Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1261 The Cry of Despair

'call out! ’ A slender golden light beam rose into the sky, and exploded in mid-air like fireworks. The scattered golden light has not yet disappeared, and the stone wings that almost merged with the night flew down at an extremely fast speed.

'Om! ’ The stone wing radiated a dazzling light, covering the starry night inside, and then the surface of the stone wing faded from the stone color, revealing a bright silver color. Then Stone Wing rushed directly into the void, chasing after the truck that had already run away at super fast speed.

R looked at the empty road behind, jumped out of the truck, and ran towards an open field in the suburbs.

R ran for a long time before stopping, panting and bending over, the long hair on his forehead was soaked in sweat and stuck to his forehead, the sweat was dripping down his face, but there was not a trace of bruise on R's face. Exhausted, on the contrary revealed a hope that had not appeared for a long time.

R straightened up and looked at the empty night sky, his face was full of excitement and anticipation, and in R's pupils, a huge saucer-shaped spaceship shining with white light was slowly descending.

The light flickering on the ship was like a bright light in the dark night, illuminating R's dusty heart. R's numb eyes showed great hope, and he said tremblingly with trembling lips: "Great, the ship is finally here. gone."

"R..." Xingye's voice sounded from behind R, R turned his head in surprise, Xingye squatted on the ground as if jumping from a high altitude, stood up, and looked up at the huge spaceship under the night sky , It is estimated that this ship is a kilometer in size.

The whole body shone with incomparably dazzling light, even the moon hanging in the sky was eclipsed in front of this spaceship, but the light emitted by this huge ship was stingy and did not illuminate even a single area of ​​this dark world.

"JIN, have you seen it? This light of hope," R shouted at the starry night with great excitement: "This light that has never been seen in this decayed world has finally come, and I want to go back to the world I have never seen before." I have gone to my hometown, and Katie is still waiting for me."

"R, don't be fooled, such a world does not exist at all," Xingye lowered his head, walked towards R step by step, and shouted at R loudly: "If that world is really like what you said Beautiful, then why did the ship come to this corrupt world? If it is to save people who still have hope, why do they sneak around?"

Xingye suddenly raised his finger and pointed at the luminous spaceship suspended in mid-air: "People who give up this world are all human beings who are desperate for this world. The so-called hope has actually been lost long ago. Don't be fooled by the mirages in the desert. There is no such thing as a world where you can do what you want to do as you want. It is true that there are too many injustices in this world, and hard work may not bring you a glimmer of hope, but the pain in your heart at least proves that in this world We are alive in the world."

Speaking of which, Xingye has already pulled out the evolution trustee and held it in his right hand.

"JIN, no, please, absolutely not." Seeing this, R yelled at Xingye, looking at Xingye with eyes full of pleading and sorrow, the eyes of a drowning man grasping a life-saving straw let him down. Xingye's action of pulling out the evolution trustee could not help but stop, and looked at R with doubts in his eyes.

"Hehe," R raised his head and laughed twice, his voice was full of disappointment, then he turned around and staggered towards the gradually descending spaceship, his voice came over with the wind: "JIN, you know what? ?Actually, for those who are about to die of thirst in the desert, walking towards the mirage is actually the best choice. In this way at least I am dying on the road to Gensokyo instead of dying in despair. "

Xingye pursed his lips, he understood that R was always awake, and he also knew that even if he boarded this ship, he would not be able to reach the imaginary hometown, but he still chose to believe it.

To believe in Gensokyo, which looks like flowers in the mirror and moon in water, and put your heart there, is a helpless escape in the face of a decadent world and a desperate life. If even the only remaining pure land in the heart is polluted by the cruel real world, then there is really only a corpse like a walking corpse left.

"There is no longer anything worthy of my nostalgia in this world," R said, taking out a photo, gently stroking the face of the smiling girl in the photo, with a happy smile on her face, holding her hands together Put them together in front of your chest, put the photo in your hand close to your heart, stand under the gradually descending spaceship, close your eyes and shout at the starry night: "JIN, I choose to believe in the existence of Gensokyo, I'm going to find it, and then Bring back happiness and hope...if not, destroy this ship."

Immediately R raised his head, and uttered a final cry to the spaceship: "Katie, wait for me!"

This huge spaceship has been lowered to less than a hundred meters from the ground, and the spaceship exuding bright light is just suspended in mid-air, but the ground is still in darkness. dark meaning.

'call out! The sharp bottom of the saucer-shaped lower end suddenly flashed a more dazzling light, and then it rushed towards the ground like an electric snake. R standing on the ground directly under the spaceship felt a blur in front of his eyes and then disappeared in the light. On the ground where he was standing, there was a piece of scorched ashes.

"Is this the so-called hope?" Xingye yelled, and suddenly pulled out the evolution trustee in his hand. At the same time that the evolution trustee in Xingye's hand was shining brightly, the electric snake launched by the spaceship also attacked.

"Crackling!" The electric snake collided with the silver beam of light, and the electric snake shattered immediately, and then the silver beam of light converged, condensing a huge silver giant, standing on the ground and making everything very small.

Nexus looked down at the pile of ashes under his feet, which was the only embers of despair left by a person after his hopes were shattered. Nexus slowly raised his head and looked at the dazzling spaceship suspended above his head. It's really deceiving. This dazzling light really makes people feel that there is a place full of hope and light at first glance, but this so-called light of hope cannot dispel even a little bit of darkness. It's just such stinginess, giving hope to the bubble but squeezing it with his own hands, and then appreciating the deepest despair after seeing the hope shattered.

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