Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1420 The Moment of Awakening

"Bereg, this is a good thing, but you only have primary authority at the moment, so let's use it as a navigation system to work for the time being." Manager Matsunaga picked up his bag and warned: "Remember this transfer is extremely important. It’s confidential, you can’t disclose it to anyone, you have to go to the location above Bereg to report within three days, understand?”

"Yeah!" Koto Kazuki nodded ignorantly. He didn't come back to his senses until the manager Matsunaga went out. He looked at the armed Bereg in his hand. No matter the style or the material, he had never seen it before. of. Looking very advanced, Koto Kakki hesitated for a long time and dared not make a move.

In the centralized information management room, Xingye is debugging the trinity combination mode of the Mingjin Chester. The Mingjin Chester is a multi-purpose fighter, and its complexity is far beyond people's imagination. It can be said that only one of the ten Mingjin Chesters is suitable. It's not bad to do the trinity combination mode.

Because this kind of technology has far surpassed human technology, not to mention the other anti-gravity system and multi-axis flip flight that have caused several big countries to have a headache. Up to now, they can only compare gourds based on the design drawings provided by visitors. Manufacturing, the principle has not yet been fully understood, let alone other things.

Starry Night stopped typing on the keyboard for a long time, and a 3D simulation image began to play on the screen. Three Mingjin Chesters of different styles were flying in the air quickly. Kinchester quickly dispersed and turned into more than a dozen independent parts, and then these parts were quickly assembled together to become a large fighter jet with a length of 30 meters.

The Alpha is at the front, the Beta is in the middle, and the Gamma with the most horsepower is at the back. The maximum speed of the Ming Chester combination fighter is expected to reach Mach 11, which can be described as the strongest and fastest fighter.

"Drip! Drip!" At this moment, an alarm red light came out on the screen on the right, Xingye immediately turned around and flicked the screen, the curve of the alien beast fluctuated rapidly, two times stronger than last time point.

"The speed of evolution has sped up again," Xingye frowned. In this case, it is not surprising that there are huge monsters. Xingye nodded silently and whispered: "Ji Yazhun, do a good job!" Are you ready for a brutal battle?"

After Xingye pressed the alarm button, he immediately said into the headset: "Alert order No. 2 is issued. In area 3, vibration waves of alien beasts have been found at location 247. The night raid team is dispatched immediately."

At the same time, Xingye immediately activated the four celestial eyes on standby in area 3, and the celestial eyes suspended a thousand meters above the ground immediately moved towards the location of the alien beast.

More data was transmitted, and the fluctuations of the alien beast became clearer. The light spots representing the alien beast on the screen were moving rapidly, far exceeding the speed of the alien beast before, which made Xingye frowned. Even the contour lines did not slow down the speed of the alien beast. This kind of speed is completely beyond what Lu Xing can achieve. I am afraid that the current alien beasts are flying in the air.

"It has evolved to the air domain." Xingye rubbed his forehead with some headaches, the evolution speed of the alien beast was too fast, Xingye was really worried whether the enhancement of light could keep up with the evolution of the alien beast.

Soon the pictures of the Sky Eye system came over, and the pictures taken from high altitude captured a fast-flying black dot, a kite-like flat creature no more than one meter in size, quickly shuttling through the mountains and dense forests.

Xingye carefully looked at the rows of data that were quickly slid across the screen, and nodded for a long time: "So that's it, releasing all the water in the body and reducing the quality of yourself. Are you testing the flight data? It seems very There will be flying alien beasts appearing soon."

At this moment, another fluctuation appeared on the screen, causing Xingye to slow down the movement in his hand, and took a deep breath: "The time for awakening has come."

In the dense forest in the area infested by alien beasts, Ji Yazhun was running at the fastest speed. His speed had unknowingly broken the world track and field record, and he was running rapidly in the dense forest like a gust of wind.

He saw the scene of alien beasts eating people again. This was the fifth time. He would rush there every time, but all he saw was a messy land and a mysterious army that was retreating. There will be one more 'accident' in the newspaper.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Ji Yazhun kept shouting in his heart. He didn't know how to save those people who were chased by strange beasts after he arrived, but he wanted to save them in his heart. The evolutionary confidant held tightly in his hands, the red light is constantly on and off, which is exactly the same as the beating frequency of Hime Yasun's heart. As Hime Yasun's running speed increases again and again, the brightness of the light also increases. It leaked from between the fingers, shining on the surrounding trees.

It didn't take long for Ji Yazhun to run to the location of the alien beast he sensed. It was a road passing through the mountains, and an empty car was parked obliquely on the empty road. A strange beast that is half as tall as a car is wriggling rapidly. Half of the fat Jelly's body is moving quickly, and one of his tentacles is wrapped around a person's leg. The person is holding onto the road tightly. The guardrail, even if the pain in the fingers is already excruciating, I dare not let go.

This unlucky guy was Guto Kazuki who followed the instructions on the armed Bereg that he used as a navigator to the work place. He had only walked halfway when he saw a passenger car parked diagonally in the middle of the road, and he got off. I went to see if I needed help, and when I got in the car, I found that there was no one in the car.

Just when he wondered that everyone in this car was there, he was shocked to see a pile of wriggling jelly-like meat mountains through the rear window, and he got out of the car in horror and saw a The four or five meter tall monster crawled towards him quickly.

He clearly saw that there were two trembling human legs on the wide open abdomen of the strange beast, which was quickly swallowed by the strange beast. Gumen Kazuki was so frightened that his legs went limp, he turned and ran towards the distance.

After running only seven or eight meters, he was entangled by the tentacles of the alien beast. Gumen Kazuki quickly hugged the roadside guardrail with his sharp eyes. The huge pulling force made Gumen Kazuki feel like his legs were about to break, The sharp edge of the iron sheet also pierced his palm, but Koto Kazuki didn't dare to let go. He still clearly remembered the half of the leg in the monster's mouth. Once he let go, he might be the next one.

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