Chapter 2119 The Meaning of the Savior

Xingye raised his hand, his whole body glowed with dazzling silver-white light, and he immediately turned into Nexus in the light. He raised his right arm and slammed it down on the floor. The energy in his body flowed continuously. It rushed out, and moved quickly inside the hull along the pipeline on the floor.

Wherever the violent energy passed, all the lines and various equipment connected to the lines burst into fierce sparks, and some even ignited a fire on the spot and burned them into a pile of scrap iron. Kung Fu, the entire spaceship was ignited with flames everywhere.

The internal temperature rise and the ultra-high pressure caused by the explosion caused the spaceship to inflate suddenly, deforming the hull and cracking huge gaps. The internal flames spewed out from these gaps, forming a Tongues of flame several kilometers long.

These gaps and flames are mainly concentrated at the tail of the hull, and the high-heat gas inside is gushing out, like a rocket engine, propelling the originally stationary spaceship to move slowly, and continue to accelerate towards the front. Go, until all the gas in the hull is ejected, the spaceship stops accelerating, and drives towards the depths of the universe at a speed of 800 kilometers per second.

There is no friction in the universe that can slow it down. If there is no accident, it will always travel at this speed until it is captured by a gravitational unit. It will end its wandering journey, and this will be a long, long time later. After all, this cosmic void is millions of light-years away from the nearest river system.

The silver streamer flew out from the receding spaceship, and quickly rushed into the ice-blue Helios, condensing the figure of Starry Night in the main control room, looking at the spaceship in the universe through the ship window. As the spaceship was gradually receding, tongues of flame gushing out of the cabin made the spaceship appear extraordinarily bright in the dark space of the universe, like a morning star hanging in the sky.

Mayumi looked at the void of the universe in the distance, turned her head and asked curiously: "Murunao outside is still fighting Sai Luo and the others, don't you want to help?"

"Sai Luo and Uub are enough to defeat this Murunao, so I won't steal their limelight." Xingye shrugged and said in a very relaxed tone: "If I have to do everything, then I will do it with dozens of people." What's the difference a hundred million years ago? Isn't it meaningless to give up at the beginning?"

"Oh?" Mayumi looked at Xingye for some reason, her eyes were full of doubts, she didn't understand what he meant.

"At the beginning, the four of us carried out the orders of the World Tree and cleaned up the super civilizations that invaded other universes one by one. We felt that our approach was correct, because this was to maintain the peace in the universe and let those weak civilizations also have space for growth, instead of being crowded out by those powerful civilizations early on to occupy all the resources and living space." Xingye said softly as if lost in memory: "Year after year, I don't know how long it has passed, and I don't know how many people have been wiped out." civilization until one day they doubted their own behavior. Is this really maintaining the peace of the universe? Or is it imposing one’s will on other beings? The development of civilization is expansion, and the civilization that loses expansion There is only one way to destroy. This is the eternal law of the universe. Then suppressing civilization to develop in other universes is to let those civilizations that have expanded to the limit of this universe go to perish. Then what is the meaning of the birth of civilization in the universe? This forms a paradox."

"Indeed." Mayumi nodded approvingly, the development of human beings is like this, from the era of blood-drinking only occupied a few places, to the later TPC era, not only occupied the whole world but also began to colonize alien planets. Before being destroyed, GUYS has already left the solar system and began to explore other galaxies. If human beings have not left the earth, they will soon consume the resources of the clean earth, and then go extinct.

"Why did you say this all of a sudden?" Mayumi couldn't help asking, Xingye hadn't talked about this for a long time, why did she talk about such a profound thing now, especially when there was still a fight outside.

Xingye smiled, pointed at Uub and Sailo who were fighting against Murunao outside, and said, "Look at those Ultra fighters outside, they are fighting these robots that endanger the universe according to their own will, then Do you think there is any difference between them and Noah and Saiga?"

"Huh?!" Mayumi looked outside, thought hard in her small head, and finally shook her head.

"In fact, there is no difference. Whether it is monsters invading weak planets, or cosmic people controlling robots to launch wars on other planets, they are all predators of the weak, and it is also an expansion of civilization. Ultraman's intervention is actually a continuation of the original The actions of the four of them, Noah, forcibly promoted the ideas and beliefs they insisted on."

Mayumi was stunned by Xingye's words, she looked at Xingye in surprise, her mind didn't turn around, she was obviously a hero of justice, why did it sound like she was relying on force to force others to live in his way The 'bully' does.

"For those cosmic beings, Ultraman is the most hateful guy, interfering with their aggression plan is a group of guys who are full and have nothing to do; but for those weak lives, Ultraman is the savior, help They defeated the invaders and allowed their civilization to continue. They are cosmic heroes who save people from fire and water. From different angles, Ultraman’s behavior has different definitions, so the universe is actually There is no right or wrong, so naturally there are no rules, Noah and the others started from the wrong starting point, and they will naturally be confused about whether their actions are meaningful later on." Xingye said with emotion.

"Ah?!" Mayumi was even more confused, and was almost dazzled by wrong and right. This question is really too philosophical.

"It's very simple. Noah and the others were born from the World Tree, that is to say, they will not stand on any side to think about this question. Naturally, there will be no answer. When you have doubts about the World Tree, then you will not start from the World Tree. It is naturally an unsolvable problem." Xingye pointed to the Ultra warriors outside and said: "But they are different, they were born and raised in the Kingdom of Light, and they have suffered from many powerful cosmic beings. aggression, sacrifice and destruction and rebirth, a firm belief in what you do, and that's it."

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