Chapter 893 Nothing

"What!" Asuka propped his head on the table with a full face of displeasure, but Asuka was deducted three days' wages because of this, Lu Chuanwu had nothing to do except being lectured by the captain.

And the captain also enjoys the convenience of Xiao Zou with peace of mind. The countless data stored in the central computer before can not be sorted out in a short while, and everyone does not have the time and interest. Xiao Zou However, all the materials are sorted and organized in an orderly manner. The captain was very happy to praise Xiaozao, and then severely criticized their laziness. At that time, Asuka pouted for a long time, and even said a lot of 'bad things' about the captain behind his back.

When Xingye walked in, what he saw was a group of members of the Super Victory Team sitting listlessly and staggering around, and the cheerful Lvchuan Wu who was discussing something with Xiaozao, completely polarized.

"What... what's wrong with everyone? You're so lacking! Yoho, Hanojiro is very energetic, you are much better than Asuka." Xingye waved at the mascot of the Super Victory Team, Hanojiro. The toy-like creature tilted its head and yelled at Xingye twice.

Asuka sat up straight and pouted dissatisfiedly, and said, "I worked very hard, but now all the clues have been broken, so I can only wait here for the monster to appear again, anyway, Xiaozao is monitoring around the clock. "

Xingye sat there with his head propped on one hand and listened to the results of Kariya's investigation, then tapped his finger on the table: "I think it is still necessary to investigate there again, a whole piece of smooth black large Stone, it's weird no matter how you think about it."

"But the detector didn't respond at all, and the ground and surrounding rock walls are normal." Nakajima and Kariya nodded after thinking about it.

"It's too easy to interfere with the equipment, and you can illuminate as much as you can with the flashlight." Xingye stood up and looked at Xiaozuo: "Xiaozuo, notify the research department to implement the fifth plan, and immediately go to the Andes mountain region And send someone to pick up Dr. Qiuyue, he is the most familiar with ground paintings after studying for so many years."

"En!" Xiaozao nodded, conveying Xingye's order. The sea headquarters base of the TPC Scientific Research Department immediately became busy. A large amount of materials were loaded onto the transport plane, several take-off hatches opened, and four large transport planes flew out of the base at the same time, heading towards the Andes Mountains in South America.

Two hours later in the Andes Mountains, four huge transport planes descended towards the valley one by one. Under the command of the ground and air personnel, they avoided the raised rocks on both sides of the valley and got as close to the ground as possible. The rear hatch opened. , fixed the materials loaded on it with an anti-gravity device, pushed them out, and were received by ground personnel.

Dr. Qiuyue looked at the four large transport planes in the sky and the team of hundreds of people busy back and forth on the ground, and couldn't help but think of the expedition team he led with no more than 20 people in the jungle after a hard and arduous trek. Drilling around, I deeply understand the truth that people are more popular than others.

An open space was quickly cleared in the valley, dozens of tents were erected, high-power transmission lines were buried in the soil, and high-power searchlights around the valley were installed before dark, even though the distant The sun had dipped below the horizon, and the valley was as bright as day.

Xingye, Dr. Akizuki, Asuka and Kariya of the Super Victory Team have brought a group of people into the cave. The top of the man-made tunnel has been installed with lights every five meters, and the dust in the cave has been cleaned up. Going out, dozens of searchlights illuminated the cave into daylight, making the outline of the huge black stone ground clearly appear in front of everyone.

"This is the painting on the ground." Xingye squatted down, gently stroking the rough lines with the index finger of his right hand, scratching the edge of the cold stone with his fingers, and didn't feel anything unusual.

"Yes." Dr. Qiuyue looked at these three simple floor paintings with some nostalgia. He had devoted half his life to this, but finally gave up.

More than 20 technicians began to assemble the various detectors that were disassembled and carried in, preparing to investigate the place in all directions.

Starry Night walked around the uneven rock wall and looked around. If the flat black stone ground is ignored, this place is indeed no different from ordinary caves, and if there is anything special here If it is a thing, wouldn't it be better to disguise it as a normal ground? Unless... if you do, there will be more serious consequences than exposure.

Various detectors were used in turn, but still did not find any abnormalities. No matter the ground, the surrounding rock walls, or the three paintings on the ground, they were all ordinary rocks that could no longer be ordinary.

"Aha!" Asuka yawned, and looked at the watch on his wrist, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

"When will it be?" Asuka leaned close to Kariya's ear and said listlessly.

Kariya shook his head: "Come on, I've checked twice, but still haven't found anything, I think it's time to call it a day." Kariya looked at the starry night pacing around the ground, and said uncertainly.

Asuka sighed, and said with envy and longing on his face, "If I had known earlier, I would have stayed on the Victory Condor. The soft cushion must be very comfortable."

Liang's angry voice sounded in the headset of Asuka's helmet: "I don't feel well at all, I really want to sleep, but I can't sleep!"

"Uh...hahaha!" Asuka instantly understood Liang's feelings. Sitting on the soft cushion, drowsiness came up one after another, but he couldn't sleep because he was performing a task. This was simply torturing. Any form of torture is cruel.

Xingye stopped in her tracks, causing Asuka and Kariya to show a hint of surprise on their faces, thinking that it was time to call it a day.

Xingye raised his head and ordered: "Carry out all the detectors, and bring me the most powerful energy emitter."

"Yes!" The technicians on standby immediately began to disassemble the detector, and at the same time, the people outside also began to pull the energy transmission line.

Asuka leaned over and asked curiously, "What is this for?"

A smile appeared on Xingye's face: "Sophisticated detectors really can't detect it, so let's be rough, I want to see how strong this hard stone can withstand, no matter whether there is any abnormality or not, as long as it is destroyed, it will be destroyed." There will no longer be abnormalities in everything."

"Uh...that's right!" Asuka froze for a moment, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, unable to refute Xingye's words.

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