Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2124 Beria Reappears

Muluna'ao stood there blankly watching the swiftly approaching streamer, her brain full of anger and hatred prevented her from reacting for a while, but soon Muluna'o reacted quickly, her left arm quickly Lifting it up, the brightness of the original luminous body on the chest soared instantly, and a large amount of dark energy gushed out, activating the four-layer magic circle on Muluna'o's left wrist one by one, and outlined a magic circle composed of four six-pointed stars in the void. A quadruple composite magic array formed by overlapping arrays.

'call out! '

An incomparable energy beam was launched from the quadruple composite magic circle, and collided with the Ultimate Zero bow and arrow in an instant. Fierce sparks erupted and scattered in all directions, as brilliant as fireworks bursting in the air.

The fast-moving Ultimate Cyro bow and arrow trembled slightly, but it didn't mean to stop moving forward at all. Instead, it spun rapidly at the moment of collision, twisting Murunao's energy beam into pieces like an electric drill.

The dispersed energy beam fragments spread out, very bright in the dark universe, looking like layers of blooming flowers, this scene made Mu Lunao hastily increased the energy output, trying to stop this seemingly It is very fierce to spin the bow and arrow to approach.

The fifth-layer magic circle on Muluna'ao's wrist lights up with stronger dark energy input, and then with Muluna'o's left wrist as the center, the fifth-layer magic circle is outlined in the void, and then and the front The four layers of magic circle overlapped. During this process, the brightness of the original luminous body on Muluna'o's chest became brighter and brighter, as if a xenon headlight was installed. If you look at the light, only this dazzling light is left. Can't see Murunao.

Terrifying dark energy gushes out from the ring-shaped luminous body, flowing along the magic lines on Muluna'o's body surface, making the magic lines in the folds of Muluna'o's body surface also light up stronger light, and a sound of '嗤啦! Scoff! ’ The sound of cloth being torn.

At the same time, extremely small fountain-like black-purple energy beams appeared from time to time in the folds of Muluna'ao's body, which made people think of the high-pressure water pipe being pierced through a hole, and the water gushes out from it under the action of pressure. , forming small streams of water.

But that's all, Muluna'o's fifth layer of magic circle has just formed, and the ultimate Sailuo bow and arrow fired by Sai Luo has already shattered the quadruple spiral beams that Muluna'o hastily sent out.

Under Muluna'o's horrified eyes, Ultimate Zero slammed fiercely on the ring-shaped luminous body on Mulunao's chest, and the collision between the sharp sword tip and the luminous body caused intense sparks , The terrifying impact made Mu Lunao retreat immediately.

Mu Lunaao struggled hard, but under the impact of the ultimate ultimate zero, her body couldn't help backing up. The super fast speed made her whole body bend into a bow shape, and the ultimate spinning crazily Sai Luo's bow and arrow had pressed the ring-shaped luminous body on Muluna'o's chest to a depression of nearly two meters, and Muluna'o's chest was also slightly sunken.

Uub, whose ring-shaped colored timer on his chest was flashing red, was trying his best to resist the attack from Mulunao. Suddenly, the pressure disappeared like an ebb tide, which made Uub stunned, and hurriedly raised his head Come on, I saw a silver streamer pushing Murunao back, Uub finally breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately dispersed Tolinitium to shoot, hanging his right arm a little tiredly, eyes tightly Staring at the retreating Muluna'ao, I saw that Muluna'ao kept retreating under the impact of the final Ultimate Zero, until he hit the huge rocky planet, and finally stopped.

Uub flew towards the rocky planet without any hesitation. No matter what, he couldn't feel relieved until he saw Murunao was wiped out with his own eyes. The most important thing was to get the dark circle. And in the distant universe void on the left, a silver streamer also appeared. It was Sai Luo, who flew towards the place where Murunao hit the rocky planet like him.

Sai Luo flew to a place more than one million kilometers away from the planet, and a silver streamer flew head-on, landing on his left wrist to condense the slightly dim Palaji bracelet, Sai Luo looked down, Pa The oval stones that looked like multicolored timers on Raj's bracelet were now dimmed, their stored power all but depleted by a single blow.

Sai Luo slightly turned his head to look in the direction of Uub, he was flying towards Sai Luo at an angle, it seemed that he wanted to join Sai Luo, seeing this, Sai Luo also changed the flight path of going straight, and headed towards Ou Bu. Cloth moved closer.

At this moment, Sero found that Uub's body, which was flying normally, suddenly tilted to one side, revealing the red and black light that was blocked by his body, and was bombarding Uub's body, causing Uub to lose his strength. Live here and push it.

"Uub?!" Sero was startled, and changed the flight trajectory without hesitation, ignoring Murunao and flew towards Uub immediately, wanting to help Uub and find out the attacker. But this black and red light gave Sai Luo a sense of familiarity, but now he has no time to think about it, and only wants to reach Uub at the fastest speed.

Uub, who was attacked by this black-red ray, waved the Uub circular saw in his hand in vain, trying to resist this terrifying dark ray, but the energy in his body was consumed in the confrontation with Murunao just now. Seven seven eight eight, under the sudden attack and haste, there is no way to gather the remaining energy.

What's more, this dark ray made Uub feel extremely painful and uncomfortable. He couldn't gather his mind at all, couldn't concentrate and gather energy at all, and could only wave the Uub circular saw in his hand in vain, but it didn't help at all.

"Go to hell!" A gloomy roar came into Uub's eyes, causing Uub, who was struggling in pain, to try to look up, and saw two crimson meandering lights in the direction where the light came from, It looked extremely hideous.

'call out! call out! '

Two streamers of silvery-white light flew from far to near, bypassed Uub from the left and right sides, gathered together in the middle, cut off the dark rays at once, and then spun rapidly, like a shield covering Uub. The dark ray blocked Uub's front, blocking the path of this dark ray from attacking Uub.

Sai Luo flew over at a high speed, before the angry shout came over: "Belia..."

"Meet you again, Sai Luo, I really miss you, I have missed you for a long time." Beria's gloomy voice sounded, and then the black-red ray also disappeared.

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