Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2389

The fighting nation also agreed with this suggestion, waving their fists and said: "I agree with this, as long as the monster is lured outside the city, our various powerful weapons can be used, and when the time comes to wipe out this monster in one fell swoop, let Look at the people, our government is not powerless against monsters, it's just that we can't use powerful weapons in the city."

"Since everyone agrees, let's implement this plan and notify the fighter teams at the Okinawa and Guam bases to prepare to take off immediately and carry out the operation to destroy the monsters." Ben also passed new orders to Lieutenant Willow, who was manipulating Scarugomora, to continue his plan to lure the snake out of the hole.

The ruins of the city were wriggling, and Scargomora's hands protruded from the ruins. His huge palms slammed on the ground, splashing dust all over the sky. The strength of his arms made ten crimson nails deep Deep in the cracked tarmac with 'crack! Snapped! ’ With the crackling sound of the shattered asphalt fragments, Scargomora slowly got up from the ground.

Lieutenant Liu Lin vigorously shook his dizzy head, then strode out of the city with big strides on his thick legs. Every step of his huge feet made the ground shake violently, and he fell deeply into the city. In the ground, it did not reach the ankle, and when Scargomora raised his leg to pull out his foot, he brought a large amount of soil, which was raised high like a wave of soil.

While running outward, Scargomora turned his head to look at Saigon behind him, opened his big mouth full of fangs, and the fire lingered in his mouth, ejecting a ball of flame bombs rolling towards the distance Saigon.

Sai Gang's pair of dark blue wings raised abruptly high, and then vigorously flapped down, blowing a violent hurricane on the street, even the car was blown up, flying randomly in mid-air Flying and hitting the outer wall of the building, almost smashing through the thin wall.

After flapping its wings twice, Sai Gang suddenly rushed up to the sky, flying in the air at a speed of Mach 3, and caught up with Scargomora who was running outside the city in an instant. The edge of the sharp left wing spontaneously A swipe across Scargomora's right shoulder.

All I could hear was '嗤啦! There was an extremely unpleasant rubbing sound, and bright sparks exploded from Scargomora's right shoulder. The powerful impact made Scargomora's right shoulder and the right half of his body lean forward. The child lost his balance and the whole person fell forward and fell heavily on the ground.

'Boom! ' With a muffled sound, Scargomora slammed face down on the ground heavily, and his pointed nose pierced into the soil. Before Scargomora raised his head, Saigon He had already fallen from the air, and with the help of the potential energy of gravity, his feet stepped heavily on Scargomora's back.

'Boom! '

Scargomora's body that had just been propped up was attached to the ground again. Under the heavy impact of more than 50,000 tons, his body sank three or four meters, and then Sai Gang once again flapped his dark blue wings to let himself Flying two to three hundred meters high again, then folded its wings, let itself fall freely, and hit the back of Scargomora who was still lying on the ground like a heavy hammer.

The weight of tens of thousands of tons plus the height made the gravitational potential energy reach tens of billions. Not only did Scargomora's body shake violently, but the ground within a few hundred meters nearby also trembled. It seemed that there was an earthquake of magnitude five or six.

The two consecutive heavy blows caused Scargomora to lie on the ground as if falling apart, his limbs were twitching uncontrollably, and he couldn't even move, let alone stand up and fight Saigon, or lead Saigon Leaving the city.

Asakura Riku, who had been watching this scene from a distance, saw that the human monsters had lost their ability to resist, and Saigon's gaze shifted from Scargomora, who was lying motionless on the ground, to the crowd who were running away in panic on the street. .

"You must not sit still when you encounter something!" Zhao Canglu said word by word, took out the fusion sublimator in the clothes, and then swung his right hand down to open the capsule holder at the waist, and glanced at the waist with drooping eyes The hand that was originally reaching for the Beria capsule couldn't help but shift aside, grabbed Seven's Ultra capsule, pulled it out, and pressed the upper flow limiter button with his thumb .

Another 'self' voice sounded in my mind again: "Oh, why don't you use Beria's capsule? It is obvious that the power comes from Beria, but you still have to pretend that you want to row with Beria Don't you think you're being hypocritical for the way you clear the boundaries?"

"Shut up!" Chao Canglu gritted his teeth and roared, not listening to the voice that could not be blocked at all, he suddenly raised his left arm, lifted the fusion sublimator high above his head, and exerted force with his five fingers to push the fusion sublimator onto the top of his head. The button was pressed.

'call out! 'The hourglass in the middle of the fusion sublimator turned immediately, and the speed became faster and faster, mixing the rays of light gushing from the Seven and Leo Ott capsules together to form a mass of fiery red rays of light, the dazzling blooming Guanghui enveloped Asakura Lu all at once.

A beam of light like a flame shot up into the sky, and at an altitude of 1,300 meters, a figure of Ged in red flaming armor condensed. He rolled forward in mid-air. The injector started to work immediately, and the super thrust drove Gedd to rush down at a speed of Mach 5. The armor of the right leg was filled with flame energy, which completely wrapped Gedd's right leg, far away. It looks like a meteorite.

And at this time, Sai just flew up to prepare for the third free fall attack on Scargomora, but just as he flew to the highest point, he felt a strong energy attack, which made Sai Gang subconscious Turning his head, a group of raging flames rapidly expanded in his slender eyes.

There was no time to react at all, Sai had just seen the flames just now, and Ged's burning kick kicked Sai Gang heavily on the chest, and within half a year came a 'bang! ’ A loud noise spread all around.

As the sound spread, Sai Gang's upright body arched backwards involuntarily. The powerful kicking force made him fly upside down like a football. He rolled more than ten times in the air before hitting the ground more than 2,000 meters away. Halfway up the mountain outside.

'Boom! 'The mountain rock broke immediately, and a large piece of the rock was sunken, so that most of Sai Gang's half-curled body was stuffed into the rock on the mountainside. If you look closely, you can clearly see a Very obvious footprints.

Ged's flying kick left a scorched black footprint with a depth of one meter on Saigon's chest, and the surrounding armor also showed broken cracks, extending to Saigon's abdomen and shoulders before becoming invisible .

At the edge of the city seven or eight hundred meters away from Saigang, Gedd, wearing red armor and silver armor, fell from the air, squatted on the ground to relieve the force of the impact, then stood up, raised his left arm horizontally without hesitation In front of him, the beam light on his forehead immediately emitted an emerald-colored Aimelium-amplified light, whistling and hitting Sai Gang directly.

It's just that the light beam has just been shot out. Sai Gang, whose half of his body was stuffed into the rock, raised his arms abruptly, and fired two destructive rays from the pincers. Together, while the other rushed towards Geed.

The moment Saigang raised his arms, Ged subconsciously stomped his right foot, and the ground under his feet collapsed instantly, forming a depression with a diameter of five meters and a depth of two or three meters, causing Ged's right foot to sink Inside, but the force of the recoil caused Gedd to flip to the left and leave the spot in an instant.

The second beam of destructive light passed by the jumping Gedd's shoulder, hit a building behind, and immediately exploded, 'Boom! ’ A loud noise blew up the upper half of the 20-storey building to pieces, and five or six nearby buildings were also blown to pieces, as if they had encountered a war.

Gedd didn't just dodge the attack when he soared into the air, the beam light on his forehead didn't stop firing, and Aimelim's amplified light staggered the destructive light as Gedd leaped, hitting Saigang's body, destroying the original Fragments of the cracked armor flew flying.

At a position of 1,500 meters behind Ged, Scargomora finally struggled to get out of the rubble, stood up unsteadily, his body swayed unnaturally from side to side, giving people the feeling It was as if he hadn't woken up, shaking three times with one step, as if he would fall down at any time.

The flames produced by the explosion of the building hit by the destructive light in the distance soared into the sky, reflected in Scargomora's eyes, and there was also a thunderous explosion sound in his ears, making Scargomora La felt extremely uncomfortable, and his instinct made him walk in the direction of the flames, regardless of the buildings in front of him.

Scargomora's huge body took no more than three steps forward, and its knees touched the outer wall of the building beside the road, but it still walked forward without feeling it, squeezing the building abruptly An opening was made, allowing his right leg to lift and step through.

Large and small pieces of reinforced concrete went 'crash! ' fell down and hit the road, splashing waves of dust, and the neatly arranged buildings seemed to be hit by a hurricane after Scarugomora, and they became crumbling and dilapidated. A little bit of the beauty of the city is like a child's clay sculpture.

This scene naturally spread to the secret base of AIB. Seeing that Scargomora moved forward regardless of the destruction of the city, Noben immediately expressed his anger in front of the representatives of various countries: "Willow Forest What is this guy doing? How can he destroy the building?"

The representative of the fighting nation said with a hint of schadenfreude in his tone: "After all, it is a battle, and some losses are normal. The representatives of the neon don't care. Why are you so excited? The place of the battle is not your Lighthouse country. Why does it look like your home site has been destroyed?"

Noben said righteously: "But the destruction is the human city, and the loss is the human strength." After the performance, Noben picked up the communicator and shouted at the communicator: "Liulin, what are you doing? Follow the road and be careful not to destroy any more houses..."

Before Noben could finish his words, Scargomora stopped moving forward on the screen, which made Noben smile on his face, thinking that his order was still valid, and was about to say something more, Scargomora on the screen suddenly raised his right leg, the energy light on his chest became much brighter, and the energy light visible to the naked eye moved towards Scargomora along the pattern on his body that was very similar to Beria's. Kalugomora's right leg flowed away, causing Scargomora's right leg to light up like an LED light.

It was too late to say it, and all the representatives present had just seen Scargomora lift up his leg, and that leg was already lit with a dark red light, and then Scargomora's right foot was heavy. Stepping down, debris flew, splashing tens of meters high.

Even through the screen, everyone can 'hear' 'bang! ', and within a 150-degree fan-shaped area in front of Scargomora as the center, fifteen or six buildings exploded from the bottom, but surprisingly, no fragments flew around .

Every building collapsed toward the center at the moment of the explosion, and in the blink of an eye, its volume shrunk by more than ten times, turning into balls of flames ranging in diameter from five to six meters to ten or twenty meters. Strangely suspended in mid-air.

"This... this..." Noben was still holding the communicator in his right hand, staring at the sixteen flame balls on the screen in a daze. Scargomora only destroyed five or six buildings after walking so far. That's all, as soon as he spoke, he directly destroyed more than a dozen buildings, and the little pride in his heart was smashed to pieces, not even the scum was left, what was left was shock and doubt.

Scargomora didn't wait for these people who were far away from the ocean to react, and swung his right paw vigorously, and the flame ball suspended in mid-air moved in unison, moving towards at a speed of 300 meters per second. Gedd, who had just landed on the ground, flew away.

Gedde had just landed on the ground and was preparing to gather energy to attack Sai Gang again, but there was a 'hoo! call! ’ The strong sound of piercing through the air made Gedde turn his head subconsciously, and saw more than a dozen balls of flames attacking him, and the distance was quite close.

This made Gedde startled: "Why are there still enemies?" Before his brain gave an order, the habits he had developed through long-term training had already made him react. He kicked his legs on the ground and jumped back immediately. At the same time, he raised his right arm and grabbed the ice ax above his head, took the ice ax in his hand and swung it forward vigorously, colliding with a ball of flames that had already flown in front of him.

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