Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2390 Traps

The sharp ice ax cut through the lava shell on the surface of the flame ball without any hindrance. Before the ice ax could go deeper, as if a switch had been touched, the flame ball exploded instantly, 'Boom! ’ A deafening bang resounded all around, and a strong shock wave spread towards all sides.

Gedde, who was the first to bear the brunt, couldn't help taking a step back. Even though his whole body was covered with super-defensive red armor, such an explosion at such a close distance was not very pleasant, especially when the lava fragments hit the red armor on his body, sending out A series of explosions came.

Before he had time to think about this, Ged's vacant left arm quickly lay across in front of him, and the beam light on his forehead emitted an emerald-colored Aimelium augmented light, which precisely hit a ball of flames and detonated it in the air. Then Aimelim's augmented light quickly swept across, detonating one after another of the flame balls.

All of a sudden, the area between Gedd and Scargomora was filled with more than a dozen balls of flames, like a sea of ​​flames suspended in mid-air, covering the sight of both sides and making them invisible to each other.

But within a second or two, the shock waves caused by more than a dozen balls of flames that exploded one after another superimposed together, bringing stronger destructive power to the city below. Buildings were hit by shock waves, and all the glass instantly The building collapsed, and the building was cracked with gaps of different sizes, and this was still far away. The building directly under the sea of ​​flames was directly crushed by the pressure difference formed by the expanding heat, and even the ruins The piles are invisible, as if they were nails that were smashed into the wooden boards, and the difference with the nearby land can only prove that there used to be buildings here.

The fight here is extremely lively, but the human side is dead silent. Representatives from various countries and AIB senior officials all stared blankly at the fiery red screen. A series of changes made them almost lose their ability to think. First, the human monster stood up and walked out of the city, then launched an attack on Geed, and then Geed's counterattack.

However, the city gate caught fire, and the fish in the pond first played GG. Scargomora and Ged did not suffer any harm to each other, but a large block of human beings was razed to the ground, and I don’t know how many people were involved. , died unexpectedly.

Noben stared at this scene dumbfounded, subconsciously glanced at the communicator still in his hand, and wondered for a while whether he had given the wrong order just now, but his years of political career made him realize immediately, the most important thing now is Throwing away the blame, he must not carry the wrong order to this 'blame', so he immediately shouted loudly into the communicator: "Lieutenant Liulin, stop attacking Ultraman Ged, stop attacking Ultraman Ged! I will stop attacking Ultraman Ged! Repeat the order just now, your task is to destroy the monsters outside the city, and the target of the attack is not Ultraman Geed."

But the communicator in his hand didn't respond, and no sound came out at all, which made Noben turn his head to look at Fushii Izuki, and said loudly: "Is this what you said out of control?"

"Yeah, um," Fushii Deshi nodded casually, holding a Coke straw in his mouth, and squinting at the representatives of various countries who were all staring at him. These people just picked out any foreheads that are high-ranking and powerful, but now they are all sitting in the chair. Watch here as he waits for Fukui Izushi to answer.

"Do you think it's easy to manipulate monsters?" Fushii Deshi said mockingly: "Don't forget, Scargomora is a big guy with a height of 58 meters and a weight of nearly 60,000 tons. Outdated things like warships require the cooperation of hundreds of people to operate, does a mere human want to control Scargomora for a long time?"

Fushii Deji stood up, looked down at everyone with his head slightly down, and said proudly: "If this human being hadn't fused my genes and improved his physical fitness by more than ten times, I'm afraid he is undergoing fusion and sublimation. It will be decomposed by high-energy particles in an instant, and it will be evaporated from then on.”

Speaking of this, Fushii Izuki showed a mocking look on his face, and said disdainfully: "Why do you think I didn't form a monster army and only released one or two monsters every time? Do you think you are much smarter than me?" ? I can’t think of forming a monster army that you can think of? Heh, manipulating monsters is not a simple matter. Even if you play a game with two players, you can’t imagine playing it as quickly as you can play alone, let alone manipulating two or more monsters at the same time. .”

Noben stared blankly at Fushii Idesi, and after chewing on Fushii Idesi's words for a while, he finally sorted out a little clue: "Are you saying that the loss of control is because Lieutenant Liulin's physical fitness is not strong enough?"

"What do you think?" Fushii Deji sneered, sat back on the chair again, pointed to Scargomora, who was faintly visible in the sea of ​​fire on the screen, and said, "When attacked, the controller will also feel it. Although it is said that your people have integrated my genes and become very strong in physical fitness, this is a natural evolution. Even if you have integrated some advanced genes, most of your bodies are still backward. Just like putting my The engine of the spaceship is stuffed into your spaceship, and it is impossible to give full play to the full performance of the engine of the spaceship. Just like now, the gene that you humans have to faint when you are strongly stimulated in order to protect yourself drags down my Gene, who was attacked by this monster so much, although Lieutenant Liulin's physical fitness was not seriously injured, Lieutenant Liulin's brain still felt that Lieutenant Liulin was still that weak human being, so he activated the body protection mechanism, making Lieutenant Liulin is unconscious, and of course Scargomora is out of control."

While Fukui was babbling, his gaze was focused on the scene on the big screen, and while he was talking nonsense to these "retarded" people, he transmitted his instructions to Noben's hand with his mind Convert it into a specific super-frequency electromagnetic wave on the communicator of the base, and use the base's radar and human satellite communication system to transmit it to Saigon and Scargomora, so that they can execute Fushii Desi's instructions.

His previous operation was not only to allow human beings to communicate with Lieutenant Liulin, but also mixed with Fushii Deji's "private goods". Then it spread to Xingshan City thousands of miles away.

Following Fushii Deshi's remote command, the pair of huge horns above Scargomora's head glowed with a strong black-red light, and there were streaks of crimson lightning around him, striking in the air, sending out There was a slight 'pop! Snapped! ’ There was a loud bang.

And Sai Gang was also struggling in the rock, the pliers at the end of his arms opened, and fired destructive rays towards Gedd one after another, as if he wanted to restrain Gedd with the intensity of firepower, Gedd had to dodge This overwhelming destructive light. After all, although the defensive power of the armor on his body is amazing, it can't be foolishly let people hit it casually.

Although he tried his best to dodge the destructive light, part of Ged's attention was still on Scargomora behind him. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the intense power lingering on the pair of huge horns above Scargomora's head. Energy, Ged, who had fought Scargomora, immediately knew that this guy was preparing the strongest move.

Ged ran quickly on the ground to avoid the destructive light, and had already left the spot, but Scargomora was always facing him. Obviously, the target of the strongest blow was not Saigon but Jie. De Altman.

"Why?" Chao Canglu couldn't help but have deep doubts in his heart. He saw with his own eyes that Scargomora was transformed by humans, which means that this is a monster controlled by humans. The battle also confirmed this.

But why is he now the target of the monsters controlled by humans? Obviously Saigang is still there. If it wasn't for Scargomora's sudden attack of more than ten balls of flames, Gedd would definitely use light to destroy him. Just lost the game.

What made Gedd even more incomprehensible was that Sai Gang fired more than a dozen destructive rays one after another, but none of them was aimed at Scargomora who was accumulating energy, and all of them were directed at Gedd.

The two monsters cooperated and attacked Gedd together, which made Gedd quite helpless. The thing in the joke actually happened to him, and the one who tried to persuade the fight was beaten up by the two fighting parties, which is simply unreasonable ah.

After Scargomora stored energy for three or four seconds, the energy from the pair of big horns on the top of the head flowed along the sharp mouth to the sharp horn on the tip of the nose, and then a scarlet glowing scarlet light was emitted from it. Lu Zhenbo directly hit Jie De with lightning speed.

Even though Gedd had been paying attention to Scargomora while avoiding the destructive light, the speed of Scaru's shock wave was too fast, and there was no time to dodge in a blink of an eye. He raised his arms to create a Gedd barrier in front of him. The Gedd barrier had just been formed, and Scaru's vibration wave bombarded the Gedd barrier.

'boom! ’ An earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the strong shock wave caused the ground around Gedd to shake violently, setting off billows of dust. The strong force from the arms made Gedd's feet slide backwards, and Gedd had to quickly activate the jet engine behind him to prevent himself from continuing to slide backwards.

Scaru's shock wave lasted for five or six seconds before finally disappearing, and Gedd dissipated the Gedd barrier in front of him. After such a short time, half of Gedd's calf sank into the soil, and the front and rear pressure Gedd's straight arms were bent at a 30-degree angle from the pincer attack, causing pain.

However, the sound of stones hitting the ground behind him made Jade turn his head slightly to look behind him. Sai Gang had already struggled out of the cave halfway up the mountain, leaving only the nearly forty-meter-long cave on the mountain, and Zheng Countless boulders rolling down the mountain.

"Did the attack just now come out to cover this monster?" Jed immediately thought of the purpose of Scargomora's attack, and everything in front of him proves that the two monsters are indeed united, or …

"Or they were originally in the same group," Chao Canglu's 'own' voice suddenly sounded in his mind, but his tone was full of sarcasm: "This is just a play to lure you out , just to destroy you. The explosion attack on Mengya before was also for the purpose, to eliminate all people related to the Kingdom of Light. Humans must think that the explosion has wiped out Moeya and Mayumi, and they have turned against the Kingdom of Light So, I sent a monster to attack the city while the iron was hot, just to lure you, an idiot, out, and wipe you out with two monsters in one fell swoop."

"Impossible, don't use your disgusting way of thinking about human beings, they are absolutely impossible." Zhao Canglu roared in his heart, refuting the words of another self.

"Hahaha," loud laughter filled Asakura Lu's mind, and the other self said with a smile: "Really poor guy, it's so sad, the brainwashing work of the Kingdom of Light is very successful, let you Until now, I still cling to that so-called justice. Don’t forget, Fushii Deji destroyed the small town you lived in and Yokohiro where millions of people lived, but human beings continue to fight with Fushiiide Si cooperates to make monster capsules. They don't care about the death of millions of people, what is the hundreds of thousands of people in Xingshan City?"

Zhao Canglu bit his lower lip tightly, without saying a word, he just raised his hand and grabbed the ice ax above his head, and then threw it towards Sai Gang vigorously, then stepped on the ground with both feet, and jumped up into the air, The injector on the back opened, driving Ged to rush towards Sai Gang at a super fast speed.

But just as Gedd was flying, Scargomora opened his mouth wide and sprayed flames at the front of Gedd's flight path. Saigon also raised his arms and fired at the flying Gedd. With the destructive light, the two monsters teamed up to cover Gedd's surroundings in their attack range, and the division of labor between the two monsters was clear. There was no overlap between the attack range of the destructive light and the jet of flame, as if they had been rehearsed countless times beforehand.

"Humans themselves don't care about the death of such a small number of people, but you are working so hard to save them, but human beings want to kill you in turn, hmph," 'Chao Canglu' snorted coldly, and said very indignantly: "This It's the so-called justice. The justice of the Kingdom of Light is really great. No one wants Ultraman to save him, but Ultraman is begging for help. Even if someone wants to kill him, he still wants to save him. Ha ha! It's great."

"Shut up!" Chao Canglu's depression and doubts all turned into a loud roar. The result of a little distraction in the battle was a slight deviation in body shape when dodging, causing Gide to be destroyed by a destructive light and spray color. The flames give simultaneous hits.

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