Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 156: What is the most important thing in the 21st century? Talent

Bang, bang, bang!

Gunshots suddenly sounded in the streets not far away, scaring the soldiers who had just come down from the aircraft carrier to hide in the surroundings where they could avoid bullets and look in the direction of the gunshots.

Then the soldiers saw a stumbling figure appear, holding a pistol in his hand and shooting behind him.

It was too dark around, and the soldiers couldn't see clearly whether the figure was a black man or a monster. Even if the man walked under the dim light of the street lamp, it was still difficult to distinguish the species from 20 to 30 meters away.

The next moment, a huge tiger suddenly sprang out of the mobile building, dodged the bullets with a clever move, and then pounced on the fleeing man, biting the target's shoulder with his lower mouth, and a sharp scream immediately spread throughout the night.


None of the soldiers who saw all this fired a shot, because the scream was the same as the monster scream they heard in the aircraft carrier.

Compared with those ugly monsters, the tiger with black stripes also looked much more friendly.

Although they were friendly, they still had to ask their superiors for their opinions before deciding whether to shoot and kill the tiger that appeared in the city for unknown reasons.

The sergeant told him to think about it again. It was just a tiger anyway, and there was no need to be afraid of so many people with guns.

Two tall and strong figures ran out from behind the building in front. They were also pitch black. Even if they stood under the street lights at a distance, they could not see what they looked like. They seemed to be holding two long guns in their hands.

Their faces were all black. Being so pure black was a talent that only a few people in America had.

The originally fierce tiger threw away the corpse of the demon in his mouth, slowly walked to the two of them, and looked at the sailors hiding in the corner and observing secretly with his tiger eyes.

Two special operations soldiers also found the soldiers hiding in the dark. After checking the identities of the sailors on the system, they waved to them in a friendly manner and said, "Hey, are you soldiers on the USS Ronald Reagan? This area is safe. We are the special operations forces of the Umbrella Corporation."

"Okay, we are out!" The naval officer walked out of the bunker without much doubt. After all, the common enemy now is those damned and ugly monsters. When intelligent creatures with different appearances from humans appear as enemies, both hostile humans will choose to cooperate because of their sense of identity as humans.

This is the inevitability of thought. This is an instinct passed down from the Homo sapiens period. No matter how much conflict there is with family members, they must be united when encountering outsiders.

After approaching the special operations soldiers, the soldiers found that these two tall people were not really tall, but were enlarged by the heavy combat uniforms on their bodies. The real physique may be similar to theirs.

"Cool, my friend!"

"Oh my god, your outfit looks really heavy. Won't it be inconvenient to move?"

"Don't your helmets have observation holes? What kind of new combat uniform is this?"

"Will this big cat bite? I want to touch it."

"Your hands may taste like chocolate! Hahaha!"

The soldiers showed varying degrees of curiosity about the guardian suits of the special operations forces and the quietly standing tigers, and even wanted to touch and pat them.

This is a way for them to relieve their inner tension and adjust the atmosphere to get closer. With a little bit of real emotion, it doesn't seem so deliberate.

The two special operations soldiers accepted the concept of the human community. When facing foreign enemies, the soldiers with comrade bonuses inadvertently had a higher basic goodwill and did not resist such contact.

A special warfare soldier laughed heartily, "To be honest, it's still very stuffy to wear this all the time, but it gives me a great sense of security."

Another man also patted the tiger head beside him and said to the soldiers who wanted to get started but were a little afraid: "Touch it if you want, they are strictly trained, and we also have leopards and wolves."

After that, the soldiers who wanted to get started carefully touched it. The tiger with a chip implanted and virus enhancement, although its IQ has not improved much, its obedience has been greatly enhanced, and the hand that touched it randomly only made it cry slightly.

The sergeant also rubbed the tiger head curiously, and quickly retracted his hand before the big cat reacted, causing the soldiers to laugh.

"Okay, we have to go back. There are more than 20,000 monsters that have not been found in the city. We must also be alert to the surroundings when we are active. Of course, the nearby area has been checked and is still relatively safe."

After a brief exchange, the two special warfare soldiers should also take the body back to hand in the task. If they want animals to assist, each group must at least find traces of demon activities first.

It can be surveillance or information provided verbally by the public.

After catching the demon, the animal helpers will be sent to some rest areas set up in the park, waiting to receive the next task.

The sergeant was surprised like the soldiers, "There are so many monsters in New York?!"

The sailors' information was lagging behind, and they were not clear about the number of monsters and the combat power of monster groups that had been released on the Internet, so they were surprised by the number of 20,000.

"Yes, there are 200,000 monsters in New York, and most of their bodies are now piled up in Central Park and burned. We are going there now."


The soldiers were curious, and the sergeant was also curious. It was hard for them to imagine what kind of scene it was when the bodies were piled up in Central Park.

There was still plenty of time for the activity, so they unanimously decided to follow the two special forces soldiers to see the spectacular scene.

The special forces soldiers were also happy to have someone to chat with along the way, so they called a small or medium-sized drone.

The drone without any blades flew from nowhere, scaring the soldiers. They looked at the drone with an anti-gravity engine in surprise, wondering what it was used for.

After that, the special forces soldier hung the body that had just been killed on the hook on the side of the drone, letting the body go first.

After handing in the task, the special forces soldier chose to take a temporary break, explained the anti-gravity drone that had just attracted great attention to the soldiers who were already very curious, and took them to the nearest rest point, and then they could take a car to Central Park.

The communication between the two sides was very pleasant and natural, but behind the seemingly coincidental, there is often an inevitable connection.

The object of investment is Captain Garden.

Not only the soldiers worked overtime tonight, but also Duncan, who opened and closed the door continuously all night, running from the Resident Evil world to the killer world, in order to ensure smooth traffic.

Not long ago, Captain Garden was blindfolded and entered the world of Resident Evil. Scientists used sophisticated instruments to conduct a series of examinations on Captain Garden's body, which was indeed what the doctors thought.

This 36-year-old colonel has a very high degree of compatibility with the T virus and is the most ideal experimental subject for T virus researchers. The old researchers were ecstatic and sent experimental applications one after another.

These applications were rejected by Duncan one by one, and those people were not allowed to inject some messy things into Captain Garden. Doing so would be too villainous and not in line with the current Umbrella Corporation's concept.

As the captain of an aircraft carrier, Captain Garden used to be a pilot. Can a captain with flying experience be the captain of a battleship with a little training?

Well... maybe the two are not closely related, but he is a rare military management talent, especially for the T virus, which is very compatible with the corporate culture.

He is not too old, and the identity he investigated is not deeply involved. If he can't be the captain of a battleship, he can also be a general with abundant martial virtues.

Umbrella Corporation is vigorously developing its military and is in urgent need of military management talents like Captain Garden. Colonel Garden can join as a captain or as an experimental subject, and no one will be rejected.

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