Ultraman Senki

Chapter 895 Awakened Ancient Monster

"What's going to happen?" Asuka had already run to a distance of more than a thousand meters from the mountain, standing on a slightly higher boulder, looking at the frantically trembling mountain with a face full of astonishment.

The shaking range was only limited to 500 meters around that mountain peak, and even now the place where Asuka, Kariya, and Xingye stood was only slightly shaking.

"I think that under that mountain is the ghost city that Dr. Qiuyue has studied for most of his life," Xingye guessed: "Now we can guess what the black ground is. It is the spaceship that the Zenai Jindals took when they came to the earth."

"If you say that..." Kariya's surprised eyeballs almost popped out, and he suddenly realized: "No wonder the ghost city can't be found, it's hidden underground. Wait a minute, if it's a spaceship, why did you detect it? The device doesn't work?"

"It's nothing surprising. Ten years ago, there was also a mechanical biological weapon brought by aliens that was hidden more than a hundred meters below a section of the Kunlun Mountains. It hadn't been discovered for more than ten years. I am afraid that no one will find out that there is a heat source reaction due to biological weapons."

"Booming" sound like landslides and ground cracks, even if it is a thousand meters away, it is deafening. Under the bright moonlight, the huge mountain peaks tore apart from the middle and then collapsed, hitting the ground Countless gravels were splashed, hitting the surrounding jungle, and there was a 'click' sound of branches and leaves being torn.

"No way!" Everyone who paid attention to the situation here was stunned. They saw a huge giant with a diameter of more than 400 meters and a height of more than 300 meters rising from the ground covered with gravel under the moonlight. An inverted pyramid, or a building that is a triangular cone.

"This is the spaceship of the Zenai Jindals?! It's amazing!" Kariya couldn't believe what he saw in front of his eyes. This extremely huge inverted pyramid blocked the moon in the sky, and the huge shadow would They covered the starry night.

"Dr. Xingye, please leave here immediately." The guarded soldiers around saw the huge pyramid and immediately stepped forward to let Xingye leave. Xingye nodded and stepped onto the helicopter, heading towards the temporary camp established further away fly away.

"We Zenaijindar once ruled the earth for tens of thousands of years, and now the master of the earth has returned, and human beings surrender immediately, otherwise we will destroy all the cities on the earth, and let you return to the primitive life of slash-and-burn farming." This huge The extremely arrogant voice of the Zenaijindal people sounded from the pyramid: "We have successfully resurrected all the guardian beasts, even the giants of light are not our opponents, in order to let you realize the reality and surrender as soon as possible, the guardian beasts will be destroyed. Drop the city closest to here to wake you up."

"It's so arrogant, look at the trick!" The Victory Eagle has rushed over and launched an attack. The victory tornado thundered and roared and bombarded the pyramid, bursting into violent flames, blasting the pyramid into a hole several meters deep. Gaps.

"How dare you give feedback, go to hell!" The angry voice of the Zenai Jindal came from the pyramid, followed by a few clicks of mechanical rotation, and then nothing happened, the sound of mechanical rotation also stopped.

"Kariya, were they going to magnify their move just now?" Asuka poked at the side beside Kariya and asked a little uncertainly.

"Probably," Kariya looked at the unmoving pyramid and suddenly realized that he seemed to be not on the same channel as this Zenaijindar. Generally speaking, shouldn't such lines be enlarged? If you make a few noises and then disappear, it means something.

"Swoosh! Whoosh!" Liang and the others took the opportunity to launch consecutive attacks immediately. The victory tornado thundered and bombarded the inverted pyramid, blasting the pyramid into huge gaps one after another. The black gravel that made up the pyramid was thrown around under the huge impact, and it was scattered in the jungle, making a crackling sound, and there was the sound of frightened animals running wildly.

"Hum!" The three ground paintings on the top of the inverted pyramid glowed red. With the input of energy inside the pyramid, the ground paintings engraved on the stone expanded rapidly like living creatures, expanding dozens of times Afterwards, the three paintings on the ground stretched upwards, and within a few seconds, they turned into three huge monsters.

"Ang!" The three monsters stood on the top three edges of the inverted pyramid, howling loudly at the bright moon, as if venting their resentment that had been suppressed for thousands of years. The Victory Eagle, which was attacking the pyramid, saw the three monsters, and immediately separated into three fighter jets to attack the three monsters standing above the inverted pyramid.

The Inverted Pyramid spent a lot of energy to shape these three monsters. It was originally floating at a height of 100 meters, but now the spire below touched the ground again, and the output power of the engine was not enough to support such a huge weight.

The three Zenaijindar inside looked at the energy reserve displayed on the screen, and their faces were so gloomy that they almost dripped water, because they were discovered by Xingye and forced to activate the three monsters in advance, which made them not fully stocked. The energy has shrunk significantly now, and it is even impossible to fly this pyramid.

"Buzz! Buzz!" The sound of mechanical operation sounded again from the inverted pyramid, and then a huge stone-like thing more than 20 meters long, 4 to 5 meters wide, and 2 meters thick was bounced out and hit the ground heavily. On the ground, crush the gravel on the ground into powder.

Standing on a high ground several thousand meters away, Xingye looked at the pyramid that was constantly throwing away stones in the telescope, and nodded thoughtfully: "It seems that this spaceship has suffered a lot of failures for so long. Ah, now I have to throw away the load to take off, I hope you like this wave of gifts."

A lot of dots of fire appeared in the distant sky, and they rushed to this side quickly. Missiles whizzed and bombarded the temporarily immobile pyramid, and the flames from the violent explosion illuminated the surface of the pyramid, and the black metal shell inside could be seen after the stones were thrown away.

The wings on the back of the strange bird that I had seen before trembled, and its huge body rose into the air, rushing towards the super victorious team that was attacking them in the sky. The other two monsters have the shape of a rhinoceros, but the horns on the top of the head are made of metal, the whole body is covered with a layer of black metal scales, and two huge rocket launchers are carried on the huge shoulders. Heavy Fire Support Soldier.

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