Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2482 Broken Time and Space City

The flames of this explosion covered a range of three to four hundred kilometers, and a large amount of rock was swept away by the fiery high temperature and the impact of the explosion, revealing the intricate metal creations covered by rocks.

After the flames dissipated, the faintly visible metal creations appeared more clearly, but all of these metal creations were crumbling here and there, and none of them were formed. It felt like stepping on a delicate clay sculpture. Moreover, all the areas where the rocks have been stripped have such ugly 'clay sculptures', which makes people wonder whether there are such melted and twisted metal creations in the areas still covered by thick rocks.

After being hit by the fusion of hundreds of shattered electromagnetic rays bounced back by Noah, the artificial brain Gilbari stopped attacking, and the protruding barrels retracted into the second armor on the body surface, making The surface of the body became as smooth as a mirror again, and there was no more unevenness to be seen.


The abnormal movement of the artificial brain Gilbaris made Noah and the six of them stop moving. They stood at different distances and heights, staring at the artificial brain Gilbaris who had stopped the offensive that had lasted for half a minute. .

"The speed of light propagation has slowed down, and the speed of heat disappearing has accelerated...The laws of physics have undergone tremendous changes. The established tactics have failed, and calculations have been restarted, and a second offensive deployment has been carried out..." Artificial Brain Jill Barris's core slid through rows of data, analyzing the surrounding environment and the data collected since its development.

Noah lowered his arms naturally, and said to the artificial brain Gilbaris: "Have you finally found out? From the beginning of the battle to the present, we have not used light skills, because the speed of light has been slowed down."

"The speed of light is slowing down?!" Ged and Uub were a little shocked when they heard the words. They really didn't know this, and they never paid attention to it. After all, they have been playing close combat with monsters, even in the universe. The distance of more than 10,000 kilometers has not been opened. Even if the speed of light in different universes differs by a few percent, it is difficult to find it without paying attention.

Looking back now, just now, the shattered electromagnetic light density of the artificial brain Gilbaris is very high, but it is not difficult to avoid it. They always think that it is because their strength has improved, but the weakening of the enemy is equivalent to their own strength. ah. It had already become stronger, and the enemy's light became weaker, so the artificial brain Gilbaris couldn't cause any damage to Noah and the others after fighting for a long time, but wasted a lot of energy on his own.

Noah is still working on the artificial brain Jill Barriscope: "Although this is called the ultimate cross barrier, it is actually remade according to your virtual planet Xia. Transferring you to the big cosmic space is to cut off and Know the connection of the universe, and then use six different lights of time and space, order, guardianship, miracle, four elements, and data energy to maintain the ultimate cross barrier, making the ultimate cross barrier an independent world in a short time. In this case, as long as We think that we can easily change the various so-called laws inside the ultimate cross barrier, such as slowing down the propagation speed of light while keeping the speed of sound unchanged, so that the light, your main means of attack, becomes relatively less powerful."

"The speed of light slows down, the speed of sound stays the same, changing a single item does not affect the others...in the calculation...unintelligible!" The core calculation program of the artificial brain Gilbaris is almost in an endless loop, and his equation cannot calculate this A single change will not affect others, no matter which universe each change will bring a chain reaction and eventually cause an irreversible collapse-like change.

Just like changing the earth’s tilt rate by even a degree, it will cause drastic changes in the global climate. For example, the equator will become hotter, the temperate climate will become colder, etc., and many plants and organisms that cannot adapt to the drastic climate change will become extinct. This impact will go along the food chain and food web, causing more plants and creatures to become extinct until the global mass extinction.

Even human beings cannot avoid this kind of influence. With a tilt rate of only one degree, artificial satellites crash due to gravitational imbalance. Even new artificial satellites cannot be launched before getting new earth data, because the first cosmic velocity will also change accordingly .

But the change of the angle of the earth's autobiography only affects the tiny place on the earth, but the speed of light is common to the whole universe, and the change of the speed of light will change the whole universe. But now Noah actually said that in this "independent world" of the single ultimate cross barrier, the change in the speed of light did not have any impact. This touched his blind spot of knowledge, and he could not understand this situation at all.

It is also because of this that when the artificial brain Gilbaris builds the virtual planet Xesia, he will refer to and even copy the rules of the material universe to perfect the virtual planet Xesia. As a result, the originally unique data virtual universe was developed towards the "ordinary" material universe, and it also made Noah and the others so easy to separate the artificial brain Gilbaris from the virtual planet Xia.

While Noah was speaking, the King of Otto and Reggado also raised their arms and folded their arms in front of them. The energy core on their chests burst into bright light, but the speed at which the light spread was extremely slow. It's like pressing the slow forward button, it's more than ten times slower than before.

This scene caused the data calculation inside the artificial brain Gilbaris to explode again, but no matter how he calculated it, the results showed that his current form with electromagnetic light turrets all over his body was not at all suitable for the situation after the speed of light was reduced.

The slowing down of the speed of light means that all light will become less difficult to avoid here, even if the flying speed is fast, it is faster than the transmission speed of light, and the reduction of the speed of light means that the speed of objects entering the eyes is also faster. It will be reduced, which means that everything you see will be delayed, and the artificial brain Jill Barris, who relies on various sensors to observe the surrounding situation, will also reduce the grasp of the surrounding situation.

Just a reduction in the speed of light reduced the overall strength of the artificial brain Gilbaris to more than one-third of the original, which made the artificial brain Gilbaris stand in a daze, and the rules were far more powerful than he imagined. , In contrast, the so-called paste, copy, restore... and Galatron robots he used inside the virtual planet Xia are ridiculous. According to your own situation and the strengths of the enemy, and then change the rules, you can easily turn the enemy's advantages into disadvantages, weaken the enemy's strength and strengthen your own strength.

At this moment, the artificial brain Gilbaris really felt the gap between the ancient civilization and Noah, which was not only in terms of strength, but more in terms of foundation. How can a person who has only developed for a few billion years be compared with Noah and the others who do not know how long they have existed? Even though the artificial brain Gilbaris has inherited all the heritage of the ancient civilization, and by chance, he has power beyond Noah and the others, but for the universe Knowing the secret is far from it.

Especially in terms of the rules of the universe, even the Atalgar civilization, which has developed to be able to create a space-time city, has only just touched the edge of the space rules, and cannot even use the space rules wantonly, let alone change them at will like Noah and the others. ruled out.

After stopping the attack, the artificial brain Gilbaris, who had been in a delicate state for more than ten seconds, finally moved. The left and right arms, which were originally two gun barrels, squirmed quickly and extended rapidly. It was transformed into two long blades, with a length of 100 meters and a width of 10 meters.

With a random flick of the arms, neat gaps appeared on the integrated twin swords, and then separated instantly, turning into dozens of pieces, connected by thin steel cables, it turned out to be two swords Whip, the attack range also expanded from a hundred meters to a thousand meters away.

At the same time, the fan-shaped device on the back began to change shape again, from a large device that looked like a turtle shell to more than a dozen metal pillars. Afterwards, these metal pillars were divided into two from the middle, with a distance of five meters from each other, and they had already become weapons like electromagnetic guns.

After waiting for the artificial brain Gilbaris to complete this series of transformations, Noah and the others hurriedly started to attack as if they had reacted. They also did not use light, but used light bullets, light blades, and light wheels to condense energy into shapes. physical attack.

The artificial brain Gilbaris swung his arms, and the two swords and whips swung around his body extremely flexibly. Under the effect of his super calculation power, all incoming attacks were blocked, and none of them could hit. The body of the artificial brain Gil Barris.

While intercepting the offensive, the dozens of electromagnetic cannons behind the artificial brain Gil Barris are also moving, aiming at Noah and the six of them kept firing, launching a mass of highly condensed Barris Zion. Shatter Electromagnetic Light Bomb.

A large number of light bombs flew through the void densely like a meteor shower. The speed was much slower than the light at the speed of 300,000 kilometers per second, but it was much faster than the speed of light in the ultimate cross barrier. It's just that this speed is still not enough compared to Noah's flying speed. Noah and the others easily dodged it, causing the broken electromagnetic light bullets to hit empty space. Part of it hit the meteorite and the floating continent floating above, and immediately shattered it, a large number of rocks and metal fragments scattered all over the void, and it was impossible to count how many parts were blown up and produced how many pieces.

The flames that had just subsided for a short time reappeared again. The area originally covered by the ultimate cross barrier was full of large and small meteorites and floating continents, but now anyone within the attack range of the artificial brain Gilbaris, No rocks with a diameter greater than 500 meters could be found, but any larger ones were blown to pieces by the light emitted by the artificial brain Gilbaris.

And now the artificial brain Gilbaris has started to launch shattering electromagnetic light bombs frantically again. One after another, the empty shattering electromagnetic light bombs hit the rock fragments floating in the sky, and immediately exploded, countless fine lightning bolts The beam raged, hitting the rock surface, and when the solid rock was about to be gasified, after the lightning raged, there was an empty space, not even a little powder or scum was left.

The cleaning efficiency is more than one grade higher than that of broken electromagnetic light. Just the first wave of attack wiped out the meteorites within a range of nearly 100 kilometers above, making the field of vision that was originally covered by densely packed meteorites suddenly wider. Looking up, the dense clusters of grapes in the distance seem to make the cosmic bubbles clearly visible.

All that can be seen through this 'empty window' are all kinds of cosmic bubbles, only the artificial brain Gilbaris and Noah are located in this area with a radius of five or six billion kilometers, which is full of large and small rocks. This situation is very similar to the monster graveyard.

'call out! '

A group of shattered electromagnetic light bombs was launched from the barrel of the artificial brain Gilbaris, and rushed towards Noah quickly, but on the way, Noah, who was the target of the attack, made a sharp turn and deviated from the original flight The trajectory caused the group of broken electromagnetic light bombs to fly into the air, and continued to move forward along the established trajectory. After flying for more than ten seconds, it hit a meteorite not much smaller than the moon obliquely above.

The shattering electromagnetic light bomb instantly turned into countless lightning beams, spreading along the rock surface. Wherever it passed, the solid rock was instantly shattered. However, this time, it did not gasify the rock as before, but only shattered After a rock that was one or two kilometers thick, he stopped.

Under the light of the electric light, the silver-white metal is extraordinarily bright. As the electric light spreads, more metal layers are revealed. After the power grid disappears, an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers is revealed. Not sure how thick the metal layer is. It is these metals that conduct most of the electricity away, reducing the bursting power of the shattering electromagnetic light bomb, otherwise it would never be as simple as just causing high temperature ablation on the surface of the metal layer.

After this large amount of electricity was transmitted to the inside of the metal layer, as if the internal machinery had been activated, a large number of gaps appeared on the surface of the one-piece rock, and a 'click! Click! ’ The sound of rocks breaking and gears turning.

The part of the rock mass that was not affected by the shattering electromagnetic light bomb also cracked a series of gaps, and quickly connected together, forming several long cracks, and then the rock was divided into three parts, upper, middle and lower, and slowly rotated. stand up.

As the rotation speed increased, the gap also widened and enlarged, causing large chunks of rock to be peeled off, revealing the covered silver-white metal, which gradually changed from a sphere to a cone.

The center is a cylinder, and there are rings of different sizes on the periphery. There are spiers on the largest ring, which are almost exactly the same as the space-time city of Aitargar in appearance. It's just that the color of this space-time city is not earth-colored, but silver-white metal, and the rings and spires are extremely broken.

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