Chapter 2391 Mess

'boom! boom! '

Intense sparks burst out from the crimson armor, brighter than the fireworks in the night, even in the sunlight during the day, they are still so conspicuous, you can see the flames bursting from Gedd's body mixed with sparks.

The strong impact disrupted Gedd's dodging pace at once, more destructive rays and jet flames followed one after another, and all of them hit Gedd's body, and the burst of flames submerged Gedd in an instant .

Sai Gang's arms continuously emitted destructive light, the huge crystal on his chest gradually lit up with blue light, and as time went by, the light became brighter and brighter, and the energy fluctuations gathered made Sai Gang The air in front of him was distorted and faintly rippled.

Relying on his strong defensive power, Ged resisted this wave of attacks abruptly. After seeing the movement of Sai Gang through the flames, he immediately activated the jet on his back, so that he quickly moved towards the sky. Flying away, it flew out of the sight of Sai Gang and Scargomora in an instant.

The two monsters raised their heads immediately, and their eyes followed Geed who flew into the sky, and the destructive rays and jet flames they emitted also moved towards the sky. With red rays of destruction and fiery jets of flames, Zedd flying in the air from different directions, it looks like a war between humans - anti-aircraft guns attacking fighter jets.

Ged's speed is very fast under the booster of the jet, but he was attacked several times in just five or six seconds after flying up. The flexibility is really poor, especially when flying at high speed with the jet, The turning radius of each orbit change is very large, which also leads to the fact that the area covered by Scargomora and Saigon's firepower is not large enough for Gedd to have nowhere to escape.

The ensuing attacks made Gedh also realize that the smoldering form is really not suitable for dealing with multiple targets. The flexibility is really bad, and the speed is fast, but this straight forward is completely disregarding the beginning and the tail , can only deal with enemies with poor mobility and strong strength, such as bulky guys like Scargomora.

And Sai Gang is obviously a very flexible opponent, and he defeated Scargomora easily before, relying on his super fast flying speed. The previous advantage was that Gedd was caught off guard when he hit Saigang at the beginning, and kicked Saigang away with one kick, and gave Saigang a heavy blow, so that Gedde pressed Saigang to fight.

Through the ray of light, Ged saw that Sai Gang's chest below was already as bright as a small sun. It was obvious that the other party was planning a big move. The current destructive light and spraying flames were just to limit the range of Gedd's sensation and strive to A big move for a while can be fatal with a single blow.

Asakura Lu immediately opened the capsule holder at his waist, pulled out the capsules of Hikari and Gauss, and inserted them into the fusion sublimator one after another. The blue light bloomed from the capsule-shaped colored timer on Gedd's chest, flowed along Gedd's body, and covered Gedd's body, dyeing Gedd with a deep blue like the sea .

Having just turned into an agile form, Ged's speed suddenly increased sharply, and he moved nimbly like a swift in the grid of flame nets intertwined with destructive rays and sprayed flames, quite like a scene among thousands of flowers. The demeanor of leaves not sticking to the body.

It was too late, and then it was too late, and in just two or three breaths, Ged had already flown out of the blocked area, and then immediately swooped down towards Sai Gang below, with his right arm raised towards his left shoulder, and his palm was flooded. A golden light emanated from it, extending upwards and condensing into a sharp blade shining with golden light.

A blue meteor pierced the sky, and in an instant, Ged rushed in front of Sai Gang, and the shattered lightsaber in his hand slashed forward. The super fast speed made even Sai Gang have no time to dodge, and his whole body was glowing. The blue-rayed Gedd instantly changed its trajectory by 120 degrees after landing, and switched from rushing down obliquely to advancing parallel to the ground.

The speed of moving forward at high speed was so fast that Sai Gang only had time to turn his body slightly, and the shattering lightsaber had already slashed on Sai Gang's body. All I could hear was '嗤啦! 'A sharp rubbing sound sounded, and the moment Jedd and Sai Gang passed each other, most of Sai Gang's left shoulder and one-third of his back wing left Sai Gang's body with the splash of sparks, along the The force of the shattering lightsaber slashed towards the rear and upwards.

The severe pain from the shoulders and back made Sai Gang scream, but now the other two people don't care about Sai Gang's pain at all, and Scargomora is smashing the lightsaber opposite Sai Gang When the slash hit Sai Gang, as if the aiming button had been activated, he turned his head in an instant, and locked on to Ged, who cut off Sai Gang's shoulder with a sword.

A strong dark purple energy ray and crimson lightning flashed from the huge horn above the head. After gathering a little energy, it immediately fired Scaru vibration waves at Gedd. The black-red flame-like vibration waves broke through the void, bringing With a strong momentum, he shuttled rapidly, passing by Sai Gang's left side, and directly attacked Gedd who had just stopped.

Gedd, who had just stopped moving at super high speed, turned around and saw that Scaru's shock wave had flown past Saigon, which made Gedd hastily raised his right arm, and slashed forward from bottom to top. , collided with the Scaru vibration wave.

'Chi la la! ’ An extremely ear-piercing and unpleasant friction sound came from the collision point between the shattering lightsaber and the Scaru vibration wave, as if rapidly rotating saw teeth were cutting steel, with sparks splashing and the sound extremely ear-piercing.

Just when Scargomora's Scarlet vibration wave passed by Saigang, Saigang, who was slashed to the left by Ged with the shattering lightsaber, followed the force of the slash, and his body moved forward. Turning to the left side, there was a 180-degree turn, from back to Gedd to facing Gedd, the jewel emitting a strong blue light on the chest abruptly fired a beam of diameter There was a blue light beam of seven or eight meters, and it hit Zedd who was resisting Scaru's shock wave.

"What?" Ged was startled. The speed of the agile form is extremely fast, but other aspects are not good. Even the thrust generated by the collision of Scaru's shock wave and the shattering lightsaber made him slowly retreat. Sliding, not to mention the light that Sai Gang had accumulated for so long.

But such a long training was not useless. Gedd did not stand in surprise, but reacted quickly, detonating the shattering lightsaber in his hand without hesitation, 'Bang! ’ With a loud noise, the shattered lightsaber shattered, and the burst of energy storm suddenly pushed Scaru back several meters.

In the short time of 0.01 seconds outside, Asakura Riku, who was in the light, pulled out the capsules of Sero and Otto's father from the capsule holder, and quickly inserted them into the fusion sublimator in his hand .

A green light that is purer than emeralds blooms from Geed's capsule-shaped color timer. Based on the blue color of Geed's body, silver and red patterns are drawn, and most of the upper body is covered with silver armor. , a large amount of energy gathered on the top of the head and condensed into a pair of big silver horns.

After transforming into a heroic form, Geed immediately raised his arms, and his fists wrapped in silver light armor collided together, bursting out emerald lightning. As Geed's fists stretched out, the lightning beam It was pulled apart like dough, and then Geed's arms formed an L shape, and the energy in the body was converted into plasma sparks, which gathered into a powerful burst of light and emitted from Geed's right arm.

The powerful bursting light defeated Scaru's vibration in an instant, causing Scargomora to retreat, but just after retreating tens of meters, the Saigang ray collided with the powerful bursting light.

The originally extremely conspicuous sparks intensified by seven or eight times in an instant, it was like gathering thousands of fireworks and setting them off together. The energy shock waves erupted from the collision of the three energy rays spread out, lifting several layers of earth and rocks on the ground, turning them into billowing sandstorms and going away.

The sky and the ground within a kilometer range were all grayed by the dust, and it was impossible to see clearly from more than ten meters away. All the trees affected by the hurricane broke instantly, and the branches and leaves floated to the sky with the wind. With the speed of the hurricane, even a stone is comparable to an armor-piercing bullet, enough to punch a big hole in the outer wall of the building.

"Hehe, I'm really desperate," another voice sounded in his heart, Chao Canglu could clearly feel the emotions of the other self, but the emotions conveyed by the other self were more of a strong mockery , and now is no exception: "Two monsters, but you have to deal with them by yourself. You are really a good partner. They just treat you as a thug, and they don't care about your life at all. Humans will kill you too." You, you don’t hesitate to send monsters to destroy the city crazily to lure you, an idiot, up to now. You still have this ridiculous idea, what is peacekeeping? What is protecting human beings? It’s just shouting slogans, you just take it seriously and fight like this If you want to be so naive, you deserve to be used."

"Shut up!" Roku Asakura roared out of extreme anger. The furious emotion caused the energy in Ged's body to surge, black and red lightning flashed on the surface of his body, and emerald-colored powerful Some black particles appeared in the bursting light, like sunspots. Although these black particles are not very conspicuous because of the bright light, they really exist.

Originally, the powerful bursting light was comparable to Scaru vibration wave and Saigon ray, but after black and red lightning appeared on Gedd's body surface, the powerful bursting light mixed with very few black particles instantly defeated Scaru vibration wave and Saigon ray. The Saigon ray hit Saigon's chest.

However, within two or three seconds, Sai Gang's chest was pierced, and Ged immediately turned slightly to the right by more than ten degrees, causing the powerful burst light to shift by more than ten degrees, and hit Scar precisely. Lugomora's body.

'boom! '

Sai Gang, whose chest was penetrated by a big hole, immediately exploded on the spot, turned into a mass of raging flames and rushed straight to Xiaohan, was blown to pieces, not even a slightly larger debris was left, and a huge part of the matter was exploding It evaporated in an instant.

The sound of Saigon's explosion was still spreading around, and Scargomora also exploded into a ball of flames, completely smashed to pieces just like Saigon, and Scargomora exploded in the urban area , The shock wave generated by the explosion spread out, and all the things higher than half a meter within a distance of one or two kilometers nearby were swept away by the shock wave generated by the explosion, not even a speck of dust could be found, and everything was cleaned up.

These two thunderous explosions came to Chao Canglu's ears, like a thunderbolt that 'woke up' Chao Canglu who was in anger, his arms were still in an L-shaped posture, and his eyes were sluggishly looking ahead These two rising flame mushroom clouds and the billowing sandstorm caused by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

"This... this..." Ged's extraordinary vision penetrated the flames and dust in front of him, and he clearly saw the disappearing buildings around where Scargomora was standing just now, and the dust that had not subsided And the flames confirmed that these buildings were affected by the Scargomora explosion and disappeared.

"Look, this is the real thing to do," the loud laughter of 'Asakura Lu' came into Chao Canglu's ears: "What justice? What hero? It's all false, only power is the truth, Because you have power, you can defeat these two monsters, instead of being wiped out by these two monsters. It is because of your super strength that humans dare not catch you blatantly, but try their best to make peace with you. Ideji cooperated and used this trap to kill you. It is precisely because the Kingdom of Light has great power that they can sweep the universe without any scruples under the banner of upholding justice."

"Shut up, shut up!" Asakura Lu roared, it was this guy's words that made him lose his mind in anger, and then hit Scargomora with the light regardless, and then To cause so much damage to a city...

Chao Canglu hadn't finished thinking about his guilt, 'Chao Canglu' began to mock again: "Yeah, everything is my fault, but I am you, and what I say is all about you in my heart Thinking, that is to say, all this is your fault. Hahaha!"

'Chao Canglu' laughed very proudly, but Chao Canglu suddenly had nothing to say, and slowly lowered his arms, looking at the billowing flames and dust in front of him, clenched his fists tightly, but his heart was extremely chaotic, This violent hurricane was nothing compared to the chaos in his heart.

"Is this really me?" Asakura Lu subconsciously followed the words of "Asakura Lu", thinking hard with his head down, so that he didn't see Scargomora and Sai At the place where it just fell, two very small black spots appeared in the billowing flames, and they flew towards Geed quickly, and fell into Geed's volume in an instant, merged with Geed, and disappeared Yes, there is no slight change in appearance.

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