Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 3323: The hammer has no opponent

Opposite this monster,

It's been back ten feet in a row,

Sit down with a crash,

This kind of cultivation,

It is a real mana battle!

This monster at the mouth of the valley,


Has rushed over,

Commissioner Qian slammed the past again.


There was a loud noise,

This monster turned over and fought,

Three figures rushed out in the formation,

Like lightning,

Rush towards those fruits,

Be blasted to sit down a monster,

Body shape shook,

I caught it,


A loud noise like thunder,

There is a monk,

Has been caught by the monster,

There was a figure wearing a monster-swallowing armor,

Reach out and grab,

Seeing to take away a fruit,

The warhammer shook,


There was a loud thunderous noise,

This man was knocked off half of his body,

But it’s Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian repulsed this monster,

This fruit,

It must be taken.

The monk beside,

Seeing to take the fruit away,

I caught it and came over,

He reminded his sword art,

Flying sword turned into a thousand thunder fire,


This catch touched thunder and fire,

Thunder bursts out,

This man urged to issue a shield,

The shield is heavy on the mountains,

Like ten thousand mountains,

Lightning fast.

A catch,


The shield spun to the side,



This person was bombarded into three pieces,

This is the master of ordinary Yuanying Flower God,

The difference in combat power with monsters!

The master who was repulsed by Committee Member Qian,

Body shape like electricity,

Has retreated to the battlefield,

A look at the monks in the formation.

All stunned!

Seeing Commissioner Qian gave a hammer.

Banged on the monster,

Like knocking over a mountain,

I fought against the monster,

Reach out and grab it.

A fruit tree is put into the storage bag.

The monster roared.

Suddenly rushed over.

Commissioner Qian gave a hammer,

The monster had a spat.

Reach out and grab,

Put a fruit tree in a storage bag,

At this time,

Committee member Qian Da has already caught three fruit trees.

Body shape flashed,

Already out of the valley,

Towards the mountains outside,

Speed ​​past.

The monks in this formation took a look,

This time,

Not a single fruit was picked.

"I said just take some ordinary fruit,

You insist on coming here. "

A four-diamond said,

The battle turned,

Speeding to the side,

Commissioner Qian Da rushed out five hundred miles,

Towards a mountain,

For others,

Commissioner Qian,

I don't feel very interested,

If the fruit tree on the plane of heaven,

In the hands of Commissioner Qian,

More than a thousand years have passed,

Commissioner Qian used evolutionary fluctuations in the plane,

Immortal lotus wave,

The evolution of this fruit,

Not worse than the fruit in this mountain!

These fruits have not undergone evolutionary fluctuations in the plane,

And the wave of the fairy lotus peak,

Commissioner Qian took it back and planted it with Immortal Lotus Wave and Plane Wave.

Within three hundred years,

The effect of these fruits has been greatly improved,

Commissioner Qian thought,

The master of the Pantheon,

The least cultivation base is higher than the stalactite giant,


It may be the cultivation base of the tribulation period,

Commissioner Qian began to deduct several exercises,

These exercises,

Obtained from the monster mansion that was bombed,


Deduced for a few days,

These exercises,

It's really good,

For Commissioner Qian,

But it has perfected some of the Taoist fruits deduced by Chairman Qian.


Commissioner Qian came this time,

The harvest is good.

Commissioner Qian thought,

The pool side treats these fruits as incredible treasures,

For Commissioner Qian,

Better than the average,

Commissioner Qian decided,

Find medicinal materials and exercises,

Don't think,

Commissioner Qian traveled three thousand miles,

Some medicinal materials have been harvested,

Some herbs,

Take it back to the plantation for planting,

After one hundred and fifty years,

Can have a good evolution,


The exercise method suitable for Qian Da Committee,

But I can't find it at all.


It’s not as good as the main hall on the Pantheon Mount,

Commissioner Qian thought,

Fairy book,

Has surpassed the master of this ten thousand battle hall,

Out of the **** battle wasteland,

This is how

Chu in the **** wasteland.

Commissioner Qian walked away,

The monster pounced,

Commissioner Qian's warhammer shook,

Very mysterious,

"Boom" in the loud noise,

The monster has rolled and flew out,

Commissioner Qian flickered,

This monster is within one mile of Commissioner Qian’s figure,

From Chairman Qian,

Fly out and sit on the mountain,

Press towards this monster!


A huge earthquake,

"Where is the practice here?"

Commissioner Qian said,

If the content of the fairy book is concretized,

In a word,

Can write a rule fusion of 3 million words,

Notes from the cloak man,

Must be part of the fairy book,

If you find some exercises here,


Dao Guo of Commissioner Qian,

Can be more perfect,

This is similar to the rough stone in the **** wasteland,



It’s a deduction from a very wealthy committee member.

"There is a Hundred Wars Mountain here,

Monsters within fifty thousand miles,

You can go to comprehend. "

The monster said,


This ten thousand battle hall,

Within a radius of 50,000 miles,

There is just one place,

Allow monks to comprehend the exercises.

One outside,

Two places inside!

This ten thousand battle hall,

A radius of 150,000 li!

Commissioner Qian said,

Great God——

The master of this hall of battle!

It’s similar to a small plane,

This Hundred Wars Mountain,

From the treasure place where Commissioner Qian is going,

Five thousand miles,

Picked the baby,

You can go to Baizhan Mountain kankan,

Commissioner Qian thought,

If the monster inside,

Half stronger than the monsters in this valley!

You can already fight against Committee Member Qian,

This monster of the Hall of War,

But a lot!

Commissioner Qian flickered,

Galloping far away,

Swept towards the boulder,

Seeing a hundred miles away,

A medicinal material is good,

Commissioner Qian rushed over there.

Commissioner Qian has grown medicinal materials for so many years,

Now it works,

Medicinal materials hundreds of miles away,

On this Pantheon Mount,

The monks who generally integrate the four rules,

can be seen,


The cultivation level is not high enough,

To the value of this medicinal material,

Not necessarily.

Even the more precious medicinal materials,

To refine the top grade pill,

Auxiliary medicinal materials,

How much to use,

How to refine,

A lot,


This medicine,

Unless it is just suitable for the medicinal materials that this monk is good at refining,


Can't get past picking,

It takes a long time to think about it.

The herbs here,

But there are strong monster guards,

If this medicinal material is really good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It used to be a tough fight!

Commissioner Qian took a look,

This medicine,

I picked the positive and used,

Shadow of Golden Fruit,

I don’t know how many formulas have been developed,

Although some medicinal materials are not available,


The jade slips generally contain the word da,

Commissioner Qian urged Daofa,

Flew towards this medicinal material,

Although it is a hundred miles away,

Half tea time,

Commissioner Qian has already rushed here,

The monster rushed towards Committee Member Qian.

The speed of this monster,

There is a one-hundred-thousandth of an instant.


Commissioner Qian flashed,

Has reached the side of this monster,

One hammer,

Has already hit this monster,

The cultivation of Taoism brings a difference in speed,

This monster turned over ten somersaults,

one look,

Commissioner Qian is standing next to the medicinal materials,

Pick it slowly. (To be continued...)

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