Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2472 The Beginning of the Decisive Battle

At the moment when the "player" was crazy about the show, Sai Luo's battle results were also very brilliant, with the blessing of the world tree energy, Galatron MK1 and Galatron MK2's shell with strong defense, in their weapons In front of him, as thin as a cicada's wings, everything will be broken.

Sai Luo has already stopped the energy-intensive eight-fold destructive light. Holding two huge Sai Luo combined ice axes in both hands, he shuttles rapidly in the dark void. The energy of the world tree attached to the sharp blade makes Sai Luo look down. , Wherever the purple light beam passed, a Galatron was cut in half, and then exploded, blooming into balls of flame.

Uub on the left, the Uub circular saw in his hand is glowing with four colors of light, he slashes left and right, no matter whether it is a giant ax or a steel shell, it is vulnerable to a single blow in front of Uub's circular saw. broken.

Gedde on the right, holding the ultimate sublimator, also achieved good results. He also smashed a Galatron to pieces like chopping melons and vegetables, plus Jambert, Jannay, Red Lotus Flame and Mirror Knight With the help of the support, the Galatron Army was defeated. Galatrons exploded one after another, turning into balls of flame and metal fragments all over the sky. Under the impact of the explosion, they floated towards the boundless black void, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight. among.

Sai Luo flicked his hands, and the two Sai Luo combined ice axes in his hands came out, and separated instantly after flying a hundred meters away, turning into four ice axes. Under the control of Sai Luo's Ultra mind, they flew up and down, Along the way, one Galatron was cut in half effortlessly, and the energy attached to the ice ax invaded Galatron's body, blasting Galatron into fragments and raging flame balls.

This destructive power is not comparable to what he just came to this space mezzanine. It is obvious that Sai Luo's own strength is rapidly increasing, and it has more than tripled or quadrupled. Not only Sai Luo, but also Uub. The Uub circular saw in his hand chopped left and right, the giant ax came to chop the giant ax, and the arm came to chop the next door, killing three in and three out.

Ged's performance was also good. Relying on the World Tree energy in the ultimate sublimator, he waved the ultimate sublimator to blow up Galatrons to pieces, and the killing efficiency was only three or four points worse than Uub's.

Is it really true that fighting is the thing that makes people progress the most? In just a few minutes of effort, the three of them have skillfully used the energy of the World Tree, tilting the energy of the World Tree with every move, using the least amount of energy to bring the greatest destructive power.

Compared with Sero and Uub, Noah's eyes stayed on Gedd more. He obviously did not have high-level energy usage authority like Sero and Uub, but the progress was also obvious. Reminiscent of the last time, As Hong Kai said, Gomora's armor was shattered after only one data attack, but Ged was hit several times but was not injured, and recovered after a day of sleep.

This made Noah have to think about it. Although he didn't have time to check and do too much research, Noah had a guess in his heart. In order to verify this guess, Noah stopped wandering and hovered in the sky, letting each one The energy light belt emitted by the turret bombarded his body, bursting into flames all over the sky, spreading into a flame ball thousands of meters wide.

But such an offensive had no effect. After three or four breaths, the flames dissipated, and Noah was suspended there intact, with a silvery luster on the surface of his body, and only the forearm erected in front of him exuded colorful light. Quickly changing, it looks brighter than neon lights.

Noah's raised arms slowly moved towards the middle. At the same time, a huge network shining with colorful lights appeared in the empty space around the virtual planet Kesia. With the closing of the arms, this huge net is also gradually closing, and the space for the virtual planet Xia to move is also rapidly shrinking, but after two or three breaths of effort, the virtual planet Xia once again feels the tight bondage , can no longer move the slightest bit.

After the giant net intertwined by the power of time and space tightly bound the virtual planet Xia once again, it did not end there. Intense sparks come.

If such a strong collision were placed in the universe, the space would have been torn apart, forming a series of dense space gaps, but here there is no other external manifestation except sparks. The solidity of the space interlayer is far from that of the universe. comparable.

However, it is obvious that the strength of the virtual planet Xia is not as strong as that of the real universe, not to mention the space interlayer. Under the pressure of the space-time network, the light belt on the surface gradually breaks down, and a large amount of energy in the superposition state of data and matter is transmitted inside. Leaked from the shattering point, drifted in the void, and finally diffused to an invisible state.

But in the microscopic world, a large amount of extremely tiny data energy floats towards Gedd as if attracted by it, falls on Gedd's body silently, and finally merges into Gedd's body and disappears. However, it seemed as if he didn't feel anything, and he was still clearing out the remaining Galatron, only the brightness of the red pattern on the surface of the body increased a little, and there was a tendency to turn from red to gold.

With the increase of the number of broken light bands, the leaked data energy is also increasing, and the data energy pouring into Gedd is also increasing, making Gedd feel that his power is getting stronger and stronger, swinging the ultimate sublimator to hit On Galatron's body, the sharp blade can easily cut Galatron apart. Even if it is accidentally hit by Galatron's laser beam, it will only splash a few sparks on the body, and the defense power is silent. The time has been enhanced a lot.

After Noah crushed the virtual planet Kesia with the power of space-time network, he has been observing Gedd's reaction. After a large amount of data energy leaked out, Gedd's strength increase speed also increased by ten percentage points, which is the same as Noah's guess basically agrees.

Perhaps Geed also possesses the ability to invert organs like Stroom. When Beria passed on his own power to Ged, Beria had already fused the inverting organs from the Strum star Fushii Deshi , perhaps when transforming the dark energy, intentionally or unintentionally passed this reversal ability to Gedd.

After being bound on the surface of the virtual planet Xia and suffered a data attack, this inversion ability was activated, converting the data into its own energy, but because this conversion is unconscious and cannot be freely controlled, it has been Not closed.

And on this battlefield, the bombed and shattered Galatron revealed a lot of data, and the light belt just shattered by Noah also leaked a lot of data, all of which were subconsciously sucked by Gedd , and then somehow passed on to Gedd's inversion ability, and the inversion became Gedd's energy, which is why Gedd became more and more courageous in the battle, and his progress speed was not lost to Uub and Selo at all.

"I have collected enough information, break it up for me!" Noah snorted lightly, and his left and right forearms finally closed together in front of him, and the giant net formed by the power of time and space also covered the surface of the virtual planet Xia. The belts of light were all crushed, and a huge amount of energy gushed out. For a moment, the virtual planet Kesia was surrounded by data energy emitting strong light.

This time the leaked energy was too much, before it was diffused enough to be detected by the naked eye, it began to flow towards Geed regularly. From a distance, it seemed that the Milky Way hanging in the sky was flowing. The flowing target It was Gedd.

With his right hand, Sai Luo slashed across the neck of a Galatron with the Sai Luo Fitted Ice Ax, cutting off Galatron's head, while the Sai Luo Fitted Ice Ax in his left hand was downward, cutting Galatron's head. Latron's chest was cut open, and when he turned his head, he saw a large amount of energy light flowing from the virtual planet Xia, rushing towards this side in unison.

"What is this?" Although Sai Luo didn't know what it was, he didn't delay his attack. Before he had time to put Sai Luo's integrated ice ax on his head, his left arm was already stretched across his body, and the beam light between his foreheads lit up , launching the triple Aimerim cutting, roaring and hitting the sea of ​​light surging like a surging river.

But what surprised Sai Luo was that the triple Emelim cutting actually intersected with this vast river of light, as if they were products of different time and space, and did not have any influence on each other. It was just enough time to launch such an attack. Guanghai had already arrived in front of Sai Luo and the others. While Sai Luo and the others were guarding, Guanghai, which was hundreds of kilometers long, suddenly shrank to a beam of light with a diameter of only a few meters, and hit Ged in an instant.

The speed is so fast that Gedd has not even reacted, and a large amount of data energy has been integrated into him. This feeling is exactly the same as when Beria transmitted his energy to Gedd not long ago. The difference is, Beria's energy is not as overbearing as it is now. One is the calm Yangtze River, but now it is a turbulent tsunami.

The strong energy impact made Gedde's eyes go dark, and he almost passed out. No part of his body listened to his orders, and he could only stay there motionless, letting a large amount of data energy pour into his body.

"Ged!" Uub yelled, rushed over in a hurry, swung the Uub circular saw in his hand, and slashed at the light beam linking Ged and this river of light, but the Uub circular saw that had gathered a lot of energy The saw cut on the light beam, but there was no reaction. The light beam penetrated the Orb circular saw and continued to rush towards Gedd, as if in a different time and space, and had no effect at all.

"What?" Uub looked at the astonishing scene in front of him in astonishment, raised his hand and waved it in disbelief, it was still the same, his movements couldn't affect the beam of light, as if one person stepped on another It is the same as the shadow of a person, no matter what you do, it is impossible to step on the shadow.

The mirror knight also saw this scene, and tried to create a mirror to block the beam, but it still had no effect. The beam penetrated the mirror and continued to rush towards Gedd. The red lotus flames grabbed Gedd directly, but what was even more shocking was that his hands passed through Gedd's body, as if Gedd was a phantom.

"This..." The Ultimate Zero Guard and Uub looked at each other in blank dismay for a while, not understanding what happened and why Gedd became like this. Sero contributed half of the output by himself, and his hatred is definitely much higher than that of Gedd. Why did the virtual planet Xia attack Gedd?

Just when everyone was at a loss, the ultimate sublimator in Gedde's hands changed greatly. The ultimate sublimator, which originally had only a few golden lines, glowed with golden light as a whole, and then moved towards the surrounding area from these few golden lines. More golden lines stretched out and flowed on the surface of the ultimate sublimator, as if there was an invisible paintbrush swishing.

In just a short while, the golden lines of the ultimate sublimator were drawn. Centered on a few main lines, dozens of thin golden lines extended towards the surroundings, and together they were drawn into a complex golden pattern. It is somewhat similar to the crimson magic circle used by Fushii Desi.

After this golden magic circle appeared on the ultimate sublimator, all the data energy flowed to the ultimate sublimator, making the golden light on the surface of the ultimate sublimator more intense, shining brighter than the small sun, making it impossible for people to see it with the naked eye. to look directly at. A huge amount of data energy is converted into high-level light energy through Geed and the ultimate sublimator, and finally integrated into Geed's body, becoming a part of Geed, and dipping the red pattern on Geed's body into gold little by little.

With a wave of Noah's arm, the huge net of space-time power that trapped the virtual planet Kesia disappeared instantly, and reappeared behind Noah as wings of time and space. After breaking free from the shackles, the virtual planet Kesia fled immediately and disappeared. without a trace. It's just that the light band on the surface of the virtual planet Kesia can't see even a millimeter in length, and they are all crushed by the giant net of space-time force, so the virtual planet Kesia no longer has the shining appearance before, as if Like a neon light that has been cut off, it is extremely dark and ugly.

The disappearance of the virtual planet Kesia shocked Sai Luo, turned his head to look at Noah in the distance, and said very puzzled: "Why let him go?"

"The tentacles of the virtual planet Kesia extending to other universes have been cut off. Before the data conversion network on the surface is restored, he can no longer absorb the nutrients of the material universe as before. All that remains is to enter the interior of the virtual planet Kesia , Stop the operation of the main engine and completely eliminate the artificial brain Gilbaris, these things cannot be done in the material world, the people have arrived, it is time to finish it." Noah said softly, his eyes flashed and exuded The resplendent Geed looked towards the direction in which the virtual planet Xia fled.

Beyond the line of sight of Sai Luo and the others, two beams of colorful light lit up, instantly hitting the poles of the virtual planet Xia, like two ropes, grabbing the virtual planet Xia in a rapid 'escape', Make it invisible.

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