Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2474 The strongest team in the universe

After seeing the real World Tree, Regedo has been observing each universe in the big universe with his consciousness, sowing the seeds of order in different universes, and Gauss and Justis are two of them.

Saiga's miraculous power returned to the big universe, and was found by Reggado, who was integrated into the big universe. The only message was to let Reggado, who might get a response from World Tree, use this power properly to protect the big universe.

For this reason, Reggado turned the miraculous power into Dración, which became one of his experiments in exploring the way to protect the universe. Dración, who exists in the form of a life-like body, built a large number of interstellar fleets. A large number of calculations simulate the future of various living planets, eliminate those that may invade others, and maintain the order of the universe.

It is aggressive to predict whether a certain race will invade in the future through calculations, and indeed maintains the order of the universe, but Reggado also left a trace of order power and consciousness for Dración as a safety device. In case Dración makes a mistake and becomes an existence that disrupts the order of the universe.

So when Gauss and Justis collided together, activating the miraculous power, making the order in Dración become Reggado in a short moment, the triggering of this 'safety device' also represented Dración's plan was completely shattered.

So far, King of Otto's Kingdom of Light project is the most successful one. Using light life forms with self-thoughts to maintain the peace of the universe can keep the universe in a dynamic balance instead of rigidly staring at that fixed balance. Value, this is the biggest difference between Kingdom of Light and Dracion.

They haven't met for billions of years, but they can tell each other's experiences in a few words. Unlike the King of Ultra, both Noah and Reggado have existed as conscious bodies for a long time , did not appear in the big universe as an entity until recently, and the resume in the middle is basically blank. In comparison, Reggado's activity time is much longer than Noah's.

After the King of Otto found Reggado, he had already told about his billions of years of activity experience, especially emphasizing the kingdom of light he established, which made Reggado amazed, and therefore in After exchanging simple greetings with Noah, Reggado and Noah turned their attention to the virtual planet Kesia bound by three colorful light cables.

The three of them have made up their minds to destroy the virtual planet Xia, and the rest is to discuss the battle strategy. Although they haven't seen each other for billions of years, they have cooperated with each other for a longer time. The only thing to consider is Can the two rookies, Sero and Uub, take on the big responsibilities.

Originally, Noah didn't think about solving the virtual planet Kesia this time, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. First, the virtual planet Kesia desperately moved closer to the material universe, and Radu couldn't hold it back. Then there is the rapid progress of Zero and Uub, and Gedd's unexpected ability to convert the rarity to the epic level.

One of the strengths of the virtual planet Xesia is the conservation of internal energy, but Ged can absorb the energy of the virtual planet Xesia and turn it into his own use. In the early stage attack of the virtual planet Xesia, Ged himself can absorb and convert the energy of the virtual planet Xesia to slowly consume the virtual planet Xesia, but it will take a long, long time.

And Reggado and the King of Ultra received the signal from Noah using the network of the virtual planet Xesia, and came here. The three of them can easily control the virtual planet Xesia without Noah exhausting time and space. The power to trap the virtual planet Xia. The time has come to solve the artificial brain Gilbaris, and the next step is to launch a general offensive to wipe out this scourge of the big universe in one fell swoop.

Noah, Reggado, and King of Ultra looked at each other, nodded in unison, then turned around, facing the bewildered Mirror Knight and the others. The seven of them stood here for a long time , but couldn't get in the conversation at all, and could only listen to the conversation of Noah and the three of them.

I understand everything about the big universe, world tree, dimension, space, etc., but when a series of words are combined together, I don’t understand it. Many things are new terms, especially Gedd. Before he became Gedd, he was a As a high school student, the biggest city I have been to is Xingshan City, and many things are still new.

"Experience the feeling of the strongest power in this big universe!" said the King of Ultra, who had already stepped forward and came to Ged. In Ged's ignorant eyes, the King of Ultra Putting his right hand on the ultimate sublimator held in his right hand, he said in his voice full of vicissitudes: "Use your will to connect your hidden power, as strong as your will, you can exert as much power as you can. "

A strong golden light glowed from King Ultra's right hand, and the upper end of the ultimate sublimator lit up. King Ultra's capsule was automatically activated, exuding an incomparably bright golden light, carrying the energy of the World Tree and transforming it into light energy The data energy spread to Gedd's arm along the ultimate sublimator, quickly circulated on Gedd's body, and merged with Gedd's own energy.

Gedde's silver-red body showed golden patterns, from the wrist to the shoulder, from the shoulder to the chest, and then from the ankle to the chest, all painted with golden patterns, and on the elbows, knees, shoulders and other joints There are golden circles in the parts, inlaid with diamond-like round stones, which are as transparent as diamonds, and you can clearly see the extremely complicated colorful patterns inside, like a three-dimensional magic circle, slowly rotating , the light flowing from the magic circle flowed along the golden pattern and spread throughout Geed's body.

And the energy flowing out from the magic circle in the diamond condensed into a pair of thin silver armor covering Gedd's body, forming a windbreaker-like collar on both sides of the neck, and most of the energy gathered on Gedd's forehead Forming a protruding horn, the outside is silver-white armor, but the inside is golden.

"Sure enough, the final form you have been pursuing, Belial, has been realized in your son." The King of Otto looked at the brand-new Geed, nodded silently, and stepped back for a while, letting Geed go. Get acquainted with a brand new you and a powerful force.

Reggado came to Uub, looked at Uub in trinity mode, and said softly: "The four elements are the basic energy that constitutes the universe. If this power is used carelessly, it will cause great harm to the universe. So before you have fully mastered this power, don't use it lightly."

Before Uub could reply, Reggado put his right hand on Uub's circular saw, and shouted in a low voice: "The blockade is lifted, the authority has been upgraded!" Following Reggado's voice, Uub's circular saw disappeared in an instant, and turned into four beams of blue, blue, gold, and red and rushed towards Uub, turning into patterns of different colors covering Uub's body.

Based on the form of the Trinity, but changed greatly, it no longer has any characteristics of Galaxy, Victory and X. The gemstones on both wrists and ankle joints were replaced by ring-shaped wristbands. The four-meter-wide metal rings cling to Uub's body. The colors of each meter are different, and they are shining brightly. It is extraordinarily dazzling.

The body, which was originally mainly silver and red, now has three-color patterns of blue, blue, and gold, which surround the body until it connects all the metal rings of the limbs, forming a seemingly complicated pattern.

After the four-color pattern is formed, the metal rings on the limbs glow and gather strong energy, which condenses into Uub's holy sword in Uub's right hand, but the current Uub's holy sword is not only red, The three colors of green, blue, and gold are added, and together with the silver blade, they complement each other, making it look extremely eye-catching.

The huge sword disc also disappeared, but there was a superimposed pattern of four elemental gemstone symbols on the hilt of the sword. As Uub swung his arm, this symbol was also shining brightly.

Noah came to Sai Luo, stared at Sai Luo who was a little nervous, and said softly: "Relax, this power chose you, then this is your power. Saiga in ancient times is in the past tense, now You are Cyro! So unleash your power, Cyro!"

Following Noah's voice, Sai Luo, who was in the form of the other side, glowed with colorful light. In this light, four ice axes slowly stood up and split apart to form a silver crown like minions. The three energy lamps on the forehead were connected together, turning the top of Sai Luo's head into a bright gemstone, emitting a glint of light.

The color of the body also gradually deepened, from the dark blue of the upper body to the dark red of the lower body, and finally to purple. The timer and the two gemstones merged into a huge energy lamp like a split body, and the Palaji bracelet on the left wrist was also upgraded into a colorful Saiga bracelet.

It was too late, but it was too fast. In just ten seconds, Uub, Ged, and Sailo had undergone tremendous changes. The mirror knight, red lotus flame, and the others were stunned. It can be judged from the energy breath of the three people that in this short period of time, the strength of the three people can be said to have increased by leaps and bounds, which is more than that of Gedde who just converted the data energy.

The light enveloping the three of them slowly dimmed, revealing Ged, Uub, and Sero who had undergone major changes. Even though the light had converged into the body, the surface of their bodies was still shining brightly. If it was a candle before the major change, then it is now Fifty watt light bulbs.

"This powerful power..." Sai Luo looked down at his outstretched palm. This was the second time he became Saiga, but it was the first time he really controlled Saiga's body. The last time he dealt with Saiga Hypagedon is the convergence of the consciousness of many people, sharing the computing power needed to control the powerful power of the saiga.

But now, Sai Luo has grown to the point where he can control the incomparable power of Saiga alone, and the growth speed is not unpleasant. Not only Sai Luo, but also Uub. When he transformed into Uub for the first time, the light was distorted. After nearly 10,000 years, he is no less inferior to Sai Luo.

As for Gedd, Beria should be added to his growth. He basically received all of Beria's power, and Ged himself was cultivated artificially with Beria's genes. It can be said that It is not an exaggeration to be Beria's clone, and there is no rejection of Beria's power, plus a series of bonuses such as the ultimate sublimator, Strum's reverse organ, etc., it is Beria who has gone through countless times before finally What was achieved was eventually given to Gedd.

"The energy of the world tree of the four of you is running out, so stay here and don't enter the interior of the virtual planet Xia, and stay here in case the artificial brain Gilbaris uses other means to let Galatron rush out." Nuo Ya explained to the mirror knight and the four of them, making Zhanbert and the others nod, and then stepped back a little to give way to the position and space.

Noah then turned his head and nodded to Reggiedo and the others. He raised his arms, and the silver arms glowed with colorful light. As the arms stretched forward, the gathered energy turned into two colorful beams. The light beams collided together in front, forming a complicated spherical vortex, directly connecting here with the interior of the virtual planet Xia, but blocking the gushing of internal data energy.

"Let's go!" The King of Ultra waved his hand and rushed into the space channel first, followed by Reggado, and Noah also rushed in. Ged, Saiga, and Uub looked at each other. They flew forward side by side, then rushed into the space channel, and came to the interior of the virtual planet Xia for the first time.

With just a glance, Ged and the others were startled by the scene inside the virtual planet Xia. Long beams of light criss-crossed and intertwined into a boundless three-dimensional giant net, filling all vision, in the dark Against the background, this extremely complicated light grid is brighter than the other.

The nodes of this three-dimensional giant net are incomparably bright balls of light, which are somewhat different from the last time Noah came in to look at them. The same is the boundless space. Even though these beams are very conspicuous, they still lose to After entering this vast void, the end of this light network can't be seen at all, and people can't help feeling that this place is endless.

"This..." Saiga and Uub looked at each other in blank dismay. They have also traveled through many universes and seen countless cosmic wonders, including islands of flames floating in the sea of ​​methane, countless meteorites and dust wandering among galaxies, etc. Rivers, and even seen the small and exquisite universe.

But I have never seen such a space full of beams of light, just like the corridors full of lasers that are often seen in spy and spy movies, but this 'corridor' is almost endless,

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