
Qin Beast thought for a long time, and felt that wanting to kill Yu Luocheng too much was indeed not an easy matter, so after discussing it, he decided not to care about Yu Luocheng's show, and aimed at the younger sisters, and he couldn't kill you, Yu Luocheng, don't we? Still can't kill those girls?

After thinking it over, everyone ushered in the next team battle, but the five of them soon discovered that the equipment of the sisters had unknowingly increased.

The Golem already has a piece of blue shield equipment plus ninja footwear, and Lux ​​has a big holy grail. Such equipment is not good, but it is enough to play a certain role in team battles.

Damn, this guy just whispered like that. Feng Li, who was on the road, screamed strangely.

This time he will be in big trouble. Feng Li is dressed in a 'meat' suit. He is not afraid of the sky and the earth, but he is afraid of whispers. Now he is just a sun flame, a big belt, and the equipment of the watcher's armor. Even the large piece of equipment has not been fully synthesized, but someone else already has a three-piece set, one of which is the nemesis of all tanks - the language of the breeze, which makes Feng Li feel so embarrassing.

Sure enough, everything was just as Feng Li was worried about. After possessing Qingyu, Yu Luocheng really taught him how to be a man every minute. Feng Li was at the forefront of the team battle as before, but Yu Luocheng beat him to pieces a few times. Blood.

Forget half blood, Feng Li's Noxus was tied with a shiny dog ​​chain.

Feng Li didn't do anything in this game today, but was treated like a dog by Yu Luocheng from the beginning to the end, which made Feng Li feel bad.

With Yu Luocheng's current equipment, the phantom chain is no longer simply to control the enemy, but to cooperate with his superb basic attack damage to achieve the effect of controlling the kill, so that the enemy has nothing to do.

The phantom chain lasts for 3 seconds. During this process, the trick enchantress can output perfectly, making the enemy completely unable to resist.

Not long after the team battle broke out, Noxus was killed. Feng Li had nothing to do with it. The good equipment he had accumulated at the beginning seemed useless at this point in time, and Noxus himself Sass is a hero without a late stage.

Yu Luocheng had already done it before, the biggest trouble in the team battle was Noxus, he fought in front of him like a wall to separate himself from others, all his strength could only fall on this wall The body of the wall just couldn't be knocked down yet.

Now that his strength has become stronger, Noxus is no longer a huge wall that hinders his performance. After Yu Luocheng killed it, he immediately reunited with Yiqin who was standing in the middle of the battlefield.

He's dead? Yi Qin was also a little surprised that the big 'meat' Noxus was dealt with by Yu Luocheng so quickly.

That's right, let's play with me, brother will take you to fly supernaturally. Yu Luocheng said.


Yu Luosheng and Yiqin will reconcile, and Yiqin has maintained a good development, and the current equipment is actually similar to that of Noxus.

With the same equipment, Noxus and Winter's Wrath are definitely not at the same level in terms of meat. The hero Winter's Wrath actually doesn't need too much equipment support, it just looks thick No, it will take a long time for a group of people to besiege, and it will be a nightmare after getting the equipment. That kind of meat is desperate.

Yi Qin is now equipped to run rampant in the battlefield without any scruples.

It's a pity that she didn't do much damage. If she joins forces with Yu Luocheng... one has 'meat' and the other has damage, and she suddenly becomes the ruler on the battlefield.

Kill Carter, don't harvest him. Yi Qin said to Yu Luocheng.

That's exactly what we want, we really have a good understanding. Yu Luocheng said with a smile.

Yiqin ignored this guy's poor mouth, and kept the big move on hand unused. Seeing that Katerina was planning to use Lux as a springboard to harvest, she threw a Frost set lock.

The frost lock rolled up the cold air and exploded beside Lacus, and the cracked ice marks quickly froze Katerina, turning her into an ice cube.

Yu Luocheng followed quickly. All his damage now comes from basic attacks, and the damage of basic attacks is particularly high. He just hit Katerina a few times casually, and Katarina's blood was left.

Damn, what kind of harm is this? Xu Ben yelled.

Xu Ben wanted to harvest just now, but when he saw that his blood volume was crippled after a few hits, he hurriedly fled the battlefield with the Shunpo that killed Lacus and refreshed.

Evil barrier, want to run? Yu Luocheng is not a kind person.

At the moment, the phantom 'fascinating' track is activated, and when Katerina is hiding back in the crowd, he forcibly chases into the depths of the enemy, chasing Katerina madly.

Xu Ben was about to cry, how can there be such a fight, isn't it necessary to follow the principle of hitting whoever can be hit, otherwise it is easy to be caught and killed instantly.

It was good for the Demon Fairy, who jumped in and killed them in front of so many people, completely ignoring other heroes.

The electric blade flickered for a while, and the damage just took away Katerina's blood volume. Katerina fell in the crowd, and no one could save her.

Yu Luocheng had calculated the damage accurately, and when he was facing the concentrated fire, he immediately used the effect of the phantom shadow to return to the original place, and quickly escaped from the danger zone.

Wow, the output ability of the Deceitful Fairy is so fierce, it killed Katerina and she escaped unscathed. A group of people in the Demacia clubhouse shouted.

Any aDK can't do such a strong pursuit of the cunning witch, and escape safely after the strong pursuit. His phantom mistake tracking is really a magic skill. When escaping, the displacement distance is long, and when chasing and killing, he can also quickly come back...

Don't tell me, Captain Yu wants to choose another aD to fight. I guess he really can't save the world like he is now. It would be fine if the five people on the opposite side are dead against Captain Yu. Now that the Deceitful Fairy is equipped, he is not afraid of targeting at all. Displacement, various restrictions, and output space are all lying down.

The time for the Demon Fairy of the Tricksters to exert her power has finally arrived. Everyone saw that Yu Luocheng and Yi Qin were invincible all the way, and whoever killed whoever they saw, followed the death of the big meat Noxus of the beast team. , their formation looked very loose.

This guy Yu Luocheng is even more coquettish. He also used his big move P to copy the miserable trace of the phantom to strengthen Xu Chang's aD, and he clicked twice to get a critical hit. As a result, Xu Chang's Wei Lu Si lost half of his blood, and the remaining three ran away.

Yu Luocheng is a bewitching concubine with trickery, several people could outrun his phantom trail, and they were dealt with one by one.

I'll help you fight the tower. Seeing Yu Luocheng's murderous intent, Yi Qin said very consciously.

You're going to die. Yu Luocheng said very reluctantly, how could a delicate girl help him bear the hurt.

With such words on his lips, Yu Luocheng still stepped on Yiqin's Winter's Wrath and killed him. This made Yiqin speechless for a while. He had never seen such a thick-skinned man.

Yiqin was killed in battle against the tower, but Yu Luocheng took advantage of the situation and slaughtered Verus and the Spider Queen, leaving behind a little Annie who could run fast with her short legs.

The team battle was quite fierce, the girls were all killed in battle after all, but they got a 4 for 4 average.

At this point in time, if the team battle is tied, the girls will be more powerful. Whether it is Lux, the stone man, or the dark head of state, they will all play a very strong role in the later stage. There are more point control and group control. Throwing skills into the crowd with eyes closed can still hit one or two, as long as they contribute some damage, Yu Luocheng can wipe out those five beasts in one go.

Too much money is not enough, it is estimated that more than half of the entire team's economy is concentrated on Yu Luosheng.

Yiqin is also extremely smart, and specially chose a jungler who doesn't need any equipment but is very effective. He makes people headaches in every way, sells himself in every way, and raises Yu Luocheng so much that he is called 'fat'.

As long as Yu Luocheng survived, the five beasts would have no chance at all.

However, Yu Luocheng is particularly difficult to kill with aD trick enchantress, not to mention so many displacements, it is estimated that the flash is still in his hand, there is no way at all.

The 5 beasts were basically harvested by Yu Luocheng in the next few wave map stations. The girls gave Yu Luosheng red hhP and blue hhPP to Yu Luocheng, so that Yu Luocheng's output ability reached Maximize it, making it difficult for 5 beasts to parry.

Damn it, even aP demon girls are not so disgusting. Lu Feng said angrily.

Yeah, the aP demon girl is also good at collecting heads, but the most she can take is the head, even if she survives to the end, she can't do anything, but this aD demon girl can still push the tower after the harvest. If it is broken, how can I hit it? Xu Ben said helplessly.

Why is aD far from the core of the team?

Only when aD is alive can he advance and unplug the defense tower.

Yu Luocheng's aD Trick Demon Fairy is really an assassin, and has both output, harvesting and tower pushing, has multi-stage displacement ability, if the return skill is good, the displacement will be doubled, the control of phantom chains, perfect protection Not to mention that it has the effect of chasing, has displacement, has control, can rush, and can be wretched, so what kind of aD is there for such a full-featured compound talent?

The only shortcoming is now that Yu Luocheng has made up for it through superior equipment, so now Yu Luocheng's trick enchantress is everyone's father, unstoppable

For a piece of shit, I'm directly killed

Xu Ben was crying, staring at the computer screen in disbelief.

In the same way, Xu Ben was once again caught by Yu Luocheng's cunning enchantress in the wild.

To be honest, it is very difficult for one person to guard against sneaking into the wild area to kill people, because this kind of thing is usually something that only other people, such as Tyrone, Jie, and little fish, would do.

This time Xu Ben was a little different from the last time he was killed. He didn't even have time to react, so he was killed by Yu Luocheng's trick enchantress a few times, a real instant kill.

How can such a trick witch be less terrifying than aP trick witch?

5 The beasts are a little desperate now, how dare they go to encircle and suppress Yu Luosheng, and honestly all go back to the high ground to defend.

Soon, Yu Luocheng was in the lead alone, followed by 4 maids, standing majestically under the gate of the enemy's city, and standing there, the 4 beauties were charming At the same time, it set off Yu Luocheng even more forcefully and shiningly.

Just ask you, who else

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