Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1421 The Illusory Silver Giant

"It can't be done, I can't hold on anymore." The tug-of-war with the alien beast lasted only two seconds, but Koto Kakki couldn't hold on anymore, the pulling force made his hands move away little by little, and directly Lie face down on the ground, being dragged towards the strange beast by the tentacles wrapped around its legs.

Gumen Kazuki's heart was filled with despair all of a sudden, this time he was really doomed, the first thing he thought of was Saitian Lizi's smiling face: "Lizi..."

"Buzz!" A crisp sound like water flowed in Gumen's ears, and then there was a thunderous crash, and at the same time he felt the ground under him tremble violently, and the huge pulling force on his legs also shook his body. All of a sudden it disappeared.

"What's the matter?" Gumen Kazuki turned around in a hurry, and he was about to feel a bright red light blooming in front of his eyes, so Gumen Kazuki had to raise his hand to block the too strong light in front of his eyes , he vaguely saw a huge silver giant in the strong red light.

"This is... Ultraman?" A name suddenly appeared in Gumen Kazuki's mind, but then he himself was surprised why he thought of this name. The right fist of the silver giant shining with strong light was deeply sunken in the asphalt road, and the four or five meter tall alien beast had already been smashed into a small pancake by one punch.

Koto Kazuki untied the tentacles of the alien beast wrapped around his right leg, stood up slowly, looked at the silver giant with a face full of astonishment, his throat moved a few times, and he bulged. Courage said, "Who are you...?"

The silver giant slowly raised his right fist, lowered his head, stared at Guto Ikki below with bright eyes, nodded and then slowly turned around, the huge body immediately blurred and disappeared into the air with a flash of light all over his body. Among them, as if it had never appeared before.

"Disappeared?!" Koto Kakki was startled, he didn't pay attention to how the silver giant disappeared, he stared blankly at the place where the silver giant disappeared for a long time, and then Koto Kakki lowered his head to look Looking at the huge fist mark on the road not far away, if it weren't for the existence of this fist mark, Koto Kakki would even wonder if the silver giant just now was his illusion.

The Sky Eye in the sky dutifully transmitted the screen to the centralized information management room. The twenty or so screens around Xingye's body displayed all kinds of data from Nexus just now, and the main screen in front of Xingye displayed a numerical value. :3214.

"The combat power is not enough." Xingye frowned and looked at the screen: there was a huge silver-handed giant next to the wide winding road, and that huge fist hit the road, occupying the entire lane. Beside the silver giant are high and low hills, covered with verdant forests, and the sky in the distance is reflected red by the setting sun.

Gumen Kazuki stood on the road, staring at the big pit, and couldn't stop thinking about the silver giant he saw just now. He felt that what he had seen and heard in just half an hour today had exceeded what he could accept. The terrifying man-eating monster and the even bigger silver giant made Guto Kakki's world view begin to collapse.

"It's impossible... Impossible." Gumen Kazuki lowered his head and said in a low voice. At this moment, he heard the clear sound of an engine in the air, but when he raised his head, he didn't see anything at all. This makes Gumen more sure that there may be a problem with his brain, otherwise why not only the visual problem but also the auditory problem?

"CIC, we have arrived at the target area, and no alien beasts have been found." Captain Eisuke Wakura, who was sitting in the Mingjin Chester Beta, looked at the display screen in front of the fighter jet, but found no trace of alien beasts at all.

"The vibration wave of the alien beast suddenly disappeared three minutes ago. There is still a survivor below. We are conducting ground combat. First ensure the safety of the survivors, and then search for the alien beast." Xingye typed on the keyboard while facing the headset Said.


The two fighter jets began to descend slowly, landed steadily on the road, and then lifted the camouflage optical camouflage, revealing their figures.

Seeing the two oddly shaped fighter jets suddenly appearing on the highway, Kodo Kazuki almost popped his eyes in surprise, and pointed at the two Mingjin Chesters for a while without saying a word. He is now extremely suspicious that his vision is really wrong. Before he saw the silver giant that suddenly appeared and disappeared, and now he saw the fighter jet that suddenly appeared on the road.

Although Koto Kazuki doesn't know much about planes, he also knows that other planes except helicopters seem to need a runway to accelerate. How did these two fighter jets appear.

The four members of the night raid team quickly jumped out of Mingjin Chester's cockpit, holding the Diwait large gun and ran towards the lonely Kakki who was standing there, Shiori Hiraki and Mitsuhiko Ishihori ran They ran towards Koto Kazuki, while Wakura Eisuke and Saijo Kaze ran towards the bus that was parked diagonally in the middle of the road.

"What is this?" He Cang Yingfu couldn't help pulling up the goggles, looking at the big hole in the middle of the road with a diameter of almost five meters wide, half kneeling on the ground, touching the edge of the big hole, secretly Surprised by the great power of this blow.

"There are no survivors on the bus." Saijo Kaze got off the empty bus with extremely cold eyes, and shook his head at Captain Eisuke Wakura, who couldn't help but sigh, feeling very uncomfortable. This bus can hold about 20 people, but now it is empty, the consequences for those people can be imagined.

Saijo Kaze walked up to the only survivor, Koto Kazuki, and asked, "What happened here just now? Where did that monster go?"

"Ah?!" Koto Kazuki looked at the man wearing a helmet and a black respirator blankly as if he was sleepwalking.

Saijo Kaze reached out and pulled up the goggles, and then took off the respirator, showing a frosty face: "I ask you, what happened here just now? Did you hear that?"

"This..." Gumen Kazuki didn't know how to describe the scene that subverted his worldview just now. Could it be that I ran into a monster and was rescued by a bigger silver giant? He felt that what he said was afraid Be regarded as mentally ill, but what do these people do? Koto Kazuki worked hard to restore the ability to think in his blank brain.

Ishihori Mitsuhiko knocked on the Armed Bereg a few times, raised his head, and looked at Komon Kazuki with a smile on his face: "It's you, vice-captain, he is the newcomer."

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