Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 670: Incredible Ambush!

Why can't Xie Lianda's two best heroes be used when the blind monk is taken on the opposite side? ?

Let’s talk about Tai Long, Shadow of the Blade first. Tai Long is not strong in the early stage. In the later stage, he can use the stealth of the super big move to avoid the killing after killing the enemy. enemy.

However, the blind monk's 刂 is an anti-stealth magic skill, and the blind monk's ultimate move, the dragon tail, can kick the cutting blade away, so the road chooses the blade, and if the opposite is a wild blind monk, it will affect the blade very much play.

We need to change our strategy a little bit, Xie Lianda, what are you taking? Yu Luocheng asked.

Take robbery. Xie Lianda said.

The hero Zed also doesn't like blind monks on the opposite side, because it is easy to be kicked out by blind monks when he cuts in, but Zed has many changing tricks, and he won't cut in like a blade, which is more rigid.

I took the widow. Zhou Yan said.

With only one AD, the choice of junglers will become limited to those few AP junglers, spiders and widows.

From the perspective of the lineup, the widow will be a little more suitable, because the choice of the bottom lane is basically a mouse with a little AP damage.

There was no big accident in the bottom lane, the mouse was chosen, and Nami was the support.

The choice on the opposite side is very violent. Directly match Obama with a female tank, and there is a stance to directly blow you up online.

It has to be said that Rat's combat power in the early stage is very weak, and it will be destroyed by Obama. If it is controlled by the female tank on the opposite side, it is easy to give up its life.

However, from the perspective of team play, such a choice would be better.

The next thing to do is to let the rhythm enter the team battle period as soon as possible. This rhythm is best led by Xie Lianda and Zhou Yan to gain team economy and force the team early.

The lineup has been completely determined, the national team here:

Top Dan Xiaowang-Twisted Dryad.

Shan Xie Lianda-Jie

Jungle Zhou Yan-Widowmaker

Auxiliary pestle king - Nami

White Wind - Source of Plague

The lineup of the Japanese team is also fully finalized:

Top Laner - Taurean

Unit Kazuwa-A Clockwork Monster

Jungle Meiji Haru-Blind Monk

Auxiliary Apricot Yamamoto - Goddess of Dawn

Mu Liying - Holy Gun Ranger

The lineup is fully determined and officially entered the game

For the national team and the Japanese national team, the purple people on the scene turned into flying dragons and flew up from the seats of the ten players

The lightning dragons gathered above the players of the national team and turned into a more gigantic lightning virtual creature with long teeth and five claws. At the same time, a fierce beast appeared on the Japanese national team...

The two giant lightning beasts collided in the sky above the scene, emitting a dazzling fighting light, illuminating the dim scene as brightly as daytime, and in this brief light, those players who watched the live broadcast through the computer clearly understood I saw that the whole scene was densely packed with people, and there was no vacancy at all.

Such a dazzling game scene can't help but make people fascinated. Such a huge investment in Japan is indeed beyond the imagination of the entire world of e-sports

After the flash of light, on the huge projection screen, you can clearly see the Summoner Canyon jumping in front of you

projection again

The rice paddy arena in Japan directly abandoned the so-called large screens and LCD screens, and used all projection technology. This projection does not need to consider the problem of the screen at all, and does not need to consider the problem of the angle, because the anchor There will be a three-sided floor-to-ceiling projection super-large screen in the shape of the game site, no matter whether the audience is sitting in the center or sitting on the side, they can clearly see the game screen they want to see most, without any dead ends

Three-sided projection, this kind of visual effect directly detonated the world, and the Japanese Paddy Arena can be said to have created a fantasy country for e-sports.

In such an arena, even if the ticket price in China is several hundred, I am afraid there will be people begging for money without hesitation. This is much, much more enjoyable than watching a movie.

Looking through the single glass, looking at the magnificent scene of the virtual projection arena, Yu Luocheng was momentarily absent-minded.

Such a real competitive arena is the yearning of many competitive players. They originally thought that they would only be able to see it when they were old, but they did not expect that this kind of arena had already been built, and it was still in the most annoying little country of Japan.

If this country was not so annoying to the people of the country, Yu Luosheng would definitely admire this kind of investment made by this country from the bottom of his heart.

Unfortunately we are on opposing sides

Putting away those unnecessary emotions, as the united front Yu Luocheng took a deep breath...

There are no seats in the united front position. At this time, Yu Luocheng is standing on a fully lifted film stage, wearing a command earphone like a future helmet on his head.

He couldn't hear any noise from the outside world, and in front of him was a projection screen of the Summoner's Canyon that rushed into his eyes. Even if he was not a player at this moment, Yu Luocheng could still feel the boldness of uniting the overall situation

The world's camera fell on Yu Luocheng. Yu Luocheng, who was wearing a white battle uniform intertwined with flames, stood at the position where people need to look up and focus their eyes. lord of the throne , in command of all

At this moment, when all the people in the country, whether they worship Yu Luosheng or not, see this special scene, there is only one word in their mind: so handsome!

Mecha control seat, exclusive platform for united front, virtual projection battle screen

The form of e-sports in the Paddy Field Arena can be said to have completely overturned everyone's original thinking about e-sports. Is this really the most primitive computer and a few scorpions in an e-sports battle?

No matter what the result of this game is, Japan can be said to have revolutionized the world of e-sports this time, and everyone will remember this cross-age arena. He played in Tokyo, Japan.

We're on the blue side. Yu Luocheng said.

This sentence is actually a password. The players all understand that they must choose to change lanes on the blue side.

Obviously, Rat and Nami are a weak combination. If you are not careful, you may be defeated by the combination of female tank and Obama. The strength of the Japanese team's bottom lane is one thing. Guoguo must choose the most correct team here. style of play

The blue team adopts a line-changing policy, which means that the jungler will start with the opponent's red HHPP

The five quickly bought their equipment and went out. First they pretended to be in a defensive position, and the widow went to the opponent's red HHPP position to insert wards, so as to ensure that there would be no accidents in this L-level invasion of other people's wild areas.

At 1 minute and 30 seconds, the five members of the national team began to move. The bottom lane combination, jungler, and top laner all entered the red HHPP wild area of ​​the Japanese national team. With the protection of the eye position, the enemy is unlikely to come to disturb, and even more What's more, there are 4 people on their side, even if the other party is aware of it, they will die.

1 minute and 55 seconds, the red HHPP is refreshed, Zhou Yan, Xiao Wang, Chuguan Wang, and Bai Feng quickly take the opponent's red HHP

Didn't you see the face-to-face order? Yu Luocheng asked suddenly.

Xie Lianda started to walk forward, but he did not see the figure of Shan on the other side.

It stands to reason that the opponent who chose the clockwork monster is another robbery, so it is necessary to grab the level in the early stage. An experienced player has no reason to make this kind of mistake of being late to the line at level 1, unless...

unless they're in an ambush

There is an ambush, let's go! Xie Lianda on the road hurriedly called out, and quickly walked towards the place where the four team members were.

As soon as the words fell, a golden cowboy tauren chief suddenly appeared from behind the stone man mountain in the wild area

This man is a madman

The lunatic's eyes were full of ridicule as he looked at a clown, and his fingers quickly pressed on the flashing

The madman's operation was extremely fast. After appearing in front of the four national team members, his tauren chief waved his hands with broken shackles, and slammed towards the ground ferociously

earth shattering

The most powerful group control at L level in the entire League of Legends.

The shattering force swept towards the four members of the national team. Whether it was Zhou Yan, Chuguan Wang, Xiao Wang or Bai Feng, they never thought that the five opponents would all lie in ambush in the stone man mountain in the wild area, let alone think of them will kill at this time

Zhou Yan, Chuguan Wang, and Xiao Wang were all violently knocked into the air by the lunatic tauren chief. Bai Feng's hand speed and reflexes were obviously superior, and he dodged the deadly attack at the moment the bull's head knocked him into the air. hit.

Oops, it's going to be half wiped out. Yu Luocheng's heart tightened, and he stared at the tauren chief in Summoner's Canyon with a little horror.

top laner

I have been hearing all kinds of legends about the madman in the top lane before, and now I see this madman knocking three people into the air with a flashing limit center. If Baifeng reacts a little slower, all four people will be knocked into the air and controlled.

The bull's head's knock-up range is very small, and this kind of operation of knocking more than three people into the air is really amazing.

awesome bull head

On the road, Xie Lianda was rushing towards the ambushed team members at high speed, but on the way, he only encountered Bai Feng, who escaped by chance...

The remaining three people were both dizzy and weak from the female tank, directly facing the tragic situation of instant instant kill.

Bastard, how can there be eyes here? Xiao Wang cursed angrily, pressed a flash in the chaos, and flashed to the back side of the mountain near the stone man wild area

Xiao Wang immediately chose to upgrade his confinement skills, and a video eye partition wall was inserted into the Golem Canyon, gaining the vision of the wild monster Golem...

At the critical moment, Xiao Wang used his jumping and binding skills to cross the mountainous terrain and flew onto the wild monster stone man, thus escaping the catastrophe.

The wonderful escape operation in the face of danger made the scene full of embarrassment, but Zhou Yan and the official king who were taken care of by more skills were unable to escape, and finally buried under the trampling of iron hooves

After losing his strength, Xiao Wang's mind was still full of the scolding just now.

Did you open the full view on the opposite side? Otherwise, how could there be such an unlikely ambush?

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