Chapter 894

Soon five energy transmission lines with a diameter of ten centimeters were pulled into the cave, and the huge energy emitter was firmly fixed on the wall by more than twenty bolts, and the energy emission port was aimed at the painting on the ground.

"Everyone evacuate immediately!" The energy emitted by the energy radiation device will cause a large radiation wave to the surroundings, so after the technician conducts a final inspection on it, he immediately issued an evacuation command, and waited for the personnel to evacuate. Start now.

Everyone walked out of the cave one by one. At this moment, a dull voice suddenly sounded in the cave: "Please don't do this, we have no malicious intentions, we just want to go home."

The soldiers who were evacuating instantly turned around and half-kneeled on the ground, raised their guns to block the technicians behind, "Crack! Crack!" More than a dozen laser guns were pointed at the cave in an instant. The bright cave was empty and there was nothing, as if The sound came from the depths of Jiuyou.

"Hmph," Xingye pulled the soldier in front of him aside, stepped forward and shouted loudly, "Stop playing tricks, come out for me, or I'll activate this."

The obsidian-like ground, which was less than fifty meters away from the three rows of soldiers, rippled like water waves, and three strangely shaped black objects slowly rose up, and then condensed into three extremely strange humanoid creatures.

"That's it." Asuka immediately recognized the creature pointed at him with a gun in his dream.

"Crack!" All the laser guns were aimed at them, and the fingers of more than 30 soldiers who arrived one after another had already been pulled on the triggers. As long as the opponent made any changes, they would shoot immediately, and the outside also acted quickly. Ancient cultural experts, scholars and technicians were immediately escorted onto the helicopter and flew away from here. Then all the weapon systems around the valley were activated, and more than a hundred soldiers rushed towards the entrance of the cave carrying heavy weapons. Start to set it up.

"Please don't shoot. We have no malicious intentions. We just want to start the spaceship and return to our hometown. We don't intend to disturb you." The strange-looking 'person' standing in the middle said.

"Then, shall we first introduce who you are? What is your origin, and why are you hiding in this cave?" Xingye grabbed Asuka with his left hand behind his back, and then said.

"We are the last survivors. According to the records left by our ancestors, our ancestors came to this planet more than 10,000 years ago and were regarded as gods by humans at that time, so they began to help and live in caves. The human beings in the world build cities and teach them knowledge. Let this planet develop rapidly, but then a powerful monster came to the earth, and the terrifying monster attacked all life crazily. Even we with powerful technology are no match. Many The built cities were destroyed by the monsters, the glaciers were melted by the fire spouted by the monsters, and the great flood swept the world."

"During the catastrophe that ravaged the entire world, our ancestors sent a group of children to the last refuge and frozen them, praying that we could survive the catastrophe that destroyed the world. Then gather all the strength and the monster Fighting to the death, but when we woke up, we found that only the three of us were left alive, and our ancestors had died with the monsters. Now we just want to return to our hometown, and we hide here just because we don’t want to disturb Just you."

"Well, well, that's all," Xingye nodded, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, pointing at the three Zenaijindals and said softly: "They all... shoot!"

"..." Not only the aliens were stunned, but even Asuka and Kariya were stunned for a moment, and suddenly changed from what they were saying.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" Dozens of laser guns pierced the air and attacked the three Zenaijindals, only to see the three-color light shining in the middle of the Zenaijindals' foreheads, and the powerful thought power came out through the body , turned into a shield to block all the incoming lasers from outside the mind shield.

"Crack!" Xingye reached out and turned on the switch of the energy transmitter, and a huge amount of energy passed through the five transmission pipes and turned into a turbulent beam of light that bombarded the ground. After turning on the switch, Xingye immediately turned around and ordered: "Everyone exit the cave immediately."

"You bastard!" The Zenaijindar who stood in the middle saw the painting on the ground hit by the turbulent energy, and his thick bark-like face became extremely hideous.

"Good luck." Xingye turned and walked towards the exit. These guys tried their best to hide, not wanting to reveal it prematurely. And the more things the enemy doesn't want, the more they have to do it. Since they don't want the energy emitters to irradiate the three paintings on the ground, then the irradiation is right.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" Asuka pulled the trigger to emit two laser beams, and said without looking back: "Why don't you wipe out these three guys in one go?"

Xingye walked out and said: "This is the opponent's territory. It is my creed not to fight on the opponent's home court as much as possible, and it is impossible to destroy them with these things alone."

The broken soldiers reached out and took out a few grenades and threw them into the cave. Taking advantage of the flames and smoke from the explosion, they immediately exited the cave. Dozens of heavy-duty particle accelerators have been installed on both sides of the valley and at the entrance of the cave. After Xingye and others left the cave, they roared at the particle accelerators at the entrance of the cave. It exploded in the cave.

"Such powerful firepower should be able to destroy those three guys, right?" Kariya couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the particle accelerator that fired hundreds of energy shells in less than five seconds.

"Don't be careless, the other party is an alien life form who doesn't know the details." Xingye shook his head and was not so optimistic. The effect of these things is only to force the enemy out, and the power to destroy anything is not enough. Replace it with Neomax The gun is about the same.

Suddenly the ground trembled violently, and the muffled sound of "rumbling" came from the depths of the ground. This hill with a height of more than 300 meters cracked more than a dozen long cracks from bottom to top, and as the vibration intensified, the width of the cracks gradually became larger.

"It's time to retreat," Xingye patted Asuka's shoulder and turned to sit on an off-road vehicle. Asuka and Kariya hurriedly jumped up, and the off-road vehicle drove away from the mountain amidst the violent ground vibrations.

After more than 30 helicopters picked up the last guarding soldiers, they immediately flew away from here, and the movement made by the other party was no longer solved by guns and cannons. It is estimated that Neomax cannons More or less.

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