Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1275: Neglected Things

'Boom! Boom! 'Heavy footsteps came from the smoke, and under the gaze of several people, a huge object came out of it. There were black lines on the silver-white body. There was no neck under the head, but it was directly connected to the body. At the same time, there is something like a belt around the waist.

"It's Badshout." As a member of the invading army, Nidoliu immediately recognized the biological weapon used for invading, and she shouted anxiously: "Run away."

Badsult put his hands together on the raised bright spot on his face, the energy rays visible to the naked eye gathered together, condensed into a ball of dazzling light, turned into a ray of light and roared towards the fleeing agent D and Nido flow.

Agent D looked at the ray of light attacking him in despair, turned around without hesitation, hugged his girlfriend in his arms, and tried to block the deadly ray of light with his back, even though he knew it was a Useless, but he still wants to protect his lover.

'call out! A bright light flew over Agent D's head, and collided with the light emitted by the Velo Stars' biological weapon Badsit, and then exploded. The violent shock wave made the roofs of the warehouses on the ground violently shaking up.

Agent D raised his head in doubt, and was stunned for a moment. A silver giant as huge as a mountain stood on the road ahead, and everything around him seemed extremely small in front of him.

"Silver...giant!" Agent K and Agent S looked at the silver giant who was almost in front of them in amazement. The existence of the silver giant is not a secret, but an open fact. The images and pictures about the silver giant seen on the Internet, seeing this silver giant in reality is more spiritually shocking than the images seen on TV.

Nexus lowered his arms, then opened his legs, striding towards the biological weapon. The heavy footsteps hit the ground, causing the ground to vibrate, and each step can span a distance of 100 meters.

The silver giant strode across Agent D's head, and the wind brought by the fast running blew the clothes of the two of them and the dust on the ground. Agent D stared blankly at this huge flying overhead The giant, for the first time felt his own insignificance.

Nexus had already bent his right arm while running, and Badsult in front of him closed his hands again around his mouth and began to gather energy, but before he finished gathering energy, Nexus' right fist had already swung out.

The hammer precisely hit Badsulfut's abdomen, and there was a muffled 'bang'. Under the attack of this terrifying force, Badsulfut's body was bent like a bow and flew directly into the air.

Nexus looked up at Badsult, who was soaring high, and stepped on the ground with both legs. Under the vibration of the ground, Nexus rose into the air and moved towards the sky at a very fast speed. Bud Sut chased after him.

Badsult, who flew up involuntarily, lowered his head, and the gathered energy turned into light bullets and quickly hit Nexus who was flying from below.

Nexus waved his arms one after another, sending out golden light blades one after another to explode the incoming light bullets in the air. In the flames blooming all over the sky, Nexus' whole body burst into dazzling light, and instantly melted As a huge arrow of light, he slammed into Badsult.

'boom! There was a thunderous explosion, and Badsult, who was hit by Nexus on his body, exploded immediately, and his body was completely shattered by the energy carried by Nexus, disappearing without a trace. trace.

The flames of the explosion subsided quickly, revealing the silver body of Nexus inside. Nexus breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly fell to the ground. The body with golden stripes shone in the sunlight .

Agent K, Agent S, former Agent D, and his girlfriend Nidoliu stood in place, all looking up at the silver giant standing on the ground.

"Is this the savior?" Agent S said in a daze. None of the pictures or videos had the shock of seeing this silver giant with his own eyes. He could feel the infinite power contained in this huge body, enough to destroy everything. the power of.

"Is he guarding the world? Why?" Agent K couldn't help but express the question in his heart.

"Probably he also likes this world." Naidoliu said with a relaxed smile on his face.

Nexus raised his head, and his whole body exuded a silver-white light. In this light, Nexus' huge body gradually dissipated until it disappeared completely.

Agent S lowered his head, looked at Agent D next to him and asked, "So what are you going to do in the future?"

Agent D holds his lover's hand, with a relaxed smile on his face: "I want to go to other parts of this world with Niduliu. There are still many scenery in this beautiful world that I haven't seen before."

"Really?" Xingye leaned on a nearby telegraph pole, looked at D and Naidoliu and said with a smile: "Then you have to appreciate this world, it must be beautiful."

"Yeah!" D nodded, pulled Niduliu towards the direction of the road, walked only a distance of more than ten meters, D stopped and said as if mustering courage: "People can only see what is in front of them. But ignore the same thing that exists in the body."

After finishing speaking, D started to walk forward again, and the two who held hands together disappeared step by step from the sight of the three of Xingye.

"It's really wonderful. It's a matter of course to get along with the cosmic people." Agent K tilted his head and said in great doubt: "But what is this guy talking about? What do you mean by ignoring something that also exists in your body?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm feeling something." Agent S shook his head, and after thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out what he was expressing. He reached out and took out a bag of chocolates and continued to eat.

"I can only see the things in front of me, but ignore the same things that exist on my body." Xingye chanted D's words in his heart. He felt that D was reminding the three of them, but what exactly was it reminding.

"The silver giant appeared in the M4 area. Like last time, it disappeared after defeating the biological weapons used by the aliens to invade. Why did the silver giant destroy the biological weapons of the aliens? Is it protecting the world? Silver Is the giant a friend of mankind? All this is still unknown, and the authorities have not expressed any opinion on this." A TV airship flew slowly overhead, and the sound of the news broadcast spread throughout the area.

"Savior?" Agent K held his chin and thought about it seriously: "Maybe it is true, you see that the silver giant appeared twice to fight against the biological weapons of the cosmic beings, maybe it is really to save the world. "

"You can ask the silver giant this question when he reappears." Agent S said, turning around and walking unsteadily towards the outside.

"If I can ask him, I'll ask you." Agent K curled his lips, turned his head to look at Xingye who was standing there meditating: "JIN, let's go."

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