Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1422 Fort of Liberty

"Really?" Saijo Kaze suddenly raised the Diwaite large gun in his hand, and pulled the trigger suddenly. An ion bomb whizzed past less than half a meter away from Koto Kazuki, and bombarded him behind. On the mountain wall, a small fragment of the alien beast that was digging into the soil was blown to pieces.

The thunderous explosion startled Gumen Kazuki, and turned his head in horror, and saw a hole with a diameter of half a meter appeared on the mountain wall.

Saijo Feng put down the Diwai extra-large gun in his hand, and glanced at Gumen: "Since you are already a member of the night raid team, I hope you can protect your own life next time."

"Huh? Me?" Gumen Kazuki was taken aback, looking around, these four people were wearing uniform uniforms, holding uniform large guns, and couldn't help imagining what they would look like in this suit.

"CIC, no alien beasts were found at the scene, and the only survivor is Koto Kazuki, a newly transferred member of the night raid team!" Eisuke Wakura reported to the combat information center after investigating the situation.

"The processing team will arrive in 30 seconds. They will bring the new team members back to the Fort of Freedom. You will retreat first."


In the depths of the dense forest, a stream of red light fell on the ground, condensing the figure of Ji Yazhun. Ji Yazhun, who was half kneeling on the ground, stood up slowly, and looked at the evolution trustee in his hand in astonishment. He just used the power inside to become a huge giant. Ji Yazhun has not recovered until now.

"You gave me this power because you want me to fight those monsters?" Ji Yazhuan said to the evolutionary believer as if he was talking to himself: "I know, since I am still useful, then let me atone for my sins." Bar."

Brigadier Ji Ya put the evolution trustee in his hands into his clothes, and walked towards the direction he came from. Although he still didn't know why he got this powerful power, he was still willing to fight with those terrifying aliens. beast fight. The somewhat thin figure gradually disappeared into the depths of the dense forest until it was completely invisible.

Gumen Kazuki stared blankly at the two never-before-seen fighter planes flying up again, and then disappeared into the air under his gaze. Before he could recover from his surprise, the two A black car drove down the road.

"This is... the one from last time." Gumen Kazuki suddenly remembered that he had seen this car during the so-called 'medical examination' a week ago, why it appeared here now.

Two black cars parked steadily next to Gumen Yihui, and then the doors opened, and a group of people in white chemical protective suits jumped out of the cars, holding tools and began to clean up the traces on the road.

"Meet you again, Gumen patrol, shouldn't you be called a Gumen team member now," Manager Matsunaga got off the co-pilot of the car, and said to Gumen Kazuki: "I didn't expect you to be involved In the event, but it is better to see the enemy you are about to face in advance."

"That monster... is the enemy I will deal with in the future?!" Koto Kazuki felt that his world view had completely collapsed. According to this person, these monsters existed before and there will be no less in the future.

"Get in the car." Manager Matsunaga signaled Kodo Kazuki to get on the car, and continued after the car started: "We call them alien beasts. They are mysterious biological groups that came to the earth from the universe. The special defense organization The purpose of TLT's existence is to secretly eliminate these alien beasts that endanger humans, and the team that you just left is the team you will be in in the future—the night raid team."

Not long after, the car drove into a valley and drove along the road along the river until it reached a huge dam. The car did not stop but directly entered a gate opened on the dam.

Koto Kazuki got out of the car with Manager Matsunaga and walked all the way into the dam. He found that there were rooms in the dam, which were completely different from what he imagined inside the dam.

"This is the third base of TLT-J - Fort of Liberty. It is disguised as an ordinary dam on the surface, but there is a strict security system around it, and ordinary people cannot get close to it." Manager Matsunaga introduced this base as he walked: "This The base is responsible for the incident of alien beasts in the entire Kanto area. Once the alien beasts are found, it is the mission of more than 500 employees in this base to take quick measures to eliminate them. The night raid team you are assigned is to take on the most important task of eliminating alien beasts. An elite army of beasts."

Officer Matsunaga stopped, stood in front of a wall, pressed a button, then turned to Koto Kazuki and said, "From today onwards, you will receive training for a month, although you are a member of the police rescue team. , but there are still too many things that you need to master, the most important of which is..."

"That..." Gumen Kazuki suddenly interrupted Manager Matsunaga's words, and asked with some hesitation: "Since it is an elite force, why did you choose me? I am not an excellent person. When I was in school Didn’t go to college, and didn’t perform very well in the rescue team? Why was I selected to join such a team?”

Manager Matsunaga showed a smile on his face: "There are many reasons, but I want you to remember that the mission of TLT is to protect the future of mankind. Once you step here, you must focus on this mission, you decide ?"

Following the words of Matsunaga's manager, 'Top! ’ Behind him, the elevator door disguised as a wall opened, and the bright lights in the elevator shone on the two of them, illuminating Koto Kazuki’s drooping face.

Koto Kazuki opened his mouth and finally didn't say anything, just walked into the elevator silently, which made the management officer Matsunaga nodded in satisfaction, and then walked into the elevator, and then the elevator went down quickly, towards The underwater base falls.

The elevator fell for nearly a hundred meters before stopping. Koto Kazuki followed Manager Matsunaga in the labyrinth-like corridor. He became dizzy within two strokes, and he didn't even know the direction.

Walking all the way to a conference room, the manager Matsunaga motioned for Kazuki Koto to sit down, and he took two steps forward and sat at the conference table opposite Kazuki Kodo, the door of the conference room opened, and a man with a blank face The woman walked in, and the man in the blue uniform who followed behind, Guto Kazuki looked at the two people who came in. He had seen the four people wearing the blue uniform on the road just now. There is no black hard armor plate on his body, nor is he wearing a helmet or respirator.

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