Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2122 Fighting

Murunao felt a high-energy reaction coming from behind, and immediately turned her head to see two light blades with different brilliance flying towards her. This familiar energy reaction made Murunao's face show an angry look : "What a lingering guy, do you think I'm easy to bully?"

As Muluna'ao said, she turned around and raised her right arm quickly. When her arm started to be raised, the ring-shaped luminous body on her chest immediately glowed with dazzling light, following the light on her body. The magic pattern flowed to her wrist, causing the right arm to light up with dazzling energy radiance. Centering on Muluna'o's right arm, in the void, quickly outlined a dark, silver, and red glow. A triple magic circle of colors.

'Boom! '

The moment the magic circle took shape, clusters of light bullets with different lights spewed out from it, spreading across the entire void in the blink of an eye, and they rushed towards Uub and Sailo like a thousand arrows.

The flame blade and the silver light blade were hit by several balls of light bullets just after flying halfway. Even though the power of these light bullets was not high, the quantity made up for the quality. , the flame blade and the silver light blade immediately exploded into two balls of raging flames, engulfing the seven or eight light bullets that passed by, making the flames churning endlessly, not going out for a long time, against the backdrop of the surrounding colorful light walls Very conspicuous.

Uub and Sailo looked at the countless oncoming attacks, separated from each other in an instant, and opened a distance from each other, making the density of the attacks much thinner. Sai Luo waved the Ultimate Sai Luo Long Sword in his hand, and dispersed the light bullets that came in groups, and the speed of the forward charge did not slow down in the slightest, completely treating this sky-high attack as nothing. And Uub kept waving the Uub circular saw in his hand, smashing the light bullets he couldn't dodge, and followed Sai Luo to rush towards Murunao.

Murunao backed up while attacking Uub and Sai Luo, trying to distance themselves from them, but the attack lasted for seven or eight seconds, and Murunao found that instead of keeping distance from each other, she distanced herself from them. It was constantly shrinking, which made Mu Lunao's face extremely pale.

Looking at Sero and Uub who were going upstream in the dense light bullets she fired, Murunao snorted coldly, then raised his hand and punched a hole in the colorful space channel barrier, and then rushed over.

"Don't try to run!" Sai Luo and Uub rushed out immediately. After passing through the hole, the surroundings suddenly became dark, and they had already left the space channel and entered the void of the universe. Before Sero and Uub had time to check the universe, they looked around for Murunao, and saw that Murunao in the distance had once again launched a magic circle of hexagrams under their feet.

Sai Luo stared at Mu Luna'ao with pale golden eyes, and shouted angrily: "Don't even think about doing the same thing a second time, and I will never let you run away from me again." With Sai Luo's roar, he The ultimate armor on his body shone with a dazzling silver light, and then disappeared instantly, covering tens of thousands of kilometers in the blink of an eye, and when he reappeared, he was already 100 meters in front of Muluna'ao.

"Go to hell!" Sai Luo roared, and swiped the Ultimate Sai Luo sword from bottom to top, cutting the magic circle that had just unfolded under Mu Luna'o's feet in half, and the momentum continued unabated It slashed across the middle of Murunao's chest, sparking fierce sparks, and finally made a soft 'ping' sound when it hit the ring-shaped luminous body on the chest.

The powerful slashing force caused Mulunao to fly backward involuntarily, and a deep gap was picked out of the thick old bark-like biological cuticle on his body, and the magic lines inside were all cut off, making A large amount of energy spread out with the inverted Muluna'ao.

"Damn it!" The pain made Murunao's eyes turn red, and he glared at Sai Luo angrily. He raised his right arm quickly, and the triple magic circle immediately spun, and the gathered energy gushed out instantly, turning into a The triple spiral light beam directly hit Sai Luo who was only a kilometer away.

Sai Luo was about to launch a chase, when he saw Mulu Nao launched a counterattack against him, causing Sai Luo to dodge sideways in a hurry, his body quickly turned to the left to avoid, and at the same time raised his right arm. Ji Sai Luo's long sword glowed with dazzling brilliance, and with the swing of Sai Luo's arm, several silver-white light blades were fired from under the triple spiral beam and directly hit Mu Luna'ao.

It's just that before the light blade fired by Sai Luo approached, Mu Luna'o's right arm moved down accordingly, and the triple helical light beam spewing out from the magic circle moved accordingly, sweeping across the void of the universe, and the same as that fired by Sai Luo Several light blades collided together.

The moment the sharp light blade collided with the triple helical beam, violent sparks splashed, as if rushing into a thick substance, the speed slowed down by more than half at once, and when the triple helical beam rushed through the system, the light The blades were continuously melted, but within seven or eight seconds, several crescent-shaped light blades were completely annihilated, and then a huge energy column mercilessly attacked Sai Luo.

After such a delay, Sero had already flown away from the spot, but Uub rushed over from the side, the Uub circular saw in his hand glowed with dazzling golden light, and a very bright V shape appeared on it, Immediately, a V-shaped ray of light was emitted from it—Tolinitium shot, and it attacked Murunao, which was tens of thousands of kilometers away.

Murunao had just defeated Sai Luo's light blade and found that Sai Luo was lost in front of him, but he caught a glimpse of the light emitted by Uub hitting him from the corner of his eyes, making the violent Murunao turn around immediately Then, the triple spiral beam in his hand turned 120 degrees, and shot towards Uub's Tolinitium.

The two rays of light collided together in an instant, splashing extremely fierce sparks, as brilliant as fireworks, and extremely conspicuous in the dark void of the universe. Uub held the Uub circular saw in both hands, and supported it with all his strength. The energy in his body was continuously sent to the Uub circular saw, and converted into golden Tolinitium shooting.

The two sides are separated by a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, fighting for light. From a distance, one can clearly see a three-color spiral light beam and a golden light hanging in the sky, just like an LED screen in the dark. conspicuous.

The length of the golden 'strip of light' is shortening a little bit. Although the speed is very slow, it is more doubtful that it is retreating. It was obvious that Uub couldn't resist Murunao's triple spiral beam, but he didn't dodge but tried to support it.

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