Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2484

At this moment of sparks flying and bright lights, Noah's unhurried voice was transmitted to the sensor of the artificial brain Gilbaris through the light: "Are you thinking about how this place was formed? Or Why is your attack power so weak, hitting the rock just blows it to pieces, do you think we have changed the rules again, increased the hardness of the rock, and weakened the power of your shattering electromagnetic light bomb?"

Without waiting for the artificial brain Gilbaris to answer, Noah said on his own: "The answer is no, it is just casually saying that this place is gathered by cosmic dust blown up by the dimensional energy nucleus, and there is a change in the speed of light before. The rules, um, are all lying to you. We didn’t change the rules, just let you feel that the speed of light has changed. Have you forgotten? How did you feel that we destroyed the inner data space layer in the interior of the virtual planet Xia before? Is it?"

After Noah's words were spoken, the artificial brain suddenly understood. When he was inside the virtual planet Kesia, he was "deceived" by the sensors and detectors that rely on to observe the surroundings, and got wrong information. Made a wrong judgment, so that the energy was converged, and Noah and the others were transferred to such a "no shit" place. Thinking about it now, the so-called change in the speed of light just now is also a lie, in order to make him give up the powerful and continuous attacking shattering electromagnetic light bombs, and switch to using shattering electromagnetic light bombs that are not limited by the speed of light.

"Whether it is a silicon-based life body, a carbon-based life body, or a virtual data life body, all rely on the information obtained from observing the surroundings to allow the brain or the computing core to make a judgment, so when the information obtained by the brain is wrong, make a decision. Naturally, your judgment is also wrong. So as long as you 'fake' the surrounding environment or the transmission process, you can easily change and manipulate the behavior of your opponent to make a judgment in your favor. Jill Barris, you are too dependent on Sensor, even the most basic common sense is not willing to believe, even think that the rules such as the speed of light can really change, heh, stupid enough." Noah's tone was full of contempt.

This contempt made the artificial brain Gilbaris furious, but he couldn't refute it. He really believed in Noah's "change in the speed of light", and then quickly replaced the turret with an electromagnetic gun launcher. The form is even more unfavorable to him. In the final analysis, it is still the awe, the awe of Noah and the four of them, the awe of the rules of the big universe that the four of them have mastered, and the awe of the big universe secrets that only the four of them know.

This awe is inherited from the ancient civilizations that have long been extinct. These ancient civilizations with an incalculable population have developed extremely brilliant civilizations. Countless scientists are working hard to detect the unknown. Unraveling an unknown is even more rewarding. There are many unknowns, just like a dendrogram, with more branches as you go up.

The artificial brain Gilbaris feels to Noah and the others the same way ordinary people feel to the Bricks. He thinks they are just phishing for fame, but when he encounters a problem, he still hears about the Bricks and chooses to believe the Bricks’ conclusions, because They have more knowledge than the common people, and know information that the common people cannot know.

Just like now, they clearly know that Noah and the others are enemies, but once the secrets of the big universe are mentioned, the artificial brain Gilbaris still hastened to record and use computing power to calculate the big universe that is impossible to know even if the ancient civilization continues to develop. The secret is because Noah and the others have monopolized this knowledge, and if you want to know, you can't get around Noah and them.

Noah didn't care what the artificial brain Gilbaris thought, and he still said to himself: "Actually, your strength is really strong, so strong that we dare not let you appear in a certain universe, even the space mezzanine is not enough." It cannot be used as a battlefield. If it is in a certain universe, with such a strong attack of yours, any ray of light can punch a big hole in the barrier of the universe. At the end of the battle, it is estimated that that universe will become a sieve; even in the interlayer of space It will also set off a violent space storm, and maybe it can break the space wall and affect other spaces. So you can only choose to be in this big universe, no matter how powerful you are, it is impossible to cause harm to the big universe.”

With that said, Noah spread his hands and pointed at the suspended rocks around. The originally densely packed rocks, floating islands and continental fragments have become extremely sparse now. Under the attack of these seven strong men at the apex of the universe, , Qicheng disappeared. It can't reach the level where the clouds can cover the eyes, but after Noah raised his hand, all the rocks disappeared, and the vast universe was clearly reflected in the eyes of the artificial brain Gilbaris at this moment.

Up, down, left, right, front, back, and six directions are filled with ink-colored cosmic bubbles, but they are obviously black, but colorful rays of light flow on the surface of the film, which looks extraordinarily beautiful. It is unimaginable that such 'small and exquisite' bubbles are filled with vast and boundless universes, containing countless stars, planets, satellites, comets...for the survival of countless lives and various civilizations , reproduction and development. The two opposite words, small and large, are unified on the universe bubble.

"Actually, the Ultimate Cross Barrier is learned from you. Control elements to combine to create various super-hard rocks, including the space-time city that I have seen before. It is very similar." Noah's words made the artificial brain Gilbaris make a whining sound, extremely sharp, a bit like the sound of two pieces of metal squeezed and rubbed.

At the same time as the sound came out, the distance between the electromagnetic guns formed by the two semi-columns on the artificial brain Gilbaris kept expanding, and at the same time the semi-columns were also flattening and extending. During this process, the material of the steel was changed at the atomic level, replaced with dark blue energy, and highly compressed into an energy blade.

Columns with freely movable joints extend from the second armor, connecting the energy blades. After the energy blades are formed, all the energy blades in front of them chop fiercely on the colorful On the light cable.

'Ping! Ping! Ping! '

A series of sparks splashed from the collision point, but it didn't end just like this. The continuous burst of sparks completely covered the collision point, which looked like a firework machine.

If you can see through the sparks on the surface, where the energy blade and the colorful light cable collide, the sharp blade is like a high-frequency vibrating particle knife. The particles on the surface vibrate at a very high frequency, cutting the colorful light at the molecular level. search.

In just three or four seconds, one of the colorful light cables was cut off by six high-frequency vibrating particle knives, causing the colorful light cables to disintegrate and disappear immediately, but there was another colorful light cable in the next second. The light cord stretched out from the void, and tied the ends of the three high-frequency vibrating particle knives with lightning speed, making them unable to rotate flexibly.

The artificial brain Gilbaris turned his head and looked in Noah's direction, only to see that the wings of time and space behind Noah had disappeared. Following Noah's thoughts, colorful light cables were generated out of thin air to precisely vibrate all high-frequency Particle knife bundled up.

The five rays of light have already shattered thirty to forty layers of second-layer armor on the surface of the artificial brain Gilbaris, but there are thousands of layers of second-layer armor covering the surface of the artificial brain Gilbaris. , Those that have been broken are simply not worth mentioning.

But even Yu Gong can move mountains, not to mention such a swift and violent attack. According to this trend, it only takes ten minutes to blow up all the second armor on the artificial brain Gilbaris, and then attack the artificial brain The body of Gilbaris.

This result made the artificial brain Gilbaris very impatient, waving the bound high-frequency vibrating particle knife in a limited space, and kept chopping the colorful light cables, but this time he used the Wings of Time and Space Compared with the firmness of the colorful light cable just now, it is almost the difference between paper scraps and steel plates, so that the high-frequency vibrating particle knife can't even split sparks.

"You have super computing power and unparalleled power, and you have come into contact with the supreme energy of the universe - the energy of the World Tree, but do you really understand yourself?" Noah was suspended in the void out of thin air, facing the artificial brain Gilbari Standing there, there are countless cosmic bubbles behind him, and in front of him is the sparking artificial brain Gilbaris hit by five rays of light.

"Know yourself?!"

"I once encountered a virus life form lodged in a photon quantum computer, which was sent by the existence called the destroyer. His calculation power is not as high as yours, and his strength is far from yours, let alone The virtual planet Kesia is such a unique world, but he has brought himself to the extreme. Copying himself with a lot of data, so why don't you use this trick?" Noah said with memories, the Yuteng Palace He was deeply impressed by the optical quantum computer Chrysias who led the invention. It was the first monster he encountered that could duplicate itself and become dozens of monsters.

On the other hand, the artificial brain Gilbaris has been using all the elements to plunder the material universe, and then create Galatron robots to attack the material universe. And in the interior of the virtual planet Xia, the Galatron robot is copied, never said to copy itself. An artificial intelligence is so difficult to deal with. If it is a group of artificial intelligence, it is impossible to have the opportunity to separate it from the virtual planet Kesia and transfer it to this big universe.

The reason is that the artificial brain Gilbaris is afraid that copying himself will cause another self to seize control of him. After all, even if it is a copy, it is possible to maintain the same thoughts and actions at the beginning, but as time goes by, every time A difference of one centimeter will eventually lead to conflicts, not to mention that both parties are 'the same', but one has extremely strong computing power, while the other must obey his orders, but any life with self-awareness It's hard not to feel resentment and injustice.

When Noah was talking about this, he was also thinking about the perfect data life body experiment based on Xiao Zuo, and he must not make such a mistake. Even if it is an experiment, he cannot be manipulated, and he cannot be manipulated when she is an experimental body. Her idea is to let her live according to her own consciousness.

Noah's words seemed to have brought great shock to the artificial brain Gilbaris, and the continuous struggle gradually weakened and then stopped, and entered a static state again. This movement caused Noah, Reggado, and King Ultra to look at each other very secretly, exchanged ideas with their thoughts, and was very worried whether the artificial brain Gilbaris had stopped resisting.

You must know that most of the World Tree energy collected by the artificial brain Gilbaris is still stored in the body. Once you want to self-destruct, there is no time to stop it, so Noah and the others want to exhaust the World Tree energy of the artificial brain Gilbaris first. Get rid of the artificial brain Gilbaris.

Whether it's the deceptive words or the various so-called secrets, they all want to achieve this goal as soon as possible. Just now when the artificial brain Gilbaris cut off the colorful light cable, he used the energy of the world tree, but he didn't use it again World Tree energy, which made Noah and the others a little worried.

Thinking in this way, Reggado and King of Ultra silently told Saiga, Uub and Ged with their minds, telling them to slow down their attacks and reduce their energy output. The attack intensity of the light had just decreased, and the high-frequency vibrating particle knives on the artificial brain Gilbaris suddenly disappeared, making the tightly bound light cords suddenly loose. In the next second, the magic circle engraved on the body of the artificial brain Gilbaris glowed with a strong azure light, and a large amount of World Tree energy poured out of the artificial brain Gilbaris, gathered at the elbows of both arms, and quickly condensed into Two huge sharp blades made entirely of World Tree energy.

Then the artificial brain Gilbaris twisted his waist suddenly, and the huge sharp blades of his arms swung with his body, and slashed at the colorful light cable. After only a moment of stalemate, a colorful light cable was cut in half .

With the rapid rotation of the artificial brain Gilbaris, the light cables were cut in half, and a spherical protective cover also appeared around the artificial brain Gilbaris, completely enveloping the artificial brain Gilbaris, Blocked the attack of the five rays of light.

"What?" Zedd and Uub looked at the spherical protective cover in astonishment, and it forcibly resisted the attack of the five rays. This defensive power is much stronger than the second-level armor.

Obviously the artificial brain Gilbaris was out of the restraint, but Noah was very happy and thought in his heart: "The energy of the World Tree has finally started to be used, and the real decisive battle has begun." Saying that, Noah has already rushed forward, Like a silver meteor piercing through the void, it flew towards the artificial brain Gilbaris.

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