Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2473 The End of the World

After the pattern on Ged's body turned golden, and the pattern on the ultimate sublimator also appeared, the conversion rate suddenly soared a lot, converting massive amounts of data energy into light energy as quickly as a whale.

A huge amount of data energy has been converted into light energy, but most of it is stored in the ultimate sublimator, and only a small part is integrated into Gedd's body, which also makes Gedd not like a balloon that has been injected with excess gas. It exploded. But just this little bit has increased Gedd's own strength by nearly two times. It is impossible to imagine what kind of improvement will be made if all the energy is integrated into Gedd's body... The biggest possibility is that the energy is too strong. Gedd accepts, let Gedd explode.

After the energy ocean disappeared, the patterned light on Gedd's body that looked like a raging golden flame also dimmed, turning red again, and the brightness of the dazzling light on his body also decreased, but the golden lines on the ultimate sublimator remained. down.

"Sure enough, the transformation ability of Strum's inverting organs has become a part of Gedd. This may be Beria's ultimate goal, but everything is handed over to Gedd." Noah said with emotion , began to evaluate Gedde's absorption ability, wanted to see the absorption and conversion efficiency, whether after entering the interior of the virtual planet Xia, he could take on a heavier responsibility-separate the data sea, and let the host of the artificial brain Gilbaris reveal come out.

"What happened?" Jambert and Jannay looked at each other, not understanding what happened to Geed, why they could absorb the unknown energy floating from the virtual planet Xia, and strengthen themselves, which is really too much It's unbelievable, they really have never seen such a thing.

On the contrary, Uub said with some uncertainty: "Gedd... seems to have turned the attack of the virtual planet Xia into his own power, which is unbelievable. Wait a minute, this seems to be..."

Uub suddenly remembered that when he was on Mars, he dealt with Beria. All the attacks were absorbed by Beria, and then converted into Beria's power to attack himself. However, Gedd's situation is the same as Beria is different.

Jedd had already 'retired' from the state of stiffness, moved his body with lingering fear, and finally felt relieved after confirming that he could really control his body. This feeling of being out of control is really uncomfortable, no matter where One experience is always so bad.

"The power...has been enhanced again!" Ged shook his left hand vigorously, feeling the abundant power in his body, and felt unparalleled joy in his heart. Only by defeating the artificial brain Gilbaris, can he bring Aizaki Moeya back to life. , Toba Laiye is still going to be rescued by the person who was taken away. At this time, the increase in power so much is simply a timely help.

Sero seemed to see Ged's joy and desire, and warned: "Don't be fooled by your power. Your power has increased too fast recently. It looks very powerful, but it is a castle in the air. Don't say you are equal to you. If you are strong enough, even someone weaker than you can easily defeat you."

"Yeah!" Ged nodded vigorously. His current state is just a paper tiger with no appearance. His power has increased too fast. The power transmitted to him by Beria last time has not been 'digested'. Now There was another burst of strength, like a child wielding an eighty-pound Guan knife, and it was a problem to lift it up, let alone swing it freely.

Strong strength does not mean that you can win. During the hard training before, it was obviously stronger than Toba Laiye, but you still don't want to be abused. The increase in strength does not mean that the strength can also increase at the same time. This involves many aspects such as proficiency, skills, etc., just like the sudden increase in running speed from 100 meters in 10 seconds to 100 meters in 3 seconds. First of all, when you want to stop First fall a big somersault, the super fast speed directly destroys the coordination of the body, making everything you do feel very wrong.

Noah appeared next to Sai Luo and the others in an instant. With a wave of his right hand, the wings of time and space glowed with colorful light, encircling all of Sai Luo and the others. They moved millions of kilometers in an instant, and came to the virtual planet Kesia. nearby.

It's just that at this time the virtual planet Xia was once again immobilized, and two long colorful light cables penetrated deeply into the interior of the virtual planet Xia like tree roots, making it immobile. Compared with the huge virtual planet Kesia, these two colorful light cables with a diameter of ten meters are like two thin spider threads but hoisting a Ford aircraft carrier, which makes people feel so incredible.

The ends of these two 'spider threads' are clinging to the pitch-black void wall, and the connection method is exactly the same as that of the virtual planet Kesia. It is in this way that the virtual planet Kesia is "randomly" trapped, making it unable to move a little bit.

"Long time no see, Noah!" A gentle voice sounded from the front and above. Sai Luo, who had just arrived here, turned their heads to look in the direction of the voice before they looked around, and saw a silver Ultraman Suspended beside a colorful light cable, looking towards them. There are purple patterns on the body, and there are gray areas very similar to Noah's. The abdomen is in an inverted V shape, and the intersection point is a golden symbol.

"Yeah, long time no see, Reggado!" Noah had a lot of questions to ask: Did he get a response from World Tree? What exactly does World Tree want to do? How does World Tree want to manage this big universe? Is what they did necessary for World Tree...

Countless questions lingered in my mind, but I still didn't ask them in the end, because it was meaningless, so what if I knew it, should I change his approach according to World Tree's ideas? Impossible, if the four of them were the kind of 'adaptive' people, then billions of years ago they wouldn't have fallen apart.

"Billions of years, we finally got together again!" King Otto said with emotion. After billions of years of separation, meeting again is already a different thing. If it wasn't for the virtual planet Kesia, I'm afraid they are still moving forward on their respective paths towards the future.

"Billions of years..." Mirror Knight and Red Lotus Flame couldn't help but show a look of shock. They are only a few thousand years old. Billions are too far away, so far away that it is unimaginable So far away, so far away that it can turn everything into nothing.

"No way!" Ged didn't know what to say. He was only twenty years old. Compared with billions, he was like a mayfly and a tortoise.

Noah stared at the frantically struggling virtual planet Xia, but unfortunately, in the gap between the material world, the virtual planet Xia's influence on the material world was too weak, and he couldn't get rid of Reggado and the king of Otto at all. The blockade laid by joint efforts.

In fact, the most powerful thing about the virtual planet Kesia is that its data world is independent, so what if it is trapped here, aren't so many cosmic bubbles also "trapped" in the big cosmic space and cannot move?

Among the known matter and energy, except for the dimensional energy core, there is no existence that can harm these cosmic bubbles. In other words, in fact, the virtual planet Kesia does not need to care about Noah’s blow in the material universe at all. Fighting to the present, the light bands that have been destroyed are the 'tentacles' that the artificial brain Gilbaris extended to the material universe, just like the colonial planetary battle stars sent by the ancient civilization billions of years ago to other universes, to plunder the material The resources and energy of the universe. It is equivalent to an additional thing, and it has been destroyed, and it has not harmed the foundation of the virtual planet Xia.

This is the 'scary' part of the independent universe, and it is difficult to shake its roots. Even what Noah thinks up to now is to destroy Gilbaris, the artificial brain that controls the virtual planet Xia, rather than destroying the virtual planet Xia. , because it is really difficult to do, and it is too wasteful, and he also wants to use the virtual planet Kesia to make some 'fame'.

No one asked, but Reggado took the initiative to talk about his experience: "The World Tree didn't respond to me, but the World Tree showed me the vastness of the World Tree. The world we can see and even the entire universe , are just a small part of the world tree, just a very small part."

Reggado's words were full of longing, as if he was still remembering the strong shock when the indescribable and spectacular scene rushed to his face. Countless worlds are as diverse as gravel and as brilliant as flowers. Some are universes suspended in the large cosmic space, and some are in other dimensions, where the planets are not regular circles, such as divergent gas, full of thorn-like protrusions, winding like rivers...different dimensions , Planets in different space layers are also different.

Life is also diverse, not only carbon-based, silicon-based and other two-legged monsters, but also various kinds of life that use methane as "blood": like insects, like ghosts...even the specific body No, it's just a living body with a collection of consciousness.

Countless, unimaginable, and indescribable, at that moment, Reggado really felt the vastness of the World Tree. The big universe they have been guarding is just one of the countless spaces of the World Tree, and there are many, many and big universes Parallel universes with similar spaces, and different spaces produced by innumerable different latitudes... They have always thought that the universe is a world tree, just like a frog in a well, thinking that what they see is all the sky.

In fact, the virtual planet Kesia is just an insignificant independent world in the big universe, and the big universe is also an extremely small branch of the world tree. The scope of their four activities is completely wandering around on the surface of a leaf on a big tree. It's ridiculous that they haven't even visited the leaf yet, let alone the rest of the tree.

These worlds in different latitudes and different spaces are just what Leggedo saw at a glance. No one knows how many others he didn’t see. If what Leggedo sees is the inner layer of the world tree, Then what Noah saw at the beginning was the surface of the World Tree, but without exception, both of them were just blind people feeling the elephant, and what they saw was only a corner of the World Tree. No one knows what the real World Tree looks like, even if they once Linked to the world tree, it is also impossible to see the complete world tree.

Reggado described the appearance of the World Tree he saw in language as much as possible. Even though this pale language could not describe one ten-thousandth of the scene he saw, it could make Noah and the King of Ultra A general understanding of his experience.

After Reggado sacrificed his life to eliminate the time-space storm that swept countless universes, he entered a space full of lights and monsters. The World Tree still did not respond to him, but he saw countless worlds and spaces of all kinds. In an instant, but as if enlightened, Reggado suddenly understood that the great universe that gave birth to him and has been protecting it with all his strength is only an extremely small part of the World Tree.

A big tree will not care about the withering of a leaf or a small branch, just like a person who sees a few strands of hair falling out will just throw it aside instead of crying and going to the hospital to do it. a full body check.

"We have always thought that the great universe is the world tree, but in fact, the great universe that gave birth to us is only an extremely small part of the world tree. Miracles, guardianship, time and space, and order are the basic components of this great universe. The four of us are This big universe." Reggado said decisively: "Our will is affecting this big universe, because you hope that life in different universes can communicate and meet each other, so when Noah, who represents time and space, returns, the connection is different. The stargate of the universe is opened."

"So what we do, we don't need to care about the views of the world tree at all, we can do whatever we want, for example, now..." Noah said with a wave of his hand, sending out a colorful light beam, which also penetrated into the virtual planet Xia The surface of the space, stuck to the barrier of the space interlayer, strengthened the bondage of the imaginary planet Xia.

"This is a new world. If it grows up, it will become a strange universe different from other universes. It's a pity that it needs to use other universes as nutrients instead of slowly developing by itself. So let's do what we want to do in this universe. Let’s perish the consciousness that we shouldn’t have.”

Noah's words made Reggado and King of Ultra nodded. The World Tree's attitude towards the universe is dispensable, but they were born here, grew up here, and will continue to live here in the future. The universe is indispensable to them.

That being the case, let's protect the big universe that gave birth to them according to their ideas. In fact, what Beria said is right, the big universe is indeed powered by power. The change or promulgation of a country's policy will lead to sudden changes in the market and economy. Many products produced by companies that do not comply with the new regulations will immediately become scrap iron, causing related companies to close down and workers displaced. And tens of billions of years ago, Noah, King of Otto, Saiga, and Reggado, who were the top combat powers in the universe, reached a consensus, and the super civilizations that attempted to invade the universe were wiped out one by one, fighting for the survival of weak civilizations Die in space.

Billions of years later, they joined forces again to destroy the 'bullying' virtual planet Xia. Their rules have not changed much, and they also do not allow powerful civilizations to invade weak civilizations, but their methods have changed. A lot has changed.

PS: Let’s just fill in the gaps. Let me explain what Reggie learned from World Tree. It’s not that World Tree didn’t respond to them. He showed up in the big universe so that Noah could see the appearance of World Tree clearly, and Lei Jie Learn more about how big the real world tree is, and you are all responding.

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