Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 158: Camp

After making reasonable arrangements for some future developments, Duncan also successfully obtained the technology of bulletproof materials that he had longed for, as well as the full set of research and development technology of NZT-48, a special drug that can amplify the human brain.

Among these gains, there is also the legacy of the High Table, which can help the Umbrella Company rise rapidly in the killer world and complete the establishment of the second industrial production base.

There is more than just the legacy gained from the High Table, there is also the "brain" of the demons.

The brain is a computer and information storage device used by the former civilization of the demons. It looks very similar to the human brain, but it is round, with a diameter of one meter, and has many metal sheets and metal antennas on it.

When the special forces found the brain, it was soaked in nutrient solution and continued to work. Now it has been transported to the Atre Institute in the world of Resident Evil.

Jill was abandoned in the killer world on her first day at work. Her job now becomes hunting down surviving demons in the killer world. For her, this is also a work experience from the bottom, right?

After returning to the world of Resident Evil with a full stomach, Duncan's pressure disappeared by half. He appeared at the training base in Raccoon City. It was originally very lively, but now it has become much quieter.

He drove a black SUV in the base and left. Not long after, he came to Raccoon City Hospital and saw Alice who had woken up on the bed.

Alice's superpowers, which can be classified as mental, are closely related to the brain. After she noticed the abnormality of the picture in the killer world, she used her superpowers to expand the search range infinitely and easily found the direction of the brain signal, but also paid the corresponding price.

"Are you feeling better?" Duncan showed the banana he bought specially, sat down beside the bed and peeled Alice, hoping that she could find some memories in the taste of the banana.

"Thank you..."

Alice took the banana and smiled, but her expression was still a little reluctant. She woke up, but some sequelae caused by brain damage were inevitable.

She had some memory confusion and memory loss about what happened before. The situation was not serious, but it just confused some concepts.

For example, Duncan was her husband in her memory, but in the doctor's mouth and the information she looked up, they were in a superior-subordinate relationship.

She also regarded her experience in the Marvel world as her main life experience. Her previous career was a special soldier, and she had also performed missions on alien planets...

But these are just minor problems. At least she didn't forget everything, she just got it mixed up.

The TV on the wall of the ward was playing news about the Umbrella Corporation, with the title "Has the era of interstellar colonization arrived?" The content was that the media was praising the moon landing spacecraft launched by the Umbrella Corporation's space launch center tomorrow.

Seeing what was on the news, Duncan looked at Alice, who was staring at him and eating a banana in small bites, "Tomorrow I will go to the launch center to participate in the launch ceremony. Do you want to go with me, or rest for a few more days?"

Alice's eyes were a little strange. She glanced at the TV on the wall, swallowed the banana and said, "Let's go together. I've rested enough."

"Okay, change your clothes, we have to go to the Marvel world to find Tony first, I'll wait for you outside."

Duncan stood up and wanted to leave the ward, but his hand was grabbed.

Alice moved the banana stained with saliva from her lips, squinted her eyes and smiled: "No need to go out."

Duncan frowned, then sat back in his chair honestly.

A few minutes later, the two left the ward without doing anything strange.

Alice was responsible for driving, and the two were in the driver's seat and the co-pilot as before, talking about some slightly serious topics.

Duncan told Alice everything he had done in the Demon World, and then talked about the gains and the plans to be completed there.

It was not only to let Alice know what had happened recently, but also to check for omissions.

As always, Alice listened quietly, and her occasional responses did not feel perfunctory, which gave people the motivation to keep talking.

Not long after, they arrived at the Meimen Industrial Park.

The cross-border gate here still stands in the center of the Meimen Industrial Park. When Duncan came here, a new batch of materials happened to be shipped to the Marvel World.

Unlike a month ago, it is no longer industrial robots that are directing the transportation of materials, but human beings with flesh and blood. Happy!

There are many living people in the Meimen Industrial Park now, most of whom are from the Marvel world. Some of them were employees of Stark Industries, and some are locals in the world of Resident Evil. One of the common identities of these people is that they are employees of the Umbrella Corporation.

That night Tony promised to merge Stark Industries into the Umbrella Group. After that, he simply handed over all the means of production of Stark Industries to the Umbrella Corporation, and also let Pepper work in the Umbrella Corporation to assist the employees of the Umbrella Corporation in commercializing the technology of Stark Industries.

Currently, Pepper is also in the Meimen Industrial Park, often using holographic imaging technology to remotely control the operation of the Umbrella New York branch.

In order to share the pressure with Tony, this strong woman is often in an extreme working state of only resting for 2 hours after working for 72 hours, micro-manipulating every detail to the extreme, striving to provide more material assistance to her hometown.

What is more sad is that her body contains the Desperate Virus that was injected into her by another infatuated man. Now she is actively activating the virus and using the power of the virus to serve Tony.

Duncan didn't want to disturb Pepper because she was working too enthusiastically. After saying hello to Happy who was managing the warehouse, he entered the Marvel world.

The moment he passed through the portal, the sound outside the renovated alloy warehouse kept drilling into his ears.

There were cannons, explosions, and the whistling of flying objects. All kinds of sounds intertwined into a picture of war, which played in Duncan and Alice's minds.

Walking out from the main entrance of the alloy warehouse, the first thing that caught his eye was a busy military camp. Various temporary tents and iron houses were placed on the flat ground. Soldiers in military uniforms kept shuttling in the simple houses. The most common people in the camp were the wounded.

The wailing and busyness of the wounded themselves would make people depressed. The psychological state of the soldiers who stayed in this place for a long time can be imagined.

"Medicine! The medicine is coming! Get out of the way!"

A group of soldiers rushed out from a distance. When they saw the materials being unloaded from the warehouse, the expressions on their faces were like seeing God. They rushed into the warehouse and took away several boxes of therapeutic potions that had just been unloaded.

Duncan and Alice hurriedly moved aside to avoid delaying them.


A dull thud sounded overhead. Duncan and Alice looked up and saw a fireball with some metal debris sliding down the edge of the shield.

The soldiers around did not even raise their heads to take a closer look. It was obvious that this situation was so common that it was not worth paying attention to them.

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