Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2483 Trapped Jill Barris

If the rock-like space-time city in Aitargar is a second-hand product, then this metal space-time city is a junk now. It looks very glamorous, but the appearance is very damaged, not only the rings and spires There are cracks and gaps everywhere, and even the main column is covered with large and small cracks.

As the outer metal ring rotates, these gaps are continuously deepened, widened, and extended under the action of torque. People are very worried that this huge metal cylinder will fall apart if it continues like this.

"Space-time city? Why is there a space-time city here?" One-third of the detectors of the artificial brain Gilbaris aimed at this place and made a 'click! Click! ’ Crackling huge metal cities.

The largest metal ring with a diameter of 2,300 kilometers only rotated half a turn, and the gaps and gaps spread all over it expanded to the entire ring, causing the huge and incomparably huge ring to fall apart instantly.

This seemed to be an inducement. From then on, the severely damaged metal rings on the top collapsed one after another, slowly drifting towards the surroundings, leaving only the huge metal pillar barely intact. The bracket with the connecting ring and the cylinder continued to move, but the cracks on it continued to expand. Judging from this situation, it was not too far before it fell apart.

Not to mention that the surface of the originally extremely solid metal pillar was covered with a large amount of solid rock, but it fell apart so easily. This makes people have to wonder how long this space-time city has existed here, so that it has been eroded by the years. Such decay.

"Are you wondering why there are so many rocks here, and why it is so empty, there are no strings of cosmic bubbles like other places," Noah's voice sounded faintly, making the artificial brain Gilbari Si can't help but listen to Noah's words, seeing the power of the rules and his own lack of knowledge in this area, the artificial brain Gilbaris wants to understand the big universe even more.

Before contacting Noah and the others, Gilbaris, the artificial brain, thought that he had assembled countless materials of ancient civilizations, and had enough understanding and understanding of each universe. No matter what kind of cosmic wonders, it was not uncommon.

Gilbaris, the artificial brain that gathers the knowledge of countless ancient civilizations, combined magic and science to create a powerful robot like Galatron, and even explored the data magic that can travel through the material world and data space array. However, the results of all these are completely worthless in front of Noah and the others. They can't even answer Noah's question just now, and can only listen passively.

Groups of broken electromagnetic light bombs are still crazily firing towards the surroundings, and Noah and the others are also attacking the artificial brain Gilbaris mercilessly. The two sides are fighting hard, but Noah still has leisure time at this time. Artificial Brain Gilbaris'Science': "This is the place where the storm that swept through countless universes caused by the dimensional energy core billions of years ago was raging. All the universes were blown to pieces. Collect them and gather them into a new river system, drifting in the space of the big universe, and when the time is right, they will merge into the universe and become a part of that universe. Now the rocks and floating continents here are the leftover dust. Under the action of nuclear force, the dust from the same universe moves closer to each other, and finally gathers into the meteorite blocks and floating continents of different sizes that you see now. That is to say, every piece of rock you see is actually a The wreckage of the universe."

With a wave of his hand, Noah scattered a few broken electromagnetic light bombs that hit, and then said: "You remnants and witnesses of the ancient civilization are always resentful, why is the big universe so unfair to you, why is the big universe always Oppressing the development of civilization. But why does the big universe tolerate you unconditionally and let you continue to develop unscrupulously? Super civilizations rely on powerful forces to invade weak civilizations, plunder resources, and kill wantonly. Since they believe in the law of the jungle, When we were wiped out by the four of us, where did the resentment and indignation come from? Killers, people will always kill them."

"The fundamental reason for the demise of the ancient civilization was their insatiable greed," the King of Ultra held the barrier with one hand, even though a group of shattered electromagnetic light bullets hit the barrier, he did not move, facing the artificial brain Gilbari Si said: "For their own development and enjoyment, they crazily expand their sphere of influence, destroy life planets one by one, and even extend their hands to other universes. It is impossible for such an aggressive civilization to be destroyed. Forgive me."

Both of Lei Jiedo's fists shone with silver brilliance, and he reached out to grab the oncoming shattered electromagnetic light bomb, and then threw it back, colliding with the oncoming shattered electromagnetic light bomb, and exploded into a raging ball of flames.

In the sky full of flames, Reggado's voice resounded all around: "The curiosity to explore the unknown universe is understandable, so the big universe opened the star gate, so that the civilizations of different universes can intersect. But the invasion of other civilizations It still won't be forgiven, that's the new rule."

Following Reggado's words, Reggado's whole body glowed with dazzling light, his body slowly rotated, his arms were raised and stretched out, and the energy of his whole body immediately gathered on his arms, making the two arms on both wrists The triangular azure scales bloomed with light comparable to that of a small sun.

"Ha!" Reggado's hands intertwined, and from his hands emitted the purest silver light beam - the legend of sparks, towards the artificial brain Gilbaris below, and all the broken electromagnetic light that hit along the way The bombs or the rocks along the way touched the sparks and were instantly annihilated, disappearing without a trace.

Such a strong energy fluctuation naturally cannot escape the detector of the artificial brain Gilbaris, but when the artificial brain Gilbaris is about to dodge, suddenly a dozen colorful light cords appear out of thin air around the artificial brain Gilbaris , quickly wrapped around the body of the artificial brain Jill Barris.

Immediately, a lot of ties came, and the artificial brain Gilbaris was tied tightly, so that he could not move at all. And what is amazing is that the ends of these colorful light cables are connected to the void, as if they 'grow' out of the void.

Ultra King's arms were stretched out on the shoulders, and the two red energy cores on his chest lit up with strong red light, which made Ultra King's hands shine with golden-red light. Immediately, the hands of the King of Ultra moved forward together, and a golden-red beam of light was emitted from both hands, roaring and hitting the sturdy artificial brain Gilbaris that was bound below.

Saiga stopped moving, and without hesitation, he waved out more than a dozen Saiga light wheels and the shattered electromagnetic light bullets diagonally below to "destroy together". An empty passage was cleared between them.

Immediately, Saiga's right hand quickly brushed across the Saiga bracelet, causing the Saiga bracelet to glow strongly, and the huge timer on his chest also shone brightly. A beam of plasma light was emitted, hitting the artificial brain Gilbaris below.

Uub, who was in another position, had already raised the Holy Sword of Uub in his hand, and the energy in his body was continuously transmitted to the handle through his right arm, making the connection between the handle and the body of the sword outlined by the four colors The patterns lit up one after another, and the red, blue, blue, and gold patterns on the sword were also activated in turn, emitting a strong light.

After the holy sword of Uub glowed with four kinds of light, the activity of the four elements of water, fire, earth, and wind increased several times at once, and all of them gathered towards the holy sword of Uub, causing the holy sword of Uub to scrape around. A hurricane of elements started.

"Ha!" Uub shouted loudly, and swung Uub's holy sword downward vigorously, the elemental hurricane surrounding Uub's holy sword rotated accordingly, spinning and flying downward like a tornado, turning into a four-dimensional The colored Uub supreme element ray hit the artificial brain Gilbaris directly.

Gide held up the ultimate sublimator in his hand, and moved by his mind, the small grids in the cylinder on the upper end of the ultimate sublimator lit up one after another. The Ultra capsules stored inside all showed a specific figure, and more than a dozen Ultramen turned into more than a dozen beams of light and merged into the ultimate sublimator, making the two sharp blades at the upper end of the ultimate sublimator glow intensely. of light.

However, the energy gathered by Geed is not limited to that, the data energy stored in the ultimate sublimator is also released by Ged, making the energy light emitted from the upper end of the ultimate sublimator several times brighter than the sun at noon on the earth. times.

"Sublimator ray!" With Gedd's loud shout, a crimson beam of light was fired from the ultimate sublimator of the artificial brain Gilbaris in front, and the sharp blades at both ends also sprayed out a series of condensed light blades , together with the crimson light beams, flocked towards the artificial brain Gilbaris overwhelmingly.

Five rays of light with different colors and shapes flooded the artificial brain Gilbaris from different directions and heights, causing the artificial brain Gilbaris, who was still immersed in Noah's words before, to move instantly, no longer caring about it. Listening to these secret knowledge that is nowhere to be known, he hurriedly wanted to break free from the shackles of the colorful light cables.

The energy of the whole body rushed to the power furnace, making the output power of the artificial brain Gilbaris even stronger. The powerful struggling force made the bound colorful light cables tremble uncontrollably, and the rocks under the artificial brain Gilbaris' feet were crushed by huge The force was trampled to pieces, so that a depression was formed, but it was still unable to break free from the shackles of the colorful light cords.

Noah tried his best to use the colorful light cables transformed by the power of time and space to tightly bind every layer of armor of the artificial brain Gilbaris. If he wants to break free, he must either abandon his second armor or have Stronger space-time power than Noah, but the artificial brain Gilbaris does not have any of these two methods, no matter how powerful it is, it will not help.

Until all the five rays hit the shell of the artificial brain Gilbaris, he couldn't break even one colorful light cord, and the five rays exploded with a bang, and the sparks that burst out can be said to be overwhelming, filling the artificial brain Jill. Around Barris, even the colorful light years were covered.

The energy shock waves generated reached the rocks below, and the solid rocks were directly annihilated, not even a speck of powder remained. Even the silver metal that could withstand the shattering electromagnetic light bombs was immediately reduced to dust in this energy shock wave , disappeared without a trace.

In just one second, with the artificial brain Gilbaris at the center, all rocks and metals within a range of hundreds of kilometers disappeared.

And this is only affected by the aftermath of the energy, producing such a strong destructive power, the artificial brain Gilbaris facing the impact of the five major rays is even more unbearable, and the layers of second armor on the surface of the body burst into an overloaded '嗤啦! Scoff! ’ spark.

The armor rate of the second layer of the first layer was breached under the attack of the legend of sparks by Reggiedo, like an ant nest on the dam, a breach appeared, which led to a sudden increase in energy penetration, making other places face the second layer of light attack. Maintenance armor was soon declared broken.

'boom! boom! boom! The sound of explosions is endless, like the sound of firecrackers at midnight on the first day of the new year. The aftermath of the energy disappeared immediately, making the depression where the artificial brain Gilbaris was located continuously widen and deepen.

The five Ultramans were not stingy with energy, and continuously turned the energy in the body into light and emitted it, attacking the artificial brain Gilbaris, peeling off the second layer of armor on the surface of the artificial brain Gilbaris layer by layer.

One wrong step, one wrong step, is the realism of the current situation of the artificial brain Gilbaris. Originally, the artificial brain Gilbaris had the ability to create energy defense shields, but it is a pity because of listening to what Noah and the others said. For the sake of the rules, a lot of computing power was mobilized. It was equivalent to being distracted, causing Noah to launch a surprise attack, directly using the power of time and space to bind every layer of the second armor of the artificial brain Gilbaris, blocking the occurrence of the energy shield, and then being attacked by Thunder When Jado and the five of them were hit by the rays, the outermost second layer of armor was broken before reaching the maximum power, leaving the artificial brain Gilbaris in a passive state.

The most embarrassing thing is that he has not heard much about the secrets of the universe, how the big universe and how so much dust was gathered together by the weak nuclear force in the big universe where time, space, gravity, etc. are in a static state. And so on, being trapped without mentioning it at all, and passively being attacked by five rays, it can be said to be miserable. It's a pity that there is no way to even complain, and the only five witnesses are still desperately trying to eliminate him.

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