Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 157: The umbrella of protection that does everything possible

The bloody massacre of one night has temporarily ended. The order of New York and even the entire United States is on the verge of collapse. It is naturally difficult to continue work, and the crisis is far from being completely resolved.

The entire New York is still under control. O'Connor showed his management talent in his busy work. In a work dispatch in the morning, he was promoted to the temporary manager of New York.

Responsible for integrating resources and resettling the eight million New Yorkers who lost their jobs.

Wall Street was bloodbathed, countless companies were in a mess, many wealthy people were demons, and they were almost killed by special forces soldiers. Their legal assets naturally became illegal assets.

Some human capitalists had already figured out how much profit was contained in this during the curfew, and contacted the temporary person in charge of the municipal building many times, wanting to share this big cake together.

It's just that the temporary person in charge is an employee of the umbrella company, so the plans of those capitalists naturally fell through.

The umbrella company is very interested in this batch of wealth, but they will not accept it rudely, and will redistribute the shares after recycling. The umbrella company will occupy a part, the company's original grassroots employees will occupy another part, and another part will be sold.

Capitalists who can accept this distribution method can get a share, and those who can't accept it can just not accept it. Anyway, the current turbulent period is the time for order to be reshuffled, and no one can guess who will be washed out.

The residents of New York received the latest instructions from radio broadcasts and TV news. After O'Connor took over the city management, the first thing was to stop all work except special types of work, and all students were suspended from classes. Volunteers can participate in voluntary labor in the community.

The recorder will be assigned various jobs by the Umbrella Company based on the performance of voluntary labor after the order is restored, and some of the debts of the workers will be exempted.

The people of America like to consume ahead of time, and debt exemption is a disguised way of giving money, which is a measure to appease the people.

Bank employees returned to the bank to work, check various accounts, and check how much money was in the accounts of those dead demons, and all of this money was naturally invested in repairing urban damage and national construction!

It seems that New York, which has experienced a war, is not as miserable as Marvel next door. Volunteers entered the streets and alleys under the leadership of the community's resident service station and cleaned up all kinds of garbage left yesterday.

Looking down from the sky, the people of New York are like hardworking ants, tirelessly moving away the garbage and making the city clean again.

After a busy day in the morning, New York basically returned to its pre-war state at noon. Only a quarter of the eight million New Yorkers were able to work, and this quarter of people spent a morning cleaning up all the garbage.

This efficiency is much faster than O'Connor expected. Due to historical problems, free people always fight each other. Today, it is rare that people with different ideas get together without conflicts, which may also be related to the appearance of the demon.

The demon who subverts ideas may be the main reason for them to let go of their previous conflicts. He also took this opportunity to add some personal goods in the announcement.

For example, humans need unity, the theory of a community of shared destiny, those demons want to divide humans, so they have caused previous conflicts, democracy and freedom have never disappeared, but their meanings have been distorted by foreign enemies...

The ideological transformation work has also progressed very smoothly. After one night, the American temporary management team has been established, giving more legitimacy to the situation in New York and O'Connor's "Notice to All New Yorkers and Americans".

The restoration of order in New York does not mean that America has been completely liberated, and the country is still in a state of emergency.

There are more than seven million demons in the vast land, and these demons are spread across major cities in the United States. The waves and impacts they have caused are far from reaching their peak.

Once they gather together and decide to retaliate against humans, they will pull up a floating terrorist group, which will have a huge impact on the personal safety and social stability of the American people, and the hidden dangers must be eliminated as quickly as possible.

The fastest way to strike demons is to offer a reward.

There is a special profession in America called bounty hunters, who will accept commissions from local police to capture criminals and fugitives.

And as long as the money is in place, ordinary people will also join the ranks of hunting demons. By then, demons will have nowhere to escape in the whole of America!

Not only America, but all capitalist societies have suffered from the invasion of demons. While they exclaimed that it was strange, they also developed a lot of hostility towards the Umbrella Company because of the turmoil.

Such unauthorized exposure of the existence of demons without prior communication has caused extremely bad effects on their society, countless economic losses, many casualties, and most importantly, the loss of credibility.

The whole world is busy today.

Peaceful and unpeaceful regions have all stopped internal fighting and watched the changes in the first and second worlds.

Two more days of turmoil have passed. With the help of the soldiers of the Umbrella Company who have transferred from street fighting, demons have basically been driven out of economically developed cities.

The workers have repaired the damaged public facilities, and the large amount of wealth data hidden by the demons has been wanted. This money is enough to build a new America.

Once the money entered the treasury, it was allocated by the Umbrella Company employees who were unrestrained and indifferent to the matter to infrastructure renovation and police systems, as well as various compensation subsidies and medical funds.

America seemed to have regained its prosperity. Except for the happy jeeps of the US military driving to their own country and the curfew at night, everything seemed to have returned to the original social state, or even better.

On the afternoon of the third day after the turmoil ended, Duncan decided to show his face and continued to speak as the president of the Umbrella Company. He invited a group of local reporters to answer some questions in detail live.

The general content can be divided into four categories: related to demons, related to the Umbrella Company, related to social issues, and related to mass management zz.

Duncan explained many issues in the Q\u0026A, briefly explaining how to discover the demons, how to plan this action, and why not make more careful arrangements before revealing the identity of the demons.

The Umbrella Company trained many brave warriors for the action, and they played an important role in the battle with the demons.

The reason for revealing the identity of the demons without making more careful arrangements is that the demons themselves have a high social status. If they do not take the approach of sudden attacks, they are very likely to be discovered, causing more terrible disasters.

At the end, the film also emphasizes the importance of human unity, and explains that after the Umbrella Corporation moves from the dark to the light, it will use all its wealth to do its best for the progress of human society and technology.

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