Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1005 Do good men eat?

I'm sorry, this stone man is so fleshy, Xu Chang complained angrily.

A top lane Golem who has been beaten into a dog already has two large pieces of defensive equipment at this moment, and the Golem with such equipment will become extremely fleshy. If there is no such equipment as Qingyu, it will be particularly difficult to fight.

Xu Chang's output was basically wasted on this stone man, and he didn't kill him for a long time.

Yu Luocheng's cunning enchantress is killing Noxus now, it's really like slaughtering a dog, and it will be crippled in two or three hits.

Be careful, be careful of Lux's qu Xu Chang shouted loudly.

Xu Chang was still dealing with the stone man, and was angry with the stone man, but when he saw Lux's imprisoning light flying towards him, it was too late when he wanted to dodge.

Wow, I hit it, I hit it the model girl named Yingying said happily, who would have thought that this guy hit the enemy's main force for the only time in a team battle.

Yingying is not too good, after hitting the target, immediately pick up one, it is Lux's classic combo

Giant Radiant Energy Cannon

A huge light beam flew away, and pierced through Xu Chang who was imprisoned in place. Xu Chang hesitated for a while whether to use treatment, because he remembered that Yingying's equipment was not very good, and he should not be able to knock out much of his blood. However, this After the light beam passed by, Xu Chang stayed in place as if his internal organs had been pierced.

The screen instantly turned black and white, and I saw my hero was turned into a residue by this bombardment, and the healing technique was not used in time

I don't care, why is this glorious equipment so good? Xu Chang urinated all of a sudden, looking at himself who had been killed in battle, he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

This mid-lane Brilliance has no sense of existence compared to some auxiliary Brilliance. Why does the damage suddenly become so high.

Shame, shame, he was instantly killed by someone else's brilliance as a diamond rank

The hero Lux, the shining girl, is a super late-stage AP. Although her early-stage skill damage is not low, it is very difficult to hit the enemy.

But once she gets through the fatigue in the early and mid-term, the role of Lux will be very obvious in the middle and late stages. The long-distance skill keeps her in the safest position forever, and the high damage of the skill allows her to easily get kills in team battles. The short cd of the big move can even deal tons of output damage in team battles. Even if the equipment is not particularly outstanding, as long as the four damages of the qfpfp passive can be fully released, it can directly kill the enemy's crispy skin.

At this time, Xu Chang was still at the stage where ten minutes ago, girls were poorly equipped. In the end, another girl took him away with a decisive instant kill combo, and taught him how to be a man.

Xu Chang was so angry that he had no choice but to watch the other sisters gradually gaining dominance.

Under the leadership of Yu Luocheng, the girls' equipment is getting better and better, which makes the beasts gradually feel helpless. They still can't figure out that this is a game that anyone can't win if they can't play it. The situation turned upside down by Yu Luocheng alone, is it really because the gap between the world's top players and diamond players is so huge?

Maybe they shouldn't have troubled Yu Luocheng too much from the very beginning, and wasted a lot of time that should have been spent on developing and pushing down towers, killing Yu Luocheng, causing Yu Luocheng to delay the time, and giving him the opportunity to constantly update. Equipment opportunities.

Yu Luocheng's trick enchantress is really invincible

When the team battle started, he was originally in a state surrounded by 4 people on the opposite side, and everyone's skills were ready for Yu Luosheng.

However, Yu Luocheng easily escaped from this kind of siege, and started to fly four kites by himself. In Yu Luocheng's hands, the hero of the Demon Fairy is like a ghost. When I met him, I was repeatedly manipulated by Xiuzhi Shangxiu.

Before, they had already realized how disgusting the deceitful enchantress was, but now seeing this ad wandering through the crowd of people chasing, everyone fully realized how terrifying this hero is.

ad Deceitful Fairy, everyone was taught a lesson gorgeously by Yu Luocheng today, because in this round Yu Luosheng has fully demonstrated the unique strength of this hero.

The output in the early stage exploded, and it is very easy to get a kill.

Flexible, with multi-stage displacement, and can use the second stage to return.

Phantom chain, control and protection, let this situation without fear of l, flying a kite is like walking a dog.

Passive doppelganger, once again gave her an extra layer of life protection.

Copying the big move is equivalent to strengthening the three attributes of flexibility, control, and kite, making everything perfect and impeccable

The ap trick enchantress needs to use skills to deal damage, and the ad trick enchantress can use skills to create various output spaces that other adk cannot do.

This is the ad trick enchantress. If you are confident that you can get the kill in the early stage and get enough equipment to pile up ad output, this will be a hero who thoroughly demonstrates personal strength and 5

Sigh, we lost. No matter how unwilling he was, Feng Li couldn't stop that cunning enchantress who defied the sky.

The Bewitching Fairy of Deception forcibly rushed up to make a set, and they immediately lost half of their blood, and then he immediately disappeared and went back. There was nothing he could do to take Yu Luocheng. How could the beasts guard the high ground after so many harassments?

Other ad displacement skills should be used with care, not easily protruding into people's faces, but the trick enchantress just stepped on the face casually, anyway, it will bounce back immediately if there is danger, it is safe and has no side effects

I lost, I lost, there's nothing to defend. Xu Ben also gave up his resistance, watching the girls pouring in front of their crystal base one by one.

Xu Chang and Lu Feng's expressions were extremely ugly.

At the beginning of the game, they were still thinking about killing Captain Yu in a different way, so that they could have the title of killing the world champion.

As a result, after the whole round, none of them were able to kill Yu Luocheng once.

Others fought against them with their girls. If the lm team came to fight them, wouldn't they be abused like humans and machines?

Seeing such a gap, I feel like deleting the game.

The competition was finally over, and a group of people gathered around Yu Luocheng, all of them turned into the appearance of aunts, chattering wildly.

Yu Luocheng's ears were noisy, he himself did not expect that after showing off an ad enchantress, it would cause such a big uproar.

Speaking of ad enchantress how to fight?

In fact, to put it bluntly, you need to be strong enough, not only have a deep understanding of ad, but also have a strong ability to operate the hero of the trick enchantress. After you have two foundations, you can practice a few games to adapt to ad After the injury of the Demon Fairy, this hero is really outstanding.

Of course, it still has a very serious relationship with the hero's own attributes, that is, once the hero collapses in the early stage, or does not get enough advantages, the ad trick enchantress is basically a useless person, and the damage is very low. Low, it can be ignored directly in the group station.

Yu Luocheng doesn't know how many people will imitate his style of play after today, but whoever makes him the bright red scarf Lei Feng in the hearts of elementary school students, although thank you

Come on, Captain Yu, this is a small thing. You have worked hard to come here today. Boss Lei walked over with a smile, and calmly stuffed a card into Yu Luocheng.

Yu Luocheng didn't pay much attention to it at first, and stuffed it in his pocket casually when there were too many people.

After finally getting out of the Demacia clubhouse, Yu Luocheng took a long breath, damn it, it was full of other people's carbon dioxide in it, even if the three girls Yingying, Yaya, and Xuexue occasionally exhaled like Lan, the fresh air outside is still comfortable.

Captain Yu, remember to call me, I'm usually free at night... oh, oh, if it's you, I'm free anytime. Xuexue chased her out, and said to Yu Luosheng with some reluctance .

In fact, Xuexue really hoped that Yu Luocheng would take her away right now, even if it was to treat her to a six yuan Mala Tang, she would be willing to do anything, this man is so handsome.

Naturally, Yu Luocheng politely refused, and he couldn't do it if he didn't refuse. Yi Qin's eyes were like swords. During the whole game, Yi Qin almost stepped on Yu Luocheng's insteps. This woman still wears high heels.

Let's go, I'll treat you to dinner. Yu Luocheng said to Yi Qin, who had finally returned to China, while turning his legs and grinning.

Just waiting for your words, by the way, what did Boss Lei give you just now? Yiqin asked.

I don't know either. Yu Luocheng took it out of his pocket, and saw a shiny China Construction Bank card at a glance


I've heard of stuffing red envelopes, stuffing room numbers, this is the first time Yu Luocheng has encountered someone who stuffed bank cards directly.

It seems that the appearance fee for you is enough for our expenses tonight? Yiqin stroked her hair and smiled charmingly.

Yu Luocheng's eyes were basically on the card, he didn't notice Yi Qin's little move, he was thinking about how much money could be in this card... and what's more, what is the password of this card

Let's go, my sister is driving here. Yiqin turned around elegantly, stepped on Yu Luocheng's foot without a trace of fireworks, and then walked towards the parking lot on her high heels.

Yu Luocheng gasped in this cold weather, how the hell did he offend her, why did he still get stepped on? ? Could it be that the extra money earned from going out should also be managed by her? ? This can't be the case, and it's not my daughter-in-law.

After getting into the car, Yu Luocheng asked, What do you want to eat?

Eat everything, I want to eat all the delicious food tonight. Yiqin said with her cheeks flushed while holding her small fist.

Do you want to eat a good man? Yu Luocheng teased.

Yiqin tilted her head, smiled mysteriously and said, That depends on whether this man is really good.

Pure, pollution-free, strong and returnable

Oh, are you still a virgin?

Pfft... Yu Luocheng sprayed the car window with a mouthful of salt soda.

Seeing Yu Luocheng's embarrassing old red face, Yi Qin laughed from ear to ear and trembled wildly.

Her voice was like the high laughter and teasing of a tsundere queen, lingering in the car was pleasant and intriguing, but it also made Yu Luocheng even more painful.

(Chapter 1 sends a monthly ticket)

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