Chapter 1274 Invading Troops

A girl carrying a guitar case is walking on the road with a smile on her face. Even in the crowd, you can notice her at a glance, because she is completely different from the passers-by around her. She has a happy smile full of hope, not despair. of numbness.

Even though my ears are filled with all kinds of news and messy voices from TV airships and street LED display screens, it is these self-righteous information that make people living in this city be affected by these things all the time. If you don't realize it, you will act according to the above information.

The girl had just turned the corner and stopped, listening carefully to the sound from the left. Although it was very slight, there was indeed a strange sound wave echoing here.

The girl's calm face changed immediately, full of fear, she turned around and ran towards the open space without hesitation, and then there was the sound of chaotic footsteps, five or six universes wearing strange clothes and even stranger masks Everyone chased the girl in front at a very fast speed.

'Wow wow wow! A burst of ultra-fast sound waves came from the mouths of this group of cosmic beings, causing the air to vibrate into ripples visible to the naked eye. Where the sound waves passed, the pillars on both sides of the corridor seemed to be cut by a sharp blade, and a line was scraped out. There was another large and small gap, and gravel splashed in all directions indiscriminately.

The girl dodged left and right, and there were gaps in the wall around her. The gravel almost hit her several times, but these sound waves were surprisingly useless to her. Covered by sound waves, yet another opposite sound wave emanated from the girl, neutralizing the attacking sound waves.

After several consecutive attacks were blocked, those aliens realized that such an attack was useless, and then one of the aliens took out a laser gun from his waist and shot it at the girl in front.

The girl jumped to the side, dodged the laser attack, stood up immediately regardless of the pain in her body, and ran into a small alley next to it. hanging walls.

However, the girl didn't hesitate at all, and ran towards the wall at the end of the alley as fast as she could. Just as she was about to hit the wall, the girl's legs bounced up suddenly, and her body jumped over the wall. high walls. The girl glanced back at the wall and ran towards the depths of the abandoned factory.

However, the girl had only run more than 30 meters, and five of the same aliens appeared in front of her, standing there in a row, blocking the girl's path. The girl turned around hastily, and the wall behind her collapsed with a 'bang'. Suddenly, six cosmic beings stepped out of the flying dust one after another.

There was no smile on the girl's face anymore, she looked anxiously at more than a dozen Weiluo Stars before and after, one of the Weiluo Stars stepped forward and said in a very strange tone: "Betrayers, get rid of them!"

Speaking of which, the Weiluo star has already raised the laser gun in his hand at the girl, and his right index finger is retracted, ready to shoot.

'call out! ’ A tiny ray of light flew out from the side, and hit the arm of the Wei Luo star directly, directly piercing the Wei Luo star’s arm, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground. Immediately, laser beams flew from the side and attacked the group of Wei Luo stars.

JIN, K, and S rushed over with strides, the laser guns in their hands were constantly twitching. Under their intensive attacks, one by one of the Wei Luo stars fell down one after another like harvested wheat, and the rest hurriedly dodged. dodge.

Agent D immediately ran to the girl, took her arm and ran towards Xingye.

The cosmic people fell one after another, and it was a completely unequal battle, which made Xingye shake his head incessantly. Such a guy is still an invasion force, and the weak ones couldn't be weaker. It's just a joke that more than a dozen Wei Luo stars have only one laser gun. It would be unreasonable for such an invading force to succeed.

And at the same time as the last Weiluo star fell, it was discovered that the grass in the corner of the park of the aliens suddenly tilted towards the surroundings without wind, as if a spray device was working here.

Then the spaceship with optical camouflage turned on flew towards the factory, and when it reached the sky above the factory, the optical camouflage was removed, revealing its figure in the air of no more than three or four hundred meters.

"Is this the spaceship?" Agents K and S looked up at the spinning top-like spaceship in the sky, feeling deeply helpless at the aesthetics of the cosmonauts.

"Okay, is there a weapon to take it down now?" Agent S was silent for a moment, then asked.

"Not really." Agent K looked at the toy-like laser gun in his hand and shook his head. No matter how strange the construction style of this spaceship is, it is still a spaceship with a diameter of 100 meters. The gun probably couldn't hurt the spaceship at all.

"Then you can consider running away." Xingye shrugged, and then the bulge on the top of the spaceship lit up, and then fired a series of laser beams downward, hitting the ground with columns of flames, setting off a sky-wide explosion. soot.

Several people fled in disarray, running back and forth between the houses, avoiding the attacks of laser beams in a thrilling manner.

Xingye ran to the back of a house in three or two steps, put the laser gun in his hand back into the holster on his waist, and then took out the shock wave launcher, holding the shock wave launcher tightly with both hands, the muzzle of the gun flashed a dazzling light, Start gathering energy.

'Whoosh! ’ A thick beam of light flew out, instantly hit the spaceship in the air, and exploded. The powerful force blasted a huge hole in the shell of the spaceship, stopping the spaceship’s attack all of a sudden.

This attack broke the balance of the spaceship, black smoke billowed from the attacked part, and the spaceship flew crookedly towards one side, not to mention taking off again and moving forward with the sea of ​​stars, I am afraid that it would be difficult to hover stably in the air. one question. In just three or two seconds, the spaceship has already lowered by more than 20 meters, and it is still falling towards the ground continuously.

'boom! The spaceship exploded violently, bursting into flames in the air, and a huge object wrapped in flames fell to the ground like a free-falling body, hitting a house, smashing the house with the steel frame into pieces, Even the ground shook under the impact.

"What's this?" Agent S, Agent K, former Agent D and his spaceman girlfriend who were running away turned their heads, looking at the dusty place in surprise.

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