commissioner Qian entered Wan Zhanshan,

It's the first time to hand over to the monster,

"Please enlighten me."

This person,

The strong like the Qian Da Committee,

Or higher!


The monster roared,

Like ten thousand giant thunders,

A catch,

Attempt to catch the member of Qiang,

More than 30 monsters beside,

The huge power like a mountain,

Flew out suddenly,

Commissioner Qian and this monster,

One person withdraws one step,


But there was a huge pit ten feet deep!

The quality of this mountain,

It has surpassed the ordinary Yuanying Flower God magic weapon,

Commissioner Qian thought,

Arched his hand at this monster,


Comprehend this fast boulder.

Not in front of this boulder,

I have already met an opponent with a cultivation base similar to my own,

The three treasures mentioned by the pool,

Commissioner Qian has been there,

I took some medicinal materials,

For Commissioner Qian,

Not as precious as other monks,

Commissioner Qian came from many monsters,

Collected some medicinal materials,

Cultivate for three hundred years, or longer,

You can reach these three treasures.

The effect of medicinal herbs,

I have a different cultivation base,

The views on these medicinal materials and materials are different.

Ran to the inner circle once,

Pick some medicinal herbs on the road,

It's better to come to this Baizhan Mountain for enlightenment.

Commissioner Qian gave a reminder,


This boulder,

The spirit of Commissioner Qian,

Unable to detect it.

one look.

Three thousand monsters here,

Like myself,

Watching the boulder practice,

Commissioner Qian began to deduce the boulder with all his heart.

I do not know how long it has been.

Commissioner Qian flashed.

Already outside of the Pantheon,

one look,

Many monks were already sitting and standing outside.

The Wanzhan Hall within a radius of five hundred li suddenly rushed up,

In an instant,

Has rushed into the sky and disappeared,

Commissioner Qian stood up,

Body shape,

Flew towards the distance,

In a few moments,

Have arrived at Hanshan,

Commissioner Qian entered Hanshan,

A group of people came over to greet,

Headed by,

It's by the pool,

Commissioner Qian and Chibian entered the lobby,

"I have seen Master."

The wandering knife brought the monk of Hanshan,

Salute to Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian said a few words to them,


Wandering Knife led the disciples back,

Commissioner Qian brought out some medicinal materials to Chibian,

Take a look at the pool,

"Yes, it is these medicinal materials."

Commissioner Qian didn’t have many medicinal materials.


Many medicinal materials have already produced results,

Of course the pond has a certain level of cultivating medicinal materials,

These herbs,

Take it back by the pool to cultivate,

Commissioner Qian is the head,

It is impossible to do everything by the pool!

Member Qian from Hanshan,

Back to the mountain flower plane,

To my office hall,

Honolulu greeted us,

Commissioner Qian explained what happened.

"That boulder,

On the fairy book, on the jade slip given by the stalactite giant,


I learned some,

Others, one year,

How much do you understand? "

Commissioner Qian said,


How many years have you felt the law of the fairy book? "

Tan Shan said,

These ones

Medicinal herbs,

Get the summer palace,

Trained in Xiadian.

Commissioner Qian then returned to Wen Gaiguan.

Tan Tian is practicing in Gujiao Medicine Field.

Commissioner Qian talked to Tan Tian.

The original Tao fruit,

Became more mysterious,

Understanding of fairy books,

Go deeper.

This is Commissioner Qian’s cultivation base of the Flower God Period,

Ordinary Yuanying master,

Entered Baizhan Mountain,

One year,

Be able to understand a bit,

Already good.


Commissioner Qian began to practice,

Deducing the celestial scriptures,

Feel the law.

This practice,

After ten years,

Commissioner Qian rushed to the wasteland of the blood war.

After ten years of cultivation,

The cultivation of the fairy book,

The perception of the law is still relatively slow,


Ten years of cultivation,

The spirit of Commissioner Qian,

A lot of progress!

Then walked towards the **** wasteland,

Arrived in Red Wolf Town,

Commissioner Qian entered the grocery store in Wanjian Sashan,

Many monks said in the grocery store,


It is the Wanzhan Palace,

Commissioner Qian took a look,

The monk who merged the seven rules is here,

When I saw Commissioner Qian come in,

He nodded to Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian nodded and sat.

One listen,

There are many monks here,

Entered the Wanzhan battle hall,

of course,

Except for the masters such as the Qian Da committee and the seven-line rule fusion monk,

The general four-line rules merge the monks in,

Are all in teams,

Urge the formation,

"A year's time,

Really not enough! "

A monk said,

After saying this,

Many monks in the grocery store nodded,

"In one year, I picked up oblique materials.

But there are many monsters! "

"Our four-line rule fusion monks urged the battle,

Ordinary monsters,

Able to deal with,

Those ordinary monks,

Urge the battle,

A lot of them have been beheaded. "

The monks said,

That, is called screaming.

These have been mined,


Not going to mine,

Chatting in this grocery store,

Speaking of evening,

The Pantheon,

One year is indeed relatively short!

There are not many kinds of babies.

It has been ten years since I came out from the Hall of War,

These monks,

I have already gained a certain amount in the Bloody Wasteland,

Mined rough,

Less than in previous years,


These monks,

Quite satisfied,

The monks who went to the Panchranch


I didn't get any exercises.

For monks who have merged the five rules,

Own Taoism,

Very mysterious,


Soon I can cultivate to a relatively high level.

These medicinal materials are one kind,

Find a nice mountain by yourself,

Cultivated for hundreds of years,

Can cultivate a lot!

"Old money,

What are the gains? "

Wan Jian said,

"Harvested some medicinal materials,

Went to Baizhan Mountain once. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Oh? You went to Baizhan Mountain?"


These ten thousand swords are scattered across the mountain,

Know Baizhan Mountain!

Commissioner Qian talked about his cultivation experience in Baizhan Mountain,

Wan Jian Sa Shan opened his eyes wide,

"This, our cultivation base,

Not team up,

It's in Baizhan Mountain,

Can't comprehend Taoism? "

Commissioner Qian nodded,


Your cultivation base,

Able to practice in the outermost periphery of Baizhan Mountain,

Outskirts of Baizhan Mountain,

To Na Xuan'ao Dao Fa,

Not much insight. "

Commissioner Qian said,

"Hurt the battle,

Not as fast as you,

Gain less. "

Wan Jian said,


Commissioner Qian went to the grocery store,

Ten thousand swords came out,

Rehearsing the body shape of Commissioner Qian,

Speeding in the direction of the mine,

Thousands of swords are spreading across the mountain,

Some mines have been found.

When I arrived at the mine,

Committee member Qian Dao Fa urged,

Today's Chief Qian,

Divine Mind is even more mysterious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After watching for a long time,

Member Qian said with emotion,

"Within five hundred miles,

A mine can be,


All are so-so. "

"Old money, can have this mine,

It's already pretty good. "

Wan Jian Sashan shook his head.


Dao Fa is reminded, surrounded by thousands of miles of mountains,

With Wanjian Sashan,

Into this pit! (To be continued...)

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