Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2123 Bait and Kill

Murunao looked at Uub with killing intent in his eyes, this guy was the one who defeated her together with the Starfleet of more than a dozen civilizations, and then snatched the earth elemental gem from her hand, and also said "merciful" 'The look walked around her, but to Mu Luna'ao, that was a great shame. She frantically created the Galatron Legion, and then sent them all out to find planets suitable for making energy crystals, just to get more energy crystals, and then create more Galatrons to destroy all those guys.

Now the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet each other, the brightness of the dark purple light emitted by the ring-shaped luminous body on Mu Luna'ao's chest is continuously increasing, and tiny strands of dark purple light like strands of hair come from this ring-shaped luminous body The top spread out towards the surroundings, like capillaries all over Mu Luna'o's body, and the occupied area was constantly increasing.

The original color of Murunao's body was dark gray, but now it has been gradually transformed into dark purple under the influence of this dark purple ring-shaped luminous body. Unknowingly, Murunao's eyes are full of anger, completely Forget her original intention of escaping from here and summoning Galatron. Constantly strengthen the energy output, aiming to defeat Uub's Tolinitium shooting, and then use the strongest blow to destroy this enemy.

Uub, who was fighting against Murunao, clearly felt that the pressure from the opposite side was constantly increasing, which made Uub feel unbearable, but he raised his eyes slightly and looked across millions of kilometers. Lu looked at the point of light in the pitch-black void of the universe, then gritted his teeth and tried hard to maintain the Tolinitium shooting, delaying the time as much as possible.

And the light spot in the dark universe that Uub saw was constantly increasing in brightness, three or four times higher than the initial brightness. If you take a closer look, you will see that this is actually a light group exuding silver-white light. In the dazzling light, Sai Luo is holding the Ultimate Sai Luo bow and arrow with his left hand, while his right hand is tightly pulling the light condensed. Bowstring, pulling it into a full moon shape.

A large amount of energy gathered from Sai Luo's body and the surrounding space, and poured into the Ultimate Sai Luo bow and arrow in Sai Luo's hand, making the gem on the Ultimate Sai Luo long sword at the front end slowly light up.

Sai Luo looked at the two rays of light that collided and splashed fierce sparks in the distance, no matter how anxious he was, it was useless. The previous fight with Mu Luna'ao made Sai Luo understand that this guy should not be underestimated. Even Sairo, who is wearing the ultimate armor, is not sure to use a conventional attack to eliminate Murunao, so he can only use the final Ultimate Sailo who defeated the Super Galaxy Great Emperor Arc Beria to complete the kill. hit.

However, although this attack is powerful, Sero seldom uses it. The reason is that it takes a long time to gather energy, and he cannot move while gathering energy. This is simply a living target on the battlefield, and he still cannot move. kind of.

What's more, if the other party finds out, won't they run away? As long as it exceeds the movement speed of Zero's ultimate Ultimate Zero, this energy-intensive move is tantamount to useless. Sai Luo has always adhered to what Xingye said: no matter how strong the attack that cannot hit the enemy is, it is zero, so he prefers to use the miracle form of the moon god. At super fast speed, almost no one can escape his attack. But now Sero wants to try his luck.

After all, he wasn't fighting alone this time. Uub was helping to cover him. For this reason, he didn't hesitate to fight the light with Murunao, in order to splash a strong energy reaction, thus covering up the energy generated by Zero when he gathered energy. energy fluctuations.

"Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell for me." Mu Luna'o's eyes have changed from dark purple ears to red like blood, like the craziest desperado, which makes people daunting.

It's a pity that no matter how crazy she is, she can't make Uub take a step back. The energy in her body gushes out without hesitation, desperately colliding with Muluna'o's triple spiral beam, and doesn't care about the energy in her body at all. As time passed, he tried his best to make the energy fluctuations stronger, so as to cover Sai Luo's actions.

But what surprised Uub was that Mulunao didn't seem to have the slightest intention of looking for the disappearing Sai Luo, but instead attacked him desperately, looking like he was desperately fighting with him. It made Uub very helpless, and wanted to say how much hatred there is, so staring at me alone. But now is not the time to complain about this, Uub is still very happy when Murunao just stares at him like this, after all his task is to attract Murunao's attention, now the other party is staring at him to fight, is it right? It couldn't be better.

In just over eighty seconds, Uub's Tolinitium shooting that traversed thousands of miles was shortened to less than a hundred kilometers under the attack of Murunao's triple spiral beam, and it continued like this Shortened, it is estimated that he will be attacked in a while, but Uub is not in the slightest anxiety, but reveals a trace of relaxation.

In the distant universe, the five gemstones on the Ultimate Sailo Bow and Arrow in Sai Luo's hands all lit up, exuding an incomparably bright azure blue light, which looked extraordinarily beautiful.

"Disappear for me." Sai Luo yelled, and immediately let go of the right hand that was holding the light string tightly. The ultimate Sai Luo bow and arrow, which was glowing with dazzling silver-white light, left Sai Luo in an instant, and shuttled at an extremely fast speed. In the void of the universe, he attacked Mu Luna'ao.

The distance of millions of kilometers is flying at a speed almost equal to the speed of light per second with the Ultimate Cyro bow and arrow. In just eight or nine seconds, more than half of the distance has been covered, dragging a long silver streamer tail, with infinite The imposing sword pointed directly at the back of Murunao.

At this time, even Murunao, who was dazzled by anger, felt the super-powerful energy reaction coming from behind, turned her head subconsciously, and saw a white streamer flying straight towards her Come. The blood-red pupils contrasted with this gorgeous silver light, making Mu Luna'o's eyes widen involuntarily.

In the dark cosmic void far away from the battlefield, two meandering crimson slender rays of light suddenly lit up, and at the same time, a voice sounded like gnashing teeth: "Siro..." This silver streamer piercing through the cosmic void Picking up the very bad memory in his mind, an uncontrollable anger surged up immediately, but he was forced to hold back the anger, and forcibly moved his eyes from Sai Luo to Mu Lunao.

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