Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2120

"What's the point?" Mayumi was stunned, she didn't get any answer at all, she still didn't understand why she did this? How is this different from Noah and the others? Otherwise, why would Noah and the others have trouble thinking about it, but the Ultra fighters of the Kingdom of Light can always do such things?

"Oh, there are many things that don't need answers," Xingye shrugged, and said in a very relaxed tone: "For example, why do the civilizations of some planets attack each other? Obviously they can coexist peacefully, and then exchange technologies to avoid duplication The behavior of developing and wasting a lot of resources allows civilization to develop at the fastest speed with the least consumption. I am afraid everyone understands this truth, but how many people do this?"

Mayumi thought about it carefully, finally shook her head, and sighed: "I'm afraid no one will do this, because they all have selfish intentions, and they think more about how to get the other party's things without paying or paying a small price. Unselfish... alas."

"That's the truth," Xingye hugged Mayumi and said, "Noah and the others are really too selfless. They treat this big universe fairly and strictly. Any civilization that dares to step out of the universe will be hit by them without hesitation. In this way Those civilizations who have been hit absolutely hate it, and civilizations that have not been hit or even saved will be afraid, because as long as they continue to develop like this, they will take that step sooner or later. Was it attacked by Noah and the others?"

"You mean, Noah and the others were eliminated because of strict law enforcement? This...Is this..."

"It's a bit weird, right, but this is how this world is. Unless the entire universe enters the realm of selflessness, Noah and the others will have problems sooner or later. Tens of millions of super civilizations united against Noah Their incident will never be just one time, it will definitely continue to appear as Noah and their existence and behavior continue. No civilization can endure a handful of Damocles suspended above their heads at any time that may fall at any time The feeling of facing life-threatening all the time is much more painful than dying."

"I still don't quite understand, but isn't the Kingdom of Light the sword of Damocles? They are also doing things to maintain the peace of the universe?" Mayumi still couldn't understand this question.

Xingye looked at the Ultra fighters fighting with Galatron outside and said with emotion: "So, among the four of us, only Pete succeeded. He found the way to maintain the balance of the universe and stabilize the civilizations of each universe. The balance point of development."

"You mean Ultraman?"

"That's right, he created the Kingdom of Light based on the images, abilities and forms of existence of the four of us," Xingye said, whispering in Mayumi's ear, "I'll tell you one thing, don't talk to other people. Say oh."

"What's up?"

"I am now extremely suspicious that Pete is the one who is behind the super-evolution event caused by the artificial sun of the Kingdom of Light. When the artificial sun is lit, this guy definitely transported the energy of the World Tree into it. Otherwise, it is just an artificial sun. , it is absolutely impossible for the entire planet to change from carbon-based life to light life in the blink of an eye. Didn’t TPC also build an artificial sun? Why didn’t anything happen? And the plasma spark still happens I only got in touch with Sai Luo, it would be strange if there were no ghosts in it."

"Huh?!" Mayumi felt that the world view had collapsed, and she never expected that the King of Ultra with thick eyebrows, big eyes and kind face would do such a thing.

Xingye patted Mayumi's shoulder reassuringly, and warned: "That's why it is said that people should not be judged by their appearance. Ordinary office workers who wear glasses may be the savior when they take off their glasses."

"What about you?" Mayumi raised her head and looked at Xingye with vigilant eyes, with a look of fear on her face: "What have you done that can't be seen?"

"There are too many. When I was in the scientific research department, there were not one or two cosmic beings who were caught, but basically less than one percent survived a month. Otherwise, why do you think the scientific research department was so small when it was first established?" People have researched more things than scientists on the entire earth, and that's a ready-made good."

"Ah!" Mayumi opened her mouth wide in surprise, and couldn't help but think of the genius young scientists who were praised in all kinds of news and TV and the various high-tech inventions developed by his team when she was still in high school. The cosmic man's mouth was sticking out, which made Mayumi feel that the whole person was not well.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm just one person, no matter how strong I am, I can only research one technology at a time, and the level of technology on Earth at that time couldn't support some of my research, and I needed many branches of technology to do it. To fill in the gaps, if I solve them one by one, I am afraid that I will spend my whole life playing with the Max power system like Dr. Yatsuo, so I simply look for ready-made ones, and if I lack any technological support, I will catch the cosmonauts with that technology, otherwise How do you think TPC has made great strides forward? In just seven years, it has completed the road that other civilizations have traveled for hundreds of years. I have half of the credit, and the remaining half is thanks to those who have already gone to hell to report Those cosmic beings."

Mayumi slapped her forehead, and deeply understood what Xingye said that people should not be judged by their appearances, and that was what it meant, and said weakly: "Okay, Mr. People should not be judged by their appearances, so why did the King of Ultra let the Kingdom of Light be born? Looking for a group of free thugs?"

"The entire Kingdom of Light is no match for Pete. Have you ever seen someone looking for thugs and ants?" Xingye looked at the void of the universe outside, and said with emotion: "Peter's purpose is still to maintain the balance of the universe. Since the Kingdom of Light was born, he has been caring for the growth of the Kingdom of Light, so that the Kingdom of Light will not be destroyed by powerful enemies while experiencing wind and rain. But no matter how the Kingdom of Light develops, it cannot be as free as Noah and the others. To exterminate a universe, the Kingdom of Light has an advantage over Noah and the others is that they can disperse to different planets and pass on the idea of ​​peace to different planets, just like the earth where the Kingdom of Light is located, because of the The coming of Ottoman received the belief conveyed by Ottoman. Seven once went to the earth in another universe, infected the human beings on that planet with his heart and faith, and let the human beings who were originally invaders kill their ancestors The past acts of aggression are announced to the whole universe."

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