Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2118 Chasing and Escaping

Mulunao glanced at Uub, Sailuo and Seven with eyes full of anger and hatred, and then said angrily: "You wait for me, I will definitely come back." With a dazzling brilliance, it quickly expanded to form a six-pointed star magic circle, and then let Mu Lunao fall towards the bottom of the magic circle. It was shocking that there was no body of Mu Lunao passing through the magic circle below. , as if a big hole appeared in the void of the universe, and Mu Luna'ao was passing through this big hole.

"Don't run!" Sai Luo realized this without the slightest hesitation. The two ice axes above his head immediately flew up and slashed straight at Mulu Nao who was falling towards the magic circle, but his action was too late. Taking a step forward, Mulunao looked at Sai Luo with a trace of coldness in his eyes, and the two ice axes that flew over like shooting stars.

Before the ice ax came over, Mulunao had disappeared into the magic circle, and then the magic circle converged, and then two ice axes flew over, slashing past the magic circle that was mostly restrained, But not even a ripple appeared.

"I will never let you escape." Sailo said and rushed forward, the Palaji bracelet on his left wrist shone with dazzling light, turning into several rays of light covering Sairo's body, condensing the silver-white ultimate armor .

Immediately, Sai Luo raised his right arm, and swung the Ultimate Sai Luo Sword forward suddenly, instantly cutting out a wide gap in the empty cosmic void, and then a large amount of cosmic energy gathered to build a into a colorful space channel.

'call out! The two ice axes flew back and landed precisely on the top of Sai Luo's head, and then Sai Luo rushed into this space passage, and Uub rushed up after just being stunned for a moment, and rushed along with Sai Luo Into the space channel.

Just as Uub rushed into it, the space channel closed and disappeared, so that before Seven in the distance could react, Sai Luo and Uub had disappeared along with Murunao, making Seven deeply Sighing deeply, he said with a little worry, "Sai Luo, be careful."

Then Seven rushed to the airspace where the Ultra fighters he brought and Murunao's Galatron army fought, and joined them, wanting to destroy these Galatrons as soon as possible and end the battle.

In Murunao's spaceship, the silver-white streamer passed through layers of steel walls and fell into a vast hall, condensing the starry night figure in front of the throne carved from a whole piece of gemstone.

Starry Night was really shocked when he saw the surroundings for the first time. This hall is really luxurious. The floor is polished from a single piece of ruby, and the walls are made of white agate, inlaid with countless colored diamonds. Under the illumination of the lights, colorful lights flicker, which look extraordinarily gorgeous.

"Muruna'ao is too arrogant. As for playing like this? He has the temperament of a bumpkin and nouveau riche." Xingye is really speechless about the decoration of this hall, this style is too....personal up.

Other than that, Xingye can't think of any adjectives, especially the throne carved from a whole piece of gemstones in front of her is extremely helpless, making Xingye want to ask Mu Luna'ao, she doesn't mind sitting on it Does it hurt?

Xingye shook his head and didn't want to comment any more. He raised his head and looked around the hall, his pupils glowed with golden light, and the lines laid on the walls, floors, and ceilings around the hall were immediately revealed in Xingye's eyes, and these lines finally converged in front of him. around this throne.

"Is this the gathering point?" Xingye said, kicking the jeweled throne flying away. The throne drew a parabola in the air and then hit the floor, and immediately split into pieces, turning into a pile of broken rubies on the floor. scrolling up.

Xingye lowered his right hand, and the shock wave launcher in his hand glowed with silvery white light, and then Xingye pulled the trigger, and the shock wave launcher immediately fired a shock wave and bombarded the floor, blasting a big hole in the ruby ​​floor, revealing countless Flowing water-like energy lines.

Xingye nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "Xiao Zuo, aim at me to fire the plasma cannon, and remember to avoid the storage server next to it."

"Yeah!" Xingye's cool voice came from the miniature earphones in Xingye's ears, and then he felt the spaceship shake. In this shaking, an emerald-like beam of light rushed down from the ceiling, bombarded the floor and directly smashed the ruby. A big hole was blown out in the floor, and it continued to move downwards unabated, and it lasted for two or three seconds before it slowly dissipated.

With a wave of Xingye's hand, the wall behind the original seat of the throne was immediately peeled off layer by layer, revealing rows of giant servers neatly arranged behind. Countless photonic chips are operating stably under the constraints of a strong magnetic field, relying on interconnection The rays of light transmit a large amount of data and maintain the daily operation of this spacecraft.

In fact, in all fairness, the spaceship of Murunao is good in terms of defense and other things, but it is a pity that it encountered Xingye who played cards out of common sense, rushed directly into your interior, and then blasted you to 70% Dispersed, then move your server away, take it back and slowly crack it, don't play offensive and defensive games with you at all, so that you can't use it even if you have thousands of martial arts.

Xingye pointed his palm at this vast and boundless server group, releasing golden light continuously in his hand, quickly condensing into a huge light ball to wrap these servers inside, instead of a strong magnetic field to maintain the stability of the photon chip, and then With a wave of his hand, the light ball disappeared immediately, leaving this huge server room empty.

The loss of the computing service provided by the server caused the spaceship to lose control all of a sudden, everything stopped, the lights went out, the defense system stopped serving, and the power furnace stopped operating... The whole spaceship fell into a panic all of a sudden. There was dead silence, with only a slight cracking sound next to my ears.

Xingye looked around and saw that the living room was almost ruined. Gems, agates, and colored diamonds, which are extremely precious on many planets, are now piled up everywhere like rubbish. She shook her head slightly: "No It is suitable to continue flying in this universe, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, just drift in the universe, maybe one day a civilization will discover your existence, and then capture you, guessing you based on the dilapidated hull What a cruel war you have gone through, maybe you will write a novel or shoot N movies, in short, it is much more useful than your continued existence."

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