Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1006 Who exactly paid the money back...

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\u003c!----\u003e Inadvertently, March came, and the south began to feel warm. ¤ Website URL: ;¤

In Lecheng distributed along the river, some young spring trees are gradually blooming new buds.

When we were in elementary school or junior high school, when we described spring, we always said that the trees grew new branches and leaves. In fact, children who write compositions like this are deceptive in the south

The trees in the south, whether it is the greenery on both sides of the city or the mountains all over the mountains, all have no concept of falling, and they remain blue and dense all year round. The so-called new buds are just slowly growing among the dark green leaves. Pull it out.

Of course, there is also the most classic autumn, when the rice fields are full of golden wheat, and the farmers are working hard to harvest.

I'm sorry, the south doesn't grow wheat under normal circumstances, and I don't know how those elementary school students saw golden wheat on the way home from school. At most, they saw rice, okay?

Lecheng is a very standard southern city. The city is distributed along the banks of the river, and the banks are surrounded by mountains. Now it has completely turned green

I don't know where the source of the Jinxi River in Lecheng is, and it can't be said that it has nurtured many generations of people in Lecheng. When the river was not really treated a few years ago, it was still occupied by those gold-fishing ships, and it was full of potholes. , Bottomless pit, try to let some children who swim in the river have no chance to get up again.

A beautiful walking river park has been built on both sides of the river in the past few years. Many middle school students in school uniforms are already holding hands here, making some big brothers and big sisters who have graduated from college feel ashamed.

Along the boardwalk of the park to the end, it turned out to be a water park for children to swim and play. After all, the water in the swimming pool is stagnant water and looks dirty. A water swimming pool built in a river like this will look extra special .

When she didn't have the money to go to the swimming pool for training, Yu Yu would often be here. This river area is like her second home, swimming freely, like the elves raised by this river.

Growing up, Yu Yu seldom appeared in this kind of public swimming pool. On the one hand, there were many perverts, and on the other hand, her status had changed and she was no longer the water girl who was like a little loach.

Sitting on the chair next to him in a daze, watching the waves of water flow non-stop, Yu Yu slowly pulled off the leaves next to him and threw them into the river one by one, not knowing what he was thinking about.

I'm done shopping, let's go home.

At the position where the stairs lead to the street, a woman carrying a vegetable basket shouted at Yu Yu.

Hey, here we come. Yu Yu hurriedly got up, patted the dust off her ass, and followed Li Yun who had already bought vegetables in a few steps.

Mom, is the money still enough? Yu Yu asked in a low voice.

It is enough, why is it not enough? Our life is much easier after we have no burden. Your father likes to drink tea. He didn't dare to buy tea for himself for a long time. He bought some specially for a while. Li Yun said.

That's good... Yu Yu nodded, but soon she realized something was wrong.

Based on Yu Yu's understanding of her parents, if she still owes money to others, she will definitely save money and pay it back. How could she suddenly say that she has no burden?

The matter of relatives' money can be resolved after I get a good result in the Olympics. Yu Yu said.

Money from relatives? Li Yun looked at Yu Yu in confusion.

Isn't Dad still owed a large sum of money for the surgery and post-surgery care? Yu Yu said.

You child, you have already returned it, why do you still pretend to be ignorant. Li Yun blamed.

Repaid?? Where did you get the money from? Yu Yu was stunned, looking at Li Yun suspiciously.

Isn't it you? Li Yun was also puzzled. Could it be that Yu Yu, a kid who swims too much, has lost his mind and even forgot about paying back the money.

Li Yun had called before to confirm that all the money owed had been paid off, and the relatives all said that it was Yu Yu who called them.

Me? I don't have one. Yu Yu was a little dumbfounded.

The monthly income I get from the swimming team is actually not particularly high, and the coach does not let her accept commercials, fearing that it will affect the Olympic Games. The one who returned the money to the relatives, Yu Yu did the math on her own, and the money owed is estimated to be around one hundred thousand.

The one hundred thousand yuan may not be a big problem for Yu Yu in the future, but it is a huge sum of money before he has achieved an excellent result in the Olympics.

It's not you, who is that? Could it be that there are still people who are full and stuff money to relatives of our power, and then say that you paid it back. Li Yun glared at Yu Yu angrily.

She knew that Yu Yu must have done it secretly, and only Yu Yu had the ability, and she didn't want them to worry about their parents, so she never said anything about it.

Mom, I really don't have any. My money has been kept in that card, and it's only tens of thousands of yuan. Even if I take it all out, I won't lose it. The coach told me that there is no need to worry too much about this kind of thing. In the future, there will be more money. Opportunity... Yu Yu said to Li Yun seriously.

Yu Yu also wants to know what's going on here, since the family is heavily in debt, barely relying on her current fame to calm down relatives, but it won't make those relatives feel confused that they have already paid back the money Ah, what the hell is that?

You really didn't return the money to them secretly? Li Yun was also a little dazed, and asked seriously.

Really not. Yu Yu said.

Oh...then...then...then what's going on, I've asked them many times, and they all told me with certainty that you sent them the money. Send me a screenshot, it says that the name of the transferer is you. Li Yun said.

How is that possible?

But the bank transfer information can't be wrong.

My cards are all on me. Yu Yu suddenly realized something as she said, as if she had a card that she no longer had, and that was the bank card she used to save money in red envelopes.

The bank card for saving the red envelope money was opened by myself and my elder brother Yu Luocheng, and it contained the red envelope money that the two of them had received since childhood. The card was in my name, but it was placed with Yu Luocheng. Yu Yu clearly remembered that when she went to the water school, she took out all the money in it because the tuition fee was not enough, and there was only one empty card left... Originally, this empty card was also on her, but I don’t know when this card just disappeared.

Anyway, it is a card that does not need to deduct the annual rent, and there is no money in it, so Yu Yu didn't care about the whereabouts of this card.

She thought back very carefully, it seemed that she lost this card when she went to see Yu Luocheng at the beginning of the LP.

Could it be that at that time, this guy took this card away, and then cleared all the medical bills in his own name? ?

What's the matter? Seeing Yu Yu's strange look, Li Yun hurriedly asked.

Mom, I guess my brother did it. Yu Yu said with a wry smile.

Xiao Sheng?? Where did he get so much money?? Li Yun naturally didn't believe it.

That's more than a hundred thousand. How could Yu Luocheng, a kid in his twenties, scrape together a hundred thousand? They have to save for three to five years without eating or drinking.

Although I don't know their situation very well, but he should have so much money now. I heard that the prize money for League of Legends games is often hundreds of thousands. Yu Yu said.

Then...then he really paid back the money?? Li Yun was stunned.

She always thought that Yu Luocheng had completely stopped caring about this family for his own so-called ideals, and he was as hard-hearted as a stone and never cared about the family's situation. When the money was all paid off, Li Yun and Yu Jing were subconscious I think these are all done by the sensible Yu Yu.

But now, Li Yun's heart was extremely shocked. He couldn't imagine that Yu Luocheng, who was still a child in his eyes, would be able to spend such a large sum of money to solve the family's predicament, let alone that he would use such a method... …

Isn't it? I'll find out after I go home and check the transaction records of the card. Yu Yu said.

Inquiring about the card, Yu Yu still remembers that in order to prove what she had in mind, the mother and daughter hurried back home and turned on the second-hand computer that they bought not long ago.

It is not difficult to inquire about the transaction records, as long as you remember the card number and the inquiring password.

There is no balance in the card, and it looks no different from an empty card.

Yu Yudian opened the transaction record, and chose the time Li Yun said.

Soon, a flood of information jumped out from the computer screen, and the bank transaction box clearly summarized the money transactions in the past one or two years.

There are deposits and remittances.

Basically in thousands

A sum of money was transferred in, but some of them were transferred out quickly, and they were all transferred to the accounts of relatives Li Yun was familiar with.

Can... can you see who deposited it? Li Yun said in a hurry.

To be honest, seeing this, she has completely understood.

But what can she say as a mother?

When the depositor's name was finally revealed, Li Yun's eyes flickered even more.

As I realized a while ago, Yu Luosheng is neither childish nor rebellious, he is far more mature than they imagined, he is just using his own way to shoulder the responsibilities of this family...

However, thinking about it carefully, there seems to be nothing else in this family other than endless pressure and hard abetting.

(The second chapter is here. I haven’t asked for a monthly ticket for a long time. I’m afraid that everyone will forget to vote again. Today, I would like to remind everyone that the monthly ticket must be voted.) \u003c!--over--\u003e

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