Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 671 Blood Rain Bull Head!

Two people were directly killed in the opening game, and both heads were actually taken by the top laner Niutou. This is undoubtedly the biggest bad news for the Chinese national team

There was thunderous applause from Japan. For Japan, the Chinese national team is definitely the strongest country they have ever encountered. It is difficult to get points from this country. What they did not expect was that the members of the Japanese national team actually So powerful, there was an astonishing ambush in the first two minutes, which caught the Chinese national team by surprise

All the money of the two heads fell on the body of the bull, which made Yu Luocheng's whole heart sink in an instant.

This feeling is as if the Chinese national team marched into a small Japanese city with full armor, and suddenly there was an ambush on the periphery of the city, and the troops were greatly damaged in an instant.

The question is, how did Little Japan know that they were going to come here to win the prize? Even if they realized it later, how could it be possible for the five people to hide in the stone man mountain? yes.

Japan is really aware of such horrors, can it be judged by the lineup that the Chinese national team is going to change lanes and start with their HHPP plan?

Unless they sacrifice their important early experience to bet, and they must bet right.

The lunatic took two heads. Xiao Wang said in a low voice.

The burial of two heads in the early stage has already affected morale. The biggest bad news is that the strongest person in the Japanese national team got two heads. If these two heads are in the hands of the lunatics, it is equivalent to wearing clothes for a rabid dog. A set of spike equipment, anyone who sees it will be covered in blood

Go back to the line first to develop, and we fell at the beginning. The bull head took two heads, and his combat power in the first time he went to the line was not too scary, but Xiao Wangyou lost the flash, so be careful of being bullied by the bull head. If the opponent's jungler catches up with you, they will die, and their jungler will most likely end up in your bottom lane. Yu Luocheng didn't dare to dwell too much on this weird ambush problem, and quickly made a decision. Give the next tactical command.

I know. Xiao Wang nodded.

With blood remaining, he decisively chose to go back to the city. After buying two spells of blood potions, Xiao Wang immediately used the teleport to the bottom lane.

The fight was to switch lanes. After Baifeng escaped, he went directly to the top lane to grow. Xiao Wang naturally went to the bottom lane. If there is no accident, the lane change strategy failed this time. Since the opponent chose to lie in ambush there, Then their bottom lane combination Holy Gun Ranger and Japanese Girl will also go directly to the top lane, and then their perverted bull head will be directly teleported to the bottom lane to line up with themselves just like themselves.

In this way, it is still a normal laning, but the laning combinations of the top lane and the bottom lane have been swapped.

Xiao Wang's road is about to collapse. Li Tuchuan said with a sad face.

Coach Huang Kang and Zhang Aijing are still thinking about the question that Yu Luocheng was considering just now. Why did the Japanese team have such a weird ambush? Could it be that their consciousness is really advanced enough to know that the Chinese national team will play like this? The problem is that China The national team didn't make such a move until 1 minute and 30 seconds later, even if the opponent was detected by eyes before that, they still didn't know this intention.

Let Zhou Yan go to die squatting madman? Shen Xueyu put forward his own opinion at this time.

Absolutely not. Zhou Yan can't help Xiaowang no matter what. It's very likely to send a double kill. Da Luo immediately objected.

As a professional top laner, Da Luo now has the most say.

If you let your bull head get two kills in the early stage, and you are absolutely ahead of the treants you are in line with in terms of level and equipment, the bull head is very weak in the early stage, but if you want to kill him with two control skills, it is just a dream.

It's the same thing if you can't kill him. If you are squatted back by the jungler on the opposite side, 10,000 per cent of the heads will be sent out directly.

Accidentally, these two heads were taken by the bull heads, and the tauren chieftain with four heads at the beginning was directly against the sky. No matter how bad the overall strength of the Japanese national team is, the Chinese national team must GG

Yes, don't give the head to the bull's head again. The player's personal strength is already very strong. Coach Huang Kang deeply agreed.

That can only make Xiao Wang resist the pressure and fend for himself? Shen Xueyu was helpless for a while.

Everyone was also very helpless, no one thought that such an accident would happen.

Fortunately, this round was played by Xiao Wang. Xiao Wang's basic skills are more solid than Da Luo's. Facing this situation, he should not even be able to make up troops.

Now there is not much threat to Niutou. What I am most afraid of is after Niutou comes home and shines once... Li Tuchuan said.

After Li Tuchuan said this, everyone fell silent.

Dai Lan, who didn't have a deep understanding of the game, hurriedly asked: Why is the threat bigger after the bull's head shines?

Seeing that no one answered, Dailan stepped on Da Luo's foot anxiously, extremely angry.

Da Luo hastily explained in a low voice: You should know the hero of the Bull Chief. He used to play as a support, and his damage was relatively low. But in fact, the basic damage of the hero of the Bull Chief is not low. At the earliest time, the Bull Chief still played For those with medium AP, a set of Erlian can even kill people in seconds...

The current AD bull head, the first one to emit light, after the slamming, the basic damage is relatively high. The most disgusting thing is that the moment he knocks people out, he can still receive a normal attack, that is, a bump and a punch. Damage, at the same time, that punch will trigger the additional 10 damage of Yaoguang Passive, a slamming skill damage, plus two AD bull head general attack damage, and at the same time, such blood-consuming enemies can't fight back... It's equivalent to me rushing I came up and punched you several times, but you couldn't even touch me.

Dai Lan nodded half-understood, it seems that recently watching Da Luo fight, I often see Da Luo draining the enemy's HP like this.

If you didn't guess wrong, wait for Niutou to go home and then go to the lane to face Xiaowang. His savage charge and basic attack can directly knock out a third of Xiaowang's blood, so Xiaowang dare not Going to replenish soldiers, maybe even dare not eat experience. Da Luo continued.

Dai Lan was surprised...

A common skill can kill one-third of the blood of a rough-skinned and thick-skinned old tree, which is too exaggerated

Niutou's Brutal Charge skill has a wide range, and it is a must-hit skill, so how does Xiao Wang play it? ?

So, at most, Xiao Wang will make up a few more knives and grow a little longer. When the lunatic returns home, he will basically be released from this path. Yu Luocheng and the others have to think of other countermeasures to change this situation. In such a situation, it is a pity that the situation of Baifeng and Chuguanwang is not optimistic. They chose a lineup that is partial to the team and will be suppressed on the line. The jungler Zhou Yan was killed at the first level, and no one helped him HHPP, his life is also difficult. The hero widow is very afraid of the squatting in the early stage. After being squatted, he basically needs soy sauce... Now the only breakthrough is Xie Lianda. Xie Lianda's laning has not been affected. If he can Destroy the clockwork on the other side... Da Luo analyzed it for Dai Lan.

Oh, why is this happening? Is Little Japan playing tricks? Even I know that this kind of ambush is impossible. Dai Lan pouted her mouth and said angrily.

This, I don't know...

Everything was just as analyzed by Da Luo, the tragic start had already caused the balance of strength to be completely changed.

If it were replaced by a team whose strength was comparable to that of the Japanese national team, maybe all three roads would collapse in less than ten minutes.

Right now, Xiao Wang is under severe pressure, but he is not killed by the opponent for the time being after making up the knife.

Zhou Yan is desperately clearing the jungle to make up for the gap in level.

Baifeng and Chuguan Wang's development in the top lane is not too bad. After a heavy injury, the two did not show too much timidity in the lane, and they did not lag behind in replenishment

Fortunately, Baifeng's strength is there. If Baifeng died just now, this game would be really difficult. The strength of the Japanese national team is quite strong, but the feeling of support is mediocre. I hope the king can hold his breath , don't make any mistakes. Yu Luocheng said secretly in his heart.

Baifeng and Chuguan Wang have no flashes, and if they are controlled by a female tank, one will die, especially Chuguan Wang, who is very fragile in the early stage.

Hold on, believe me, I will be able to single-handedly kill the clockwork in the middle of them at U-level. At that time, I will bring up the rhythm. In the early stage, you must be overwhelmed before my U-level. In the silence, Xie Lianda spoke.

The sudden bad luck caused the atmosphere of this game to drop from the flat ground to the bottom in an instant, which was something that everyone could not have expected before the game.

This kind of atmosphere can easily affect morale, Xie Lianda, as the mid laner who can save everything, and as the vice captain of the Chinese national team, it is time to show his courage

Very good, just need this kind of confidence

Yu Luocheng also believed that Xie Lianda would definitely be able to do it, even if his opponent was Yuan Chuan Yihe

Perhaps there are not many people in P and Xingji who can compare with Kazuwa Motokawa, but this is L, how can there be no pride of L? ?

The players entered into a tense laning state, Yu Luosheng had nothing to command the united battle at the moment, all he could do was to keep an eye on the opponent's eye position.

The united front does not mean that you need to direct the players what to do now. Each of the players here is the top existence in their position. They will have more accurate judgments than themselves. What I can do is not to give them on the line. Better suggestions are for the overall situation, for ward layout, for early warning of levels, and for overall planning of dragons and HHPP.

Time passed by every minute and every second, the strength of the Chinese national team is indeed strong, even if it is not the full chief lineup, it is still not suppressed after suffering such a heavy blow, the jungler and AD support have all passed their most dangerous period, Xiao Wang Not too far behind in level and replenishment.

However, the real threat has now emerged

The terrifying bullhead of the fanatic has chosen to go home and update his equipment...

What kind of bloody storm will this player who has made the top laners in the whole world terrified next? ?

(Don’t you think it’s strange to update so early today?? Um, uh, I forgot to ask for tickets last night, so hurry up and update early today. Asking to count tickets early is a weird trick in Japan. Has anyone figured out the reason?)

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