Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1273 The Girl Who Abandoned Her Hometown

"S!" R pursed his lips, and slowly stood up, with his eyes rolling around, looking around from the corner of his eye.

"Are you really... are you D? No, Agent D has already died in the line of duty. I saw it with my own eyes." The laser gun in Agent S's hand did not put down. She remembered that during a mission half a year ago, Agent D died in the In the midst of the sudden attack, she suspected that this guy was a cosmic person mimicking Agent D, but why did he attack this Wei Luo star?

"S! This guy is..." Agent K also hurried over and let Agent D slowly put down the electric baton in his hand. Now that there are people in front and back, he has no way to knock down two people at the same time.

"Stay away from him, he's probably a cosmic being," Agent K aimed the laser gun at Agent R's head, warning, "Don't move, or I'll shoot you."

"Wait a minute," Agent S stopped: "He was also an agent of DEUS before, and he just defeated a cosmic man. D also saved me before, let's confirm it."

When Xingye ran over, he saw this weird scene. The laser gun in K's hand was pointing at the man wearing a black coat and carrying a silver electric baton, while Agent S was blocking K's movements.

"Is this guy a cosmic man?" Xing Ye turned on the VC communicator while talking, pointed the scanner at the man, and the invisible X-ray scanned the man's body, Xing Ye looked at it and closed the VC communicator , shook his head: "It's not a human from space, it's a human from Earth."

Agent S took a step forward and asked, "Then D, can you explain why you are still alive? If you want to leave DEUS, you can apply. Why do you pretend to be dead?"

"Heh," D smiled and looked around: "Are you going to listen to me tell my story here?"

K looked around and it was empty and there was no cover at all. I'm afraid anyone who came here could see the situation here.

"Don't try to play tricks!" K said, pulling out a pair of handcuffs from his waist, handcuffing D's hands, and pressing him towards a small wooden house in the park. Agent S watched the whole process, holding a box of chocolates in both hands, stuffing them into his mouth, not expressing any opinion on K's behavior.

The four of them walked into the cabin, which was only more than ten square meters. K threw D, whose hands were handcuffed behind his back, onto the chair in the room. The laser gun in his hand never put down, pointing at D's head all the time. , to prevent him from doing any unfavorable behavior.

"Who ate the PLA marron tarte." D leaned on the back of the chair very comfortably, and said the secret signal of the DEUS agent.

"Very well, now you can indeed prove your Agent D." Agent S nodded knowingly.

"It may also be that the aliens learned the code through an unknown method." Agent K still did not believe that this person was Agent D who died half a year ago. After all, he had seen many examples of aliens mimicking human beings.

"Then what are the cosmic beings doing pretending to be the dead agents of DEUS? Isn't that very eye-catching?" D asked.

"This..." Agent K was immediately speechless.

"Then now we can talk about why you performed the scene of dying in the line of duty." Agent S nodded and asked the question she was most concerned about.

"Because of love."

"Love?!" JIN, K, and S shouted in surprise in unison. They thought of many answers, but they didn't expect to say such a ridiculous word.

"I met her half a year ago when I was investigating the invasion of the Bailuo Stars. She was obviously a cosmic person, but the guitar and singing made me feel a kind of peace and serenity from the bottom of my heart," said Agent D. She revealed happy memories: "We met like this. She took off the mask representing the invaders and revealed her true face. It was a betrayal of her own planet. She gave up her identity and hometown to stay on the earth."

Xingye quickly called up the relevant information on the VC communicator. The invading troops of Weiluo star all wore a white mask, which represented the honor bestowed on them by the ruler of Weiluo star, unless they returned to the home planet Otherwise, it cannot be taken off. The Wei Luo star that D mentioned took off the mask by himself, which means that he gave up his original identity and betrayed his mother planet.

"I didn't go to pick up DEUS's task anymore, and I played with her everywhere, to appreciate the beautiful scenery of the world, played guitar and sang by the sea together, and I felt the beauty and happiness never before when I was with her. "

"You fell in love with a cosmic man?" Agent K felt that either the world was crazy, or he was crazy. A DEUS agent who wiped out the cosmic man actually fell in love with a cosmic man. It was like a wolf falling in love with a sheep. crazy.

"She likes the singing of this planet, fell in love with this beautiful planet, she gave up her hometown, and I... just gave up the identity of Agent D, and accompany her to live safely in this world."

Agent S nodded knowingly: "So you directed a scene where you died in the line of duty, why did you do that? Obviously you can apply to withdraw from DEUS."

Agent D gave a wry smile and shook his head: "Her companions have been chasing her all the time, and the ruler of Weiluo Star does not allow the traitor to survive. I want to protect her from being harmed by anyone, including DEUS."

Agents K and S looked at each other, both felt that this matter was tricky. Agent S was silent for a while and looked at JIN to the side: "JIN, what's your opinion?"


Agent K turned his head and looked at Xingye: "You have never met D before, so your judgment will not be disturbed by personal emotions. What do you think should be done? Report to the DEUS command or..."

"Is it love between aliens and people on Earth?" Xingye straightened up, walked to Agent D, watched him walk half a circle, then bent down and stuck the VC communicator on the sensor of the handcuffs .

'drop! ’ With a soft sound, the handcuffs were released and fell to the ground. Xingye straightened up, looked at D and said: "Your love story moved me. The love between aliens and people on Earth is very beautiful. Treat her well. The girl who is willing to give up her hometown for you is definitely worth cherishing."

Agent D stretched his wrists, then picked up the electric baton on the table, looked at the three of Xingye and said, "I need your help, the Wei Luo people who just came to Earth came to destroy her, their number There are many, and only I can't beat them."

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