Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 669 Tau Chief VS Twisted Tree...

Mu Liying, how are you preparing? Motokawa Yihe put on his signature self-conscious smile, and asked about the mysterious AD in the team

Of course, everything is ready. It's a pity that their Yu Luosheng didn't play. Mu Liying smiled slightly.

They underestimate the enemy. You must know that we are all fully prepared to deal with the fighting eagle. Since they didn't let the fighting eagle play... Yuanchuan Yihe laughed.

The national team without the fighting eagle is a mess. There is nothing to be afraid of. I can't even call the national team a name other than him. There is no team that has won the title of world-class. How dare you come out to fight us? Just because they won the league championship? The self-confidence is ridiculously inflated, said the man who sat on the far left of the team and dyed his hair the color of a parrot.

The man with the parrot-colored hairstyle is the super top laner-fanatic who enjoys a high reputation in the world.

This former member of the V Dynasty is now completely playing for the Japanese national team and enjoying top treatment in Japan. His goal is not the national team that is lucky enough to win the league world championship, but to beat the country he once played for

Facing the national team now, to be honest, apart from the world's top player Dou Ying, who is already well-known in the e-sports circle, the madman is a little bit afraid, the others are scum with less than five combat effectiveness in his eyes

The most ridiculous thing is that the national team has not even sent a chief lineup.

It doesn't matter. By the time they reacted in the second game, they were already crushed. They would never have thought that we had made so many preparations to deal with them. Motokawa Yihe said with a smile.

The game has officially entered the state of selection, and the national team naturally has to go through some careful consideration in terms of selection.

From the perspective of HAN selection, the Japanese national team is very good. They lost a hero that the national team often uses, the holy angel Kaier.

The lineup of Lulu, Angel, Nunu and high output AD absolutely shocked the L world when it was launched in Seoul, South Korea

In the past, there was also a tactical system of four guarantees and one. It was in the era when AD was particularly strong in the earlier seasons. Unfortunately, this kind of tactics is very rhythmic, and the formation speed is extremely slow. He was beaten until he forgot his last name.

However, the three heroes Lulu, Angel, and Nunu are extremely special. Their protection ability is what is most needed for HHPP ability. Angel is considered a strong hero who can suppress the opponent's short-handedness online

Strong in laning, strong in team fights, no absolute weakness, even if the AD is crushed to death, the damage of Lulu and Angel is at the sky-defying level, so this so-called undead tactic is not entirely for AD. One point develops better, let him go up to sell, and let him be the output firepower point.

This tactic has a very high fault tolerance rate, and there is no fear of being restrained at all.

The only thing to worry about is that when HAN chooses, Angel, the key hero, will be directly clicked

The Japanese team is very savvy, and they clicked off the world-famous tactics of the national team at first, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

The national team doesn't have any information about the Japanese national team at all. It's not that Li Tuchuan, Huang Kang, and Zhang Aijing didn't do their homework, but that the Japanese national team didn't let the chief lineup appear on any occasion where video could be shown. .

For games where it is difficult to collect data, the national team will naturally take one step at a time.

The Guoguo team did not hesitate to give all the three HAN places to the opposing top laner Fanatic.

Madman is a player with an aggressive style of play. As Da Luo said before, if he is a mad dog in the top lane, this madman is a mad dog. This style of desperate Saburo is similar to that of the blood eagle Zhao Tinghua Somewhat similar, they belong to the kind where he dares to come up to fight with you inexplicably, and the most speechless thing is that he won the fight. If these two guys collide... It's a pity that Zhao Tinghua is a jungler, and He will never join the national team.

Take the big tree. Yu Luocheng didn't think much about it, and let Xiao Wang take away the twisted dryad - Maokai

Twisted Dryad is a jungler that would appear in a high-end game in an earlier version, but with the change of the version, this hero is almost falling into the same row with crabs and gargoyles.

Unfortunately, the recent version changes made Dashu, the former jungle hero, rise up in an instant, and directly banned the era of the top laner of the crocodile overlord... Oh, no, the era of the top laner of the crocodile overlord has passed for a while

With the emergence of top laners such as Ryze, Lulu, Angel, and Frost Witch, Crocodile, who used to be at the top of the top lane zoo food chain, has repeatedly fallen. Now the new top laner darling Dashu appears, and the overlord Crocodile feels It turned into a small gecko in one fell swoop, not worth mentioning at all.

Dashu is really too strong in this version. Now even a top laner has to practice this hero, because no matter how well you use other heroes, you will be defeated by a slightly skilled Dashu in the end. , especially in the later stage of the team, the damage that a big tree can bear is calculated in tons, unlike other top laners who just get sick of a few skills.

What's even more disgusting is that the first big tree that comes out of time can also have a set of very terrifying burst damage. If the crispy skin is tied up by the big tree and eats a set of skills, it will basically be crippled

Super meaty dragon girl, big crocodile, and high-energy damage, why not choose such a hero? ?

One chooses to take the big tree, and the Japanese national team on the other side did not show any weakness, and the first floor directly locked the bullhead father

Speaking of the perverted big tree in this version, we have to mention Helista, the heroic tauren chief who exists at the same level of terror.

In the past, Lao Niu was a helpless bench, a hero who was extremely passive and beaten, but when the version changed, this hero appeared frequently in the support position at first, and was quickly developed into a top lane hero by high-end players. explode

It directly subverts all the old bulls' styles of play in the past. As long as the three-item AD bull head has passed a weak period in the early stage, after owning the three items and Bing Xin, the combat power will explode directly. If the damage is strong, rush directly into the opponent's pile. After a team battle, Nima may even be full of blood

The full level of the big move is 70 damage reduction, which is equivalent to the resistance of any equipment that does not need to be directly equipped with the Blue Shield Riyan Armor. If the blood volume is piled up again, such a tauren will be simple and honest if you throw 10,000 skills on it. Smile at you so much that you want to scold your mother

What's even more frightening is that with three items, the damage of the bull's head is extremely perverted. It slams into the fQ ground and smashes two consecutive three items of passive general attack.

Like the current version of the old tree, the flesh is invincible in the universe, and the rush ability and damage are terrifyingly high. Such a top laner will ask you if you are afraid? ? ?

The two grass-eating heroes, Lao Shu and Lao Niu, have now completely dominated the top lane, driving out all the so-called carnivorous top lane animals.

The national team chose Lao Shu, and the Japanese national team chose Niutou, which is considered to be the most terrifying hero in this version.

The tauren chief twisted the dryad, and there were probably no bright spots in the early stage, but after each of them produced a big piece, the battle became fierce.

Mu Liying, what they took was a dryad... Yuan Chuan Yihe asked with great interest.

Xiao Wang is a player who is good at both tree spirits and bull heads, but from what I know, they usually take bull heads instead of old trees. In this way, they will choose assassin-type instant-killing heroes. Look at their junglers. Choice, if the jungler uses the spider AP as a jungler, then it is basically certain that Xie Lianda will choose Tailong or Zed, Shadow of the Blade. Mu Liying said.

Will they choose Yasuo? asked the Japanese support player Anko Yamamoto.

No, if they want to take Yasuo, the first choice must be the bull's head. Although the old tree can also knock up, the effect is not as good as the bull's head...Of course, unless they choose the blind monk as the jungler, in this case, their AP damage It’s not enough, we will definitely choose the mouse, and the support will also be an AP support.” Mu Liying said.

Control, AP output, and AD output are indispensable in a reasonable facelift. If the national team chooses an AD single, such as Yasuo and Nan Dao, then their top lane choice should be Ryze , Make up for the lack of AP damage.

The all-AD lineup has great disadvantages. Unless it is absolutely crushed, the all-AD lineup will be easily overturned after 30 minutes.

Mu Liying knows very well that Xie Lianda is a player who is extremely good at single AD, and his Shan Rui, Shan Yasuo, and Shan Nan Dao are all top players in China.

In this national war, since it is Xie Lianda who will fight, there is no doubt that these three heroes will not be selected in the single choice.

Take the blind monk, Motokawa Kazuwa said decisively.

He believes in Mu Liying's judgment very much, because no one knows the national team better than Mu Liying

Damn, they took the blind monk. Xiao Wang scolded, feeling a little upset.

Yu Luocheng frowned slightly. The blind monk on the opposite side really didn't happen to be a coincidence. He was a little surprised why the opposite side chose the jungler instead of taking Dan and AD. It stands to reason that all the junglers have been released, and it doesn't matter who picks first. So-called.

It's a bit of a miscalculation, Xie Lianda, your Yasuo and the male sword are not suitable for holding. Yu Luocheng said.

Xie Lianda nodded.

The Japanese national team has a keen sense of smell, and it seems that they have really done a lot of homework. I

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